The Latest Potentially-Explosive Racially-Charged Murder

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Post by Avatar »

@Nano, to be fair, I believe they were using "non-lethal" (no such thing btw) riot control rounds.
Avatar wrote:
Hashi Lebwohl wrote:
Incidentally, in that same time 143 white people have been killed by police...
Obviously white people don't care if the police kill other white people...
Actually, on the heels of that, although about half of people shot by the police in the US are white, black people are killed at more than twice the rate according to this handy police shootings database, maintained since 2015. ... -database/

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Post by SoulBiter »

It was NOT the murder of George Floyd that protesters are out protesting for. That was the catalyst though and the last straw.

Ahmaud Arbery - Shot while out running by 2 white guys in a white neighborhood while a third white guy filmed the whole thing. But worse, until that video got leaked, no charges would be pressed.

Breonna Taylor - Killed by cops in Kentucky on a no-knock warrant. Sadly the cops werent even at the right house. Her BF thought it was a breakin, grabbed his gun, but the police ended up shooting and killing Breonna.

So yes the black community has had enough. And you know what, we should all have had enough of this. Whether you believe it or not, blacks live in a different society than we do. One where cops get called just because they are black. One where they get arrested because they are black. One that has many financial inequities because they are black. If you don't believe that then you are not paying attention or are being deliberately obtuse. That is why they are protesting and rightly so. And the rest of us in the USA need to open our eyes and stop being silent about it, and call for actual equity not equity in name only. Im not talking about reparations, which I disagree with. I am taking about changes in society in general and an actual open dialog to understand the disparities and do away with them.

Now, the indiscriminate and wanton destruction, seeing white people dragged from the front of their business' and beaten within inches of their lives. Some may well die, they were beaten so badly. Seeing the sadness and tears of not just white business owners but also ones owned by POC that were also destroyed. This behavior helps no one. It builds no bridges and offers no reconciliation. That has to stop and it has to stop now.
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Post by Kizza »

ur-Nanothnir wrote:

Cops in Minneapolis are patrolling neighborhoods and SHOOTING people standing on their porches.

Is this what it has come to? I am no sook, but this is all too sad.
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Good post SB.

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

SoulBiter wrote:It was NOT the murder of George Floyd that protesters are out protesting for. That was the catalyst though and the last straw.

Ahmaud Arbery - Shot while out running by 2 white guys in a white neighborhood while a third white guy filmed the whole thing. But worse, until that video got leaked, no charges would be pressed.

Breonna Taylor - Killed by cops in Kentucky on a no-knock warrant. Sadly the cops werent even at the right house. Her BF thought it was a breakin, grabbed his gun, but the police ended up shooting and killing Breonna.

So yes the black community has had enough. And you know what, we should all have had enough of this. Whether you believe it or not, blacks live in a different society than we do. One where cops get called just because they are black. One where they get arrested because they are black. One that has many financial inequities because they are black. If you don't believe that then you are not paying attention or are being deliberately obtuse. That is why they are protesting and rightly so. And the rest of us in the USA need to open our eyes and stop being silent about it, and call for actual equity not equity in name only. Im not talking about reparations, which I disagree with. I am taking about changes in society in general and an actual open dialog to understand the disparities and do away with them.
Wasn't it only a week before Mr. Floyd when Central Park Karen called the cops on a black birdwatcher who was not bothering anyone?

I have been advocating for actual equality for years; that is actually the foundation principle of Libertarianism--all citizens treated equally and equitably.


Many protesters who have been interviewed have indicated that they don't care about corona, that being out there protesting is more important. Since they are willing to accept the risk of protesting despite corona then they should be willing to accept a similar risk to go vote in person this October or November. Also, every protester has now lost the ability to complain about corona or reopening the economy.
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Post by sgt.null »

wayfriend wrote:The murder of a man for no good reason is a worse crime than rioting.

The fact that his murderers will not be held accountable is a worse crime yet.

So here we are, again, at KevinsWatch, promoting outrage at what black people do and glossing over the worse crimes committed against black people. That's the modern white supremacy movement for you, in a nutshell.

White people have power. They don't NEED to riot, and that is the ONLY reason they don't. They send in the National Guard and the riot police when they are threatened. They have power. Black people are powerless against injustice, and that's why they riot.

Focusing on the rioting without putting it into context is just another way of promoting outrage against black people.

