Vampire: Dark Ages - Act III - Scene 2: The Cursed Village

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The girl approaches, face almost pure white. "My apologies, lady." She takes the offered balm, but seems almost unaware that she's doing it. She moves very slowly to the door, and looks out for a very long moment.

Her mother rises from the table, the sound of which startles the girl into opening the door fully and moving outside. The door swings shut behind her.

Her father watches all of this silently, then turns back to Alina. "All of our windows and thick and strong, Lady. To keep the foul spirits and beasts away of a night. You will be well kept from the sun's ravages." he says.

"Shall I run and fetch the Old Mother? Or she can call on you in the morning, if you'd prefer. I'm sure she'll be available to your leisure. But I wouldn't recommend hunting in these woods. Not unless the Lord invites you to, first."
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

The Jewess bows her head in thanks. "Again, I appreciate the warning about staying on the roads. I would not want to inadvertently offend."

Eyes briefly unfocusing, she silently asks Dara, Did you see a girl just leave here? If so, please watch over her safety, and should I come out later, be ready to guide me to her.

Returning her attention to the innkeeper, Alína continues, "It is not too late for the Old Mother to be about? I will gladly find my way to her abode, if that is the case. I keep late hours, and finding my way back after will not be a hardship for me. And should the Old Mother choose to "talk shop," I am sure it would be easier with her tools and supplies at hand." The healer grins a little with the look of a colleague anticipating meeting a fellow.

"Speaking of my hours...may I request I not be disturbed during the day until you see me again in the evenings? I sleep heavily during the day due to gathering and concocting medicinal blends under the starlight and there is the potential of harm, to both the unwitting victim and the medicinal itself, if one should come upon an unfinished mixture."
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

The child is safe, for now. She is standing in the clearing behind the house. She is avoiding all of the buildings.

The innkeeper's eyes widen for a moment, but he nods and smiles. "Of course, mistress. When you're ready to sleep, I will show you the way."

The mother stands suddenly, and announces "I'm going to check on Rosae. She might be hiding right behind the door instead of in the yard. Willful girl." She walks to the door and bows to Alina as she exits.

An adult has come out, and is talking to the girl. She sends the girl to a small shed. The girl is hiding there. Now the woman is walking into the forest.

I hear something. A bell? The woman is ringing a bell. She is moving deeper into the forest.
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

The healer nods at this. "My thanks, good sir.

"And the Old Mother? Would it be possible to call on her now, instead of having her come here?"

As she is addressing the innkeeper, the Jewess processes what Dara is describing and then continues her contact with her familiar, A bell? In the woods? At this time of night? Does it sound like a warning? Or perhaps a signal of some sort?
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

She... she is looking around, as though she expects something to come to her. A signal, then?

"Oh, of course you may go to her, Mistress. I had only wished to save you the inconvenience by bringing her here." says the innkeeper.

There is movement deeper in the forest. Stealthy, but... I cannot identify it yet. It is too far in. I do not... feel comfortable entering these woods farther.

"I can escort you to the Old Mother's cottage, Mistress. It is not far. Just down the path to the right."

She hears it now. It is... breathing? Not exactly a beast's growl, but made to sound similar.

The Innkeeper moves near the door and hovers, looking at his warm coat and Alina still seated at the table.

She is afraid, but staying her place. There are several... they gather around her, but out of her sight.

"Begging your pardon, miss, but I'd suggest that the Old Mother come to you here. Her cottage is... well... erm... filled with some unpleasant smells and items. She says they're necessary for her arts, but I most polite company finds it... eh... distracting. Some of it still moves, even."

They speak? I do not know the tongue, but I can hear the anger even here. She replies, meekly. She is pleading, I think?

"Oh, not to say you're week stomached, miss. I didn't mean to imply. I only think of your comfort, miss. Please, let me fetch her her? Stay by the fire, miss? Enjoy your tea, miss, while I fetch her?" His tone makes a request of his statements.

