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Post by caamora »

I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say about Atlantis, Kin.
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

Well, I'm back from vacation now. I think I'll post a little of Atlantis tomorrow.
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by Kinslaughterer »


Anatomically modern humans like you and I have existed for at least 100,000 years. Remember this because it will be important later.

Atlantis is not exactly what everyone thinks it is/was. It is not a single city of mermaids or people wearing fishbowls on there heads. It did not sink beneath the waves nor is it the island of Thera.
Atlantis is the original civilization of humanity or at least a very early civilization comprising a huge intercontinental region. Many remains of this civilization still exist in some form which I will detail later.

The first mention of Atlantis is by Plato (427-347 bc) in Timeaus and Critias. Many believe that Plato was simply using Atlantis as a metaphor and perhaps he was but nearly all myths and legends have their origins in reality.
According to the story, a relative of the speaker, Solon (the uncle, I think) learns of this ancient civilization from old Egyptian priests who claim the knowledge comes from the "First Time" or era of the first pharaohs ie original gods of Egypt. The civilization was massive and wide ranging but centralized on the outskirts of the ancient Greek/Mediterranean world. Also Plato describes this culture as the founder of agriculture and master of engineering not mention other sciences which will also be important later.

In the 1930's, a insurance salesman named Edgar Cayce suddenly began going into trances. In these trances he healed people by being asked what was wrong with said person then telling them the problem and how to solve it. Everything he said during his trances was recorded and he had an amazing success rate in diagnosing and treating illnesses. His family later established the A.R.E. to inform the world about his "enlightenment". Anyway, later on in his trances he began to talk about Atlantis. He described an advanced civilization equal to that of the 30's and 40's. He predicted the discovery of the "Bimini Road" and numerous other elements of Atlantis some of which have been uncovered although clearly not associated with Atlantis by the mainstream historian or archaeological community. Besides detailing the civilization he also spoke of the fall of Atlantis. Apparently they had some idea that catastrophis events were going to occur and prepared. Cayce spoke of 3 such events the 2nd occuring around 25,000 bc and the last circa 11,500-11,000 bc. The atlanteans took what precautions they could and hid much of there knowledge in 3 (if I remember correctly) vaults placed in various locations around the world. Cayce told of one such vault beneath a paw of the Giza Sphinx.

Many geologists now believe that the Earth has undergone multiple catastrophic events including something known as earth-crust displacement where the crust shifts suddenly and permanently in localized regions. They've pinpointed the last such event at around 25,000 bc (2nd event) Some geologists have evidence to suggest that Antarctica was the victim of this event. In fact cores have found pollen dating from just before this period of a subtropical or mid latitude climate in different areas of the land. This suggests that Antarctica may have shifted as much as 2,000 miles to the south and its current location in a very short period of time.

The last cataclysm occured around 11,000bc at the end of the last Ice Age. It is hardly a coincidence. Ice melts quickly and the global water level was raised more than 300 feet (sorry, I didn't convert them to the metric system). Combine that with increased moisture in the atmosphere and you have what I believe is the biblical flood. Remember Atlantis was just one civilization/culture not the only one either just like today. Many were likely killed by this sudden deluge but a few (not just Noah) survived the disaster. Those survivors carried the knowledge to the remnant of humanity. For example the Aztec, Mayans, and Quechua (Incas) all have essentially the same god: a white bearded man coming by boat from the East who brought "civilization" and agriculture. Viracochas, Kukulan, and Quetzalcoatl, different names but the same purpose which is a bit odd and perhaps more than coincidental. The Quechua had virtually no contact with the mesoamerican groups so diffusion to such a degree is doubtful. As if it were manipulated by Lord Foul himself, the meso and south americans were caught completely unaware when the Spanish crossed the Atlantic and turned out not to be these same gods.

