US Presidental Elections 2008

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Post by Avatar »

But, practicalities aside, could the president unilaterally order the troops home? Legally?

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Post by Cail »

Technically, yes. He's the commander in chief of the military.
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Post by Avatar »

So it doesn't have to be ratified by congress or whatever?

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Post by Cail »

Not sure. It probably does.
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Post by Avatar »

Well, that's sorta where I was going...unless the president can literally order the running of the country, a competent president alone probably isn't going to count for much. Every single person who can potentially derail him has to be equally competent and dedicated.

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Post by Damelon »

Avatar wrote:But, practicalities aside, could the president unilaterally order the troops home? Legally?

He would have to act with the concurrence of the joint chiefs of staff on something like that, but yes, I think he could.
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Post by Avatar »

But there's a limit to the things the pres can do unilaterally, isn't there?

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Post by Cail »

Sure. But POTUS can commit troops unilaterally via the War Powers Act (for a brief period of time, then he needs Congressional approval), so I'm pretty sure he can withdraw them on his own too.
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"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." - James Madison
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Post by Avatar »

Yeah, I remember something like that...the Pres can wage war for 30 days off his own bat.

Anyway, if he can, then yes, a single competent and dedicated person would be better.

(Still no real news in the nomination race?)

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Post by Cail »

No, just more shocking hypocrisy from the Democrats. Obama gets a pass with Wright, yet Bush is vilified for similar (though non-racist) beliefs. Bill Clinton was the golden boy when he was in office, now the Democrats are falling all over themselves to regurgitate all the Republican criticisms of his Presidency.

Meanwhile, McCain is steadily out courting voters.

The machine just rolls along....
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." - PJ O'Rourke
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Post by iQuestor »

Anybody Catch Obama and hillary on CNN last night -- the interviews about their beliefs, etc? The Compassion Forum or some such?

I didnt see Hilary, but BO was reiterating he isn't Muslim and that Wright was no more than his Pastor, certainly not a mentor or a life coach.

To me, he stumbled a lot in his answers, but did make a very few good points. Mostly generalizations. He is a good speaker and shows well. But I think Hillary will ultimately drag him down with her.

I havent heard a lot from McCain -- I think he is quietly gaining support and letting them continue to gouge at each other.
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Post by Rawedge Rim »

In regards to McCain, despite the wailings and gnashing of teeth from the Far Right, I believe that most republicans are going to quietly get behind McCain, hold thier nose and pull the lever for him, and from what I'm seeing, more than a few independents and Blue Dog democrats will also.
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Post by Kil Tyme »

I just hope this Dem mud and pulling hair fight goes all the way to the convention. This is the most entertaining race in quite a while. Makes the whole bunch laughable and ludicrous. Since we are damned anyway with any of these clowns, then we might as well enjoy the ride before we come to the chasm.
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Post by Avatar »

Well, the comedy value of two "minorities" as it were (I know women aren't a minority but you know what I mean) attacking each other is certainly under-rated.

I hate to say it but I think RR might be right...And I hate to say it, but if the Dems can't field a wining candidate after 8 years of Bush, they probably don't deserve to.

On the other hand, it might be good for them to loose, if they can stand four more years. They've got a good opening with their other majorities to actually do something if they can, (as I understand it anyway), and McCain could well be a 1 term president while they get their act together. maybe. :lol:

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Post by Plissken »

I still think the overall value of this bitter Primary fight to McCain has been over played. Both camps have had these kinds of contests in various Primaries, and the damage they do in the General Election has usually been minimal.

Plus, both Dem candidates are raising money on a scale that McCain can only dream about. He may be getting a free pass while Obama and Hilary duke it out, but when the winner of that fight levels their campaign machinery on him exclusively... Let's just say that, once the focus turns to Mac's economic policies, and it turns out that the guy who pretty much single-handedly engineered the DeReg that allowed the banking mess that we're in now Mac's main economic adviser, there's going to be some interesting times aboard the Back-Pedal Express!

