Warhammer: Age of Reckoning

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Warhammer: Age of Reckoning

Post by Nav »

Or WAR for short :roll:

Anyway, judging by what's coming out of the closed beta, this is shaping up to be the MMO event of the year, a game to finally provide real competition to WoW where pale imitation Age of Conan failed.

I've got to give credit to Mythic straight off the bat, they had a solid MMO under their belts in the form of Dark Age of Camelot and they've got an appealing licence in Warhammer. They would've been guaranteed no small measure of success if they'd essentially copied WoW and thrown a Warhammer skin over the top, but they haven't. Instead it appears that they've built the thing largely from the ground up (with some aspects borrowed from DAoC) and are trying to make an MMO that plays very differently from WoW.

For starters, it's a very PvP focussed game. When I first heard this, I was instantly put off because of my experience of PvP with WoW. I couldn't bring myself to play on a PvP server in WoW, so a game that depended on it was right out. Combat with each of the classes is a very nuanced affair, with players encouraged to cast a variety of spells in order to be fully effective. A good example of this is the Goblin Shaman. Warhammer's greenskins have two gods, Gork and Mork. In the game, the shaman's offensive spells build up power in Gork's idol, which then makes the shaman's healing spells more effective. Those healing spells in turn charge Mork's idol, making offensive spells more powerful. This has two significant effects: firstly that even healing classes are effective in PvP combat (and the system actively encourages them to heal others while they're at it) and secondly, it breaks from the "spam primary attack, watch mana/energy bar" mentaility that has become the norm in this type of game.

Endgame content in WAR is all about PvP, but it's not as daunting as it sounds. It's realm vs realm combat with a variety of different sized arenas and objectives and, as I've touched on above, all classes are viable in PvP. Healing classes all have an effective offensive arsenal and collision detection ensures that the oft-mailigned tank is actually extremely useful, physically standing between the enemy and his squishy allies, blocking blows and line of sight for ranged attacks.

Another area that has people really excited is the Public Questing system. Basically, there are many special quests in the game with objectives that require a number of players to achieve, be it defending against a large horde of attackers, raiding an encampment or attacking a small number of very powerful foes. Anyone picking up the quest automatically joins in the fight with everyone else and once the objective is complete, a small number of high quality loot items are distributed amongst the group. The game does this by making a random roll for every player who participated in the PQ, which is modified by how effective they were (how much damage inflicted, healing done, damage absorbed, objective points collected etc) in the quest. The top player is then presented with a bag of items, from which they can select one before the bag is passed on to the next player. The system is working very well in the beta, with loot being mixed around very well while the best players still get loot the most often. It cuts out all the arguing, ninja looting and DKP management and might just be the future of PvE raiding.

MMOs are notoriously hard to review; you can't assess a game people will be playing for years on the basis of one week of playtime. To partially address this, Ars Technica are running weekly reports on the WAR beta and they are really informative. Here are the first two weeks:

Week One: On Combat and WAAAAGH!

Week Two: Public Quests
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Post by Nav »

For those who might be interested, you can join the open beta here:


You'll need to download 7.5GB of files to play, however! I'll post some pics when I'm in.
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Post by Nathan »

I'm trying to create a beta account on their wesbsite, but the anti-bot security thing won't display an image:

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Post by CovenantJr »

I might actually play this. I've fought the WoW thing because I'm well aware that I have an obsessive personality and wouldn't be able to stop playing it. Warhammer could sway me though, because in addition it being something I'd enjoy playing in general, I really like the Warhammer mythologies. I buy the occasional White Dwarf, not because I play (or have ever played) but just to read about what's going on in that universe.

