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Mithyaat Vam
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Post by Mithyaat Vam »

yes you two make such a lovely expectant pair!
...and on the last day we feasted, like carrion, on her dreams.
~Irvea - from The Death of Mithyaat Vam
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Post by Bhakti »

Mithyaat Vam, you were welcomed into a grand Alliance, but when Chaos and Destruction reared its head - spouting threats and insults - you publically berated me for daring suggest he would not turn out to be a force for good, and immediately ran to his side. So much for the world building you once claimed you desired. You will, no doubt, tell us that you did not know Mox was going to twist the Song so that Eiran was harmed. Now we know why you would not take part in the discussions about the song. Always listening, never suggesting or advising. Certainly not helping. I wonder if you actually helped Mox harm Eiran, or if you "only" knew of his plan, and, thinking it was a good one, said nothing.

Now you throw insults at me for... Well, I'm not sure why. Do enlighten us.

Alas, your Heart is a cold, dark place.
I am the self-fulfilling prophecy. Give love, and you WILL receive love. Let your every answer, your every action and reaction, your every desire, be rooted in love.
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Post by Mistress Cathy »


You waste your words on those who are unworthy of your very presence.
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Astavyastataa Kadna
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Post by Astavyastataa Kadna »

Jove wrote:Husband,

You waste your words on those who are unworthy of your very presence.
Bhakti wrote:
Astavyastataa Kadna wrote:BTW, I hope you got the WENCH's permission!! :lol:
I don't have to listen to her!! I can do what I damn well please!! You think she's the boss of me???
It appears YOU are unworthy of him as well WENCH!! :twisted:
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Post by Mistress Cathy »

Bhakti wrote:

Code: Select all

*turns quickly* What? Coming dear!!
Asta wrote:
It appears YOU are unworthy of him as well WENCH!!
You left off the last part, Asta.

Like any common man you have selective hearing, fool. Either that or your shrew of a wife has yet to train you sufficiently.
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Post by O-gon-cho »

Mithyaat Vam wrote:yes you two make such a lovely expectant pair!
Better that sister, with or without Jove's blessing, than to have become as predictable as you and your husband. In spite of how infrequently you deign to converse with us. Amazing how easy it was, considering.
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Post by Xar »

The drums rolled and echoed across Nor Pupae. The purple skies thundered and lightning lanced the ground, spraying the frothing liquids of the breeding pits throughout the land.

Throughout all of Nor Pupae, the word spread - the goddess Melirelle called for her children, all of her children, for the war of wars had finally come to Eiran, and her preparations would see fruition at last. The yekiths, the houka, the elakiths, and all the other strange and wondrous creatures that had been born of Nor Pupae heeded the call of their Mother.

Below the earth, the Wombs pulsed with life, as they unceasingly gave birth to the myriad children of Melirelle, each of them born full-knowing and ready to bring about the will of its mistress. Above the earth, the yekiths and elakiths who could not heed her call, due to accidents of births or old age, willingly met their death, and from their very flesh new spawn emerged, bearing their memories and ready to follow Melirelle's will.

The realm of Nor Pupae writhed with life, in a thousand thousand different forms, and the armies of the Goddess of Birth and Earth gathered under her banner, under the leadership of Thinsilwil, the King of Nor Pupae and the reincarnated Klashirthh. The Three Prophets had led the vanguards against the World Breaker's minions, and had found them wanting; but now a different war loomed on the horizon, a war the World Breaker had catalyzed, but which had eventually polarized gods on both sides. And Melirelle had bid her time, waiting for the moment when she would reveal her true allegiances, and unleash her true power into the world.

Deep beneath the earth, something stirred, something so gargantuan and mind-shattering that no mortal being could see it in its entirety, or even witness its countenance and live afterwards. It, too, was a child of Melirelle - her greatest child and creation, fed with her own blood and crafted through knowledge gleaned through a thousand sources. It had slumbered for years, waiting for its Mother's call - and it had finally come. And as it awakened, sending tremors throughout the world, it sensed its moment had come, and that soon, it would rise through the earth and face its destiny, its greatest glory...
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Post by O-gon-cho »

Melirelle wrote: The realm of Nor Pupae writhed with life, in a thousand thousand different forms, and the armies of the Goddess of Birth and Earth gathered under her banner, under the leadership of Thinsilwil, the King of Nor Pupae and the reincarnated Klashirthh. The Three Prophets had led the vanguards against the World Breaker's minions, and had found them wanting; but now a different war loomed on the horizon, a war the World Breaker had catalyzed, but which had eventually polarized gods on both sides. And Melirelle had bid her time, waiting for the moment when she would reveal her true allegiances, and unleash her true power into the world.

