TCTC The first draft Script

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Post by Loredoctor »

My thoughts on how the rape scene should be handled: first off, I think it should be implied. Maybe fade out as Covenant rips Lena's dress and then pushes her to the ground, and then while the scene is completely faded to black, have her scream (terror). Then cuts to the next scene which is Covenant by the river. That way, the audience hasn't the full impact of the act.
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Post by Loredoctor »

Oh, and I hope your script gets made. I wish you all the best, Seafoam. Unfortunately, hollywood is in a shameful state. Film companies are run by big multinationals with executives calling the shots. The first thing they'll do is want to know how well will this sell. Unfortunately, that means grabbing the teen market. So, invariably they'll demand big changes. And that's what scares me; TCTC will be completely altered, losing it's main message and feel. They will add characters, remove some . . . I'm sorry if what I'm writing is depressing but perhaps you could aim for an alternative production company - not hollywood based.
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Well yeah of course. Because it seems to me that SRD's work isn't that well known as Tolkien thus would be a harder sell. Also would audiences go for another fantasy epic? I'm not worry in-as-much about the rape scene as when I was first working on it because I have it blending in with Foul's rape of the land personified in the rape of Lena by TC.

At present TC and Atiaran are fighting Ur-viles (not you) for the Wraiths of Andelain... that's how far I'm in the script now. Foamfollower is coming up next WHOO HOO! can't wait!

Finding an independent film company with a 20 to 30 million budget and the ability that Dreamworks and ILM's ability to do FX is gonna be tough.

Will it sell? who knows... but it's worth a try... that it will be butchered is one of the reasons that SRD DIDN'T want the series turned to film. But it's worth a try...

thanks for the feedback...
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Post by caamora »

About the rape scene: I don't know if this has been said before. If you cut out too much of it, then we may miss Covenant's reaction to his crime -a crime that causes him emmense guilt! Especially because it is so violent. In the third book, Covenant thinks to himself, "I am not a violent man." Anyway, if I recall correctly, when he finishes, he realizes what he did and he runs to the river and vomits. I think that is a crucial character point about Covenant that needs to remain. Without it, people may think that he is ok with his actions and hate him so much more. They would never see his revulsion and later guilt and self-recriminations over that one act.

Also, later in one of the books of the first chrons, Covenant is thinking about something horrible that Foul has done and he thinks to himself, "What's next, Foul. Raping children?" - referring to his own crime. I think that should be uttered by Covenant.

That is just my :2c:
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Well if I can remember correctly Covenant does that after he rises from Lena and sees what he's done (blood on her thighs, torn shift, her weeping, etc.) so I'll go back and see what I've gotten on it. I vividly recall that particular detail and thus was able to condone Covenant (if not forgive) him for that crime.

It is at the battle for Soaring Woodhelven I believe that Covenant ponders what Foul would do next: rape children? sooo we'll get to that eventually.

Thanks for the input... SIGH eventually I'll post another snippet. Most likely it'll be the Dance of the Wraiths scene and then after that the meeting between Atiaran and Foamfollower and Covenant.
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Post by Loredoctor »

If given the chance to cast the film, who would you choose, Seafoam?
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Post by caamora »

Well, I'm going to put my :2c: in: more and more I'm liking Johnny Depp.

(We have another thread on just this subject. Any of the moderators care to pull it up? ;) )
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Ur-Vile wrote:If given the chance to cast the film, who would you choose, Seafoam?
Am thinking of Tom Cruise could pull if off as he's matured as an actor, but there has been other suggestions of better choices... on another thread.

I've thought of Julianne Moore as Atiaran. Other choices... hrmm it probably won't be up to me to decide anyway. But as you said given the chance... what I would like (IF :roll: the script is bought) is to be there for the auditions (if any) that would be interesting in-of-itself.

BTW: Last night my computer CRASHED and won't reboot. I fear for the contents of my HD but am relieved that I did back-up the script on a CD ROM. But oooh to have to redo everything if my HD is trashed. I fear for the worse but then joy is in the ears that hears not in the mouth that speaks.

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Post by Blue_Spawn »

Can I throw in my two cents?

I noticed how at a later point in LFB (when he's with the Raven?) he realises that he had indeed raped Lena and flippes out. I got a tad confused there and started thinking that perhaps Thomas wasn't even fully aware of what he did up until that point. That's a rather interesting thought, in my opinion.

So I was thinking, if you could save all of the extremes of that scene and shift them into Covenant's flashback, which occurs later in the novel, that could make a more gradual build up in character development and do not make the beggining of the script feel rushed when it suddenly gets so melodramatic.

You could, as others have mentioned, makes some implications of what happens. Or, you could make it so that the audience doesn't even realize what happens and has to sit through it to find out near the end. Perhaps, built up more suspence, and even make them watch it the second time to understand. Although, this may be somewhat too vague.

Well, you decide. Good luck!
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Post by Landwaster »

Oh yeah, that's actually not a bad idea! it would be difficult to work out some of the continuity of the story between the act and the revelation, but it'd be worth consideration.

