Hillary's Email Scandal

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Post by Avatar »

Ur Dead wrote:Such is life.. better thru chemicals.
Ah, the modern age. :D

(Still, on the whole, it's true. I for one am not complaining about the advent of modern medicine. :D )

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

The latest update from the FBI.
Meanwhile, the FBI says it has uncovered at least 13 phones that Hillary Clinton may have used to send and receive email during her time as secretary of state. Yet the FBI says it's been unable to recover any of those phones--and that at least two may have been smashed with hammers. This comes as Republican lawmakers call for another investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of multiple private email servers during her time as Secretary of State.
I presume that "uncovered" means "we discovered their physical whereabouts" and "recovered" means "we have managed to pull data from the device". Ms. Clinton went through 13 Blackberry devices in only 4 years--she changed devices every 3 months. That does not seem to be a case of "I always want the latest and greatest device" but rather "if I change devices frequently I never risk more than 3 months' worth of exposure if the device is subpoenaed.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Smashing devices that are used for official communication by the Sec of State would certainly seem to be violation of the Records Act, or whatever it's called. I don't understand how Hillary keeps getting away with revelation after revelation. Her lie about setting up a private server for simplicity--so she'd only have to use one device for both public and private communications--is blown out of the water with this 13 devices revelation (actually, she admitted last year to using up to 3 devices). But her supporters don't even seem to be curious about why she'd lie about her motivations for setting up a private server, one that was just the opposite of "convenient."* It's as if they know she's full of shit--that the only reason she did this was to evade Congressional oversight and public scrutiny via FOIA requests--and they simply don't care.

That is the scariest thing about all of this. If you have a "D" beside your name, you can be blatantly, obviously corrupt to the highest degree imaginable in our government, and Democrats don't care.

That's "downfall of the nation" territory right there.

*[Another way this was inconvenient: every time she needed to send an email with her unsecured mobile device, she had to leave the secured floor she was on in her building and go to another floor where such devices were allowed.]
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Post by Avatar »

To be fair, the same accusation (of not caring about the bad stuff your candidate does) can probably be levelled at the other side of the floor.

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Post by Zarathustra »

Av, generally you might have a point. However, as I've pointed out before, never have we seen a Republican candidate criticized so harshly by his own party than the current nominee. Whenever Trump's poll numbers drop, it's because he loses support among his own party. And that's for minor things like saying stuff people don't like while campaigning, not evading federal law to hide even worse stuff from the American people while holding one of our highest public offices. I don't think there has ever been a candidate as demonstrably corrupt and false as Hillary Clinton. It's not just that she says things people disagree with, she has ACTED in ways that are so questionable as to require FBI investigations. Trump attacking the Khans didn't require an FBI investigation, and yet he still lost about 10 percentage points because his party openly rejected it.

People complain that there were multiple Benghazi investigations that produced no results. How many of you realize that Hillary turned over ZERO Benghazi emails prior to the discovery of her secret, illegal server? And she was under Congressional subpoena to turn over all related material. She didn't do it, and would never have done it until her server was exposed (three years and multiple investigations later). And she only turned over those emails after her team combed through them and deleted 30,000.

OBVIOUSLY, Hillary had a secret server to keeps secrets. It wasn't about any damn "convenience." OBVIOUSLY, she withheld info from congressional investigations into her own actions involving the deaths of 4 Americans during a 9/11 Islamic terrorist attack.

SHE IS EVIL. This is in an entirely different class than saying off-the-cuff things that piss people off. This is corruption and misleading the American people. And yet Dems are still voting for her. We've never seen anything like it before.
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Post by Avatar »

Zarathustra wrote:Av, generally you might have a point. However, as I've pointed out before, never have we seen a Republican candidate criticized so harshly by his own party than the current nominee.
Well, I'll agree you have a point there too. :D

"Evil" might be pushing it a bit though. She's self-serving. Just like, y'know, pretty much all politicians ever.

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

That explains why he and his lawyer were so desperate to get an immunity deal--he knew that what he was doing was illegal.
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Post by Avatar »

Uh, if you don't know how to permanently delete stuff, what business do you have being an IT guy? :D

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Post by Zarathustra »

Av, exactly. The guy was an amateur. Hillary not only has the poor judgment of keeping some of our highest secrets on a personal server, but she trusted amateurs to do it. The server was kept in a bathroom, remember.

It just goes to show that when one is bent on being corrupt, when one thinks she is above the rules, using good judgment has already been tossed out the window.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

We don't have access the really good toys here but we do have a way of making certain a drive is wiped correctly--multiple passes and it kills the headers and file tables, as well.

The guy went to Reddit to ask this question? I wouldn't go to Reddit to ask how to make macaroni and cheese for dinner.

A Gallup poll collecting data from June through September notes that the number one word association people have with "Hillary" is "e-mail".
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Post by Avatar »

Happened to see some other stuff about it, including the original post, and what he was actually asking was how to strip a specific address from the headers of certain mails, (guess whose...) and maybe replace it with another. :D

I still wouldn't ask that on Reddit though. Maybe something like StackOverflow. And I sure as hell wouldn't ask it with the same username that I use everywhere else if it was in any way sensitive. Definite amateur hour. :lol:

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

There is even more to this scandal than has met the eye yet.
President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.

The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton's private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

The 189 pages the bureau released includes interviews with some of Clinton's closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and even Marcel Lazar, better known as the Romanian hacker "Guccifer."

In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.

"Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."
So the President did know that Clinton was using a private e-mail server designed to circumvent the normal records-keeping regulations government officials are required to follow. Food for thought.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Can't wait to see if the Dems care that their President and Secretary of State conspired to circumvent transparency and records keeping laws of our federal government ... then lied about it afterward.

My prediction: won't give a damn. It will matter even less than white lives killed by cops. They obviously don't care about honesty, transparency, and lawfulness in our highest officials. Only political victories matter.

Did anyone seriously doubt that the President knew? How could he communicate with his own Sec of State for 4 years and not know??

This is why Comey didn't recommend charges, because the complicity went all the way to the top.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

The latest on this topic from The Washington Examiner.
Immunity agreements offered to two of Hillary Clinton's top aides prevented the FBI from looking into the circumstances surrounding the use of BleachBit, a digital deletion tool, to destroy the former secretary of state's emails.

In a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch Wednesday, four Republican committee chairmen demanded to know why Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, two witnesses who also served as Clinton's personal attorneys, were granted such expansive protections despite the FBI's awareness that they had participated in potentially illegal activities.

For example, the FBI agreed to limit its search to emails written after June 1, 2014, but before Feb. 1, 2015. By doing so, investigators were barred from looking at emails authored around the time Mills and David Kendall, Clinton's lead attorney, held a pair of conference calls with technology contractor Paul Combetta that immediately preceded his use of BleachBit to erase thousands of Clinton's emails.

The GOP lawmakers noted that, before the FBI signed off on the immunity deals, "it already knew of the conference calls between Secretary Clinton's attorneys and Mr. Combetta, his use of BleachBit and the resulting deletions, further casting doubt on why the FBI would enter into such a limited evidentiary scope of review with respect to the laptops."

FBI Director James Comey defended his decision to allow the immunity deals by arguing the protections extended only to the laptops Mills and Samuelson used to sort Clinton's emails before turning 30,000 over to the State Department.

Lawmakers expressed outrage last week following the discovery that the deals requested by Mills and Samuelson included a requirement to destroy their laptops after agents performed narrow searches on them.
The reason why the immunity deals were so great is simple--Comey never meant to charge Clinton with anything. The investigation began with its end result already written down--nothing.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

There are several people with ties to the FBI, including current and former agents and directors, who are of the opinion that Comey allowed the FBI to become politicized over the Clinton e-mail server, ultimately taking its direction from the White House itself via AG Lynch. One key thing some of these people note is that the FBI's investigation never convened a grand jury or issued any warrants; instead, it merely requested items to be handed over to it for investigation and Clinton's organization would either hand over what was requested or it wouldn't. These people are also upset that Comey stated, publicly, that he did not move to press charges because no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case--the FBI is not supposed to comment on a case's ability to be prosecuted, only to gather evidence and present it.

Had this not been an election year and Clinton not been the Democrat nominee, the FBI would have gone ahead and filed charges against her.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Trump is right: she is a criminal. If Comey had done his job, she'd be in prison, not about to become President. This will go down in history as the definitive moment when lawlessness no longer matters ... if your party is in power.

This is echoed up and down the entire Democratic power structure, from the top to the bottom. Black Lives Matters can burn down cities and wage a war on cops, and Dems actually sympathize with them. If the Tea Party had rioted in multiple cities and ambushed the cops in multiple instances, it would have been proof of the "wave of conservative violence" that was predicted in these very pages, back when the TP was rising. But now? Yawn. Democrat violence is always criticized (to the extent that it is) with the proviso, "But their cause is righteous. They have a legitimate beef." Even the President utters these excuses in the same breath as his criticism of violence and lawlessness.

The Left is constantly waging war on our Constitutional rights, from speech to guns. They ignore Constitutional limits of power with executive orders or simply not executing the laws.

They undermine their own candidates (Bernie) in a shameful corruption of their own party infrastructure.

Was anyone EVER held accountable for the IRS swaying the election by illegally targeting conservative groups and denying them their free speech during the crucial months leading up to Obama's reelection? Nope.

Was anyone EVER held accountable for fabricating the video lie re: Benghazi? Nope. No one on the Left is even curious where that lie came from, even though we have the smoking gun proof that it was a lie to cover Obama's ass during reelection.

The Democrats are evil. When are people going to wake up to it?
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

I wouldn't say "evil" but I would say "totally corrupt, willing to do anything , whether illegal and/or unethical, to gain or retain power".

Although this doesn't matter now, it is hilarious that back in 2008 Clinton's campaign, back in January of 2008, was pushing the idea that Obama's father was a Muslim and that he, himself, grew up in the most populous Muslim country in the world, the logical conclusion being that Obama was also Muslim; see item number 7. It was no secret that Hillary and Barack thoroughly disliked each other--from her point of view the wet-behind-the-ears upstart stole her nomination. I still maintain that part of the reason she kept her e-mail server hidden was so that she could avoid scrutiny from her boss.

Let us presume, for the sake of discussion, that Trump wins the election in November. What is the over/under that his Attorney General and new FBI director move to prosecute Hillary over the e-mail server issue?
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Post by Cagliostro »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote: Let us presume, for the sake of discussion, that Trump wins the election in November. What is the over/under that his Attorney General and new FBI director move to prosecute Hillary over the e-mail server issue?[/color]
I would be surprised if it ended up above 0%
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Post by Rawedge Rim »

to quote Mclaughlin "on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being an absolute certainty and 1 being almost non-existent" then I vote -10.
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