...oh Sister...

I only hope your decisions benefit Eiran....for I have no idea where your plans lead.
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Post by Norn »

Of my prophetess no word, and of my child no sign. At least the actions of my sister Melirelle bring joy to my heart.
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Astavyastataa Kadna
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Post by Astavyastataa Kadna »


Melirelle!! You who have allied with me in the past!! I will DINE on your WORM!!! And YOU Hedra!!! I know who sent the hounds against my Prophet!! She, who has served me well, is now in my embrace.
AllFather wrote:The Hound of Simjen finds Kalpa while she proselytizes, and wastes no time in attacking her savagely; time warning makes her aware of the attack, and so she mounts up an impressive defense, worthy of the Prophet of the Lord of War. She attempts to flee into Battle Time, but the Hound reaches her even in that frozen-time state; the two battle for a long time, with no quarter asked nor given, but eventually even a Prophet must succumb to Antovar's triple strength, and so, with a powerful bite, the Hound of Simjen beheads your Prophet, whose body is immediately taken by the Embrace of the Omega.
And YOU all will pay the price for your act!

WORLD BREAKER!! Bah!! You rant and rave while these Godlings raise Guardians and Worms that may soon slay YOU! Almost I would let them, if they had not attacked me. I will deal with YOU LATER. I have more pressing matters to attend to! Break the World as you will ... I have no more concern for it! I will REND the seal from your VOID myself!!! I grow weary of this Eiran's existence ... but first I will RIP Hedra Iren and Melirelle limb from limb!!!!!
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Post by Xar »



I have not forgotten what you have done for me - and what you WOULD have done. Do you think me such a fool that I did not take precautions against the god of chaos whenever I asked you for your help? Did you think I would not notice your attempts and your wife's at ensuring that what I had requested of you would not succeed, while also attempting to get your payment anyway?

Do you think I have not noticed that your minion Moxinomal has plagued my people with madness also?

And do you think I do not remember that the First Betrayer was Argothoth, who betrayed Nor Yekith to the whole Pantheon to become what he has become?

I have scores to settle with all four of you. And in turn, I have not forgotten Maeror's and Jove's help, Adomorn's people's valor against the minions of Nephirthos who attacked my lands, Hedra Iren's and Simjen's unprejudiced words towards me, and many others besides.

If you seek betrayers, god of war, look into your cold and empty heart and realize that all you have done - the attempted double-crossings, Argothoth's betrayal, Mox's choice to affect my people too - has led to this. If there is a betrayer, God of War, it is not me.

And be sure that when I am done with all of you, there will not be a single mortal left who will remember the names of the gods who have sought to bring tyranny and domination upon this world.

Beware, God of War, God of Undeath, God of Madness, Goddess of Dreams; I am far more powerful than you realize - and you have far too many foes now.
Hedra Iren
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Post by Hedra Iren »

Kalpa proved more of a challenge than I thought she would, but in the end... *dismissive wave of the hand*

You see, Kadna, while others may suffer your barbs and blathering, and while I may have done so in the past, those times are gone. Send what forces you will. I had actually attributed to you more prescience than seems due, so my defenses will be doubly effective. And if your prophet was so easy to hunt down, those bands of Favored should barely provide Antovar with enough challenge to bide him 'til the Beast arrives.

