Darkwood--Darkness Rising

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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus' head whips around, looking for a sign of where the magic he sees is coming from. As he does so, he says, "I didn't even know such magic was possible, but something seems to be removing his," he flaps his hand at the Necromaner, "soul from his body. I highly doubt we can stop that, and if a person strong enough to do it is here..." He shudders.
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Post by Laurel »

The bard scratches the top of her head while calling upon memory.

"What was the tale I heard regarding such a thing and the clerics of Tar-Rozaa? Something...something..."

She sighs and shakes her head.

"I am sorry, it is only a vague recollection of a mention. Nothing concrete," as she drops her gaze in frustration.
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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus looks at her, and slowly relaxes.

"I believe I know what you are talking about. I have heard a rumor that Tar-Roza's clerics let themselves die and be resurected as part of a ritual to allow magic to be cast on them from a great distance.

...The person who is casting this spell must be far more powerful than any of us, but since I cannot see any source of magic nearby, they must be using that connection."

He considers, then says, "If we wish to get anything out of him, it must be done quickly. I will attempt to work on this, and I hope some of you can help with this."

He walks over to the Necromancer, restrained magic crackling on his fingertips. [ooc] Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate checks all at the same time, trying to convince him to tell us what he knows.[/ooc]
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Post by Seven Words »

IN a fit of absolute panic, he starts babbling....the gist of it being something about a wretched band clinging on, back door key, finishing them...Sleeping One guarding key....and demonguards outside....set by Greater SLeeper in North

And then he dies....his body quickly decomposing at an accelerated rate, some 3 months passing in as many minutes....as though he had never left his grave, all the rot which would have afflicted a corpse of 3 months no longer held in abeyance.
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Well, I guess that's that. So, we can continue to chase this lead, and follow these Frusvolk to the back of that Waystation... or we can return to the town and continue trying to track down Beauregard."

"I'm sure they're related at some level, but... do we want to rescue Beauregard first, then save the world... or vice versa?"

[ooc] - Seven, still waiting on whether there are signs of anybody leaving the battlegrounds, either at the end of the fight, or injured crawling off. If the former, we have somebody to follow.
Geek the mage, first.
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ooc---I'm sorry I thought I had made it clear...the bodies were looted, and survivors headed on to waystation.
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Post by Led Pighp »

Looking up at the sky, where it's pushing well into the night, Led sighs.

"Barak, I know you mislike riding these days, but I have to give you credit. I love riding, and I've pushed myself to the limit of how far I'd like to go without someone directly chasing me. That you've come the whole way and not complained... very loudly, anyway... that says a lot for your character. But I think we should camp here, or very nearby. It's late, there's danger to rushing around at night in a forest on horseback, we're all tired, and there's no risk of immediate death by resting now."

"But let's at least get far enough away that we won't have to smell the bodies."
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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus nods, then looks at the others.

"Maybe I overdid my convincing...

"Did anyone here understand what he said? If not, lets make camp, then try to work it out."
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led shakes his head in the negative. "I have no idea what that meant. But clearly, there's someone asleep. Someone guarding something else. There's a back door, probably to the thing being guarded, or the door is what was being guarded. There's a key, either to the thing, or to the door to the thing. There's some other guy, much greater and to the north, who is also sleeping. And probably some other guys who were clinging on and, I think, managed to find the key. Or maybe the necromancer found the key, and the clinging guys are what's behind the back door or locked up?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose, as if overcome with a sudden headache. "But, I know this much. He was scared, probably of his master... the one who killed him just now in front of us. And if his master killed him that fast, to stop us from knowing something... that means we are a danger to the master. I'm going to guess that the master is likely on the side of all the other evil things we've been fighting recently, so by extension that means that whatever we're doing has the possibility of stopping them. Therefore, I propose we continue doing what we're doing. Hopefully, at some point soon, we'll figure out what it is we're doing that's so dangerous to the evil, so we can be more intentional about doing it."

"Either that, or we're being played my a masterful manipulator, who was willing to kill off that necromancer in front of us, just to throw us off the trail of Beauregard's rescue."
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Laurel »

Led Pighp wrote:Led shakes his head in the negative. "I have no idea what that meant. But clearly, there's someone asleep. Someone guarding something else. There's a back door, probably to the thing being guarded, or the door is what was being guarded. There's a key, either to the thing, or to the door to the thing. There's some other guy, much greater and to the north, who is also sleeping. And probably some other guys who were clinging on and, I think, managed to find the key. Or maybe the necromancer found the key, and the clinging guys are what's behind the back door or locked up?"
"The echoes of the death-cry of the Great-Shining-Treasure-Monster have ended. The Great-Rainbow-Monster, favored offspring of Darethon and Tar-Anedrel, shall awaken from it’s slumber soon. It’s children caught too near shall be awakening first, and those the sound kept at bay may be returning. The remnant, in the refuge, from whence your blood comes, must die. Go to the Veracinean station, and gain the mystic key from within...the humans knew not what they found ere it was lost. The key shall open the Hidden Way Of Midnight. Once you have the key, you will be given further instructions..," the bard repeats to herself, committing the note found earlier to memory.