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Post by TheFallen »

What's so depressing here is that utterly justified protest against systemic and endemic racism is being hijacked by others with much more malign and self-interested agendas. As such, the core and utterly valid cause is being seriously damaged.

First off, looting. As everyone with the faintest grasp of sanity knows (so that's almost all of us here), looting is not a form of social protest. It's merely opportunistic and self-serving criminality. Period. Looting both dilutes, distracts from and worse still, offers a marketable distraction to be utilised by those who might want to draw attention away from the just cause and objective of protest.

Secondly, rioting and vandalism. This is if anything more pernicious, because in my view there is no doubt that organisations such as Antifa and others on the extreme fringe of the Prog Left are totally cynically jumping on this bandwagon and quite deliberately inciting rioting and violence.

This is not because their primary objective is combatting endemic racism in the least. Instead it's all about causing problems for the current administration, which they are utterly antithetically opposed to on ideological grounds. That's the quite deliberate and cynical use of mob rule tactics. It's just another form of self-serving opportunism.

But the thing is, I suspect that Trump will be damaged by these actions. Forget PussyGrabgate, MuellerGate, KavanaughGate, UkrainePhonecallGate, ImpeachmentGate and all the rest - none of these copious mudslinging attempts succeeded in getting anything to stick. However, I do strongly reckon that Trump is going to be caused significant problems with the current leveraging of the Floyd George protests.

As the Prog Left has very clearly realised, weaponising protest against institutional racism perfectly targets Trump - forget his politics for a moment... as a personality type, he's ideal to make a complete screw-up of his reaction to this. He'll see current rioting and looting as a direct challenge to his ego and authority and I fear will show no signs of careful and empathic handling of the real issue. He is just bereft of that ability - as we are seeing already with his ill-considered kneejerk statements such as "when the looting starts, the shooting starts". :roll:

But the real tragedy in all this doesn't lie with Trump or the extreme Prog Left, neither of whom give much of a damn at all about endemic and institutionalised racism, apart from paying occasional lip service to it.

Nope, what already risks getting lost in the knowing weaponisation of George Floyd's tragic death is that endemic and institutionalised racism absolutely does exist in American society and especially within law enforcement. And as SB points out above, Floyd's utterly unjustifiable death at the hands of police is just the latest in a continuous line of unjustifiable black deaths at the hands of law enforcement spanning back decades.

This absolutely does need protesting against and absolutely does need addressing - though it is an incredibly complex and intertwined issue that is the absolute antithesis of something where there is a short-term fix. Nevertheless, THAT is what should be protested against and THAT is what should start to be addressed.
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

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Post by SoulBiter »


Agree on all points TF

I hate it that the message that needs to get out is being overshadowed, in many ways, by the looting and vandalism. Some of it is just people taking advantage of the cops being distracted and the power of numbers to just loot and destroy indiscriminately.

You are also spot on that much of this is outside groups hijacking the legal protests for their own purposes.
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Post by wayfriend »

A white supremacist channel on Telegram encouraged followers to incite violence during police brutality protests by 'shooting in a crowd,' according to internal DHS memo [link]

Twitter says fake "Antifa" account was run by white supremacists [link]

White supremacists attending George Floyd protests, Minnesota officials believe [link]

George Floyd protests in Pa. being hijacked by white supremacists, state official says [link]

... every time you refuse to say that white supremacists are involved - every time you refer to agitators as just 'people' - you are supporting white supremacists. Because you are letting them off the hook. Because you are muddying the waters to their advantage.
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Post by Wosbald »


Violence will make racism worse, Vatican official says [In-Depth]
Residents walk past a broken display window of Salvatore Ferragamo store in Washington, Monday, June 1, 2020, damaged from the overnight protests on the death of George Floyd, a black Minnesota man who died in police custody. (Credit: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP)

ROME -- One Vatican official has warned that violent protests surrounding the killing of George Floyd -- whose death took the global stage seemingly overnight, prompting widespread backlash throughout the international community -- will only make racism worse, without solving the underlying issues.

"What is happening in the United States and in other parts of the world reveals that racism is truly like a virus ... placed in people's hearts," Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia told Crux, adding, "If it is not controlled, but is allowed to go free, it becomes a real and true pandemic."

President of the Vatican's Academy for Life, Paglia said racism is rooted in both "narcissism" and "individualism," which are "unfortunately spreading."