The other one that might sway me is Bioware's KOTOR one.
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Post by vasko »

Cheers for the write-up Nav.
I loved Warhammer as a kid (and young adult) and play WoW now and this is pretty big news, think I'm gonna have to make the jump when the time comes :D
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Post by Nav »

After all the open beta excitement, it seems something has gone horribly wrong with the European authentication servers. If you'd registered before the beta opened then I think you're all right, but if you didn't you're kind of boned for the time being. They've taken the registration page down for a couple of days now and no sign of when it'll be back up :(
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Post by Nav »

Well, I finally got the chance to get into the open beta...and I'm really enjoying it! I had my heart set on playing a Squig Herder or a Chaos Chosen, but apparently the Forces of Order are much less popular (you can see the realm population for each faction, which is a great idea for helping with balance) so I rolled myself a High Elf Swordmaster. I'd forgotten how much I liked the High Elves and they've even gone to the trouble of copying some of the poses from the Swordmaster of Hoeth models into the game, as can be seen in this screenshot:


The standard 'ready' pose is the one where the Swordmaster rests the hilt in his extended hand and the flat of the blade against his shoulder, just like the old models.

Combat with the Swordmaster is slightly unusual, as it relies on the manipulation of your state of balance. What this means is that your first attack will place you in a state of 'improved' balance which opens up a second tier of attacks that can only be used when in this state. You can then either opt for a powerful attack that returns you to normal balance, or a more subtle one that elevates you to 'perfect' balance and activates the final tier of attacks. It's an interesting way to structure combat and the whole thing has a feel of Dance Dance Revolution about it.

Visually, I'm not quite sure what to expect from the final version of the game. I'd say the beta looked slightly less good than WoW, but it's a beta and might have been nerfed down to keep it to a downloadable size. It's certainly not in the same league as Age of Conan in the graphics department, but I'm already having fun with WAR and have a strong urge to play more, whereas playing Conan felt like a chore, so maybe looks aren't the be all and end all!
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Post by Nathan »

I'm in as well. I gave it a couple of hours play yesterday. I don't fell compelled to continue playing though, for some reason. I'm not sure why.

Maybe it's because, despite being part of an alliance of order, I haven't really spoken to anyone else. The way the game's built it doesn't seem to favour communication between players.
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Post by Nav »

I'm really enjoying the game, but I must say I've found the same thing. I've hopped in and out of open parties (really nice feature, by the way) but I've played about 10 levels and I've not even seen anyone speak in chat. Maybe it's because of the crowd attracted to beta testing, although I found the same thing in Conan.

One of my Xbox Live friends is part of a big, cross-game MMO guild and they are coming to Warhammer, so I'll probably throw my lot in with them. These games kind of need the social interaction to make them work fully though, maybe the chat interface in WAR isn't intuitive enough.
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Post by Vargon »

Hi guys,
i was in the closed beta, and now i'm playing in the open.

I really love this game just because i love the warhammer universe since i was 14 (now i'm 30).

the game is amazing, i played a lot of MMO, and i really like WAR.

The chat is a problem i found immediatly. In Guld Wars you can change the chat channel simply with Shift+1 or 2 or 3 or 4 ecc... each number have a channel related so you can easly chat with every one or with your party memeber or send message to buy/sell items.

In WAR you have to put a /say or /party ecc... before you can write in that channel and it slows a bit the usability of the chat interface.

I saw that if i start to chat with other people in the public channel, soon a lot of person start to talk. And i see also that if i do a little bit of RolePlaying the people in my group enjoy and follow me whit that behaviour.

I'm playing in the italian server... and i saw that once you chose one side (destruction or order) you can't create characters of the other faction.

So if we want to play together lemme know which server you are in and i will create a order character in it ;)
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Post by Loredoctor »

I am tempted to give it a try.
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Post by Nav »

Well, the open beta was a bit borked in Europe, it wasn't working a lot of the time and then they had to reset some of the realms and I lost my first character. I rolled up a Squig Herder and played that a bit, but to be honest I found the 'balance' aspect of combat made the Swordmaster the more enjoyable class to play. I've never had fun playing a tank class before, so that's quite an achievement.

I think I'm going to have a crack at this, but I'm really short of time at the moment so I think I'll leave it a month for them to get the biggest of the kinks out.
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Post by Loredoctor »

I ordered the collector's edition. However, I have to get back to Australia before I play it.
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Post by Waddley »

If anyone cares, I'm playing and love it. Have a Destruction guild on the Badlands server, if anyone wants to hop on with some drunken losers. My in game name is Leise.

The biggest kinks right now are queue times for getting on the server, and very slight random crashing problems. I haven't run into too many other common launch problems.

Anyway... um.... WAAAGH!
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