(As for Cail's assertion that Obama's getting a "free pass" where Bush has been "vilified" - apples and oranges, my friend. Bush has actively funneled money and political capital to his "non-racist" (okay, they only blamed 9/11 and Katrina on the homosexuals, the Liberals, the "abortionists", the followers of other religions... but at least they aren't racists!) Padres. I doubt very much that we're at risk of Reverend Wright getting the same treatment under an Obama Administration. Or that Obama's going to start a Shock-n-Awe Crusade on advice from his Higher Authority.)
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Post by Tjol »

I think the drawing out of the democrat primary is forcing Obama's actual beliefs into the light.

He was succesfully hiding behind empty cliches until the drawing out of the democratic primary forced people in the media to pick sides, which in turn forced them to ask Obama the tough questions that they'd been afraid to ask before 'lest they be presumed to be racist for daring to ask a serious question of someone ho doesn't share their same physical appearance.

Now if Obama's actual beliefs are what people are excited about, rather than the empty cliches, it won't hurt Obama at all. I think though, that the glitter having been rubbed off of the pyrite will prove to be a bigger problem for Obama than conservative disillusionment with the current direction of the GOP will be for McCain.
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Post by Avatar »

Well, I suppose Pliss has a point insofar as things might be quite different once the Dem primaries are over. They might well be kicking up enough dust between them to obscure the actual effect.

Wish they'd just hurry up and nominate somebody. :lol:

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Post by iQuestor »

Tjol wrote:I think the drawing out of the democrat primary is forcing Obama's actual beliefs into the light.

He was succesfully hiding behind empty cliches until the drawing out of the democratic primary forced people in the media to pick sides, which in turn forced them to ask Obama the tough questions that they'd been afraid to ask before 'lest they be presumed to be racist for daring to ask a serious question of someone ho doesn't share their same physical appearance.

Now if Obama's actual beliefs are what people are excited about, rather than the empty cliches, it won't hurt Obama at all. I think though, that the glitter having been rubbed off of the pyrite will prove to be a bigger problem for Obama than conservative disillusionment with the current direction of the GOP will be for McCain.
I think you are right -- Obama stumbled a lot in answering questions on faith. He grew up Muslim, which in and of itself is not bad. Most Mulsims are leace loving people and its the extremists that cause problems, just like extremist christians. But I do think the only reason he was with that Christian church in the first place is to make sure he was covered when he went into politics. He admitted never going to church as a child, he said his mom was a deeply spiritual woman who didnt go to church because of their stance on segregation -- which is complete b*llsh!t in my opinion. If you are deeply spiritual, you find a church. He was in indonesia for 4 years, which are Muslim, and also attended a Catholic School. Honestly, I dont think his background on religion is a big deal, except that he is spinning it and trying to sell it to the christians -- I think he is just painting a picture for us to get close to the Christian voters.
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Post by Cail »

I haven't read "The Audacity of Hope", but I know several people who have. The majority of them are outright scared of the guy because of the beliefs he describes in the book, and they all say that the image of himself he is selling now is very different from what's in the book.

I may have to hold my nose and read it (if anyone missed my rant on this a few months ago, I hate masturbatory celebrity books).
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Post by Plissken »

iQuestor wrote: I think you are right -- Obama stumbled a lot in answering questions on faith. He grew up Muslim, which in and of itself is not bad. Most Mulsims are leace loving people and its the extremists that cause problems, just like extremist christians. But I do think the only reason he was with that Christian church in the first place is to make sure he was covered when he went into politics. He admitted never going to church as a child, he said his mom was a deeply spiritual woman who didnt go to church because of their stance on segregation -- which is complete b*llsh!t in my opinion. If you are deeply spiritual, you find a church. He was in indonesia for 4 years, which are Muslim, and also attended a Catholic School. Honestly, I dont think his background on religion is a big deal, except that he is spinning it and trying to sell it to the christians -- I think he is just painting a picture for us to get close to the Christian voters.
How does 4 years in a Muslim country, two years of which was spent in a Catholic school equate to "growing up Muslim"? I have family members who spent more time than that in Jordan and Lebanon who'd really like to know.
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