A Dark And Hungry God Arises 9 - Milos [2]

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A Dark And Hungry God Arises 9 - Milos [2]

Post by Cord Hurn »

Milos Taverner wants to wipe out any hopeful enthusiasm within his shipmate Angus Thermopyle, because he considers it dangerous in Angus. But he knows he really should wait, as Angus is negotiating with Billingate's Operations to let Trumpet dock on Thanatos Minor. But impatience wins out for Milos, and he unbuckles himself from his g-seat to float in zero gravity to Angus' side.
"Sit down," Angus muttered over his shoulder. "I'm concentrating."

Milos coasted two meters to Angus' side. Carefully he pulled himself close to Angus until their heads almost touched.

"Joshua." His voice was soft, but distinct. "I'm going to give you a standing order. Jerico priority." That was the highest authority Milos could assign to his instructions. According to Lebwohl, only the most fundamental commandments in Angus' datacore would override a Jerico priority order. "When I tell you to open your mouth, you will always obey. You won't wait to hear the word 'Joshua.'" To be on the safe side, he added, "After that, you'll chew and swallow normally. And you'll follow this order without letting it interfere with anything else you have to do."

The idea that these words were being recorded in Angus' datacore--that Dios or Lebwohl might find out about them--didn't bother Milos. He was more interested in the extent to which Angus' programming allowed him to protect himself from damage. Jerico priority was supposed to override any instinct less compelling than self-preservation.

Angus tapped a couple of keys on his board and checked one of his readouts as if he weren't listening.

An uncharacteristic grin stretched Milos' face as he breathed, "Open your mouth."

Angus opened his mouth.

Carefully Milos dropped his burning nic onto Angus' tongue.

A flash of recognition lit Angus' eyes--a black glare of hate. His toadlike face twisted in a spasm of pain. Autonomic revulsion made his hands twitch.

Nevertheless he chewed the nic briefly; swallowed it. After flexing for a moment, his hands went back to his board.

"Enjoy it," he whispered thickly, as if the pain stiffened his tongue. "It won't last."

"Yes, it will. You know it will." For some reason, Milos still felt endangered. His power over Angus should have calmed him, but it didn't. Deep in his guts, where common sense and rationality never reached, he feared that Angus' essential malignance was indomitable. Unfortunately he couldn't undertake a more elaborate reassurance right now. "Bluffing me is a waste of time," he asserted in an effort to disguise his apprehension. "I've never been as stupid as you think I am."

"Is that right?" Angus slurred. "Then I guess you knew all along that I could have proved you were in collusion with Succorso whenever I wanted. I guess you knew I was doing you a favor by keeping my mouth shut. That's why you were so fucking grateful. All that stun and beating and abuse was just your sweet way of saying thanks."

"Oh, stop it." In disgust, Milos drifted back to the second's station. "I tell you, you can't bluff me. DA trained me for this. I know what you can do and what you can't. Probably better than you do." He wanted to put as much distance as possible between himself and Angus: if he'd been willing to miss Operations' answer, he would have left the bridge. Pulling his weight down by the straps, he secured himself in his g-seat. "If you cold have proved anything like that--if you even suspected it--you would have sung your head off about it."
Despite my antipathy for Angus at this point in the story (because of all the brutality that Angus performed upon Morn), I still feel disgust at Milos for using his position to burn Angus' tongue and force him to swallow tobacco. And his attempt to break Angus' spirit in that manner is shown immediately to be a failure, for Angus sneers he'll reveal the truth if they get to speak with Nick. (Angus is encouraged to learn from Operations that Captain's Fancy is docked on Thanatos Minor.)

Operations calls in to give Trumpet a chance to flee, and Angus repeats that he and Milos want to dock Trumpet. Operations tells them it has a problem with Trumpet being listed as a UMCP ship. Angus responds that they are who they say they are, and to verify their their identity, and then they can talk again. Angus silences communication, and Milos asks him what's next. Milos tries not to worry, but does so anyway. Operations contacts Trumpet again within moments, demanding to know how Angus got out of lockup and in control of a UMCP ship.

