Dark Hope - Chapter 1 - Pan Town

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Post by Atrus »

Sheathing his greatsword, Atrus moves to stand next to Akhash. Leaning over, he whispers "For one akin with the shadows, Oh Quick One, you stand toe and toe with some much bigger fellows. Your dagger was glowing back there too. Can I ask what that was" Atrus unsheathes his greatsword and begins to sharpen it, seeming to pay attention to it, almost listening.
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Post by Tänya »

Tänya wrote:"We have come across worshippers of Graveris, and I will admit to you that so far we have cause to fear them. It is my own hope that perhaps these we have seen are not representative of the true teachings of your Lady. Will you tell us about her, and about this place?"
As she awaits a reply, Tänya reconsiders what she had seen in the cavern above. Once more addressing the elemental, she continues, "Although the pale man I am thinking of wore the Holy Symbol of Argothoth, not Graveris. But I believe his companion may yet be a twisted follower of your Lady..."
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Post by Renard »

After the last skeleton erupted in flash of shattered bones from Ahkash's dagger, Renard took a number of heavy breaths to steady himself. He was just not use to this --- all of it: the feirce fighting, undead, daemons ...

Flitting a glance over at Tanya, he manages a reasurring smile and wink. "You faired well, arwenamin. Perhaps it is you who should be protecting me!"

And with a curt nod of respect to Ahkash, And your skill with a blade is almost as good as your skills of stealth, Shadowy-One. Well done."

Moving to the lovely druid, Renard takes his flask of water out with the intention of seeing to her wounds. The thought of such contact is entising, and brings a sly smile to his face when he thinks that it will be his turn to tend to her wounds.

The appearance of the root elemental interrups such notions. As one, the group moves closer in to the main room where the being emerged from. His words touch each of them in varying degrees, but it is obvious that Tanya is as moved by the elemental's appearance as Renard is. Awe makes his reaction to the elemental's request for clarity come slowly. Thankfully Tanya is ever at the ready to interact with such beings rooted with nature. And her words are clear and filled with honesty and truth. Renard takes a few steps closer to stand by her side. And watching her speak, and hearing her words, becomes more facinated with her every moment that passes.

With an effort, Renard shifts his attention back to the root elemental. Giving a bow of respect, he speaks:
"I am Renard. As this Spring Flower <gesturing to Tanya> has so spoken, we are not aligned with 'The Pale Man'. We find the he too is our enemy and the reason we have come down here. I am sorry that 'The Holy Root' has been taken. If you can speak more of it that it may be recognized, I am sure that we can retrieve it for you as we persue the one who has tarnished this area."

Feeling momentarily abashed that he has spoken in such a manner -- as if speaking for the entire group -- Renard bows once again to hide his chagrin. However, his resolve to such a matter hardens his determination. If he would have to do it alone, he would. The longer he finds himself involved with the path the others are on, the more he realizes that he may in fact not be merely an observer --- that his path requires more of him than being a story-teller and singer...
... He was just not sure what that was. And, for Renard, overthinking matters like this was not something he did. He just 'reacted'. He just hoped he reacted properly...

Seeing the apparent disinterest the other three have in the elemenetal, Renard steals a glance at Tanya by his side <wink>.
With a little more assuredness in his voice, Renard adds, "Please speak, Ancient One, that we may learn more. And if you have an awareness of such things, can you tell us how the 'Pale Man' came through this chamber -- are there other areas not plain to the eyes that lead further?"

He bows once more and awaits an answer.
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Post by Tänya »

Finding herself anticipating information from the Ancient rooted being, Tänya brought herself up short with a small chagrined smile. Ever have the wooded ones moved with caution and consideration. I forget all my learned wisdom among these more hasty ones in this party.

Bowing towards the elemental yet again, she turns towards Renard and whispers, "I think we have time for a quick bite, and perhaps some more discussion among ourselves.

"Shall we? The Yaaraer will let us know when he is ready to reply.

Bowing low to the elemental, Tänya proceeds to the raised dais in the main chamber, and begins unpacking some nuts and dried berries. With a smile of invitation towards the others she calls. "Balpur? Thonunian? Ahkash and Atrus? Would you care to join us? Perhaps there is time for a story, and Atrus did mention he had one to tell us, as he left us at the Temple of Solaris."
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Post by Thonunian »

Thonunian glances around at the Druid's request, and says, "I'll be with you in a moment. Atrus, if you decide to share your story, wait for me to rejoin you, all right?"

