Darkwood--Darkness Rising

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Post by Laurel »

Laurel moves closer to the group to hear what items have been found, and to learn of this cleric. She continues humming her hymn while she observes as the sacred healing heals her companions wounds, but sees they are barely healed. Reaching in to her quiver, she pulls out a scroll, the indecision plain on her face.

Allowing the hymn to linger, she addresses the party.

"It is yet early in the day, but with this, I have the ability to add to my hymn once on my own, and help heal an additional two more times, though the hymn will not enhance the spells contained within this," as she taps the scroll. "Once I do so, I will be tapped completely on being able to heal, or cast any other spells innately myself, until I sleep.

"Let me see the severity of your wounds remaining, my friends. Allow me to help as I can."

[ooc]after Sigrid's Sacred Healing has finished, heal checks on the entire party. Drawing upon my own 2nd 2nd level spell, and the two contained within the scroll, I cast Cure Moderate Wounds upon those three in most dire need.[/ooc]

Once the spells are cast, Laurel returns to searching and appraising around the cave. As she walks away from the group, she calls back to Vynarkus, "If you need help still with any of the magical items tomorrow, I will be happy to sing a Song of Knowledge (Identify) over any outstanding once a day until we learn what we can. I'll need a solid hour each day to do so, though."
~Close your eyes girl
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Let the sound take you away...
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Post by Led Pighp »

Seven Words wrote:A tatter of cloth catches your eyes, behind a large ice formation's edge..it looks like a piece of Beauregard's cloak....it's blood spattered....
Led finishes assembling Barak's body. It's more an act of collecting the pieces and containing them with Barak's cloak than arranging him in repose. He then gets up to find the exit to the cave, and walks over to the Frusvolk cleric. She didn't come through the portal, so perhaps she knows where the door is. But on his way, he catches sight of Beauregard's cloak, and the grisly mess it also hides.

"Serloth, give me the discipline to do what is necessary. Give me the strength to help my friends move on to the next life. Make me dead inside, just for now, because we do not have time to mourne them properly."
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Post by Seven Words »

Marrik stops Laurel. "If this lady is amenable to repeating the power she just used, that would, I feel, serve us better than using your spells. I recognize that gift, it can be drawn upon several times a day."

He turns to Sigrid, and speaks in Fruspak, "Blessed Lady, well met. I am Sir Marrik, Chosen of Missaryi. We thank you for your aid against this dragon, and regret the deaths of your comrades. Our sorrow is but light and passing, for they died in battle against a mighty foe indeed, great is their honor." In the Frusvolk tradition, he bangs his axe three times against his shield, head bowed. "If you speak the common trade-tongue, we could discuss this among all of us."
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Post by Sigrid »

In Fruspak, "Thank you Paladin. My comrades died well, though I shall miss Jorgi. He and I were children together." In Common, "Yes, I can speak these words. Let me first offer this comfort for your wounds. It is something I can do more than once, but it is slower than the normal healing spells. It's best to save those for the heat of battle."

With everyone gathered together again, I use Sacred Healing again. (Gain another 15hp each)

"I can also identify items for you, if you would like me to."

In Fruspak, I say to Marrik, "You know the ways of my people well. Have you lived with us very long?"
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Post by Laurel »

With a grateful nod to both Marrik and the Cleric, Laurel checks her meager healing ability, gladly retaining what little power she had left to her for the day. As the Paladin and Cleric slip back in to Fruspak, Laurel does continue to search the cavern, making note of several items to point out to her comrades later while collecting a few smaller ones. As she rejoins them, she looks even closer at some of the magical items Vynarkus collected, her mouth forming a small "O" of wonder as myths and legends make some of them known to her.