"We must deeply commit ourselves to overcoming it," he said, but insisted that violence is not the answer.

Referring to biblical passages written by the Apostle Paul, Paglia stressed that "evil is overcome with good, not with another evil. Violence is defeated with non-violence. Not with further violence."

Pointing to several iconic figures who lead large-scale protests, but in a peaceful manner, he pointed to Dr. Martin Luther King in the United States; Mahatma Ghandi in India; and St. Pope John Paul II, "who forgave the man who shot him."

"Diversity must enrich us, not destroy us. It must make us richer, not more conflicted," he said, voicing his hope that "the vaccine of brotherhood is spread throughout the world for a wonderful revolution of a universal fraternity which counters that racism that lurks in the heart."


When it comes to fighting deeply engrained racist attitudes, Paglia said a cultural revolution is needed, especially when racism is evident in the highest tiers of society.

"It's important that it is studied, and a mentality of solidarity is created at all levels of society, because ignorance is the terrain on which racism is spread most easily," he said, urging that anti-racist mentalities based on solidarity be taught in schools, so people "as children" learn to look at others without prejudice.

Paglia also stressed the need to take this approach and, "communicate it in the governing classes, to the senior executives, and even to the police, the armed forces, because an antidote to ignorance is awareness."

A "spiritual jolt" is also needed, he said, and encouraged churches and various religious confessions "intervene more, showing that God is the father of all, and prefers no person over another."

"I think the Church has a great, very large task. In my view, it must be even more creative, bolder," he said, insisting that in the current context, the Church must be "a prophetic voice, and one that is stronger, because the desert is becoming more arduous."

Paglia also called for "a leap of conscience" to be made, "so that the word 'race' be banned, and the words 'brother' and 'sister' be proposed more." Brotherhood and solidarity, he said, are "the vaccine to combat this racism."


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Post by SoulBiter »

Because its all white supremacists causing ALL of the looting and vandalism, right WF? I have no love for white supremacists, but to try to make it all about them is also a shifting of the blame. I know you have an axe to grind on this but you could not be more wrong here.

Is it White Supremacists? Yes
Is it Antifa? Yes
Is it people just taking advantage (both white and black)? Yes
Last edited by SoulBiter on Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheFallen »

SoulBiter wrote:Because its all white supremacists causing ALL of the looting and vandalism, right WF? I have no love for white supremacists, but to try to make it all about them is also a shifting of the blame. I know you have an axe to grind on this but you could not be more wrong here.

Is it White Supremacists? Yes
Is it Antifa? Yes
Is it people just taking advantage (both white and black)? Yes?
Abso fuckin lutely on all counts, SB.

WF, your narrative is redolent with everything that you so continually accuse everyone else of. It's ironic that your idee fixe agenda blinkers you from seeing this.

The sole point surely is that the real and burning (no pun intended) issues arising from George Floyd's death (and the ever-growing list of other similar deaths before that) are being diluted and masked by the hijacking of protests.

It simply doesn't actually matter who's doing the hijacking. It doesn't matter if the protest hijackers who either riot and loot themselves, or more perniciously look to incite others to riot and loot, are black or white (they're demonstrably both), extreme Left or extreme Right, Antifa or White Supremacists (there's inconclusive evidence implicating both, just one side of which you posted anecdotal links to :roll: ).

However that's all pretty much entirely irrelevant to the core issue, which remains ingrained and systemic racism - and certainly within a noteworthy section of law enforcement. That's what everyone would like to see rooted out for starters - but I'll fully acknowledge that this is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Look, I'm also fully prepared to admit the possibility that the extreme Right may well be looking to hijack (or indeed is already hijacking) protests for its own malevolent and self-serving agenda. I'm equally fully prepared to admit the possibility that the extreme Left may well be doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons...