[ooc]Thonunian walks all around the current lower level, making Search and Spot checks, and with Detect Magic active.

He rejoins the group as soon as he is done, which should not take more than a few minutes. Please assume he has finished and is sitting with Tänya when you make your response.[/ooc]
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Post by Ahkash »

The dark half-elf drew closer to Atrus, and whispered in his ear for a moment, before grinning ferally and stepping back to press his spine into the wall.

Turning to the Druid, he answered her, "You all may speak if you wish. I'm listening."
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Post by Tänya »

Leaving the inviting smile on her face, but feeling slighted by the rogue's response, Tänya glanced about the main chamber, taking in the vaulted ceilings and the pillars about the room. Yes, if he stayed where he was, Ahkash would have no problems hearing what all was said. However, neither would anyone else who may be listening.

Inwardly sighing, the elf drew together the corners of her cloak where she had spread the nuts and dried berries, and move back down the dais to the step, sitting close enough to Ahkash for them to talk quietly. As the others followed suit and arranged themselves around and between the druid and rogue, Tänya laid White Blossom upon her knees and again spread her cloak open to offer what meager food was there.

Looking towards the fighter, she inquired, "From the way you said there was something we must hear, I assume the story you are about to tell us is not a pleasant one. Do begin sir, and we will listen for as long as we can."
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Post by Renard »

Chuckling to himself for a moment, Renard seats himself beside Tanya and accepts the offer of a snack.
"Yes, it does seem as if the root elemental does take its time in replying -- perhaps you elves are use to such patience -- but during this interlude, if it would please you, Atrus, do honour us with the story that drives such vengeance in your heart. Your skill and courage deserve no less than to be tributed properly."

As Atrus speaks <hoping he does> Renard's attention is focused on him -- his language, manner of speaking, body language --- everything that speaks for what is left unspoken. To hear another's personal story is a gift he does not take lightly and gives it the rapt attention it deserves.

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Post by Renard »

In the silence that follows, Renard turns Tanya and gives a long look.
And you, Lirimaer, I know some of what drives you, but I always thought followers of your 'faith' were more --- how to put it --- neutral. But the passion you have shown to help Pan's Town goes beyond a mere 'request'. Why not simply tend and protect that which grows?
By no means to I intend to belittle, merely understand you a little better, vanima Taur'amandil"

Renard gives a glance around to the others and the hall, then back to Tanya adds, "Unless you find our present setting less than inviting to talk about such personal matters."
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Post by Tänya »

Tänya looks back at the bard with both a relieved smile, and a quizzical look in her eyes. She had found the silence of the cavern oppressive, so unlike the birdsong of the day or the chirping of crickets at night in Lastwood, and while she would have preferred to have learned of the rest of the party, saw no harm in speaking of herself. Yet...

"Mankoi lle irma sint, kiirar? We already spoke of why I came to Pan Town in the cell in the Temple of Solaris. There is no additional reason for my "passion," as you put it. My master and I both believe I was sent here by Solaris herself, via the mechanical creature that appeared out of nowhere in the glade within Lastwood.

"As far as "followers of my 'faith' being nuetral..."
, she shot him a look of pure bewilderment. "Surely you do not believe all of the taur'amandil are isolationists? When you have met one taur'amandil...you have met one taur'amandil. As in any profession, we bring our hearts and selves to the calling.

"...I am only a journeyman, and perhaps my lack of experience and wisdom drives me more than the elders who usually venture out of the glades and groves in need. I can not say. But as far as I know, there is no stricture on us mingling with n'taur'amandil. Perhaps our dismay at the lack of...insight towards nature and the gifts of Solaris and Matheris drives more of my brothers of the Order, or any Order, to isolation. I don't know

Looking towards Solana, she thinks back over the past couple of days, and wonders, Who are these men with whom I am set on this path? Why will none of them speak of themselves?

Bracing herself for more silence, she turns back to Renard, and hesitantly ventures forth, "What about you? You have hinted that "adventuring" is not what you have done before, and that you see yourself as a chronicler. Why Pan Town? What brought you here?"
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Post by Renard »

Renard chuckles to himself. "Well, 'tis true, fair one, that I have never met any of your kind, but count myself fortunate to have met you. I speak only from stories and until recently, was naive. I am hoping that you will be able to expand my knowledge in this regard." <wink>

Looking up to the ceiling to recall her words, he quotes:
"...I am only a journeyman, and perhaps my lack of experience and wisdom drives me more
And looking back in to her eyes, pauses.
Then finally answers her. "This sounds much like me. Suffice to say, my background is one of 'privilege', though a little repressed. In order to answer the call of my heart -- the songs that were there, waiting to be written, and the thirst for stories, knowledge and, yes, I guess 'adventure', drove me to leave that which was mine to have."

inward reflection casues a pause -- then he continues. "But to be with all of you"--he gestures to all in the room--"you who are true heroes, is certainly something to cherish, despite danger, in order to learn, chroncle and sing about. My creative heart demands no less."

