Darkwood--Into the blackness....

Moderator: Seven Words

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Led Pighp
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led sees how things are going. Badly. He should have let the golem get farther into the room before attacking it. He should have gone after the elves, instead. They command the thing. They're the real danger. And there's Marrik, with his elfsbane axe, using a non-magical machete on the golem.


"I'll keep the golem busy. The rest of you get the elves, please."

Led moves to the west, then charges in at the golem, trying to carve it with his claws. Maybe these new magic gloves will keep me from simply breaking my fingers, trying to claw a statue.
  • 66hp
    Third round shifted
    Third round of Fast Healing 9
    Dodge vs. golem
    Move one square SW
    Move two squares W
    Charge three squares NE
    Charge / claw / claw on golem
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Vynarkus »

Realizing how poorly the party is doing in this fight, Vynarkus decides the best strategy would be to try and end it. To this end, he shouts, first in either Elvish or Abyssal, whichever one would seem to work better with Fallen Elves, and then in Common, so that everyone can understand him, "This fight will have no benefit for any of us! Neither side knows what the others want, so why should we kill each other!? Let's stop fighting, and talk!"

[ooc]Rushed Diplomacy check, please[/ooc]
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Post by Seven Words »

As Led withdraws, the stone behemoth seizes the opportunity, but its titanic blow misses the agile shifter! Led charges the powerful construct! But his ferocious claw strikes fail to so much as scratch it's obdurate shell!

Annalysei wields her Dire Flail with precision and flair! Her spell-infused attack hammers into the dark elf, her blow empowering the spell to pierce his resistance! (38 points) Her next blow misses the golem, but her motions bring the initial end around to pound the mighty creation! (3 phys/5 sonic)

Sigrid's wand emits a gout of acid! The mystic vitriol hisses and sizzles upon the golem, it's virulence slowly consuming the granite! (5 points)

Skyseeker dashes to her left, then wheels and hurls a javelin at her vile kin! (11 points)

The bladesman launches into a full attack upon Annalysei! None of his attacks manage to strike her!

The sorceror casts a Fireball! It's eruption engulfs everyone save Vynarkus!
Led evades the raging flames!
Annalysei nimbly avoids the worst of the conflagration! (11 points)
Sigrid ducks under the detonation mere inches in front of her, and somehow avoids the brunt of it! (11 points)
Skyseeker also evades the ravening flames!
Kalindriel is barely even singed....(1 point)
Marrik avoids the worst of the spells effects, being at the very edge of the inferno.....(11 points)
Katrine manages to lurch out of the blast unscathed!
The Wild Bitch smiles upon Laurel, as she also steps away from the fringes of the blast...the searing pain clearing her mind! (11 points)

Kalindriel attempts to beguile the barely-standing elf....to no avail.

Marrik furiously assaults the golem, adamantine blade flashing, chips flying as he strikes it both times! (7 points and 4 points)

Katrine weaves unsteadily towards the barely-standing elf.

The golem emits a slow effect!
Led is slowed!
Annalysei fights off the insidious aura!
Marrik also resists!
Katrine manages to fight it off!!

Vynarkus's attempts are met with a sneer of disdain from one, and a muttered profanity from the other!

DM Edit--missed Katrine's having Evasion, edited to correct oversight.
Last edited by Seven Words on Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kalindriel Ec'urb
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Post by Kalindriel Ec'urb »

Kalindriel holds her hand up to Katrina, and not thinking clearly continues speaking in the tongue of the fallen elves, "Stay there. Just... don't move." In her distracted state, she doesn't register if it was understood or acknowledged, or even if she is still there.

She staggers through the second line to take a position on the far side of the blade wielding elf. She babbles at it as she circles, though her glaive remains only in a half-ready position. "If you persist in this course of action I am going to have to cut you horribly. Which I won't lose any sleep over, but thought you should know, as you aren't looking so good. Surrender means you may live long enough to witness the Protector's plans come to fruition. Or you can die. That'd be fine, too."

[Double move at half speed to 10' west of the melee elf, which can be reached without incurring an attack of opportunity. Dodge against the elf.]
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Post by Sigrid »

[everybody took 11pts, but heals 9pts.]

I curse. "I was aiming for the elf, stupid golem. That's what you get for standing in my way. I hope it keeps burning you."

I shoot at the elf caster again. If I miss, at least it will hit the golem again.
  • 20hp
    Fourth round of Fast Healing 9.
    Second round of Acid Arrow damage to the golem.

