THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

A place to discuss the entirety of the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.

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Post by ussusimiel »

If I were you Dr. I'd run now while I still can! 8O

The worse of the two options facing you is the possiblity of finding yourself unable to move due to being paralysed by a dark wave of hideous sourceless guilt and indecision so whine-ridden that they've named both a vintage and a breed of horse after it! :?

The better is to be eaten by a gigantic space worm that may grow you out through its skin to become either a Tree (mind all you parts, or you could end up in option one again), or an ineffable, amoral immortal with a silly name like Tiffin or Castanets.

Run, I say! :twisted:


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Post by Ur Dead »

Poor old THOOLAH people. So misguided, so (whatever word that describes the lost souls)
The books are finished.

Linden was apart of the winning team... :P :P :P :P :P :P :D

Rejoice and be glad.
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Post by MsMary »

THOOLAH forever!!! :twisted: :P :biggrin:
"The Cheat is GROUNDED! We had that lightswitch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off, not so you could throw lightswitch raves!"
- I'm always all right.
- Is all right special Time Lord code for really not all right at all?

- You're all irresponsible fools!
- The Doctor: But we're very experienced irresponsible fools.



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Post by wayfriend »

"I tell you plainly, groveler - Despite such as mine is the only true fruit of experience and insight. In time you will not do otherwise than I have done."
-- Lord Foul
"Linden sucks! I hate her."
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Post by aTOMiC »

It's actually pretty amazing that after all of these years the THOOLAH devoted are still waving the flag of discontent with the same dedicated vigor. I myself have not wavered in my devotion to the opposition of the usurper supreme. If only SRD had chosen to produce a separate series of novels featuring Linden Avery so that we could all be entertained without this rift that has been driven between us.

Such a shame. :-)
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Post by wayfriend »

There wouldn't be such deep divisions if there weren't so many trolls on social media posting fake news. I'm looking at you, Ms Mary!

( :wink: )
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Post by MsMary »

wayfriend wrote:There wouldn't be such deep divisions if there weren't so many trolls on social media posting fake news. I'm looking at you, Ms Mary!

( :wink: )

There's a reason I stay out of the Tank. ;) :P :hairs:

"The Cheat is GROUNDED! We had that lightswitch installed for you so you could turn the lights on and off, not so you could throw lightswitch raves!"
- I'm always all right.
- Is all right special Time Lord code for really not all right at all?

- You're all irresponsible fools!
- The Doctor: But we're very experienced irresponsible fools.



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THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

Post by RelimToo »

Three things.

1. I'm sorry to reply to an old thread.
2. I'm sure I have another account
3. Blame Discord

But... I refute the hatred. It might be the dolcet tones of Scott Brick, who reinvigorated my adoration of the Land. It might be that Donaldson, clumsy as he was, forgave her through proposal. It might be that I'm just getting more placid as I exceed Linden's final living age. That I understand, now, her angst, her failures, her impossible situation.

For good or bad, she always did what they least expected (I so love that phrase). She often did what she least expected. I used to hate her too. But I've grown fond, and actually, in her own desolation of the world, did she not, finally, redeem it after all?

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THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

Post by Savor Dam »

Yes, yes she did.
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THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

Post by Fist and Faith »

Welcomed, RelimToo.

And check this out.
All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
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THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

Post by TheFallen »

It is clearly time to re-post Covenant's self-reflective ballad on the subject of Linden Avery, which was meant to be the title track of SRD's now long-abandoned rock opera album on the subject of the Chronicles. So here goes:-

(Scored to the tune of "Yesterday" by The Beatles)

Leprosy... I'm not half the man I used to be.
Pieces keep on dropping off of me
Since I contracted leprosy.

Avery... Linden's even worse than leprosy.
She keeps whining on and on at me.
Oh please shut up and let me be.

Why... I... am her beau, I don't know, I'd rather flee.
If I... must... choose between, I prefer my leprosy.

Eternally... there's some loser crying over me.
Jesus Christ, it's Linden Avery.
Can't she just leave and set me free?

Recently... I can't feel any extremity.
Plus Linden's whining is benumbing me.
Please God, let her be munched by She.

Leprosy... my right hand's digits run from one to three.
Lord spare me from Ms. Avery.
I'd rather have my leprosy.

(Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the woodwork... THOOLAH FOREVER! It's more than a state of mind, it's a way of life - and the sole righteous one).
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

Shockingly, some people have claimed that I'm egocentric... but hey, enough about them

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THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

Post by Fist and Faith »

I don't want to bring back the Watchie Awards. But if we did, that would win every single category!! Holy crap!
All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
-Paul Simon

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THOOLAH has returned to redeem your mortal soul.

Post by kevinswatch »

THOOLAH shall live on forever!!!

Long live THOOLAH!

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