He then leans in to Tanya and whispers....
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Post by Tänya »

Renard wrote:He then leans in to Tanya and whispers....
Looking ever deeper into the bard's eyes, Tänya whispers back,


Smiling her face transforming smile of total openess, she sighs deeply, closes her eyes, and lays her head upon the bard's chest. At the moment, the Yaaraer could never answer, and I would be content, she silently thinks to herself...
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Post by Mephiston »

"You two seem trustworthy, " he says to Tanya and Renard, " although your fellows didn't speak about the pale man. But I'm alone now and must trust someone..."
He stops again as if he needs to make a big leap of faith to go on.

"The pale man came passing through a magic portal... he wasn't alone I'm sure... someone more powerful helped him... some strange type of skeletons was summoned and a blood daemon was called. My brothers and I were outnumbered and the skeletons blocked our movements while the daemon crushed us one after another. I was barely alive and I was unconscious when they took the Holy Root.

"My brothers were completely destroyed; the same doom seems to have not been bestowed on me... the blood of the daemon gave me the strength to recover my shape. But I don't know how long I will be able to maintain this form. The blood has somehow polluted me and I fear I could become an abomination if I do not destroy myself soon.

"So I do not have much time for your questions. I'll try to tell you what I can."

He takes a pause then continues...

"Many centuries ago, Graveris and Matheris were two twins. Graveris became the goddess of Nature under the ground, of all the beings that dwell under the line of the roots. Vermin and trees were her favourite creatures, but the trees came above all. The contact that the plants and the trees have with the ground was the main reason for her love. At the beginning of her rule she was the actual goddess of the Earth. Matheris became the goddess of the animals and the flowers and the leaves... of everything which was above the line of the roots. Matheris prefers birds and fast animals which appreciate open spaces and the freedom of the air.
"They was always in harmony with each other, until the god of Death decided that the influence of Graveris in the ground was not something which benefitted his own plans. He was young and so he had to be subtle ... he never tried to go openly against Graveris but started to manipulate her through deception. No one knows what he said to her or how he convinced her to follow his words... but she turned her back on her own sister and even tried to kill her to became the one and only goddess of Nature. The battle was terrible! All of the creatures turned on each other and at the end Matheris survived. No one knows what became of Graveris. The majority say that she died during the battle, yet a minority says that she sleeps somewhere...
"When Graveris began to be turned by the malificent words of the god of Death and started to become evil, her good followers decided to create secret temples in which to continue to worship the "good" Graveris they remembered.
"They were hunted for their practice and observance by the followers of the evil Graveris during the war between the twin goddesses. The last temple that exists now is this one."
He looks around; if he wasn't an agglomerate of stone and roots, you would swear that he's sad.

"In this temple a miracle happened... the followers of the good Graveris asked for the divine intervention of Solaris, the mother of the gods, to give them back the good Graveris and to stop the madness that seemed to grasp the heart of their goddess... as she always does with requests she finds worthy and pure of heart, Solaris answered the prayers of those poor men and women. But what Solaris gave to them is still a mystery.
A little root appeared on the Throne of Roots, the sacred chair where only the High Priest of the Order of Graveris the Good sat during the mass. The followers said that it was the seed of the good goddess... the receptacle of the goodness of the divinity that was in her heart; others said that it was the very heart of the goddess itself. The root grew strong with the love of the people... but the good Order of Graveris died with the last priest... many years ago... no one was able to spread the good words of Graveris simply because no one apart from the members of the Order believed that Graveris was good and that a good part of her was still alive.

Here in this temple the last druid of Graveris died, but the body disappeared. Before he left the mortal life, he called for us, and my brothers and I came from the very substance of the earth. He melded us from roots and stones. He asked us to guard the root. He asked us to swear on our very existance to defend the root at all costs."
Once again, sadness seemed to overflow from his red eyes.

