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Post by I'm Murrin »

Disregard this post.

"To be honest, my boy, you did look like you had something on your mind. I wondered if you were going to tell him about those false guards, but I suppose you decided against it. Probably for the best."
Last edited by I'm Murrin on Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

I'd like to think I have a better poker face than that. I was playing it casual. I intentionally said what I said to see if he would ask what I was talking about. Maybe he knows the guards, and knows there isn't a Sargeant named Jed. Or maybe the rules are to look sharp and clean, and he would want more info on the people I mentioned. I'm not gonna give it away by putting some unusual look on my face.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

[Alright, let's disregard my last post, then.]

"You look impeccable as always, Mr. Gin. I have no idea what the guard was thinking, and I'm not sure he knows himself."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Well then, let's be off to the foreign quarter "
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula sat back in carriage and looked out the window to watch the city go by, hopefully.

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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

After witnessing the exchange with the guards, Richard jumps back in the carriage, and starts taking in the surroundings. He starts to observe the general day-to-day activities of people in this city as the carriages make their way to the foreign quarter.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

You continue on, through the gate and into the city proper. Where outside the walls was a mix of wood and stone structures, inside everything is stone, and the streets are much cleaner. There are people passing through the gate in both directions, but you have the sense that the guards might keep an eye on what kinds of people they let inside.

The caravan moves along broad, straight streets through the southwestern part of the city, until you come to the Rested Traveller Inn. It's a fairly large building, used to housing travelling merchants like yourselves. "Lord Smith" has paid for a two room suite on the second floor, and you each have your own very small room - just large enough for a bed and small table - in the floor above this, up near the rafters. The vehicles are stored in a shed attached to the yard at the building's rear, and the goods you're here to sell moved to a secure storeroom in the building.

The inn has a common room with a bar and kitchen on the lower floor, and an outside seating area facing out onto one of the main boulevards. The common room is open to the public as well as to guests housed at the inn, and you may take your meals there or have them in your rooms.

Once all of you have settled in to your new rooms, Hestor summons you all you join him in his own suite. You gather in his drawing room, a well-furnished space designed for the receiving of guests, with chairs, a fireplace, and a small dining table. The double doors at the other end of the room you assume lead to his bedroom.

"I will not keep you long," Hestor says. "It has been a long journey, and we could all use some time to relax. Tomorrow we will begin our work, but for now, you may take the rest of the day to do as you like. You may wish to familiarise yourselves with the city, or simply to relax and enjoy yourselves. I hear the kitchen here is quite accomplished."

You are now free to do whatever you like. It is early afternoon, around 2pm.

What You Know About Jovian

[I forgot to give you this information earlier!]

If you were to ask any citizen of Jovian where the power in the city lies, they would tell you it is in the hands of the Goddess Jove herself, and her temple. In practice, the city is run by the Merchants' Guild, an organisation with strong ties to the Jovian faith, who keep a strict rein on all business and trade in the region. In order for "Lord Smith" to conduct business here he will need permission from the Guild. The Guild run the Great Bank of Jove, and also control the Blessed Guard, who have headquarters near to the Guild Hall.

The power of the Guild rests on its wealth, a wealth derived from the unusual - they would say divinely gifted - abundance of rare minerals and gemstones found in the nearby mountains. The city serves as a hub for trade between the mines and quarries in the north, and the rest of the Heartland to the south, with the river serving as a major route for transporting these goods. Every business in Jovian, and every foreign merchant trading in the city, uses the Great Bank of Jove.
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Richard turns to Paula and Bela. "I might go for a walk and explore some of the city. Do either of you want to come along?"
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Definitely. But first I want to try some of this accomplished kitchen's food. Then I need to meditate and clear my head."

I saw the looks on their faces when I told them about Kruppe. I can't tell them I need to pray.

"If you can wait about an hour, I'll come along. Anybody else for food?"