Angus sarcastically asks Operations if they think he's been freed to be sent by the cops to blow up Billingate. I think it's a daring move for him to speak of that openly, because that certainly sounds like his real mission! Meanwhile, Milos is trying to hide his intense fear from Angus while puffing away on a nic.

Angus angrily asks how stupid they must think he is, because he declares he knows Billingate's guns can fry Trumpet. Operations retorts that they need better information on him.
Last edited by Cord Hurn on Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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ADAHGA 9 - Milos [2]

Post by Cord Hurn »

"Bullshit!" Angus grinned like a sneer. "Who says you don't care what I do? Even if the Bill is brain dead, he's bound to realize he needs to know what's going on here. If you fry me, he won't learn anything. And if I decide to go somewhere else, he won't learn anything. Either way, you'll be a prime candidate for some BR 'improvements.' If you haven't already had them.

"So pay attention. I don't want to go through this more than once. And put a stress monitor on my transmission so you can at least guess I'm telling the truth.

"I was in lockup on Com-Mine. A life sentence for stealing Station supplies. You heard that part right. But Security was pissed because they couldn't convict me for anything worse. They assigned Deputy Chief Milos Taverner to break me. Tear me apart and dig out"--Angus snarled the words--"my innermost secrets.

"That didn't work, so after a while the cops--the United Mining Companies fucking Police themselves--decided to take over." Angus probably didn't need the help of his zone implants to lie as calmly as he told the truth. "They reqqed me, took me to UMCPHQ. Along with Milos here, since he presumably knew more about me than anybody else. I guess this new Preempt Act gave them the authority. And maybe they were glad Milos didn't break me. Maybe they wanted to keep what I know for themselves."

Milos dropped his nic on the deck and lit another, hiding the tremors of his hands with smoke.

"This is where it gets interesting," Angus continued. "I've done a lot of things in my life, but the one they convicted me for I didn't do. I was framed. If you don't believe me, ask Captain Succorso. He's in dock there, right? Ask him. He set me up. And eventually the cops figured out that if Succorso set me up, he must have had help. From Com-Mine Security.

"Now Milos knew he was in trouble. He provided the supplies Succorso used to frame me. They must have been working together for years. It was only a matter of time until the cops nailed him. So his little scam was finished. The cops were going to catch him--as soon as they broke him they were probably going to execute him for his crimes.

"He didn't like that much. But how could he get out of it? He was stuck in UMCPHQ. He never expected to be reqqed, so he hadn't planned an escape. He can't run a ship himself. What else was he going to do? Before the cops revoked his clearances, he got me out. We went to the docks, jumped Trumpet's crew, and used their id tags to get ourselves aboard. Then we used his codes to clear her for a training run. Before UMCPHQ knew what was going on, we hit the gap and came here. End of story.

"How do you like it?" Angus asked sardonically.

On an impulse that resembled panic, Milos keyed his own pickup and said to Angus so that Operations would overhear him, "They don't have to like it. Don't be so hostile. We can't go back. All they have to do is let us stay."

He thought Angus was going to cut him off. But Angus left both pickups active as he growled, "Oh, shut up, Milos. You're just making it worse."

Milos flushed involuntarily. This was simply another calculated gambit in Angus' game with Operations. In all likelihood, both he and Operations already knew what the outcome would be. Only Milos himself was left to sweat in ignorance and dread.
I note that Angus tells truth mixed with falsehood. He was framed by Milos and Nick, but not for Com-Mine Security, as Com-Mine was also being crossed by their actions. And of course there was never intended by the UMCP to be any crew for Trumpet other than Angus and Milos. That mixture of lies and truth from Angus, combined with Data Acquisition's precision control over Angus' zone implants in this situation so he doesn't sound like he's lying to Operations, makes his story seem quite convincing. But Operations needs to know how they will pay for docking fees and facilities. Milos replies with a story resembling the truth, that he has a safe account on the space station Terminus, where he's stashed money he's made working with Nick. Operations tells them to keep moving forward unless told otherwise. Operations then stops communications with Trumpet.

Angus predicts to Milos that Operations will talk to Nick, and that they will be more likely to let Trumpet in when Nick refuses to verify their story. Milos protests that that's illogical, but Angus points out that Nick's coming to Billingate with two Amnion defensives in pursuit makes him look more suspicious than they do. So, Angus reasons, Nick's refusing to verify their story makes himself and Milos look more honest to Operations. Milos decides to stop asking questions for the meantime, and continues smoking his nic.