"We failed... we are damned until the end of the time... we failed under the eyes of the good Graveris and the Kindest Solaris. We have no chance of redemption..."
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Post by Tänya »

As she relaxed against the chest of the bard, at first the deep rumbling from the center of the chamber takes a moment to break through Tänya's contentment. Then, her eyes snapping open and assuming Renard will follow right behind, she grasps White Blossom and bolts back to where she had stood before the Yaaraer lapsed into silence...
the Yaaraer wrote:"You two seem trustworthy, " he says to Tanya and Renard, " although your fellows didn't speak about the pale man. But I'm alone now and must trust someone..."
He stops again as if he needs to make a big leap of faith to go on.
Tänya brings her right fist to her heart, then gestures for the Yaaraer to continue by opening her palm face up and sweeping her arm towards him across her midriff, wincing as the reminder of the bruise from the skeleton's mace come rushing back to her.
the Yaaraer wrote:"The pale man came passing through a magic portal... he wasn't alone I'm sure... someone more powerful helped him... some strange type of skeletons was summoned and a blood daemon was called. My brothers and I were outnumbered and the skeletons blocked our movements while the daemon crushed us one after another. I was barely alive and I was unconscious when they took the Holy Root.

"My brothers were completely destroyed; the same doom seems to have not been bestowed on me... the blood of the daemon gave me the strength to recover my shape. But I don't know how long I will be able to maintain this form. The blood has somehow polluted me and I fear I could become an abomination if I do not destroy myself soon.
Tänya thinks to herself, I know not yet what Thonunian has become, like the others except Renard, he did not share of himself while we waited. But the daemon called him a "blood elf." And his sword seems to thrive on blood. Perhaps before we depart, he and I can figure out some way to help this guardian of the root by combining the talents of his sword and White Blossom to remove whatever contaminate is in the blood that has animated the Yaaraer.

Ah! Another consideration. I wonder if when he was given the sword by his father, if it has a name.

the Yaaraer wrote:"So I do not have much time for your questions. I'll try to tell you what I can."
"We thank you for your trust, Yaaraer," Tänya quietly mumbles so as not to blatantly interrupt.
the Yaaraer wrote:He takes a pause then continues...

"Many centuries ago, Graveris and Matheris were two twins. Graveris became the goddess of Nature under the ground, of all the beings that dwell under the line of the roots. Vermin and trees were her favourite creatures, but the trees came above all. The contact that the plants and the trees have with the ground was the main reason for her love. At the beginning of her rule she was the actual goddess of the Earth. Matheris became the goddess of the animals and the flowers and the leaves... of everything which was above the line of the roots. Matheris prefers birds and fast animals which appreciate open spaces and the freedom of the air.
Tänya shot a quick look towards Renard. She has speculated this to be the case, but so much had been discussed between them, she could no longer remember if this was one theory they had considered together...
the Yaaraer wrote:"They was always in harmony with each other, until the god of Death decided that the influence of Graveris in the ground was not something which benefitted his own plans. He was young and so he had to be subtle ... he never tried to go openly against Graveris but started to manipulate her through deception. No one knows what he said to her or how he convinced her to follow his words... but she turned her back on her own sister and even tried to kill her to became the one and only goddess of Nature.

Tänya's eyes widen at these words. The g-d of Death! Argothoth? or Plageon? Remembering her dream on the way to Pan Town, the undead evil treant that attacked and killed Beliant in that dream, and the holy symbol on the undead necromancer in the cavern above, Tänya makes an uneducated guess and theorizes their true enemy here may be Argothoth. But have other deities alligned with him? The blood daemon sported the holy symbol of Wrathan; the Dark Flame in the room Ahkash came out from denotes Belugoth. And the room of chains...

Her mind racing, Tänya continues to give the Yaaraer her attention.
the Yaaraer wrote:The battle was terrible! All of the creatures turned on each other and at the end Matheris survived. No one knows what became of Graveris. The majority say that she died during the battle, yet a minority says that she sleeps somewhere...
"When Graveris began to be turned by the maleficent words of the god of Death and started to become evil, her good followers decided to create secret temples in which to continue to worship the "good" Graveris they remembered.
"They were hunted for their practice and observance by the followers of the evil Graveris during the war between the twin goddesses. The last temple that exists now is this one."
He looks around; if he wasn't an agglomerate of stone and roots, you would swear that he's sad.

