Pantheon 2.0 - Game Thread

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Injerian Praetus II
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Hmmm. Let's just say that with your last comment you appear to have missed my point.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Post by Bhakti »

I have no doubt you have some grander purpose. My point is that there is no need for an iceberg to go out of its way to make us think it is cold as part of some grander plan. By its very nature, Malice is not trustworthy. You will act Maliciously, regardless of the trust others have in you. Malice means, among other things, breaking trusts. You need not try to cultivate mistrust in our minds.
I am the self-fulfilling prophecy. Give love, and you WILL receive love. Let your every answer, your every action and reaction, your every desire, be rooted in love.
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Post by Mistress Cathy »

Caroline walked down the path toward her favorite reading spot, under the great weeping willow tree by the brook outside of the village. It was a warm spring day and the smell of the grass was pungent. The mountains in the distance looked purple and the poppies showed their brilliant orange color. The dog at her side sniffed along the path, discovering new smells and occasionally leaving a couple of scents for the next dog who passed that way.

At just 17, Caroline was in the full bloom of her youthful womanhood. The dust of the path whirled around her bare feet as she passed the merchants who entered her village in hopes of trading their goods. Lost in her own thoughts, she failed to notice how the men stopped to gape at the uncommon beauty of the young woman. Only one word could describe Caroline’s looks: enchanting. She was born with thick black hair and eyes the color of the ocean. Her skin was like cream and her smile sparkled.

Caroline was not unaware of her beauty and had used it time and again to get her way with family and friends. But, she did not hold it in very high esteem. Beauty faded with age, as did all things. Knowledge was the only thing that lasted and could get better with age. She had seen her grandmother – herself a great beauty of her time (so Caroline had been told) – whose beauty gradually faded as she got older. She remembered her grandmother’s skin and how it felt like the thinnest paper and wrinkled at the lightest touch.

Her mother was also considered a wondrous beauty by the people in the village and many men had sought her hand in marriage after Caroline’s father had died ten years ago. Her mother refused all offers, unable to accept any man in place of her lost husband. Yet, her mother’s looks had also faded with time and she soon would become old and like paper.

Luckily, it had not been essential for her mother to remarry. Father had left enough money to modestly support them forever, if necessary. Father had been a merchant, trading wool from the sheep that the family kept and had made a comfortable living. Caroline had everything that she needed or wanted. There was always meat on the table as well as bread and vegetables. She always had a new pair of shoes made of soft kid and plenty of material for a new gown every spring. When father returned from trading in the North Country, he would return with gifts for Caroline and her mother. He would bring soap and incense for her mother and for Caroline, he brought books - books that Caroline devoured with a passion.

As Caroline read each and every word, she realized that books brought the world to her door. She had always been brave and adventurous, always willing to explore the forest or jump from the highest cliff into the lake when the other children were afraid to. Books, however, lit a spark inside of her that could not be quenched.

She began to go into the village proper to the book seller to peruse his books. It was one of the many times she was able to use her beauty to get her way. She smiled sweetly at the man and asked to borrow a book if she promised to return it the next day. He blushingly agreed, touched by Caroline’s enthusiasm as well as her charm, and Caroline being good for her word, returned the book only to promptly borrow another, and yet another.

She begged her father to take her with him when he traveled to the North Country so that she could see the places that she had read about. She wanted to smell the exotic perfume of the traders from the east and see the brilliant colors of their clothing. She wanted to see the furry creatures from the south, what were they called? Macaques? They supposedly looked almost human. She wanted to drink spiced wine and eat sweetmeats from the west. She wanted to pray with the strange priests of the north and read the ancient histories that they had stashed in their libraries. She wanted to learn the secret potions of the eastern witches and speak the languages of the traders in every different dialect. She was insatiable for knowledge and experience. However, her father would not allow it. He was protective of his daughter and feared for her safety. Too many thieves about, he would say. You are too fine a prize to lose. Any man would want you for his wife and we must safeguard that which is your most valuable asset.