To Mityaat Vam, Argothoth, Mox, and even Kadna, it is not too late to repent. Lay down your arms and make reparations, and you will again be aligned with the Law.
The Allfather wrote:[Antovar] says something that both strikes you with dread and fills you with hope. "Simjen is not dead, my Lady", he says tearfully, "ere I was cast out of Eiran I saw the World Breaker trapping him into a fiery gem - a gem from which he will draw Simjen's own power until our Lord is free!"
O, brothers! let us leave the shame and sin Of taking vainly in a plaintive mood, The holy name of Grief--holy herein, That, by the grief of One, came all our good.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Post by O-gon-cho »


My Turn is focused only on things that have happened within my own lands, of the greater events outside of them I have only been able to derive them from the Summary and the boards.
and so though the time disruption tore through Fort Hope and Ai-Lamentum – the latter only spared because of the sacrifice of the great dragon Or, the Last True Dragon
*bowing head*

A magnificent example of his kind. I regret never having interacted with him.
And even as the global war raged, the World Breaker did not remain idle; in Immeril, an army of Astavyastataa’s soldiers, sent to destroy his minions and protect the Living Seal, was single-handedly destroyed by the revenant Nephirthos, save for those who bent knee to him and became new horrors, the voidwalkers.

Do these creatures remain in Scirocco? Does anyone have a description of what these creatures are like?
In Thellarr, ribbons of white-hot searing darkness snaked out of the desolation, destroying Mai-e and causing its people to flee in terror, and were only stopped at the Tears of Undine through the sacrifice of Min-q’s soul…
My condolences brother. Even through his transformation, Min-q served you well. I will send a blessing of inspiration towards Suf-j, should he choose to compose a dirge in Min'q's memory.
Vadhaka Chorah manifests on the edge of the Mists, ready to enter them!

Brother, the AllFather imposes a choice upon us. Are you willing to explain your intent, so we may choose wisely?
Hedra Iren wrote:
The Allfather wrote:[Antovar] says something that both strikes you with dread and fills you with hope. "Simjen is not dead, my Lady", he says tearfully, "ere I was cast out of Eiran I saw the World Breaker trapping him into a fiery gem - a gem from which he will draw Simjen's own power until our Lord is free!"
Such a potentiality is explained within the rules. Oh wonder of wonders!!
The AllFather wrote: * Trap the deity: the loser is trapped in an item, unable to affect the world and stripped of his or her DRPs and divine rank until a certain event comes to pass (as chosen by the victor) or until a certain amount of time has passed (as per the banishment option), whichever comes first. As long as the deity is trapped, the winner can draw power from the item (if he or she has it in his/her possession) to boost his/her own Divine Rank.
How to find out what condition is imposed or length of time required? How to get the gem from the World Breaker's grasp so he has not Simjen's power to boost him?
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Mithyaat Vam
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Post by Mithyaat Vam »

Hedra Iren wrote:
To Mityaat Vam, Argothoth, Mox, and even Kadna, it is not too late to repent. Lay down your arms and make reparations, and you will again be aligned with the Law.
The Allfather wrote:[Antovar] says something that both strikes you with dread and fills you with hope. "Simjen is not dead, my Lady", he says tearfully, "ere I was cast out of Eiran I saw the World Breaker trapping him into a fiery gem - a gem from which he will draw Simjen's own power until our Lord is free!"

Law? this is law who slaughters mortals for their love of me and lays waste maayaa nagoori because it cannot get to me? yes that makes sense. that is true justice.
lay down my "arms"? i have no arms to lay down. you've killed them all.
reparations? you want me to make reparations???? with what? :lol:
and what will you give me for these "reparations"? maayaa nagoori healed? are you going to bring those poor people back to life? rebuild their homes? RESTORE THE LIBRARY?

what is it you want of me? that i should turn against my husband? abandon him? forsake his love of me for a chance to feel that i have, once again, done the "right" thing and allied myself with LAW in all it's WISDOM????
...and on the last day we feasted, like carrion, on her dreams.
~Irvea - from The Death of Mithyaat Vam
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Hedra Iren spoke nothing of justice, sister. That is my role, should I choose to act upon it. Hedra speaks the absolute word of Law; the way in which it is enforced is a different matter.
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Post by Mistress Cathy »

Hedra Iren

Perhaps I can be of some assistance in locating this gem. Gems are my forte, after all.

Publicly, I would like to thank Melirelle for reasons that are known to her.

