AATE Exists!!!!!!!

Book 3 of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

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Post by sindatur »

Orlion wrote:
sindatur wrote:Was anyone still expecting a good ending from Stephen King Horror/Fantasy when Dark Tower came out? I've only read Salem's Lot, but, I've seen many Stephen King movies, and been told the endings matched the books, and I long ago came to the conclusion he has some great ideas for stories, and builds them fantastically, but, it's almost like he loses interest in his stories, and just throws an ending out there so he can be done with it. My mother actually says his non-Horror/SciFi are all real good (which I haven't read any of), but, she agrees with my assessment of his Horror/Fantasy stuff. I did like the Carrie and Misery movies, but, can't think of any others with satisfying endings
:goodpost: It's good to see that other people out there share my opinion...

Which makes me wonder, why are they having him do the last few episodes of 'Lost'? That fact alone does not bode well to me...
Is this a fact? I know it's been joked about, but, I haven't heard it's fact. Matter of fact, I've heard Team Darlton already have scripts for at least one or two of the final episodes
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Post by Orlion »

Well, I've tried to track down hard evidence for what I said, and couldn't find it :-x So, I asked my friends who told me about it where they got the information and here's what I've gathered:
1)It was from a Playboy within the past year and a half
2)They can't find the issue or remember exactly what it said.

So Stephen King probably won't write the last few episodes of Lost (which is good news for you Lost fans and kinda makes me want to check it out now).
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Post by inablackout »

I kind of feel robbed of 600 pages per book!!! What did he yank? Could there have been pertinent info? Can i get a copy of the original un revised books?
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

Orlion wrote:
sindatur wrote:Was anyone still expecting a good ending from Stephen King Horror/Fantasy when Dark Tower came out? I've only read Salem's Lot, but, I've seen many Stephen King movies, and been told the endings matched the books, and I long ago came to the conclusion he has some great ideas for stories, and builds them fantastically, but, it's almost like he loses interest in his stories, and just throws an ending out there so he can be done with it. My mother actually says his non-Horror/SciFi are all real good (which I haven't read any of), but, she agrees with my assessment of his Horror/Fantasy stuff. I did like the Carrie and Misery movies, but, can't think of any others with satisfying endings
:goodpost: It's good to see that other people out there share my opinion...
Me too!
Which is why I gave up on him years ago.
Awesome concept, setup, development for the first half then......wtf?

Although, Salem's Lot is the exception.
I LOVE that book.
There's also a short story that revisits the town years later that I liked too.
I forget the name though. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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Post by Unbelieverable »

I think you guys are being a little harsh on King. I'm not a King apologist, but many of his works are so ingrained in our psyches that we don't even realize it. Stand By Me and The Green Mile spring to mind. And if you've ever read Cujo, you'll never look at a St. Bernard the same way. The Shining, Carrie, Christine, etc. Who hasn't referenced some of these stories in one way or another in our everyday lives? Not to turn this forum into a Stephen King discussion, but I felt the need to defend him somewhat. Of course, I'll be the first to admit he totally copped-out on his Dark Tower series. Roland deserved better...
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Re: AATE Exists!!!!!!!

Post by Lambolt »

renny wrote:from the GI:

"Against All Things Ending" now exists. I have the whole book on paper for the first time. Sadly, I'm behind schedule. I'll try to make up lost time during the revisions. But the airlines always say the same thing, and we all know how THAT turns out. (sigh)

For those who are interested: this first draft is 1179 pages. At the same stage, "The Runes of the Earth" was 1052 pages; "Fatal Revenant," 1209. As with previous books, I'll do one complete revision before I show the book to my editors. After I get their comments, I'll do a second complete revision. When that's done, we can all hope for D&A. D&A will enable my publishers to decide when they'll release the book.


Let the countdown commence - hurrah!

Now can we have an AATE forum? :wink:
I have always wanted to ask this. Is it possible to see one of the chapters from a previous book BEFORE and AFTER it's been "edited". I am just curious what actually happens, how different things actually look from the authors typewriter compared to post editing. I assume that since the length is going down a lot, you are not just correcting spelling mistakes or similar, but rewriting or revising large portions of text. How many people do this, how do you agree if it's OK. Do you go through different stages internally before the author gets to see it. Would an author ever ever be brave enough to post a chapter "as was" and compare it to "as sold", perhaps with annotations or comments. I am just really curious about that.

Secondly, and I know, I know, this is a bit rude, but who did the editing in the 1st book of the last chronicles? Because did no one notice that several words (odd ones too) kept being used over and over and over again. I suppose that fits in with my first question, is how did that get through the process, was it that different people read different bits? It was really apparent I think when you read the whole together.

Anyway, I am more interested in the first bit to see and understand the process between author and book. It would be wonderful to see a small example of how that worked.
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Post by Relayer »

SRD has said that the page count is for double-spaced type and (probably) on regular sized paper, not book pages. So the page count isn't actually being cut from here by 500 pages. While he does revise, it isn't that drastic.

He's also said he'd never post before and after versions; he doesn't work that way and doesn't want his earlier drafts to be seen. I suppose there are other authors who would.
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