It also would pay homage to SRD's affection for story-telling only from the first person wherever possible.
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Okay here enters Saltheart Foamfollower. The beginning of a beautiful friendship. Also the exit of Atiaran who up until now had the heaviest bit of dialouge in the whole flick. Gonna take a heavy-weight actress to do her. Still thinking of Julia Ann Moore, or even Meryl Streep (but then who can afford THOSE ladies?) Perhaps the director (whomever) may do what Jackson did and get actors from Aussie-land. Any suggestions there Landwaster?
Anyway enjoy and lemme know what cha'll think.

POV Above and behind Atiaran and Covenant as they top the rise of a grassy knoll. We swing up over their heads and ahead of them lies a narrow blue river. All around is beautiful grasslands and crisp clean air full of life. The river cuts through the expanse like a ribbon offering peace and cleansing. We turn in a low arc like a bird soaring high above and can see a long narrow skiff with one occupant standing at the stern manning a tiller that reaches up to his elbow.

POV CU Atiaran eyes spies the skiff and her eyes fly open wide in recognition a smile breaks upon her lips and she moves out of the frame.

CUT TO: Covenant who also spies the boat in the water. But their distance makes it difficult to see exactly who (or what) is piloting the craft. His face is one of wry amusement at Atiaran’s reaction.

(to himself)
Great, we can try to hitch a ride upstr-

He stops at what he’s saying his expression grows to incredulous disbelief.

Up? Upstream? That’s ....

POV Behind Covenant and we see Atiaran walking first briskly down the knoll to the riverbank then breaking into a run. Her arms fly above her head to attract attention of the pilot of the skiff.

CU Atiaran in a full run, her eyes now filled with hope and pleading, as her voice.

HAIL! Help us! Come back! Come back please!

POV Behind Atiaran as she’s running full tilt down the knoll to the river bank. The skiff is past her on her left and we can see the pilot has turned his head back over his shoulder. In a moment he turns the tiller so that the craft’s bow turns towards the bank. Covenant, having broke into a run himself catches up with Atiaran as she reaches the river bank and falls to her knees breathless. Covenant stops by her side and stands bending over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his own breath.
Together the two watch the boat as it approaches them.

POV The skiff has turned fully around in the river and is making it’s way leisurely down stream this time. As it approaches the size of the skiff and it’s occupant become apparent. Even at 100 feet away we can see the pilot is twice as tall as any human and that there is no visible means of propulsion. The skiff appears to be nothing more than an enormous rowboat, but there is no oarlocks, no oars or poles.

POV CU Covenant as his eyes grow wider at the sight approaching them. He mumbles to himself soundlessly as he stands upright.

POV Wide-view of Covenant and Atiaran as the boat nears them. At 30 feet distance Atiaran surges to her feet and raises her hands in supplication.
Hail, Rockbrother! The Giants of Seareach are another name
for friendship! Help us!
(to herself in a whisper)
I beg of you

The Giant keeps his silence as he approaches. For the last distance he swings the tiller over so that the boat’s prow aims squarely at the riverbank. Then just before the craft hits the sandy shore he drives his weight downward to lift the nose out of the water and the boat grounds itself securely a few yards from Atiaran and Covenant. He stands in the boat regarding them for a moment then steps out and walks towards them.

POV Behind Covenant and Atiaran as the Giant approaches they lift their heads up to meet his gaze as he steps nearer. Soon we see that he towers over them.

POV From the side we see that the Giant is a full size taller than the two. Standing 12 feet tall he appears gnarled with muscles. He’s dressed in a heavy leather jerkin and leggings and carries no weapons. A short beard, stiff as iron juts from his face. His eyes are proportionally small, deep-set and alight with amusement. His hair matches the color of his dark beard and is a short mass of tangles as if he never brushed or combed his locks. When he speaks his voice is a soft bubbling tenor which belies his great mass. He puts off an impression of incongruous geniality, of immense good humor.

Hail Rocksister, what is your need? My help is willing but I am
a legate, my embassy brooks little delay.

POV Atiaran as she chews her lower lip in thought. Her eyes alight and then she cast her gaze down as if in shame. Uncertainly she asks

Where do you go?

The Giant is puzzled but grins broadly

My destination? Who is wise enough to know his own goal?
But I am bound for — No, that name is too long a story for
such a time as this. I go to Lord’s Keep, as you humans call it.

Atiaran’s eyes do not rise up to meet the Giant’s in a gleam of hope. She pauses then boldly asks.

What is your name?

That is another long story. What is your need?

Your name.

There is power in names. I do not wish to be invoked by any
but friends.

( groaning)
Your name.

The Giant pauses to consider the woman, then the man standing beside her. He seems indecisive, then with assurance

Very well. Though my embassy is not a light one, I will answer
for the sake of the loyalty between my people and yours.
To speak shortly, I am called Saltheart Foamfollower.