Billingate Operations speaks to them ten minutes later, telling them they can dock but won't be allowed to leave until their story is found to be completely satisfactory. Angus crows triumph after communications with Operations ends, and eagerly starts processing Billingate's docking instructions. But Milos has other ideas.

Milos orders Angus to stop processing Billingate's instruction, informs Angus he loathes him and loathes acting like his subordinate, and carefully gives Angus instructions to lick his body clean. That's a true humiliation for Angus, especially because Milos has been sweating in fear for awhile, and Milos probably crapped his shipsuit when the ship crossed the gap. :throwup: Pretty disgusting!

After that's done, then Milos demands Angus give him access to all Trumpet's communications from now on.
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Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm
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Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

I apologise very much on the behalf of Lord Foul, who took ages with this dissection...

Thank you so much, Cord Hurn! Very good job on the dissection. It's an interesting chapter, especially showing Milos in all his "glory", showing the zone implants in action, and the dynamics between Angus, the Bill and Nick Succorso.
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Post by Lord Foul »

The chapter begins with Milos once again fretting miserably over things completely beyond his understanding, let alone control. Still, he thinks it's within his ability to affect the course of events, that he's able to exert some sort of power.
It was time for him to crush out the spark of dangerous enthusiasm in Angus' eyes, time for him to erase the look of malign hope on Angus' face.
The longer he allowed Angus to experience anything other than hopeless domination, the more precarious Milos felt.
Yet he has more practical and immediate concerns.
Thanatos Minor had the firepower to laugh at any gap scout, no matter how many secret weapons she carried. Human ships all around the installation would protect it. And--Milos had already gleaned this information from scan, as well as from Billingate's routine navigational transmissions--there were two Amnion warships in the vicinity of the rock.
If Operations refused to let Trumpet dock, Angus was in trouble.
Milos could solve that problem himself, if Angus failed. But he didn't want to. It would force his hand; coerce him to commit himself when he wanted to keep all his options open.
Still, he fails to just wait patiently, and fails to reassure himself too.
No, Milos couldn't wait. He should, but he couldn't. In the privacy of his bowels, he feared Angus too intensely, despite Hashi Lebwohl's reassurances.
An uncharacteristic grin stretched Milos' face as he breathed, "Open your mouth."
Angus opened his mouth.
Carefully Milos dropped his burning nic onto Angus' tongue.
A flash of recognition lit Angus' eyes--a black glare of hate. His toadlike face twisted in a spasm of pain. Autonomic revulsion made his hands twitch.
Nevertheless he chewed the nic briefly; swallowed it. After flexing for a moment, his hands went back to his board.
"Enjoy it," he whispered thickly, as if the pain stiffened his tongue. "It won't last."
"Yes, it will. You know it will." For some reason, Milos still felt endangered. His power over Angus should have calmed him, but it didn't. Deep in his guts, where common sense and rationality never reached, he feared that Angus' essential malignance was indomitable
The moment comes to deal with Operations, and they're not exactly the least suspicious ship and crew around.
"We have your ship id," Operations cut in. "Come on, Captain. You're supposed to be smart--if you really are Angus Thermopyle. You know what the problem is."
"Give me a hint," Angus retorted. "I've been out of circulation for a while. I don't know what's changed since the last time I was here."
"It's your ship id." Operations and Angus might have been playing a game which they both secretly enjoyed. "That's what the problem is. Trumpet. A Needle-class gap scout. Unarmed. A UMCP ship, it says here. Are you getting the picture, Captain? Do you understand now?"
"What I understand," Angus replied in a tone of belligerence which may have been feigned, "is that you aren't doing your job. I'll talk real slow so you can get a good recording. I'm Angus Thermopyle. I've been here before, so I know you can do a voiceprint comparison to verify that. My second is Milos Taverner. Until recently"--Angus grinned fiercely at Milos--"he was deputy chief of Com-Mine Station Security. You can talk to him if you want, but it won't do you any good. He hasn't been here before.
"Call me back when you're sure who I am. Then maybe you'll ask some questions smart enough for me to answer.
They'll call again when they're ready to talk." Angus didn't sound worried. "They've already done their voiceprints. They're just shitting us to see how we react."
Milos sucked on his nic and did his best not to worry. Of course Billingate was suspicious. So of course Angus' programming had been written to deal with Billingate's suspicions. There was nothing to worry about.
Milos worried anyway.
Miserable people like Milos. They could fare a tiny bit better without their emotions, yet they just can't.
A slight intensification of Angus' posture warned him an instant before the speakers relayed, "Trumpet, this is Billingate Operations. It's time for answers. And you'd better make them good. We're in no mood for crap."