They growl at her more. She is terrified? Dropping to her knees, but they are behind her too. She couldn't run anyway. She knows this.
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Shall I find a way to go to her, Dara? Does she need help of any kind?

Smiling towards the innkeeper, the Jewess shakes her head and rises. "I am sorry to keep you waiting. Your description of the Old Mother's cottage only raises my anticipation of meeting a fellow healer. Shall we let your wife know you are escorting me there on our way out?"

Keep me informed, Dara. I should be stepping outside shortly, but am uncertain if I will remain nearby or be heading down the lane a bit.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

I'm not sure you could help, if you started trying to find her. She is too far away, and they have her surrounded. She must survive this on her own.

"My wife is a smart woman, Mistress. She will know to ask the boy where I am." He looks at his son. "And the boy knows well enough to stay there and not get into trouble."

The Innkeeper holds the door open for Alina, and once she is through it, he bustles to get ahead of her again. "She is just this way, Mistress. Down this path, and then towards the right a little ways." He gestures towards the west.

The creatures are leaving her. They are moving to the west. Shall I try to follow them, or stay with the the mother or the daughter.
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Dara wrote:The creatures are leaving her. They are moving to the west. Shall I try to follow them, or stay with the the mother or the daughter.
Do you believe the mother and daughter to be safe, then? If so, do what you can to follow the creatures and let me know if they threaten anything. You can not tell what these creatures are?

I seem to be heading west myself, though I suspect not as far. Stay in touch.

Alína keeps pace with the innkeeper, her bow at hand in case any danger presents itself. "From what little overheard at the inn, do I need to be extra alert as I make my way back after my visit to the Old Mother?"
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

They are on four legs, but are larger than wolves.

The innkeeper replies, "Oh no. The Old Mother is within the village area, it is safe between here and there."

I can see them better now. They are... they are men? Misshapen men, made to look like monsters. They bear the armor of beetles, with huge maws...

"It is just there, the house is behind the boulder. You can see the smoke from her chimney." Sure enough, as the two pass the aforementioned boulder, a low squat house much like Alina's own, with similar layout for herbs and other things to the sides of the building.

They are moving in your direction. I don't know if they seek you out, but I fear them.

He steps forward and pulls on a rope by the front door, which is attached to some small hollow wooden noise-makers. Clacks and tones precede the opening of the door, and an ancient woman leans out. "Eh?" she says
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Her ears attuned for any rustling or other unexplained noises from the woods, and her mental attention continuing to listen for her familiar, the healer searches the old woman's face while she awaits introductions to be made.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

"Mistress, this is Rodica, the Old Mother for our village. Mother, this traveler arrived this evening, after dark at our inn. She wished to speak with our healer, and so we brought her here to you."

Through her auspex, Alina can see vague sparkles around the house and concentrated on the woman. These are the true signs of magic, though not overwhelmingly present.

Below that, the woman's aura shifts from the grumpiness of being woken from her rest to apprehension and fear.

The innkeeper adds, "She is no servant of Lord Dâmbovița, neither." At this, the old woman crosses her eyes strongly, then gasps and steps backwards into her house, crossing the threshold of the building.

"Shilmule! she whispers. "You may not harm us. Lord Dâmbovița will brook no attacks upon what is his."
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Turning to the innkeeper, the Jewess gently smiles her thanks. "If Rodica is comfortable with you leaving me here alone with her, please feel free to return to your home. I will be able to find my way back easily."

Turning back to the woman before her, the healer tries to reassure her. "I am not here to harm anyone. I am passing through from my home near Tótkomlós. I will do nothing to displease your l-rd.

"When the good man here mentioned there was a healer in town, my desire to sit and converse with a fellow practitioner raised its head. It has been a long time since I have talked herbs, potions, poultices, and other aspects of the art with another, and I am always open to learning something new and sharing what I can.

"Are you available to sit and converse? I understand if the time is inconvenient, with no forewarning."