Biding her time, the Bard waits for the return of the Common tongue and to see where conversation will lead next.
...all the while making note of Led's activities and waiting for a sign from him that assistance at his gruesome yet honorable task is welcome.
~Close your eyes girl
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Marrik replies, in Fruspak, "No, but my great grandmother was of the Volk. She was the daughter of a hunter, a fur-trader across the border, and when marauding ogres wiped out the clan-village, she was captured..when the ogres moved to attack the Hamish town, she was liberated. Thus, she and my great grandfather met. She always taught the family to be proud of their heritage, and mindful of the traditions of the Volk. Which made our branch of the Ovanwen clan a bit less in the eyes of many. Yet Sverdhame's roots are sprung from the soils of the Volk and the ancient Imperium."
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker stands by Led near the remains of poor Beauregard...under her breath, she softly sings...*those who speak elvish catch parts...title is Lament of Beauty Lost*, before returning to the Common tongue.

"Ever jovial, you were. And despite your frailties, your heart was vast, and your bravery unquestionable. You shall not be forgotten, nor shall we fail to achieve a greater meaning from your sacrifice. We shall triumph, and we shall stand magnificent in memory of you."
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Post by Vynarkus »

As Vynarkus listens to her, tears fill his eyes. Then he makes the mistake of actually looking, sees the mess that was once Beau, and turns away with drying eyes peering even more intently at the magic items out of his now slightly green face.

[ooc]I don't know if we're going to do funerals before magic items, but since I have no idea what to have Vynarkus do at a funernal, and my Mom wants to hear about them... I'll just move on to where we are all discussing the items.

...Or maybe I'll just post what I know in the form I got it, so that we can act on it without the indecency of talking about treasure while mourning.
Seven Words wrote:Potions
Remove Fear
Bear’s Endurance
Cat’s Grace
Remove Paralysis
Greater magic fang +3
Flame Arrow Oil

3 scrolls--one of which is divine
---#1—Arcane--2--L4—Secure Shelter, Black Tentacles
#2—Divine—2—L3—Call Lightning
L4—Mons Summ 4
#3—Arcane—L5—Hold Monster
L6—Symbol of Fear
L7—Prismatic Spray
L9—Energy Drain

3 different wands
unknown, charges: 28
Find Traps, charges: 17
Silence, charges: 8

a red rock--transmutation, moderate---some kind of buffing effect

a book--transmutation, strong

a steel shield--mod abjur--basic magic shield; bonus unknown

a ring--faint abjur--protection of some kind

a longbow--strong abjur--basic magic weapon; bonus unknown

a Dire Flail--many elaborate carvings/etchings/inlays on it--strong abjur,
mod evoc, strong trans--this thing is complex, does a couple fo thigns ina ddition to having bonus to hit and damage

a Rod-- faint trans--affects spells cast somehow
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Post by Laurel »

The bard listened to Vynarkus' analytical description of the magic items he found, nodding as he confirmed her suspicions of the ones she recognized.

"There is much here song and tales speak of," she said quietly. "But I see you also grieve for our two slain party members, as well as the companions of our new friend. Let us see them on their way to the paradise of their respective deities, then I will share what I know of these items over a meal as we discuss what we need do next."

Quietly joining the paladin and cleric, she waits for a pause in their conversation, then asks, "Do either of you have suggestions on the best way to honor our fallen friends?"
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Look inside girl
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Post by Sigrid »

"Among my people, the ground is usually frozen, so we burn our dead. They go to the pyre with whatever possessions they have, unless a close friend or family member wishes a keepsake. When the fire is done, and the ground below has thawed, the hero's weapon is planted on the spot. Once the ground freezes again, it will be very difficult to remove again later. We see that as a sign that the spirit is still there, protecting us."
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led hears this, and comes walking back to them. "The Heshic also burn our dead, though I think it is for a different reason. Our spirits are released from our bodies by the flame, and let loose into the sky. We all travel on the ground, but even the living are really moving through the sky. The ground is just a place, and has no meaning for us, so we wouldn't want to be stuck beneath that ground in death." In spite of the grisly reason for needing to know, a small part of him is interested in learning more about these Frusvolk and their ways.