Of note - Angus reacts a moment before.
"Bullshit!" Angus grinned like a sneer. "Who says you don't care what I do? Even if the Bill is brain dead, he's bound to realize he needs to know what's going on here. If you fry me, he won't learn anything. And if I decide to go somewhere else, he won't learn anything. Either way, you'll be a prime candidate for some BR 'improvements.' If you haven't already had them.
Angus tells a story that can at least check out as believable, and Milos offers money, but of course there's also a question hanging about proving his story. But perhaps the Bill wanting to get more information and possibilities is one of the more important elements here, letting them live.
Milos should have kept his mouth shut: he knew that. But he couldn't. He had too much tension in him; he was too dependent on people he didn't understand and couldn't control. Fighting to keep his voice flat, he asked for the second time, "Now what?"
Angus' grin was as sharp as a taunt. "Now they're going to talk to your buddy, Captain Sheepfucker himself."
Milos tried to think of everything he knew about Nick Succorso; tried to imagine what orders DA had given Captain's Fancy. Doubtfully he asked, "Will he back you up?"
Angus swore. "Of course not." Nevertheless his voice carried a note of grim satisfaction as he added, "Which is exactly why they're going to let us come in."
Milos couldn't restrain himself. "That doesn't make sense."
"Sure it does. You're just too stupid to see it." Angus' yellow eyes were full of threats. "Look at this from the Bill's point of view. He's got two Amnion warships on his hands. Captain's Fancy is in--and she came from deeper in Amnion space, from Enablement Station. So Captain Sheepfucker has been screwing with them somehow. That's why those warships are here. They may even be after Donner's precious Morn Hyland." Angus said her name like a curse. "The Bill is already up to his hips in shit he didn't ask for and doesn't want.
"Now suddenly we arrive." More and more, Angus' explanation itself sounded like a threat. "About the best thing you can say for us from his point of view is--we're dangerous. Especially at a time like this. But now we're linked to Captain Sheepfucker. We claim he'll back up our story. Sure as hell looks like we're here because of him, doesn't it?
"As soon as Succorso refuses to confirm us, the Bill won't have any choice. He'll have to bring us in. Once we're docked, he'll have us under control.
Angus knows the whole scenario beforehand.
At last Milos found the determination to stifle his questions. They betrayed too much: ever since he'd been cursed with the job of trying to break Angus, his questions had betrayed too much.
This is a sure sign and consequence of trying to communicate with someone by far smarter then yourself, even without saying anything directly, any question - and even silence tells a lot.
No matter how much he reminded himself that he still had secrets and options which Angus--and therefore Hashi Lebwohl--couldn't guess, every passing hour seemed to bring him more under Angus' power. He needed reassurance, needed it--
Scarcely ten minutes passed before Billingate spoke again.
"Trumpet, this is Operations," said the laconic voice. "You have permission to come in. Approach vectors and berth assignment follow."
Numbers began to scroll across the helm readouts.
"Don't keep me in suspense, Operations," Angus put in quickly. "What did Captain Succorso say about me?"
"Pay attention," Operations snapped. "I'm not done. You have permission to come in, but it's conditional. You won't be allowed to leave until you satisfy us."
"You mean"--Angus concealed his grin with a sour growl--"Captain Succorso refused to back me up?"
"He refused to talk to us at all
Then Angus hammered his board with one fist and snarled, "Got you, you bastards!"
As expected.
But Milos wants a new attempt at finding his confidence.
"Joshua, stop what you're doing. Listen to me."
As obedient as a piece of equipment, Angus dropped his hands. He started to turn his head; but some instinct or prewritten commandment stopped him.
Quite an example of the zone implants at work.
they haven't told you why I'm here."
A muscle spasmed in Angus' shoulder. He may have been fighting his zone implants.
"They think they have," Milos went on. "They think they've explained me well enough to let you function." And they think they know the truth, whether they told it to you or not. "But they're wrong. I've got my own reasons.
Milos here is trying to sound important. Perhaps for himself more than for Angus.
"Angus Thermopyle," he said from the bottom of his heart, "I loathe you. Your violence sickens me. Your person nauseates me. I despise your morals.
Now here is one to speak.
From the core of his bones to the ends of his nerves, Milos Taverner understood humiliation and control. For the first time in months--perhaps for the first time in years--he felt a moment of happiness. Dropping his ship-suit, he moved his grip from the back to the arm of Angus' g-seat. "It means," he said with a complex smile, "you're going to use that foul tongue of yours to keep me clean."
Later, when the dirtiness of his body and the fear in his soul had been relieved, he gave Angus a Jerico priority order which ensured that from now on Angus would allow him unrestricted access to Trumpet's communications.
As much as Milos is a miserable groveler, he's on to something here. There are few ways to ease the mind of someone feeling downtrodden as efficient as trampling someone like an insect.