"In this temple a miracle happened... the followers of the good Graveris asked for the divine intervention of Solaris, the mother of the gods, to give them back the good Graveris and to stop the madness that seemed to grasp the heart of their goddess... as she always does with requests she finds worthy and pure of heart, Solaris answered the prayers of those poor men and women. But what Solaris gave to them is still a mystery.
A little root appeared on the Throne of Roots, the sacred chair where only the High Priest of the Order of Graveris the Good sat during the mass. The followers said that it was the seed of the good goddess... the receptacle of the goodness of the divinity that was in her heart; others said that it was the very heart of the goddess itself. The root grew strong with the love of the people... but the good Order of Graveris died with the last priest... many years ago... no one was able to spread the good words of Graveris simply because no one apart from the members of the Order believed that Graveris was good and that a good part of her was still alive.
Thinking back to what was said earlier about Graveris at the start of her existance...

...originally g-ddess of the Earth? Where does Geoglon fit in to this then? Did he come to the pantheon of Talamh after all of this happened?
the Yaaraer wrote:Here in this temple the last druid of Graveris died, but the body disappeared. Before he left the mortal life, he called for us, and my brothers and I came from the very substance of the earth. He melded us from roots and stones. He asked us to guard the root. He asked us to swear on our very existance to defend the root at all costs."
Once again, sadness seemed to overflow from his red eyes.

"We failed... we are damned until the end of the time... we failed under the eyes of the good Graveris and the Kindest Solaris. We have no chance of redemption..."
"Our thanks, revered Yaaraer. There is much in your tale we did not know. Fear not, for I believe Solaris knows and understands what has happened to the Holy Root, and holds neither you nor your brothers to blame. But if you can spend just a little more to time to advise us where to start, I know I for one will do what I can to find and return the Holy Root to its proper place.

"If you should know it, I also humbly request the name of the last druid to serve this place. His remains may be in whereabouts unknown, but I will do what I can to perform what sacred rituals I know to place his wandering soul at ease."

"Now, I beg you, please consent to an idea of mine, and perhaps we can extend your time to tell us more as you will."

Calling back over her shoulder, Tänya calls to the tall transformed elf, "Thonunian! Will you come here, along with your sword? There is something I wish to try..."

As the blood elf makes his way over, Tänya turns to him, Renard, and the Yaaraer and urgently explains her concept in an undertone.

*PM's sent to Thonunian, Renard, and the DM*
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Post by Mephiston »

Balpur come near the group of Renard, Tanya and Thonunian.

"I fear that the blood is the pollution in the elemental... i think you have to remove the daemon blood to free him, but... if i understood correctly his story, the blood is the "energy" that now takes him together... if you remove the blood... he will die immediatly"
Balpur shakes his head.

the elemental looks to Balpur
"the little being could be right. My "life" source is no more... and the blood is my "fuel" now... i need the very substance of the earth to be able to survive.
Unfortunatly you can't call for it, nor you can use it... the knowledge required to use that power is far beyond your abilites.... I.. am... sorry"
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Post by Tänya »

Balpur wrote:"I fear that the blood is the pollution in the elemental... i think you have to remove the daemon blood to free him, but... if i understood correctly his story, the blood is the "energy" that now takes him together... if you remove the blood... he will die immediately"
Balpur shakes his head.
Not wanting to let go of any hope of helping the Yaaraer, Tänya looks to Balpur with pleading in her eyes. "I only suggested removing a tiny amount, to see if there is anyway possible to purify the blood that is now animating the ancient one. Should it work, we would then attempt to purify the blood inside the Yaaraer, not by removing the blood from him.

"We have no idea what this sword of Thonunian does with the blood it absorbs, nor what might be done in combination with White Blossom. Is it truly fruitless to try?"
The [i]Yaaraer[/i] wrote: "the little being could be right. My "life" source is no more... and the blood is my "fuel" now... i need the very substance of the earth to be able to survive.
Unfortunately you can't call for it, nor you can use it... the knowledge required to use that power is far beyond your abilities.... I.. am... sorry"

"Yaaraer, how quick is this corruption spreading? How long would you say you have before you must "destroy yourself?" Would the clerics of the temple of Solaris in Pan Town be able to help? Or, if the corruption is slow, could you wait for one who may be able to help to arrive? I...