"I do not know how Beauregard's people honor their fallen, though. Laurel, in your travels or stories, have you heard of a halfling funeral?"
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Sigrid »

I look at the tunnel, where we came in. In Fruspak, "It's okay, dear one. You can come in, now. These won't hurt you." In Common, to everybody else, "This is my familiar. Do not be alarmed."

A small fire elemental comes over to me.

"You are a minstral? I welcome your music, then. Frusvolk funerals would have singing as the pyres claim their remains."
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Post by Laurel »

Laurel bows towards the cleric. "I have studied myths and tales, as well as some Elvin lore, in my home ree, before rejecting the plans my family had for me and setting out on my own. I still have much to learn of the world, but I would be honored to play while we send your comrades to their rest."

She looks at the fire elemental hovering near Sigrid's shoulder, and a brow raises. "Barak had already fallen when those Magic Missiles struck the dragon. You have other training than as a cleric then?"

Turning towards Led, she addresses him as well. "The halflings are usually buried in an orchard or garden. In this frozen wasteland, I doubt we will find any nearby. Nor do I think we would find a cultured one near the waystation, should we attempt to bring Beauregard back with us there. We all saw the wilderness in which the waystation is located.

"In such locales, halflings also prefer to be cremated. Their ashes are then gathered from their funeral pyre, and tossed in to the cooking fire of family and/or friends.

"I know not if everyone here is willing to do so with their food preparation. If not, it will be my honor to do such for Beauregard. Let me know your wishes, and I will plan on cooking my meal separately, if need be."
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Post by Sigrid »

Laurel wrote:"You have other training than as a cleric then?"
"I have training only as a cleric. But, I serve Rrzknth, the Unknowable deity of magic. And I have explored a talent for sorcery here and there. I view it as another aspect of my faith, instead of a splitting of my path."
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Post by Led Pighp »

Laurel wrote:"The halflings are usually buried in an orchard or garden... In such locales, halflings also prefer to be cremated. Their ashes are then gathered from their funeral pyre, and tossed in to the cooking fire of family and/or friends.

"I know not if everyone here is willing to do so with their food preparation. If not, it will be my honor to do such for Beauregard. Let me know your wishes, and I will plan on cooking my meal separately, if need be."
Led considers this. "Returning his spirit to his friends and family? That makes sense. I will share in this honor, without hesitation."
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Post by Laurel »

Laurel casts her eyes around the icy cavern. "Then we better search out some dry wood, and prepare their funeral pyres. After which we can gather Beauregard's ashes at least, to feed in to the flames of our next meal..."
~Close your eyes girl
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker glances about..."I doubt we will find much that will burn. I have another idea, however..." She turns to Sigrid.."I hesitate to ask, but might your familiar be able to tend to our friends remains in the necessary manner?"
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Post by Laurel »

The bard's mouth forms a small "O" at the suggestion.

"Can a tiny fire elemental burn high and hot enough for five crematory pyres?"

The she blushes, and looks at the cleric. "Or will you be sending your comrades home to their families for final rites? Are your people nearby?"
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Post by Sigrid »

I smile a sad smile. "He is used to being called upon for this duty. But, not at the same time. Still, they would wish to be cremated near where they died. Word will reach their families that they faced such a beast, and that it fell. That will be enough."
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Post by Led Pighp »

"As much as I would do honor to Beauregard and Barak, and to the brave Volk who died today, I would do this honor quickly, so that we may move on to the greater task. For we face a greater enemy, one who commanded this wyrm to stop us. Others will be sent to finish the task that it failed. Come, let us be about these funerary right, then disperse the items so that they may best help us in our quest, and... be about it."

Led stoops to pick up Barak's robes, using the cloth to carry the pieces of Barak in a single trip. The old man wasn't heavy in life, but Led was not himself a burly warrior like Marrik or any of the fallen Volk. He turns to the survivor to ask, "How do we reach the outside? Which tunnel will take us there?"
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