Now we have disasters, a lost civilization, mysterious prophecies of the past. It makes for a fantastic story but there is more. Remember truth is always stranger than fiction. :D

#2 The Great Pyramid, the single greatest architectual construct in human history, bears no writing of any kind no heiroglyphs whatsoever. It was believed to be the burial place of Khufu. No tomb lies within that pyramid nor grabage or material of any kind. One would think the greatest accomplishment of a pharaoh would at least bear his name? or his body? Perhaps it was robbed? If that were the case the thieves did a fine job, in fact they even swept up when they were finished because nothing, absolutely nothing was discovered in ANY of the three Giza pyramids. They were never tombs at all. The only evidence that the Egyptians built them is the fact they are in Egypt and Herodotus claimed he witnessed them being built. What a Liar! :P

#3 Find a nice aerial or space photo of the Giza Plateau (Dromond may be able to help with that :) ) The first two align nicely yet the third and smallest one is slightly off center. What does that look like to you? Orion's Belt! In fact the pyramids are nearly a perfect match for the stars with one major exception; the stars move or rather the earth moves in relation to them over time so they are a close match for these stars not in modern times, not in the era they were supposedly built but rather around, any guesses? 11,000 bc. Ever see those strange diagonal passages emanating from the interior portions of the pyramids? They also line up with stars as if whoever figured it out needed further proof. The other two align with Sirius and another star I can't remember.

#4 The Egyptians simply could not have built the pyramids using the methods they possessed. The blocks were simply too damn big. There were no slaves to build them either. For example, above the King's chamber of the Great Pyramid a 50 ton block rests perfectly. To place it the builders had to use one of two cranes in current use capable of lifting such a weight. No amount of hands could be placed upon it to push nor were there ropes strong enough. If they used the famous greased log trick they would have to have a ramp twice the mass of the pyramid itself just to have a mildly reasonable angle to push it up. Sorry boys and girls they just didn't do it. However they did build some amazing things just later and much smaller.

Therefore the 5 great pyramids were not tombs, contained no original hieroglyphics, and aligned with the night sky some 8,000 years before their reputed construction. Talk about rewriting the history books. You can find all of this information with a lot of searching. I'll post a little bibliography at some point too.

The Sphinx has also gotten attention lately as geologists have scientifically proven the old lion is much older than originally thought due to massive water erosion. Its date is conservatively placed at 8 to 9,000 bc by some. It faces East directly at Leo rising around 11,000 bc.

Angkor Wat is the same. It appears to be built much later in time yet aligns with several of Draco's stars but as they looked around 11,000 bc. What gives?

Teotihuacan has the Avenue of the Sun. It ends at the Pyramid of the Sun which dwarfs all the others. Ironically this place is a mathematical representation of our solar system with all the parts in a near exact ratio. The Temple of Quetzalcoatl represets the Earth. I think its ratio was 42,000 to one.

A large advanced civilization would certainly leave behind remains yet none have been found actually a number of unknown objects have been found but none that say "made in Atlantis" :D
Remember Antarctica was 2,000 miles north. Plato said it was outside the pillars of Heracles ie the Strait of Gibraltar. Many felt that the island was actually Santorini but perhaps not. It is a large continent known to have mountains, rivers and probably forests when it was farther north. It had everything necessary for a civilization to exist and develop. You can't find evidence today because of a mile and a half of ice!
Again, doesn't this sound like a massive manipulation of Foul? The last possible location is hidden from us.

Domesticated animals and agriculture developed between 10,000 and 8,000 bc yet human like us have existed for over a 100,000 years. In 12,000 we go from teaching a dog to sit and covering seeds with dirt to computers and space travel. What in the heck did we do for the other 80,000 years? Think about it, everything fits together.

About 5 years ago a team of geologists located a square chamber beneath a paw of the Sphinx just where Cayce said it would be. It could be the Atlantean vault he spoke of which held all that great information.

If I happen to remember any more details I post them when I get the chance. I hope I explained it properly.
Last edited by Kinslaughterer on Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by caamora »


If there are many proponents of this, as you say there are, why aren't we hearing more about it? Also, I would be very interested to see your references page!:)

Wonderful analogy!!!!! Very engrossing. I've been thinking about what you said regarding how you started as a history major and got into arch that way! I just got accepted to Arizona State University as an English major with a History minor and both departments are saying how well they compliment each other. But I keep on thinking that the more I take History, the more I will want to do Archeaology! :)
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

There are not a great many who accept these theories. Most members of mainstream archaeology would instantly be defamed for even expressing their interest in such an area. I can't honestly tell you why the very idea is so reviled but history is VERY hard to rewrite despite facts. :cry:
Unfortunately the whole idea of Atlantis is terribly sensationalized by fringe members of the media and "scientific community".