*goes down, with whoever else joins me, to order food and sit at the outside seating area*
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

"I could eat."
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

"Thank you," Paula says with a bright smile. "I would enjoy that. I think starting our afternoon with a decent meal is a good idea. Two weeks of campfire food is enough for me."
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

*That really is stunning*, Richard hasn't tasted food this delicious, ever. He is not a big eater due to a lifetime of only eating what is absolutely necessary to survive. So although the food is bountiful and mouth-watering, Richard eats just enough to satisfy his hunger and no more. The setting is surprisingly pleasant, looking out at the Boulevard and watching life go by.

Richard was tempted to discuss with the others what they knew about Rum's upcoming job, and their potential involvement - but it seemed that it would ruin the mood, and perhaps this would be their last chance to really relax before embarking on an undoubtedly intricate and dangerous heist.

"If only life were always this decadent" he muses quietly, and then a little louder "Not a bad way to spend the afternoon."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

Quietly enough that only Richard and Paula can hear, "Well, Richard, if we do our jobs right, maybe you can become a man of leisure. You think it suits you?"
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

In an equally quiet tone, "To be honest, I have no idea whether it would suit me or not, but I'd like to be able to make that choice. We need to make sure we all do our jobs right" Richard agrees. "It doesn't hurt to dream a little."

"How about you? Plans for the future?" Richard looks at both of them.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula smiled a little at Slade's reaction to the food. She had been in many taverns and inns while with the troupe and this one was no better or worse. The food was satisfactory, as was the company, and she felt that the trio was gaining a measure of comradery.

Paula paused as she heard Slade's question. Future plans? She hadn't thought about her future much beyond getting to Jovian and it frightened her a bit knowing that she had no future plans. What would she do if she failed here? If she didn't find him?

"Well, I'm afraid I have no future plans, beyond my farm," she voiced her fears aloud. "I suppose I will just keep moving forward. Maybe Jovian will open some new doors for me."
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Bela Gin
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Post by Bela Gin »

"Well, worthy traveling companions, if you can wait for me, I shouldn't be more than a half hour. I must go clear my mind. I've never known anyone who didn't think I was at least a bit strange because of my meditations, so don't worry if you agree with them. I'll be happy to explore with you if you can wait. If you're anxious to get going, I understand, and I'll see you this evening."

Bela Gin exits the scene, going up to his room.
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Richard Slade
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Post by Richard Slade »

Paula Ridgeway seems even more preoccupied than normal - since arriving in Jovian she seems to have turned inward somewhat. Richard was never a great conversationalist, and is quite happy with the silence that has fallen since Bela's departure. He concentrates a little more on the comings and goings on the boulevard. On the surface, people look calm and content. The streets are reasonably clean, and there are no audible signs of struggle, pain or suffering. Of course, it is only mid-afternoon so that's not entirely surprising.

Richard is happy to wait for Bela to join him for a walk, and for Paula to decide one way or the other.

After some time, Richard says, almost to himself "I haven't met anyone who meditates. I suppose it's a way to clear one's head..." He continues to look out at the street and the buildings and the people.
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula also watches the crowds go by, getting the feel of Jovian.

"I've never known anyone who did it. Of course we had somewhat of a fortune teller with the troupe claim to use meditation to read people's thoughts but that was just for coin, you know. He would sit with a glass ball, a purple turban, and red cape with gold thread and entice people to pay him to read their minds."

Paula laughed a little at the memory.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

It's a beautiful day outside, warm for early autumn, and there are plenty of people out and about. There are a few other small groups sitting at tables near you, and you watch people passing by on the street. Carts and wagons pass on the road itself, merchants going about their trade. It's a broad street, lined with the occasional small trees whose leaves have just started to turn. Across the street from your inn appears to be a residential building, and there are other inns scattered about along the road. A little way down the road you can see the sign of one of the Guild-run casinos.

The waitress who had served your food earlier returns to collect the used dishes. "How was your meal? Can I get you anything else?"
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Paula Ridgeway
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Post by Paula Ridgeway »

Paula keeps an eye on the crowds, looking for anything familiar but finding nothing. The day feels good and her mood begins to rise.

When the waitress arrives, Paula politely declines anything further for herself and thanks the server.

Upon seeing the casino, Paula asks with a twinkle in her eye, "Are you game for going to the casino when Bela gets back?"
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