But so what, Wayfriend? That's just allowing myself to become distracted away from the core issue that so desperately needs resolution. And if focussing as closely as possible on that - rather than indulging in the quintessentially one-sided, uber-polarised, partisan, party political and ideologically driven blamestorming that you're so endlessly fixated upon - makes me a white supremacist when measured against your bizarrely twisted yardstick, then so be it. That'd then be a WF bestowed badge which I'd personally wear with pride.
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

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Post by SoulBiter »

Republican Gov of Ohio Mike DeWine has the right idea but this needs to be rolled out to all States.
We are going to continue to make sure that our law enforcement officers have the proper training on implicit bias. Were going to do more on deescalation training for police officers. And, were going to do more to create best practices for police departments on the use of force,

We must improve law enforcement access to quality training, recruit more minorities to serve as officers and more oversight to Ohios law enforcement agencies to ensure accountability.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

SoulBiter wrote:Is it White Supremacists? Yes
Is it Antifa? Yes
Is it people just taking advantage (both white and black)? Yes
The prospect of engaging in some violence and criminal activity entices all sorts of people who harbor ill intent.

Wayfriend's definition of "white supremacist" is "anyone who is white and who does not agree with me completely", which is why he should ignored every time he mentions that phrase.

There is very little Trump can do about the riots since he cannot deploy the military on U. S. soil. Only the governors of the various States have the authority to mobilize the National Guard. Some rioters in Arlington were found to have in their possession, upon being arrested, a piece of paper indicating sites to be targeted--they are organizing online (obviously), which is why those people are also being charged with organized criminal activity. The protests are not spontaneous; they are premeditated.

In New York, NYC Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo are now having a quarrel over the idea of mobilizing the National Guard; DeBlasio is firmly against the idea but Cuomo may have no choice as to whether or not to restore order in the city.
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Post by Avatar »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote: There is very little Trump can do about the riots since he cannot deploy the military on U. S. soil.
The US military moved 1,600 soldiers into positions in Washington DC

The Pentagon moved 1,600 US Army soldiers to bases just outside Washington, DC, where they are on alert to respond to unrest in the nation's capital if necessary.

"The Department of Defense moved multiple active duty Army units into the National Capitol Region as a prudent planning measure in response to ongoing support to civil authorities operations," Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in an emailed statement Tuesday night.

The Army soldiers moved into areas around DC include an infantry battalion designated Task Force 504 and assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division's Immediate Response Force at Fort Bragg.

The Associated Press reported Tuesday that there are roughly 700 of these soldiers near the capital, adding that troops are armed with riot gear and bayonets.

The 82nd's Immediate Response Force is a crisis response force that was last called up in January for a snap deployment to the Middle East during a period of heightened tensions with Iran.

The Pentagon also moved the 16th Military Police Brigade headquarters from Fort Bragg and the 91st Military Police Battalion from Fort Drum to DC, Hoffman said, explaining that the brigade provides command and control for the battalion, which provides military police and engineering capabilities.

All of the 1,600 troops arrived in the DC area within the last 24 hours, the spokesman said, adding that while they are near DC, they are not currently "participating in defense support to civil authority operations."

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Washington, D. C. is different--it is already under Federal/military control because it does not belong to any State. The Pentagon is not allowed to deploy troops onto the streets of New York City, or Houston, or San Diego, or anywhere else; only State Governors have the authority to deploy the National Guard.
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Post by Zarathustra »

wayfriend wrote: ... every time you refuse to say that white supremacists are involved - every time you refer to agitators as just 'people' - you are supporting white supremacists. Because you are letting them off the hook. Because you are muddying the waters to their advantage.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So every time we don't make the point you want to make, we are supporting white supremacists?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Others have already addressed how ludicrous and irrelevant your point is. I'm not going to try to outdo them. I just dropped in to point and laugh, mainly.

But I do note a curious discrepancy in your posts. You conspicuously fail each time to blame blacks for looting/rioting. So you are literally letting them off the hook. You even went so far as to imply that they NEED to riot, because they are so powerless (after 8 years of black President, black Attorneys General, black UN Ambassador, etc., etc.).

This is a far more egregious act of excusing race-based lawlessness than merely omitting talk of "white supremacists" from our posts (which, if you were actually reading here, you'd see isn't true). Think about how insulting it is to black people for you to say they are so helpless/powerless that of course they must steal iphones and shoes. You are setting the bar so low for them, you're justifying/reinforcing the meme that black people are all looters and petty criminals. The only difference between your act of stereotyping them and a critic stereotyping them is you're adding, "Well, what do expect? They can't help it!" Which seems even more insulting than admitting that they *can* help it.

Not all black people are looters.
Not all protesters are violent.
White supremacists are apparently trying to hijack the protests to make blacks look bad.

All true.

You know what else is true?