As she addresses the Old Mother, her thoughts reach out to Dara. All is well at the moment?
ךאשונ תישתדל לעזור
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

The man-beasts draw nearer to you, but they seem to be only observing. One moved directly below me, so I was able to look more closely... they are nothing natural. They have been misshapen to these forms... as I think the Innkeeper and his family have been. Be careful of them... their spirits are warped as well. Rage rides them as men ride horses. They are cautious for the moment, but... I do not like this.

The innkeeper bows to his dismissal and turns to leave. Rodica's glare is easy to miss, but the flare of her aura when Alina mentioned that the man had casually mentioned her presence is quickly noticed.

"You practice the mortal arts? Why?" asks Rodica, once the two are alone. "You have the power of the blood at your command. Why would a mighty Koldun petition the spirits for help when she can simply command them?" Her aura expresses genuine confusion and disbelief, even to the point of overruling her natural fear of Alina.
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

The Jewess shakes her head in response. "You obviously can tell more about me from appearance alone than I about you. But I am far from being a "mighty" Koldun, if that indeed is what I am.

"As far as why I practice the "mortal arts," it is because it is what I have done all my life. I am recent to the state you find me in, and while I have found myself able to do new things in regards to healing, I have had no training in these new skills. I trust the skills I have practiced all my years; these new skills are unknown and daunting to me.

"When I awoke to this new state of being, I found much of my skill in using the spirits, or magic, or the spells I have known to have vanished; though my skill with the mundane aspects of healing, with herbs, and potions, and poultices, etc., to still be in force. And yet, from what little I have learned regarding my state, healing is not to be my path. My path seems to lie in the direction of sorcery, or so my new tutor seems to imply."

The Jewess casts her eyes downward, and would blush with embarrassment, if she had the ability to do so. "I am learning much in my new situation, but it does not speak to my heart; it has little to do with the call to heal. I yearn to at least dip my toe in to the world I knew for so long, and when I heard of you, I hoped for a little comradeship and an exchange of skill.

"I miss it so..."

Looking back towards the Old Mother, the healer hopes her sincerity helps soften the older woman's attitude towards her.

[ooc]do I have any skills or attributes which could be applied towards gaining Rodica's trust?[/ooc]
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

[Gaining her trust is mostly a matter of role-playing. I'll make a Charisma + Empathy roll for you, but she is very aware of what happens when mortals offend vampires around here. A good analogy would be feudal Japan, where the Shogun could kill peasants just to test how sharp his sword is. They learn to be very careful in what they say.]

"Sorcery, yes. Koldun, you are to be. Even our Master is no sorcerer, for such is rare among the Voivodes of this land. Healing, as I understand it, is the simplest thing for you shilmule. Even some of our Master's servants may heal themselves with the power of the sacred blood."

She grows quieter. "But never have I heard of one of the Mighty showing interest in healing one of the kine. If one grow sick or die, another will be born to take its place. I am permitted to practice my arts here only because they are so weak. I am no threat to the Master. If your elder would show you the ways of blood sorcery, then cast aside whatever mortal skill you may once have had."
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

The Jewess shakes her head. "I am truly at the start of my studies; and it goes very slowly for me, despite my mortal practice before. I was embraced in to the clan which practices sorcery, but my heart still yearns for healing. I fear my teacher will withhold any healing arts from me until I master the basics of whichever path of sorcery I am to follow.

"But if we can not discuss mortal healing, can you tell me of your L-rd of these lands? Why would you practicing the healing arts even hint at being a threat to him? What does he have to fear? And why do you refer to the living by the vampire term of kine? I mean no judgement on your choice of term, but when used by kindred I find its use...distasteful.

"Mankind was made in the image of Hashem, with free will. Having free will places Man higher than the angels. What right does anyone have to belittle Hashem's creation? I know I do not, and instead I choose to serve as best as I am able.

"Which for me means healing, in whatever ways I can. For now that means herbs, potions, and poultices, until I learn of other ways which may be more effective without causing anyone any harm."
ךאשונ תישתדל לעזור
Rishon, tishtadel l'azor,
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