To Vadhaka:

My deepest thanks. Can we discuss why you want to enter the mists? What do you hope to gain?
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Post by Hedra Iren »

It is as Maeror has said. Not one of us encouraged you to marry Kadna, much less forced you. You chose to side with the aggressors, and the Law about that has always been clear. Despite all that, I have never explicitly judged you in violation, even if your voluntary association with those so judged implies it. I did not destroy your city, your followers, or even your library. By the Allfather, I had no knowledge whatsoever of Melirelle's intent towards you, and if I had, I would have advised other targets. Even now, it is hard for me not to remember the regard my husband held for you. If you have a grievance against Melirelle under Law, I will hear it. However, I think your complicity and perhaps duplicity invited what you received.

As for your library, yes I influenced it. When you insulted me while using Simjen's memory and then built a library that same turn, did you expect me not to tweak your nose? But I hardly destroyed it. Even the clerks and such were only knocked out. I just made it... a little more effective. You seem to have little problem with darkness, madness, and destruction, so I wouldn't think a concentrated bundle of it in your own lands would be all that worrisome.

Reparations are easy. Swear by the Allfather that you denounce the actions of Mox, Kadna, and Argothoth and will actively work towards ameliorating the damage they've done. If your husband truly loved you, he wouldn't drag you into oblivion with him. And if you love him so much that you would rather see the world destroyed than part with him, it is not something whose passing I will regret.

Jove, yes, I believe we should work together on this. And about Moxville - *high five*

Mox, I believe the Giants are sufficiently avenged. Ask for quarter and bring yourself into alignment with the Law, and we can leave it at that.
O, brothers! let us leave the shame and sin Of taking vainly in a plaintive mood, The holy name of Grief--holy herein, That, by the grief of One, came all our good.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Post by Mistress Cathy »

My pleasure, Hedra. My pleasure indeed.

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Post by stonemaybe »

O-Gon-Cho wrote:
In Thellarr, ribbons of white-hot searing darkness snaked out of the desolation, destroying Mai-e and causing its people to flee in terror, and were only stopped at the Tears of Undine through the sacrifice of Min-q’s soul…

My condolences brother. Even through his transformation, Min-q served you well. I will send a blessing of inspiration towards Suf-j, should he choose to compose a dirge in Min'q's memory.
My thanks, Goddess of Music, but I am afraid you are mistaken in my intent. Suf-j will indeed compose a tribute to Min-q, but it will be no dirge! It will be a triumphant march, as befitting a Prophet who overcame such disabilities in life, then sacrificed his mortal form to combat the plague assailing Eiran, and then sacrificed his very soul whilst defeating the Worldbreaker's minions and saving my people yet again!

Dirge? NEVER!

Also, the maelstrom to the east of Yekithii is entirely natural, and a result of the sinking of the Domain of Chaos. The malevolent maelstrom that was located to the west of Yekithii, has been dealt with!

Unfortunately, the poisoning created by the Onx of Destruction, spreads.

Aglithophile and conniptionist and spectacular moonbow beholder 16Jul11

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Post by O-gon-cho »

Undine wrote:
O-Gon-Cho wrote:
The AllFather wrote:
In Thellarr, ribbons of white-hot searing darkness snaked out of the desolation, destroying Mai-e and causing its people to flee in terror, and were only stopped at the Tears of Undine through the sacrifice of Min-q’s soul…
My condolences brother. Even through his transformation, Min-q served you well. I will send a blessing of inspiration towards Suf-j, should he choose to compose a dirge in Min'q's memory.
My thanks, Goddess of Music, but I am afraid you are mistaken in my intent. Suf-j will indeed compose a tribute to Min-q, but it will be no dirge! It will be a triumphant march, as befitting a Prophet who overcame such disabilities in life, then sacrificed his mortal form to combat the plague assailing Eiran, and then sacrificed his very soul whilst defeating the Worldbreaker's minions and saving my people yet again!

Dirge? NEVER!
A fitting tribute indeed. My offer still stands, if you believe Suf-j will benefit from it.
Undine wrote:Also, the maelstrom to the east of Yekithii is entirely natural, and a result of the sinking of the Domain of Chaos. The malevolent maelstrom that was located to the west of Yekithii, has been dealt with!
Thank you brother, and to Jove as well, if I am reading the Game summary correctly. Can you tell me how this natural maelstrom will effect Immeril? Will it stir the air currents in ways I should investigate?
Undine wrote:Unfortunately, the poisoning created by the Onx of Destruction, spreads.
Indeed? I know naught of it besides what little is written in the Game summary.

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