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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula listened to the conversation between Bela, Hestor, and The Fox.

"The call is ultimately yours, Hestor. But, at this point in time," Paula said, "we can either be heroes or fools. Perhaps The Fox is right. We are through. I can always seek out a Guild member when we reach Jovian and say that there was something odd about the guards. You know, let them handle it."
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Post by I'm Murrin »

"My call?" Hestor looks back to Bela Gin. "I would put it behind us and move on. A couple of brigands scamming travellers are none of my concern, particularly as we got through without paying a penny.

"But I think my boy here disagrees with me. What do you say, Mr. Gin, can you live with this?"
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"I can absolutely live with it. I disagree, but I work for you. Sure, I'd like to, just out of curiosity. But my curiosity isn't how decisions are made around here. Something fishy's going on back there. Doesn't mean it's worth our time. It might reward us, but it might get us into trouble. You're the boss. If you're looking for a vote, nobody else wants to go back. Let's keep moving."

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Post by I'm Murrin »

"That's decided, then. We move on." Hestor begins to step away, then pauses. "Your input is always welcome, and your initiative, remember that. I would not bring anyone on a job if I did not trust them to know what they're doing."
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Thanks, Boss."
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Hestor briskly walks back to his carriage and hops inside, giving a signal to Henn as he does so. The caravan begins to move again.

As you continue down the road the terrain around you changes. The foothills of the mountains come closer on your left, and to the right the land turns to fields, with a few dotted farmhouses here and there. The road you're on starts crossing with other small roads, and you see the occasional rider or small vehicle travelling along these paths. Another hour or so, and the road bends further to the north, moving toward the hills. You encounter more traffic as you progress - local farmers on carts pulled by horses, large ox-drawn wagons carrying goods from the mines in the northern mountains, most heading in the same direction you are.

As the sun reaches its apex in the blue sky above you, you sight it for the first time: the great city, Jovian.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Part 1: The Jovian Bank Job

During your journey, Hestor Rum had told you what he knew of the city, showing a map he'd managed to procure. Jovian sits at the southern end of the foothills, on the western bank of a wide, fast river which runs down from the mountains. You know that the city is roughly square in shape, bounded by the river on one side and large stone walls on the others. On a rise to the north of the city is a great square, surrounded by three massive structures: The Temple of Jove, the Hall of the Blessed Guild of Merchants, and the Great Bank of Jove. These are the seats of power in the city, and in the district around the square are the homes and businesses of the wealthiest and most powerful citizens. In the east, near the river, are the warehouses and manufactories that deal with the abundant gems and minerals mined from the northern mountains, and the river docks.

The south of the city is where the less affluent are found, along with foreign traders who are not a part of the Guild. This is where most of the inns are also found, and casinos run by the Guild - while Jove is a goddess of wealth and abundance, and a patron of adventurers, she is also a goddess of fortune, and her people have taken to gambling as almost a holy pursuit.

Your first sight as you approach the city is of the gleaming dome of the Temple of Jove, but you can soon see that Hestor's map of the city was outdated. The city has spilled beyond its tall, white walls, sprawling out into the valley to the west and south. The road grows busier as you move in among the outer buildings, an area which seems rough and dirty. The people here are poorer than you've seen in the surrounding lands as you approached Jovian; it seems that this city's great wealth has passed these people by.

Past the outer slums, things improve gradually. You pass cheap inns, gambling houses, small office buildings and crowded looking tenements. Things are cleaner as you approach the walls, but there's no real wealth here.

Your vehicles approach the gate into the city proper, which stands open, with guards posted at the side of the road. They wear the same uniforms you'd seen on the two men at the bridge, with the golden scales icon on their chest, though better kept and fitted than they were on than Jed and his companion. As you reach them, they signal for you to stop. A guard approaches Hestor's carriage.

Hestor opens his window at the guard's knock. "Good day, sir. You have business in the city?" the guard asks.

Hestor smiles broadly. "I do. Lord Harrington Smith of Westermell, here transporting some of the finest fabrics the north has to offer. I have rooms in the foreign quarter."

"Your papers?"

"Of course. My man has them." Hestor calls toward the rear of the caravan, "Mr. Gin, could you please produce our documentation."

[Bela Gin dealt with some of the correspondance done in preparation for the journey, including the reservation of rooms in a merchants' inn where you will be staying. He has documents confirming that you have hired these rooms under the name Lord Smith.]
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Good day, gentleman." *walking up to the guards, reaching into a sturdy, leather case* "Here you are."

*looking the guards up and down*

"Now that's the way guards should look in their uniforms. I had hoped Sargeant Jed and his private didn't represent all of you."
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Well, here we are. Richard had studied the map briefly - the one Rum had shown them, and noted the Great Bank's proximity to Temple and the Hall. As is always the case, the map just doesn't give an appreciation of the scale of the real city, at least from this vantage point. This will indeed be an ambitious heist.

Restlessly, Richard follows Bela Gin at a distance, to witness the transfer of papers. Nice probing Bela - it will be interesting to see how the guards react to his casual comment.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula remains in the carriage, watching and listening.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

The guard takes the papers you hand him. His uniform is indeed in impeccable shape and he has a well-groomed blonde moustache, looking like he very much takes pride in his appearance. He visibly puffs up a little at your compliment, and you see his mouth twitch with a small smile as he inspects the papers.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Everything is in order?"
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Post by I'm Murrin »

"Yes, this all looks good. You can carry on." He hands the papers back to you, then hesitates, looking at your face. "Is everything all right, sir?"
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

With what is likely a very puzzled look on my face, I reply, "Everything is fine. Why do you ask?"
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Post by I'm Murrin »

The guard looks a little puzzled himself for a moment. "Forget I asked. Have a good day, sir," he says with a smile. "And you too my lord," he adds with a nod to Hestor, then turns and heads back toward his post.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

Still puzzled, I turn to the company, looking from one to another. "Anybody?"
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Hestor frowns at you. "Is something wrong, Mr. Gin?"
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"That's what the guards asked. 'Is everything all right, sir?' when I said it was and asked why he asked, he said 'Forget I asked.'"
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Post by I'm Murrin »

"I heard. I'm afraid I don't see where you're going with this, Bela."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Why would he hesitate, then ask if everything is all right? It wasn't a pleasantry. Am I bleeding? Do I look scared or worried? What made him wonder if something was wrong?"
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