I think we must compare what this..." kicking at the corpse in disgust "...this thing tried to tell us before it died, and what was in the note found on his person. We already discussed that the two monsters mentioned are possibly Dragon deities. We now have a key," as she nodded towards the copper disk. "Perhaps the first sleepers are the "children caught too near shall be awakening first," and Tiamat is the second sleeper further off..." she continued to muse to herself.

[ooc]total speculation on my part. DM, if any validity to such speculation is warranted, whatever Knowledge rolls please to add on to this speculation.[/ooc]
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Post by Seven Words »

Skyseeker gasps, as 2 pieces of the puzzle suddenly fall into place.

"A Sleeping One, clearly, a dragon...there's a dragon, newly awakening from Bahaumt's death-scream within the Waystation, placed there by minions of a much greater dragon, I think. Remnant in refuge...Hidden Way of Midnight..from whence his blood came. I think there may be an enclave of desperate elves, and these people mean to use the key to enter through the escape route of last resort.

As for why we are so troublesome to our enemies....They seem, from what we saw at the outpost ruins, to be using Unsongs to use the fallen Aether Web. We created the Unsong of Sleep. We possess the ability to block their use of the Web. Isolating any of my people's old places they are moving to, from, or through. If anyone in Sverdhame would actually believe us, sharing this knowledge would greatly confound the enemy. Except, of course, the ruling nobles won't believe any of us "degenerates", even if we were to proclaim that water is wet."
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Barak Windblown
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Post by Barak Windblown »

"Perhaps that is why the Halfling was captured in the first place - to create a diversion that would distract you from blocking their plans. If the two events are indeed related, and not just a product of My Lady's whim." Barak mused.

He sighed, glancing with disgust at the remains of the Necromancer. "Ahh, that I have lived to see such things. Tsk! Let us leave this place of death and make camp while we decide what to do."

Barak then collected the bridle of his mare and tiredly remounted once again, ready to follow his companions wheresoever they might lead.
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Yes. Rest first, then we plan. I'm too tired at this point to properly reason." Led heads off for about 20 minutes, following the direction of the escaping survivors, and finds a reasonable looking campsite.

He sets up (others help?) and offers to take first watch.

"Let's sleep in, if we can. I imagine that we'll be pretty rushed after this, so... let's be as well rested as we can, while we still can."
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Seven Words »

During Marrik's watch he yells, "Awake! Awake! Evil approaches!" and from out in the darkness, a pair of throats echo forth a savage, furious scream of rage!

/ooc--map forthcoming..but remember sight range at night is poor for human...:)
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Post by Led Pighp »

Led grabs one coil of silk rope and climbs out of his tent, though he keeps low to avoid detection. Enemies in the woods, with a campfire in front of him, that's easy to be seen by silhouette. But, you can stay close up on other obstacles, and not be too much of a give-away.

Applicable abilities: Low-light Vision
Spot checks to find what Marrik is so scared of.
Hide / Move Silent checks to get closer to it.
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Post by Vynarkus »

Vynarkus gets out of his bedroll, and attempts to locate the enemies. He charges up his Eldritch Armor until he can figure out where to attack.

His eyes, unseen by anyone in the darkness, widen at the roars. "Why do I get the feeling that we're about to fight a pair of jovocs?..." he mutters to himself.
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Post by Led Pighp »

"Marrik. What is it? Why the alarm? Where is the enemy?"

Feeling exposed and vulnerable, Led shifts to his more beastial form. The thicker hide may protect him from surprise attacks. He glides down to where the horses are, both hoping to hide among them, and to be there to protect them attack if the pair of throats try to get them first. Moving through them, he mutters a soothing word as needed, to keep them calm, so they don't overpower the sound of foes approaching.

First Round Shifted
Move south five squares (I have enough movement to go through / around the horses, but this is easier to say since my final position is exactly south of me.)
Hide / Move Silently / Spot / Listen checks as appropriate, of course.
Geek the mage, first.
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Post by Laurel »

The bard sits up suddenly, and listens to the two screams of rage. "One comes from the west!" she cries out, "the others direction I can not determine.

"But, they are closer than our eyes would have us believe! The fire's light should easily show anything at the distance their roars say they should be. Has anyone a spell to detect invisible foes?"

Reaching out and rushing to put on her mithril chain, the bard bursts into a song to inspire courage within her party.
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Post by Vynarkus »

As Vynarkus gets up, a thought occurs to him.

Rather than trying to charge up his Eldritch Armor, he shouts into the night.

[ooc]Not sure exactly what he would be saying, but he is making a rushed Diplomacy check. This is a Diplomacy check as a full-round action, at a -10 penalty. He takes ten, has a +22 bonus, gets a 22. This should make them unfriendly, which means that they will not like us at all, but should not attack.[/ooc]
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Post by Seven Words »


Bad Guys---21
Marrik and Laurel--12

The enemies are abandoning their successful Hide in Shadows and charging....surprise round for them, then we proceed in this order.

Skyseeker is helping Laurel with her armor.

The creatures stand some 6', well muscled, with bizarre three clawed feet, savage claws on their hands, a vicious jagged bladed polearm, and a thick, vile-looking beard.

One, eyes gleaming in fury, rushes at Vynarkus. The wicked blade opens a gory wound, blood gushing forth. (7 points, plus ongoing bleeding loss of Hit Points))

The other targets their most natural foe among you, the paladin! This charges strikes true, horrifically impaling Sir Marrik! (CRITICAL HIT! 22 points)
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