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Post by Vain »

Figured we needed a record of the dumb things that 'The One' says (much like the Bushisms of the past)

During his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer Barack Obama joked about Jessica Simpson's weight.
MSNBC reported:

LAUER: And here’s a great picture —

OBAMA: Oh, it’s beautiful.

LAUER: — of — of you and — and Michelle and — and your daughters. Now, the — the reason I bring this up I think is funny. It’s a great picture.

OBAMA: Yeah.

LAUER: But I wanna show you the cover. Look what they did. They — they took you off the cover.

OBAMA: Yeah.

LAUER: They took you out of it.

OBAMA: It — it’s — it’s a little hurtful.

LAUER: You got replaced by Jessica Simpson.

OBAMA: Yeah, who’s losing a weight battle apparently. (LAUGHTER) Yeah. Oh, well.

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Watch from 10:30 minutes
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Post by Avatar »

Don't think I'd count it as mis-speaking or whatever we called it when Bush did it, but certainly not a diplomatic comment for somebody who should be diplomatic. :D

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Post by [Syl] »

What? He was reading the caption over her picture that they were talking about. I'm tempted to rename this thread "US Weekly-isms."
"It is not the literal past that rules us, save, possibly, in a biological sense. It is images of the past. Each new historical era mirrors itself in the picture and active mythology of its past or of a past borrowed from other cultures. It tests its sense of identity, of regress or new achievement against that past.”
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Post by Avatar »

Ah, context. It's a bitch. :D

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Post by Zarathustra »

Lauer should have responded: "she's still skinnier than Michelle."
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Post by Zarathustra »

The man's got two daughters. Does he really want them to think they are "losing a battle with weight" if they turn out looking like Jessica Simpson?

No wonder women have image issues. Obama isn't helping, with this comment.

Obama should have taken the high road and said to Lauer, "I'm President of the United States of America. Why are you wasting my time with this trivial bullshit . . . when could be talking about Rush Limbaugh intead."
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Post by The Laughing Man »

wow. already lame and it just started...... :roll:
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Post by lucimay »

no kidding. :roll:
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have you ever tried explaining yourself
to one of them?
~ alan bates, the mothman prophecies

i've had this with actors before, on the set,
where they get upset about the [size of my]
trailer, and i'm always like...take my trailer,
cause... i'm from Kentucky
and that's not what we brag about.
~ george clooney, inside the actor's studio

a straight edge for legends at
the fold - searching for our
lost cities of gold. burnt tar,
gravel pits. sixteen gears switch.
Haphazard Lucy strolls by.
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Post by dlbpharmd »

Not quite so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? ;)
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Post by Zarathustra »

Yes, it is lame that Obama is yucking it up with Lauer about tabloid covers and fat pop singers while 100s of 1000s of Kentuckians are shivering in the cold without electricity (for a week, now).

If this were Bush we were talking about, the headlines would have been much different lately, something like this: "Millions Suffer Deadly Winter Storms and Power Outage While President Parties for Super Bowl."

Dare I suggest a racial component, like the libs did during Katrina? Did Obama fail to visit our state because he thinks we're all white trailer-park trash not worth interrupting his party? Maybe he thought clinging to our guns and religion could keep us warm? Luckily, I had power the entire time . . . because I have neither guns nor religion.
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

Malik23 wrote:
If this were Bush we were talking about, the headlines would have been much different lately, something like this: "Millions Suffer Deadly Winter Storms and Power Outage While President Parties for Super Bowl."
That was awesome Malik!
So damn true.
:Hail: :clap:

Here's some more:

newsbusters.org/blogs/michael-m-bates/2 ... -been-bush

Obama Mistakes Oval Office Window for Door; Imagine If It Had Been Bush
Photo of Michael M. Bates.
By Michael M. Bates (Bio | Archive)
January 28, 2009 - 15:17 ET

Today on the New York Daily News's Web site appear a picture and story of President Obama having trouble getting back into the White House. The article begins:

It looks like President Obama hasn't gotten acquainted to his White House surroundings. On the way back to the Oval Office Tuesday, the President approached a paned window, instead of the actual door -- located a few feet to his right.