I'm not about to claim all the above mentioned is unquestionably true simply because I have not seen them all firsthand in most cases just evidence for them. History tends to work with everything to a degree. You will however find that anthropology is very enlightening as well. Archaeology is simply the precursor to history. You find the evidence for history and analyze how it will be interpreted.

One of the great jokes of archaeology is a thousand years from now archs will uncover various sites around the world such as Beijing, Los Angeles, and London where they will find the same mysterious golden arches which apparently was a one world religion focused on a clown god. :D

The best of luck at ASU caam, maybe we can swing you into archaeology yet. ;)
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Kin, didn't National Geographic have something fairly recently about archs finding all sorts of ruins and remains under the water in one of the seas in Europe? Was it the Black Sea? Or one of the others? Something about the chemical or oxygen content of the water making the things they're finding in more or less perfect condition? And that this was all evidence for the great flood you are talking about in your post? That people once lived where that sea is now, in the time period you are talking about?
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

The Black Sea was the site of a localized flood some time around 5,000 bc. It was large enough to destroy nearly all the coastal settlements and certainly affect the entire region. There is a good book on the subject called Noah's Flood by William Ryan and Walter Pitman. The problem with this theory of the biblical flood (assuming it was worldwide) is that is not large enough to coincide with other cultures who also speak of a catastrophic deluge. Also many of the Middle Eastern groups flood myths date even earlier than this period (possibly)
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

I suddenly realized that I'm actually working as garbage man for past cultures. Luckily the artifacts don't usually smell. :)

I kinda hoped my Atlantis post would draw more interest... :?
Remember this stuff because once the arch community labels it the "ravings of a madman" you can say "hey I knew that lunatic".
Or maybe they've got to you already... :Help:
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by Samadhi Foul »

Kinslaughterer wrote:I suddenly realized that I'm actually working as garbage man for past cultures. Luckily the artifacts don't usually smell.
Image :lol:
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Post by Fist and Faith »

SHEESH!!! I finally got around to reading this thread!! I figured it would be pretty involved, and had to wait for things to get slow here. :)

First of all, let's not forget that Captain Picard almost chose archaeology over Starfleet! :D
Kinslaughterer wrote:There is a book, The Sign and the Seal, written by Graham Hancock whichs details his theory that the Ark of the Covenant exists today in a little chapel on an island in Lake Axum,Ethiopia. I've read sections of it but and he makes a good case but I not yet entirely convinced. :)
According to National Geographic (July 2001), the Kingdom of Aksum thrived in A.D. 250-700. They built these extraordinary churches. Extraordinary because they carved them out of HUGE SINGLE blocks of stone! The biggest - in the world, no less - is Bieta Medhane Alem, in the city of Lalibela. But they also made
a 100-foot, 500-ton stela, the world's largest single-stone obelisk. Some 1,700 years ago it was cracked from a syenite quarry, hauled nearly three miles by the strength of elephants or men, and carved to look like a 13-story building. It probably fell as it was being raised, smashing the tomb it was meant to mark. It remains where it landed, surrounded by more than a hundred other stelae. Some still stand, others lie toppled and broken. All are reminders of Aksum's former glory, testimony to its past as one of the world's great kingdoms.
Regarding the Ark, the story goes that, 3,000 years ago, the Queen of Sheba went to Jerusalem to visit king Solomon. She returned home pregnant with Somolon's son, Menelik. (Menelik started the "nearly uninterrupted line of emperors" that only recently ended with the fall of Haile Selassie.) When grown, Menelik went to Jerusalem to meet his father. After three years, he returned to Aksum.
Solomon ordered the firstborn sons of his noblemen to accompany him and sent the Ark of the Covenant to protect them. For safekeeping, Memelik brought the Ark to Tana Kirkos, where it stayed until King Ezana sent for it. The Ark is said to be hidden now in a small chapel in Aksum. It is guarded by one man - a monk named Abba Mekonen.