Yet there's a practical side to this. Such a pure expression of domination - complete submission to an absolutely disgusting and repulsive order. If only Angus could still exert his willpower to resist anything... a practically perfect way to make sure that's not possible.
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So that it's clear: I'm not the Lord Foul who was on the Watch before, from 26.10.2002 to 16.06.2012
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A Dark And Hungry God Arises 9 - Milos [2]

Post by Cord Hurn »

Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm wrote:It's an interesting chapter, especially showing Milos in all his "glory", showing the zone implants in action, and the dynamics between Angus, the Bill and Nick Succorso.
Truly, we can see the extent to which Angus is controlled by his zone implants, because we know that otherwise he'd have reacted violently against Milos' "Jerico priorities". I also found Angus' point that the Bill's suspicions about Nick makes himself & Milos look more trustworthy to be eye-opening, as well.
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A Dark And Hungry God Arises 9 - Milos [2]

Post by Cord Hurn »

To Lord Foul: Thank you for your analysis, Fangthane!! :Hail: :evilfoul:
Lord Foul wrote:The chapter begins with Milos once again fretting miserably over things completely beyond his understanding, let alone control. Still, he thinks it's within his ability to affect the course of events, that he's able to exert some sort of power.
It was time for him to crush out the spark of dangerous enthusiasm in Angus' eyes, time for him to erase the look of malign hope on Angus' face.
The longer he allowed Angus to experience anything other than hopeless domination, the more precarious Milos felt.
While Angus is certainly cruel and despicable in nature, Milos is no prize, either. He feels he has to prove he's in control by ordering Angus to submit to humiliation. That fact that Angus did such things to Morn does not make Milos any less despicable, in my view.
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A Dark And Hungry God Arises 9 - Milos [2]

Post by Cord Hurn »

Lord Foul wrote:Yet he has more practical and immediate concerns.
Thanatos Minor had the firepower to laugh at any gap scout, no matter how many secret weapons she carried. Human ships all around the installation would protect it. And--Milos had already gleaned this information from scan, as well as from Billingate's routine navigational transmissions--there were two Amnion warships in the vicinity of the rock.
If Operations refused to let Trumpet dock, Angus was in trouble.
Milos could solve that problem himself, if Angus failed. But he didn't want to. It would force his hand; coerce him to commit himself when he wanted to keep all his options open.
Still, he fails to just wait patiently, and fails to reassure himself too.
I am guessing that Milos' habitual nature as a "bugger", being someone who played both sides (dating back to his guttergang days), would be revealed to Angus, as Milos would have to show his connections to the Amnion to allow them to dock, should Angus' story fail to intrigue Billingate's Operations commander. Milos clearly isn't ready to let Angus know he's been in recent contact with the Amnion, because letting Angus know about such a thing would be a form of ceding control to Angus.
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