Code: Select all

Cleric 0              |Sorceror 0 (6/6)  |Wands
 Resistence           | Acid Splash      | Acid Arrow (15)
 Resistence           | Arcane Mark      | Detect Secret Doors (15)
 Resistence           | Light            | Find Traps (24)
 Resistence           | Mage Hand        | Knock (15)
                      | Prestidigitation | Sonic Blast (26)
                      | Ray of Frost     |
Cleric 1              |Sorceror 1 (5/7)  |Ring
 Protection from Evil | Burning Hands    | Cure Light Wounds
 Protection from Evil | Identify         | Cure Light Wounds
 Magic Weapon         | Magic Missile    | Cure Light Wounds
 Magic Weapon         | Shield           |
Cleric 2              |Sorceror 2 (5/5)  |Turn Undead (5/7)
 Bull's Strength      | Scorching Ray    | Sacred Healing
 Bull's Strength      | See Invisibility |
 Bull's Strength      |                  |Lesser Rod of Empowering (2/3)
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Post by Laurel »

The pain from the fire of her new "best friend's" spell searing clear her mind, Laurel silences the version of her Dirge cast upon her comrades. Focusing her intent upon the one who betrayed her, she moves closer to the fray. Once again calling upon her bardic music to enhance her spells, she uses her skill to throw her voice precisely where she wants it to sound, and releases a new Dirge upon her false friend.

[ooc]35 hp
second round Inspire Courage with Harmony buff lingers (too bad the +4 morale bonus on saves against Charm and Fear effects didn't help Laurel last time. maybe the next, if needed. hoping the +2 morale bonus on attack and damage is still active as well).
Move: 20' due east, 5' northeast, 5' due north, to two squares directly north of Sigrid.
Swift action: call upon Captivating Melody to buff next enchantment or illusion spell cast by +2 enhancement to save DC.
Standard action: throw voice 35' due north to sing another Dirge of Discord (enchantment) aimed directly at the two Fallen elves.[/ooc]
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Led Pighp
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led is the only one slowed. And without his speed, he becomes useless.

Led calls to Marrik, "I was stupid. Use your axe on that elf. Give me the machete back, so I can keep this thing occupied." Then he says to Annalysei, "Hey can we trade places? You should also attack this elf guy, and I'm only getting in your way, right here. Instead of keeping the golem off you."
  • 75hp
    Fourth round shifted
    Fourth round Fast Healing 9
    Dodge vs. Golem
    5' step to the right (trading places with Annalysei)
    Take the machete from Marrik
    Full Defense action (or fight defensively while taking the machete, if slow doesn't allow me do do so much)
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Vynarkus »

Seeing that Kalindriel is handling the elven warrior, Vynarkus focuses on the soceror, sighing at his failure to stop the fight and gain a chance for information. He sends another Brimstone Blast at the sorceror.
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Post by Seven Words »

Led lurches over, to retake the adamantine weapon once Marrik has a moment.

Annalysei steps over, and unleashes a full attack! Her first blow crushes the skull of the Fallen Elf! (17 points..and he only had ONE left) Her attention now turns to the massive construct, as the Wraith Slayer screams! (0 phys/5 sonic, 4 phys/5 sonic)

Sigrid's wand sends another gout of mystic corrosive down the tunnel, this one striking her target! ( 3 points)

Skyseeker dashes to her right, unable to close the range with the source of the recent Fireball....but as she crosses the reach of the golem, one mighty arm lashes out! (27 points) Her flaming missile fails to find its target...

The elf casts another Fireball!

Led, despite his slow state, still evades the blast!
Anna manages to catch only the fringe of the detonation! (14 points)
Sigrid once again miraculously avoids the worst effects, despite still being near the epicenter! (14 points)
Skyseeker, still reeling from the golem's blow, has her wits about her enough to evade this mass of flame!
Kalindriel resists this mystic conflagration!
Marrik avoids the worst of the ravening fire! (14 points)
Katrine evades this detonation as easily as she did the previous one!
Laurel is barely caught in the edge of the blast! (14 points)

Kalindriel is unable to move forward, as Skyseeker is in her way, and her chosen target lies dead upon the floor...

Marrik hands Led the blade, and picks up his axe.....but the golem squarely blocks the corridor, so he grimly sets himself to hacking away on it! (2 points)

Laurel moves quickly, before rhythmically incanting a new Dirge of Discord! The elf is stricken by the deranged cacophany!

The golem flails at Led withe a pair of brutal slams from it's granite arms! (15 points and 21 points)

Vynarkus' Brimstone Blastscorches down the tunnel, burning through the sorceror's resistance! He falls to the ground, on fire! (17 points)
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Post by Laurel »

Smiling grimly as both elves fall, Laurel backs away from the golem until she stands next to Vynarkus. Turning towards the warlock she whispers to him, "I am uncertain how I can help defeat the construct. Perhaps you can fool it in to obeying you, being a warlock. If I can aid you in bluffing it in anyway, since my spell which enhances such is personal only, I will do so."

[ooc]21 hp + 9 HP from Sacred Healing = 30 HP
third round Inspire Courage with Harmony buff lingers
Move: 30' due south, to just northeast of Vynarkus
Standard Action: Aid another on a bluff check against the golem, should Vynarkus attempt one[/ooc]
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus slowly advances, eldritch energy crackling between his hands, and shouts, "Golem! As you see, I am of the elites who lead the servants of the Protector! Recognize me, and cease your attacks on those in this room!"