Marriage and her virginity. That was what he had meant. She was only good for marriage. Not that marriage was a bad thing – just not for her - unless, of course, her husband was a merchant who would let her travel with him.

Yet, Caroline had to accept the fate that nature had inflicted upon her. Being a woman meant that there would be no travel or adventure for her. She would not learn anything beyond this village and the people in it. Even the village priest was intellectually limited and he being the teacher of the young children. He taught only prayer and the minimal amount of writing. What Caroline had learned in mathematics and writing had been from helping her father with his accounts.

So, on this morning, with her favorite book under her arm, Caroline walked to her favorite spot to escape to the rest of the world. It was quiet and secluded and she had all day to read without interruption. She laid down a rough wool blanket, sat down, and leaned back against the tree, quickly becoming engrossed in her book. Soon the warm day and cool breeze lulled her into a drowsy state and she slowly fell asleep.


She woke up with a start. What time was it? How long had she slept? She had no where to go but somehow she felt uneasy. She called for her dog, “Juno. Come here, girl.” No response. Juno was very protective of Caroline and never left her side. “Juno.”

She stood up and looked around. On a tree a few yards away, she spotted Juno. The dog had been strung up by its feet, its entrails reaching the ground. Out from behind the tree stepped a man that Caroline had never seen before.

“Well now. What a lovely lass,” he said, and lazily walked toward her with intense eyes.

Caroline had never been in danger before but her feminine intuition demanded that she run. She turned and ran as fast as she could through the tall grass of the meadow, desperately trying to reach the path that seemed too far away. Panicked, she heard the man behind her in hot pursuit. He easily outran her and brought her down to the ground with a thud. Caroline had the air knocked out of her with the fall and the weight of the man who immediately began to tear at her clothes. She could not scream…

As she struggled, Caroline suddenly felt a deep sense of peace….

Fear not, my child…

Caroline opened her eyes and saw a great light above her.

Fear not, my child…

Her sense of peace deepened and she stopped struggling. The weight of the man was lifted off of her. He looked around frantically, not understanding what was happening. He had opened his clothing to allow himself access to her virginity and she saw that he had been incapable of consummating the crime. Caroline laughed in an unsettling way that suggested evil rather than elation. Had anyone heard her laugh, they would have run away in terror.

She saw the man against the light as he began to scream. Horrible scream from the very depth of his soul. As if he was burning from the inside out….

She heard the words again.

Fear not, my child. I am Jove and I have heard your prayers and will answer them. But first, I will need to give you the knowledge and adventure that you so desperately crave so as to make you completely worthy of me. I will give you knowledge of the heavens and beyond to the edge of within...
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Injerian Praetus II
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Bhakti wrote:I have no doubt you have some grander purpose. My point is that there is no need for an iceberg to go out of its way to make us think it is cold as part of some grander plan. By its very nature, Malice is not trustworthy. You will act Maliciously, regardless of the trust others have in you. Malice means, among other things, breaking trusts. You need not try to cultivate mistrust in our minds.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Malice is in the eye of the victim or the preacher. I equate malice with the means to act. There will be no bounds in my will to improve the world.

So be it if you believe in such simple things as good and evil/ black and white. I believe in shades of grey. What you call malice is not misery or ruin for the world. I want a paradise.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Lord Adamorn,
One of your knights invaded my lands and slayed some Houka before being killed. Before he died, he stated that an army will march to avenge him. Given that he entered my lands to kill my Houka, don't you think it's a little hypocritical of him to make such a claim? Further, will you invade? Actually, I think you might just do as such - given that your crusade has now reached the southern coast of your continent - at Landiir. What are your intentions? Where is the crusade headed? I do hope the god of justice is honest enough to admit his aims.