Doors didn't open automatically for Obama’s predecessor either. While making a hasty exit from a 2005 press conference in Beijing, former President George W. Bush tugged on the handles of a door, only to find it locked.

Bush laughed off the blunder, but the pictures still live on as part of Bush's lame duck legacy. However, there was little note taken of Obama's rookie mistake.

The Bush incident in Beijing received widespread media coverage. David Letterman used it to develop a Top Ten list. Good Morning America's Charles Gibson intoned over the video of Bush struggling with the door:

"No way out. President Bush tries the wrong door on his trip to Asia and has fun for the cameras. But the big question now: Does he have an exit strategy for Iraq?"

Such symbolism was noted in columns written by the Washington Post's Peter Baker and Eugene Robinson. The New York Times printed a November 21, 2005 letter from author Bernard Goldberg that said in part:

On Nov. 21, The Times published a four-panel picture on Page 1 that extended over two columns and ran some 12 inches from the masthead more than halfway down the page showing President Bush trying to exit a meeting with reporters in Beijing -- through a locked door.

Get it? The guy can't even figure out how to get out of a room. What a dunce!

So will we see similar prominent coverage, editorial comment and jests aimed at the current president's embarrassment? That would indeed be change from the Obama obsession of the mainstream media, but I don't see much hope for that happening.

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Post by JazFusion »

I could be wrong, but I think the "weight battle" he was referring to was the battle with the tabloids about her weight, and not actually her weight itself.

Though Obama will never have anything on Bush's lack of intelligent quotes:

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
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Post by Zarathustra »

JazFusion wrote:"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
That one is classic! The footage is just painful to watch. You can tell that he had a major brain fart . . . and knows it . . . but then makes a tenuous connection with a Who song to finish it up. It's like tripping down the stairs and landing on his feet: funny, awkward, but still managing to stick the landing (albeit a bit wobbly).
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Post by Worm of Despite »

Our President has spoken wrongly. He has failed. Where is the new one? Bring in the new one, now.
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Post by Ki »

Oh, come on....Obama doesn't say anything stupid? Everyone messes up, even Obama.

Here, he sees....dead people: "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go."

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society."

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
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Post by Zarathustra »

Don't forget his referring to Russia as "Soviet Union," which hasn't existed for 18 years!
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Post by wayfriend »

You know, MA and NH lost power for three weeks in December. Lots of people died. Bush, who had literally nothing to do, failed to show up.

How about comparing apples to apples?

Meanwhile, I see the media is scrambling to cover up Obama's hate crimes against fat people.
Ticker: Obama's Simpson 'dig' a misquote

– Did Barack Obama take a dig at pop star Jessica Simpson?

A transcription error set the Internet abuzz Monday as viewers debated an off-hand presidential comment about the pop star.

The remark came at the end of the President Obama's interview with NBC Sunday, when interviewer Matt Lauer held up a copy of the latest US Magazine, which features first lady Michelle Obama along with daughters Sasha and Malia. On the left side of the cover was a picture of Simpson, whom the magazine said is in a "weight battle."

Lauer noted the magazine had replaced the president's spot in the family photo with the Simpson headline.

“You got replaced by Jessica Simpson,” Lauer said.

“Yeah, who’s losing a weight battle apparently,” Obama said, according to the network’s interview transcript, sparking a firestorm online. “Yeah. Oh, well.”

But the transcript misquoted the president who visibly only re-read the magazine’s headline that Lauer was holding up — “She’s in a ‘weight battle,’ apparently” — and did not say that Simpson was "losing" that fight.

In the future, the president may opt for safer, less controversial subjects — like government-funded contraception, or the U.S. relationship with Iran.

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