[ooc]Bluff check, boosted by Laurel's Aid Another, and by the fact of him being a warlock.

If it seems reasonable that doing so would help, he says this in Abyssal, or Elven.[/ooc]
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Post by Laurel »

Nodding at the warlock's words, the bard calls out in elven to support Vynarkus' bluff, "Do you mean to hinder the work of one of the elite?"
~Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away...
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Post by Katrina »

Seeing her target dead, moves to the side towards the wall, and forward to get a shot against the golem.

[Tumbling as needed to avoid AoO while getting close enough to attack the golem. Dodge V golem]
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Post by Sigrid »

[everybody took 14pts, but heals 9pts.]

I move behind Led and cast Cure Moderate Wounds on him.
  • 20hp
    Final round of Fast Healing 9.
    Second round of Acid Arrow damage to the elf caster.

Code: Select all

Cleric 0              |Sorceror 0 (6/6)  |Wands
 Resistence           | Acid Splash      | Acid Arrow (15)
 Resistence           | Arcane Mark      | Detect Secret Doors (15)
 Resistence           | Light            | Find Traps (24)
 Resistence           | Mage Hand        | Knock (15)
                      | Prestidigitation | Sonic Blast (26)
                      | Ray of Frost     |
Cleric 1              |Sorceror 1 (5/7)  |Ring
 Protection from Evil | Burning Hands    | Cure Light Wounds
 Protection from Evil | Identify         | Cure Light Wounds
 Magic Weapon         | Magic Missile    | Cure Light Wounds
 Magic Weapon         | Shield           |
Cleric 2              |Sorceror 2 (5/5)  |Turn Undead (5/7)
*Bull's Strength      | Scorching Ray    | Sacred Healing
 Bull's Strength      | See Invisibility |
 Bull's Strength      |                  |Lesser Rod of Empowering (2/3)
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Led Pighp
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led watches both elves fall, then looks back to the golem in front of him. The golem that has so far not been very damaged by all they've been doing to it. The golem that really hurts when it hits you, as he just proved twice.

Knowing that he probably won't be able to hit or even damage the thing, Led stands where he is and makes a few feints with the machete at the golem. Perhaps he can keep its attention while the rest manage to chop it down. As long as Sigrid can keep the healing coming, he should be able to survive. If they can hurry and kill it, or stop it from attacking.
  • 49hp
    Fifth round shifted
    Fifth round Fast Healing 9
    Dodge vs. Golem
    Indimidate at +2 to pull aggro.
    Full Defense action
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Annalysei »

If the golem stops attacking, I will stop attacking. If it continues to attack, I will launch another full attack.

[ooc: uh, can I do the above?]

[56-11+9-14-9 = 49 hp
Gargolye boots active]
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Seven Words
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Post by Seven Words »

Led heals 15 from Sigrid's spell.

The sorceror gives a last, plainitive wail, as the lingering effects of Sigrid's acid and Vynarkus' flames consume his body in a sizzle and puff of greasy smoke.

The golem pauses and speaks as Vynarkus' words appear to reach it...

"Speak the Litany of the Hidden Truth, in token and pledge of your faith."
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Post by Sigrid »

I touch Annalysei and cast Cure Light Wounds on her.
  • 20hp

Code: Select all

Cleric 0              |Sorceror 0 (6/6)  |Wands
 Resistence           | Acid Splash      | Acid Arrow (15)
 Resistence           | Arcane Mark      | Detect Secret Doors (15)
 Resistence           | Light            | Find Traps (24)
 Resistence           | Mage Hand        | Knock (15)
                      | Prestidigitation | Sonic Blast (26)
                      | Ray of Frost     |
Cleric 1              |Sorceror 1 (5/7)  |Ring
 Protection from Evil | Burning Hands    | Cure Light Wounds
 Protection from Evil | Identify         | Cure Light Wounds
*Magic Weapon         | Magic Missile    | Cure Light Wounds
 Magic Weapon         | Shield           |
Cleric 2              |Sorceror 2 (5/5)  |Turn Undead (5/7)
*Bull's Strength      | Scorching Ray    | Sacred Healing
 Bull's Strength      | See Invisibility |
 Bull's Strength      |                  |Lesser Rod of Empowering (2/3)
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Post by Annalysei »

Anna spares a quick glance behind her at Sigrid, who is healing her and says with a grin, "Why, you certainly know how to make a girl feel...uh...less bloody?" and immediately returns her focus to the golem, waiting to see if it ceases its attack.

[49 hp + whatever Sigrid heals me with, gargoyle boots]
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Post by Katrina »

Since it appears to be not attacking, get within striking range, and be ready to attack. If it's looking for Attacks of Opportunity, tumble if I can to avoid them.
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