Not all cops are racists killers. So according to your logic, every time you fail to mention this, you are supporting cop killers and anarchy. Yep, every time you don't make a point, we are now justified in reading whatever point we want into your posts, because you've explained your posting standard.
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Post by Avatar »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote:Washington, D. C. is different--it is already under Federal/military control because it does not belong to any State. The Pentagon is not allowed to deploy troops onto the streets of New York City, or Houston, or San Diego, or anywhere else; only State Governors have the authority to deploy the National Guard.
Oh, that wasn't specifically in response to your post, although it did seem relevant.

More sorta like..."Really? They're preparing to deploy an 82nd Airborne task force against US citizens in the US? Hell, maybe some of the "freedoms assaulted" guys have a point... :D

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

The charges against the officer in question have been upgraded to second-degree murder and all three officers who stood by and did nothing are being charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder--they could have stopped it but did not.

Signs saying "no justice" are factually inaccurate.
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Post by TheFallen »

Zarathustra wrote:So every time we don't make the point you want to make, we are supporting white supremacists?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Others have already addressed how ludicrous and irrelevant your point is. I'm not going to try to outdo them. I just dropped in to point and laugh, mainly.

But I do note a curious discrepancy in your posts. You conspicuously fail each time to blame blacks for looting/rioting. So you are literally letting them off the hook. You even went so far as to imply that they NEED to riot, because they are so powerless (after 8 years of black President, black Attorneys General, black UN Ambassador, etc., etc.).

This is a far more egregious act of excusing race-based lawlessness than merely omitting talk of "white supremacists" from our posts (which, if you were actually reading here, you'd see isn't true). Think about how insulting it is to black people for you to say they are so helpless/powerless that of course they must steal iphones and shoes. You are setting the bar so low for them, you're justifying/reinforcing the meme that black people are all looters and petty criminals. The only difference between your act of stereotyping them and a critic stereotyping them is you're adding, "Well, what do you expect? They can't help it!" Which seems even more insulting than admitting that they *can* help it.

Not all black people are looters.
Not all protesters are violent.
White supremacists are apparently trying to hijack the protests to make blacks look bad.

All true.

You know what else is true?

Not all cops are racists killers. So according to your logic, every time you fail to mention this, you are supporting cop killers and anarchy. Yep, every time you don't make a point, we are now justified in reading whatever point we want into your posts, because you've explained your posting standard.
Zee, the logic of that post is literally inarguable to anyone...

...that is, to anyone not self-radicalised into total blindness by their own white guilt fanaticism that is in fact in itself every bit as racist (if not much more so) than that which they continually accuse others of.
Hashi Lebwohl wrote:The charges against the officer in question have been upgraded to second-degree murder and all three officers who stood by and did nothing are being charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder--they could have stopped it but did not.

Signs saying "no justice" are factually inaccurate.
Yes very true... but then again, why ever let the truth get in the way of a hate-filled agenda-laden extremist narrative that some here look to portray?

And on that note...
wayfriend last Friday wrote:The murder of a man for no good reason is a worse crime than rioting.

The fact that his murderers will not be held accountable is a worse crime yet.
TheFallen last Friday wrote:Wayfriend


Your statement that George Floyd's killers will not be held accountable under the law is currently merely a prediction and not a matter of fact. It may turn out to be accurate, I grant you (and of course I hope it doesn't and will be utterly appalled if it does) - however, presenting prediction as fact brings nothing of value to the debate. Quite the reverse in fact.
WF, you really need to learn the definition of the word fact. Here's a clue...

First off, it doesn't - and cannot - mean something that hasn't yet happened. That's called a prediction and as such is inevitably a matter of subjective opinion. So, not a fact at all.

More importantly, a fact also does *not* mean something that you've merely made up, yet presented as absolute truth, solely to further your agenda and support the narrative that you wish to frame. A much more accurate definition of that sort of behaviour would be lying and/or propaganda.

Unfortunately WF, your blinkered partisan bullshit actually detracts focus away from the absolutely real and present issue that so desperately needs addressing. You're hijacking and corrupting the debate for your own twisted ideological purposes in very similar fashion to how Antifa and/or white supremacists are hijacking and corrupting the protests for their own equally self-serving agendas.

How's that for tragically ironic?
Newsflash: the word "irony" doesn't mean "a bit like iron" :roll:

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