Vampire: Dark Ages (Vienna) - Chapter 1: Far from Vienna

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Vampire: Dark Ages (Vienna) - Chapter 1: Far from Vienna

Post by Goatkiller666 »


Shortly after sundown, near the border between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Duchy of Austria, Ekaterina follows the stream up the hillside. The instructions she had been given included many landmarks, and so far they had all been correct. She had passed the river of black blood (the mighty Danube), and the crying baby (a particular lightning blasted tree had an uncanny resemblance), then the scarecrow (a life-sized crucifix had been at the last crossroads), and then the trail of tears from a dying woman (the sun had set exactly in the space between two hills, and this streem had flowed down from that spot). Past this was only land of pain and death, where she would meet those she needed to meet.

She thought of her new tribe, and wondered what life with them would be like.

She smelled death ahead. Blood. Cold blood. Lots of it. So, it must have been a large battle. There was some stale smoke, but faded with age. So, probably several hours ago, now. Could this be the land of pain and death?

She continued up the stream, and pushed through the bushes into a clearing on a flat section of ground. The stream ran along one side of the clearing. There were bodies, everywhere. A couple were lupus. Most were men; she assumed homid. The men had tattoos on their bodies, as well. Or markings on their clothing. They were of the 13 tribes. Some of them, anyway. She saw members of the Red Talons. And some Silver Fangs. One or two of the Fenrir, as well. Among the bodies were also several Dancers, mostly metis. All dead. The battle must have been horrible. There were burnt trees, sections of torn up earth, branches ripped from trees. Some of the bodies were almost unrecognizable.

Were these the ones she was supposed to be meeting? Could the entrails have been wrong? Was she too late?
Sasha is standing near the edge of a clearing. There is a stream running to the side of it, flowing down the hill away from her. She can tell that the sun has recently set; the sky is still brighter behind her, to the west. Looking around, there are many dead bodies. Some are men, some are wolves. Some are... something between the two? She identifies these as garou corpses of the three breeds. This fact doesn't seem to bother her much. She isn't sure how she got her, where 'here' is, or... for that matter, who she is.

She hears a noise to her side, by where the stream flows into the clearing, and quickly moves over to look. It's a quiet moan of pain. When she gets closer, she sees one of the garou isn't dead. He's only seriously hurt. Nearly dead. He doesn't seem aware of her, he's simply in pain and groaning from it as he drifts briefly towards consciousness.

As she studies the dying man, she hears another sound behind her. Someone has entered the clearing, moving very quietly, where the stream leaves it down the hill.
Last edited by Goatkiller666 on Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Sasha »

I crouch lower. I try to look like another body.

[Stealth roll.]

I'm watching the stranger.
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Post by Ekaterina »

Walking away from the stream, I look about. Eying the carnage, look for any of my tribe.....wary of any possible humans , remaining in the Homid form for now.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Ekaterina moves into the middle of the clearing, scanning the bodies for other Shadow Lords. Thankfully, there were none. Just under half of the bodies were Dancers, with the others split between Talons and Fangs about evenly.

As she rolls over a body with her foot, to see the tattoos on his arms, she notices that one wolf back by the stream isn't resting on the ground. It's a girl in a wolf pelt, seemingly naked other than that. The girl is watching her in return.

[Okay, you can talk to each other now.]

[FYI, Sasha really hosed that stealth roll. Horrible failure.]
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Post by Sasha »

I speak German. "Who are you? Did you kill them all? This one is still alive. Will you let me help him?"

I get ready to run.
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Post by Ekaterina »

replying in German..."My name is Ekaterina. I slew no one, I just arrived here and discovered this carnage. By all means, proceed. I have little to offer in the way of assistance, I'm afraid." Walking slowly, gliding almost over, drawing close to see what she is doing.
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Post by Sasha »

I feel crowded. I pull my wolfskin tighter around myself, and step sideways so the hurt man is between us.

I crouch down to lick his wounds.

[Spend 1 Gnosis for Mother's Touch]
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Sasha gently licks several of the open wounds on the unconcious garou. They magically begin to heal closed. [4 successes = heal 4 wound levels]

His face relaxes a bit, but he stays asleep.
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Post by Ekaterina »

"A Theurge...or is it Child Of Gaia? Regardless, I am a Galliard, of the Shadow Lords. How came you to be here, amidst the dead?"
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Post by Sasha »

"I don't know. I was just here."

I look at the sleeping man. "Do you know?"

But he's still asleep.
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Post by Ekaterina »

"Well, I am not from this you remember anything about this place? Tribes nearby, septs, caerns, anything?"
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Post by Sasha »

I look a little scared. "I. I remember being here. Maybe an hour, before you arrived? I had this skin, and this belt and sword. Why am I naked?"

I look around at all the bodies. "Who are they? Do you know them? Why were they fighting?" I look at the sleeping man. "Maybe he'll know."

I nudge him with my foot. "Wake up!"
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Post by Ekaterina »

"I know none of I said, I have just arrived myself...."

I'll go looking for any other survivors...and trying to surreptiously liberate anything significant-looking.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

There are several items that seem to be fetishes, though they seem wrong somehow. There are three whips, two in yellowish colors, one in darker black. There's a wooden bow. One Red Talon and one Silver Fang seem to be wearing similar masks.

One of the Fenrir has a stone hammer with several runes on it. One Silver Fang has a crystal-headed spear. And there are other odds and ends around that look to be inscribed mystically. Necklaces, etc.
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Post by Sasha »

On the ground near me, I see a sword. I pick it up and look at it. "This looks kind of like my sword. Neat. I'll keep it, too." I look for who had the sword, and get the sheath.

I put this sword on my other hip. I flash Ekaterina in the process, but I don't notice.

"I recognize these tattoos. Black Spiral Dancers, vs. Red Talons and Silver Fangs. Evil and good. They killed each other, I think."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

The injured man groans, and reaches for his head. He grumbles and tries to sit up before he winces harshly and lies back down. He looks around, at the dead bodies, and curses in a strange language. In the same language, he asks something of Sasha, who is standing closest to him. His eyes lock on her nakedness, which is especially noticable because he's lying on the ground below her.
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Post by Sasha »

I crouch down lower, and pull the pelt around myself for cover. The two swords get in the way. I don't like him looking at me like that.

In German, I ask "Do you speak German?"

In Gaelic, I ask "Do you speak Gaelic?"
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Post by Ekaterina »

Distracted by the quick view of expsoed flesh, before returning my attention to the no logner unconcsious man...

A sharp glance as Gaelic comes from Sasha's mouth, but I ask her same question in several other languages...Latin, Romanian, Russian, and Greek.

Also, try to take advantage of their mutual focus on each other and pick up the black whip and some of the assorted trinkets without being noticed doing so...then be quite open about picking up the spear.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Ekaterina picks up the black whip and some of the necklaces and smaller trinkets. The whip was longer than she expected, so she had to tug the tip out from under a body, which wasn't very subtle.

The man looks from Sasha's crotch up to her face, when she speaks. Then to Ekaterina when she speaks in turn. He speaks again, this time in very badly accented German. "So would I choose to die, surrounded by the smell of blood, mating with a naked woman." He struggles to his feet, then stumbles towards Sasha. He reaches for his pants, but chooses try to shift to Crinos form instead. It's slow, and he stumbles to one knee with his hands on the ground as he does it. At least, this destroys his pants, and he continues on hands and knees in this form towards Sasha.
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Post by Sasha »

I look down at myself. I know what he wants. I back away from him quickly. Then I jump backwards as far as I can. [Leap of the Hare]

"But, I saved you."
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