I offer you my sincere apologies. I have been informed that some of my Houka have captured one of your followers. I will order them to deliver Aimele to you, unharmed. To make amends, I will send more Houka to you as servants.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Post by Vadhaka »

My thanks. I have no need of servants or reparation. As long as she is unharmed, then there is no need for any such. I accept her back with with gratitude.

And my greetings also to our newest deity. 2 in so short a time? The world is indeed interesting. *bows*
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Vadhaka wrote:My thanks. I have no need of servants or reparation. As long as she is unharmed, then there is no need for any such. I accept her back with with gratitude.
Many thanks. I owe you a favour. Regardless, she will be return to you within one season.
Last edited by Injerian Praetus II on Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Post by Vadhaka »

Again, my thanks.

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Benito Alvarez
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Post by Benito Alvarez »


This is, for now, a purely defensive move. Military exchanges bewteen two of the power players on this Earth are being made, and an early defense against any possible actions seemed a good idea. No offense will be taken by the dwellers of Khenstorn I hope?

Also, I would ask if any knowledge has come to you, a Plague has spread to my peoples, across mountains an oceans it seems. I hope this isnt an offbranch of the rains or mutations you have spawned?
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Lord Adomorn wrote:Also, I would ask if any knowledge has come to you, a Plague has spread to my peoples, across mountains an oceans it seems. I hope this isnt an offbranch of the rains or mutations you have spawned?
I hope that this is not related to my actions. However, I will offer you the cure. I will send a ship to Linvir containing the cure, if you so desire it. My apologies that the plague has spread to your lands. It devastated my lands, and I pray that the same does not fall in yours.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Benito Alvarez
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Post by Benito Alvarez »

It will be welcomed gladly. Whether or not it travel thorugh Linver will not be my desicion.
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Injerian Praetus II
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Lord Adomorn wrote:It will be welcomed gladly. Whether or not it travel thorugh Linver will not be my desicion.
I respect that. Very well, I will arrange the cure to be sent to whichever place you deem appropriate.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Post by stonemaybe »

Holy crap!


Aglithophile and conniptionist and spectacular moonbow beholder 16Jul11

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Post by Bhakti »

Welcome, Jove. It is good to have you with us.

Your prophet's mother greatly honored the Love she shared. *bows* I hope Caroline is as wise. :D
I am the self-fulfilling prophecy. Give love, and you WILL receive love. Let your every answer, your every action and reaction, your every desire, be rooted in love.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Nor Yekith: I was under the impression that you did not cure the plague--you mutated it, turning it into a catalyst for the mass mutation that occured in Nor Pupae. Is this incorrect, then?
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Murrin wrote:Nor Yekith: I was under the impression that you did not cure the plague--you mutated it, turning it into a catalyst for the mass mutation that occured in Nor Pupae. Is this incorrect, then?
As I am not the god of healing, I have no strength or ability in that area. Hence, I could not find a cure. So I transformed it into a new form - I used it to mutate all life in Nor Pupae. In the regard, you are correct. But I can manufacture mutagens that can transform the plague and leave life unchanged. That is the cure.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Mistress Cathy
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Post by Mistress Cathy »

Welcome, Jove. It is good to have you with us.

Your prophet's mother greatly honored the Love she shared. *bows* I hope Caroline is as wise.
Thank you, Bhakti. It is good to be here.
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Post by stonemaybe »

Nor Yekkith - I believe some of my worshippers may be heading your way. I think they think they're fishes and seem drawn to your little worms.... :lol:

But seriously, they may have some uncondoned mischief in mind. They have been excommunicated by my priests so do with them what you will.

Aglithophile and conniptionist and spectacular moonbow beholder 16Jul11

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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

They will be punished as befits their crime. However, I appreciate the warning.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.
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Post by Injerian Praetus II »

Queeaqueg, I would appreciate you signing the treaty.
"Oh of course," the Navigator said with faint mocking in his voice, "you have probably heard of House Praetus. We have a palace on Holy Terra. Like all powerful groups, we also have our enemies. Do you honestly think someone like you matters?" - A dissolute noble.

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