"I could attempt to put out a call to my own Order for such a one, if you believe there may be time and one could be found..."
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Post by Renard »

The story that unfolds from Yaaraer is awe inspiring and frightening. Truly, only epic books of fiction could match what was unfolding before Renard, and he could hardly believe what he was hearing. Still, there was this stout being of nature, clinging on to a tormented existence in hope that his life of service was not in vain. His chest heaved with emotion that he kept carefully in check, and listened.
Tänya’s immediate reaction was not unexpected, and was partially why he was drawn to her so. Her drive to try and save Yaaraer tugged at his heart, but Renard could see it was futile … the elemental knew it. Still, Renard would not stop her efforts --- it was who she was. And Balpur had become like that of a kindly old man, full of wisdom and insight to her youthful energies. Atrus, Ahkhash and Thonunian remained silent, so Renard addressed Yaaraer with his hand on his heart and a simple bow.
”Noble Yaaraer, true servant of Graveris and Guardian of the Holy Root, I address you with the honour required, and acknowledge your pain. Although I am but a small creature in the grand expanse that is the cruelty and wonder of our world, like this little wonder”—flitting a glance and a cherished smile to Tanya—”I, too, would pledge to help retrieve this Gift of Solaris. For whatever reason, it is tied to what horror was wrought on the people of the town above.
“However, even without that, your story alone, and your devotion to such a cause moves me to extend myself to the limits of what I may accomplish to this end.”

Taking a deep breath, as if relishing what may be his last, Renard looks long at everyone in the room to see of their notions in this regard, then plows ahead.
”Yaaraer, I, Renard Marchand, son of Lairetam Marchand and Joylee D’Esprit of the Celestial Pass, do pledge myself to retrieve the Holy Root to its rightful place, here in the last temple of Graveris.”
And with a solemn bow, Renard does pledge.

Looking back over at Tanya, his smile easily returns. Then to the elemental, Renard speaks again, ”I know your time is limited and my words have likely been an annoyance, however, if you could recall: where did the white man and his master go after ravaging this temple. Any help or hints will lead us quicker upon our path.”[/b]
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Post by Tänya »

Tänya smiles with joy as Renard pledges to also search for and retrieve the Holy Root. Regardless of what else the future holds, they will continue on together in this search.

Be that as it may, she feels strongly that she must attempt to do something for the Yaaraer, even should the attempt prove futile. Casting a quick prayer to Solaris for guidance and blessing, she stands in front of Thonunian, places his hands with his blood sword over hers with White Blossom, and lays the two weapons, one which slashes and cuts, and one that bashes and bludgeons, on top of each other. She retreats into herself, focusing on the two weapons, and calls on the abilities hidden within each, hoping to meld them together in a way that can help the elemental before her. Once more bowing low to the ancient one, and relying on the sendings from White Blossom to guide her, she approaches the elemental, uses the tip of Thonunian's sword to penetrate the roots and stone that comprises its being, and keeping the two weapons together, drives them deep into the body of roots before her.

Her entire being focused on the melding of the weapons abilities, she opens herself entirely to any empathetic link she may feel from the ancient one, whether of pain, anger, or what she yearns to feel, hope, and surrenders herself to her attempt.
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Post by Renard »

Renard awaits in silent, anxious anticipation...
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Post by Mephiston »

"You have my permission to attempt what you have in mind if you wish, but I don't believe there is a way to replace the blood of a daemon... especially the blood from one of Wrathan's... with the power I need to survive... but...
I won't oppose, nor offer resistance if you wish to try.

"There are clerics near this temple? Really? I have never been outside this chamber since I was called,"
the elemental says.

"I don't think the clerics have any suspicion of his existence nor would they know anything about the creature that he faced... it would probably be a waste of time..."
Balpur comments.

The elemental continues...
"Please do as you wish. But if you fail I can not say what will happen..."

With his permission to proceed granted, Tänya slowly inserts the sword and the staff clasped together inside the elemental.
The creature does not feel pain, nor cold or hot...
The magic items penetrate the stony body of the elemental, sliding deeper and deeper until only Tänya's hands are remaining outside of the being.

At the beginning nothing happens, but suddenly the blood flows from the body of the elemental in to the sword of Thonunian, which devours all that flows forth.
In the exact same instant, a white light bursts forth from the staff and replaces every drop of the daemon's blood that had animated the elemental.

After a few moments the elemental is now completely imbued with white energy!

Yet the expenditure of power, unknown to Tänya and only channeled through her being, not from within herself, overcomes the diminutive druid and she collapses with her eyes rolled into the back of her head, unconscious. Renard rushes forward and elbows the blood elf aside to catch her as she falls, while the blood elf reacts quickly and withdraws the two weapons from within the elemental.

"I'm grateful to all of you for what you have done! It is a miracle! Now I can continue to guard the temple of Graveris! I'll be forever in your debt. In debt to all of you."
The elemental bows ponderously.

"Unfortunately my new friends, I can't say where the pale man went... I was unconscious and upon reawakening I was concentrating on gathering together the pieces of my body... I was unable to perceive anything more of my surroundings."
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