Known as the Atang, the Keeper of the Ark, Abba Mekonen is bone thin, with soft, watery eyes and a shy smile. I asked him if he was happy to be the Atang, which is a great honor and the most solemn post in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

"No," he said. "This is not a job of easy happiness. It is a heavy burden." Abba Mekonen, age 69, has shouldered this burden for three years and will continue to until his death. He never leaves the chapel compound, and he is the only person allowed to see the Ark.

Abba Mekonen gently refused to explain this centuries-old tradition. But at Tana Kirkos when I had asked Abba Baye why I could not see the Ark, he had shrugged and said simply: "Who can look on the face of God?"
However, it's difficult to ignore this bit of history:
Tanis development proceeding. Acquire head-piece, Staff of Ra, Abner Ravenwood, U.S.
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

It is a grand story but I just can't help thinking there is a mickey mouse statue inside that litte chapel.

"It is a transmitter for speaking to God!"
"You wanna talk to God? Lets go see him together."
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by Ryzel »

Well, let me just ask. Kind of off-topic. Where would you go dig in the Land?
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

That's easy; Doriendor Corishev.
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- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by danlo »

Stricken Stone might be an interesting dig...
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

If I didn't have to obey the laws concerning excavations of the deceased it would be a nice site.
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by Skyweir »

LOL indy!! very apt av ;)
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Post by Ryzel »

What about excavating below Landsdrop? Weren't there traces of civilisation there?

And of course, the ruins of Foul's Creche could be interesting. :)
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Post by danlo »

One of Edgar Cayce's "sleeping prophesies" that I've always found quite interesting went roughly like this (and I heard this like 16 years ago so perhaps Kin can clear up any errors on my part) "At the end of this century/beginning of the next (now) a young man will find a sercret chamber located somewhere below the left paw of the Sphinx that will unlock untold mysteries of the ancients." Something like that. 5 years later I read an article somewhere that had 2 do with a research team who found a large chamber under the Sphinx that was partially filled with water. I think what happened was (iirc) they put measuring sticks down and found the bottom but there was and area in one corner where it was so deep they couldn't judge the bottom.

I never found out what happened after that. But I've always thought that that corner may have something 2 do w/Cayce's prophesy. Another fact that always intrigued me was that they measured the rate that body of water was dropping at. I did some research on my own, just out of curiosity, and, oddly enuf, that rate xactly matches Lake Chad' may b just coinsidence but it made me envision all sorts of huge tunnel networks under the desert... 8O
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

I put that note in my big Atlantis post on pg3. It was one of 3 vaults of knowledge left by the Atlanteans.

Several tests were done and a square shaped cavity was indeed found under the left paw. However, anything located on the Giza Plateau has to go thru Zahi Hawass befroe excavation. I can promise you as long as he lives it will never be opened.

The Sahara is not that old of a desert in reality so the possibility of tunnels certainly exists. There are several mentions of passages to the Underworld in the Egyptian book of the Dead and the book of what is in the Duat.
I can certainly see all these Lovecraftian tunnels beneath the sand.
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and remember:X never, ever, marks the spot."
- Professor Henry Jones Jr.

"Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet."
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Post by danlo »

8O Sorry, I skipped page 3! Anyway water table tests in some underground chamber around there were done back then and matched Lake Chad.

I went back and read ur post and suddenly a book I read 5 years ago, The Sirius Mystery, flashed through my head. Tho it's rather stuffy and almost over-researched it poses some amazing stuff like the Dogon tribe of Africa's direct knowledge of the Sirius C, Annubis, Sirius' (Isis') black sister their amazing knowledge of the human anatomy, astronomy and so 4th...Triangulated vectors that intersect directly w/the Oracle of Delphi...Jason's Argo actually being a spaceship. The Gilgameshian aquatic aliens..all sorts of wild stuff!

Much better researched and backed up than Von Danieken the book, especially with the Dogon findings, will literally amaze and stun the crap out of u!

(some Navajo sandpaintings look like microchips 2 me! 8O )
fall far and well Pilots!
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