Slowly Atiaran raises her face to meet the Giant’s gaze. Deliberately she gives the tall being a salute of welcome.

( formally)
Let it be so. Saltheart Foamfollower, Rockbrother and Giants legate
I charge you by the power of your name, and by the great Keep
of faith which was made between Damelon Giantfriend and your
people to take this man (gesturing at Covenant) Thomas Covenant
Unbeliever and stranger to the Land, in safety to the Council of Lords.
He bears messages to the Council from Kevin’s Watch. Ward him
well Rockbrother. I can go no farther.

Covenant gapes at her openly. He’s speechless and he gropes for the voice and words to speak his protest. The Giant however interrupts

Ah, you are too quick to call upon such bold names, I would have
accepted your charge without them. But I urge you to join us. There are rare
healings at Lord’s Keep. Will you not come? Those who await
you would not begrudge such a sojourn ---- not if they could see you as I do now.

Atiaran face twists into a mask of bitterness.

Have you seen the new moon?
That comes of the last healing that I looked for.
There has been murder in all my choices
since I became this man’s guide. Because my path took
us too close to Mount Thunder. You passed around
that place. You must have seen the evil working there.

I saw indeed.

POV Covenant stands there mouth agape as if he still can’t believe what he just heard. He looks at the two between their interchange. Of course he still has to crane his neck up to see the face of the Giant.

We went hence into the knowledge of that wrong
rather than make our way across the Center Plains. The Gray Slayer
hath returned. I chose this path because I desire healing for myself.

CU Atiaran’s eyes are moist with grief. She tears suddenly and angrily wipes it away.

What will happen to the Lords
if I ask them to help me now?

Covenant looks at her sharply and sees her. She is worn and ragged from her travel and heartbreaks. His face is full of compassion for the pain she bears.

Atiaran, please, don’t give up.

POV Atiaran whirls angrily on him and steps back, her face is full of rage.

Give up!? If I gave up, I would stab
you where you stand!

She suddenly reaches into her robes and snatches out a stone knife. She brandishes it towards his heart.

Since the Celebration, since you permitted the Wraiths
to die, since you — this blade has cried out
for your blood: Other crimes I could set aside. I speak
for my own. But that one, the Wraiths, to
countenance such desecration — !

Groping for words she instead hurls the knife savagely down.

POV The stone knife buries itself nearly hilt deep in the turf by Covenant’s feet.

POV Atiaran pointing to the knife, her eyes savage like Trilock’s


Then suddenly like the eye of a storm a calm comes over her as she breathes deeply and then she speaks gelid and calm.

I wound the Earth instead of you.
It is fitting, I have done little else since you entered
the Land.
( pauses)
Now hear my last word, Unbeliever.
I let you go because these decisions surpass me.
Delivering children in the Stonedown does not fit me for such choices.
But I will not intrude my desires on the one hope of the
Land, barren as that hope is. Remember I
have withheld my hand — I have kept my Oath.

Covenant looks at her pityingly and softly asks.

Have you?
Atiaran’s eyes go wide in shock at such a question. She points to the knife again, her finger trembling.

I- I have not harmed you.
I have brought you here.

(still gentle)
You’ve hurt yourself.

Atiaran’s eyes narrow and flash dangerously. Stiffly she replies back.

That is my Oath.
(more formally)
Now, farewell. When you have
returned in safety to your own world....
remember what evil is.

POV Covenant stands there wanting to protest, argue, but her emotion masters him and he holds himself silent. He bends down to pick up the knife.

POV Covenant’s wedding hand grasps the knife handle and works it back and forth to pull it out of the ground. When he does the hole made by the blade closes on itself, hiding it completely.

POV Covenant stands up straight and looks up and sees that Atiaran is no longer there.

POV from behind Covenant we see that Atiaran has put some distance between them and is cresting the rise of the hillside they came down from.

POV Covenant eyes are pleading.

POV from behind Covenant again as Atiaran reaches the crest of the hill, he shouts at her

This isn’t right dammit!

Atiaran freezes and then continues down the opposite side, disappearing from view. Covenant shouts after her again.

At least forgive yourself!
(groaning to himself)
Why are we so unable?

Covenant hangs his head and looks at the knife.

POV the stone blade knife in his hand. His fingers open slowly.

POV we see the Giant behind Covenant, his face is sadden but his voice is gentle.

Shall we go?

POV Covenant nods numbly. He looks at the hillside once more then with a grimace tears his eyes away. He shoves the knife under his belt. He turns to the Giant and lifts his head to nod that he’s ready.
Foamfollower motions for him to climb into the boat. Covenant walks over to the boat and has to grasp the railing and vault himself over. The sides reach as high as his waist.
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Post by caamora »

You have me in your grip, Seafoam.
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Post by Encryptic »

Wow. :D

The ideas you've got so far sound good. I like the idea of intercutting the rape scene with scenes from the Ritual of Desecration/the final battle at Kurash Plenethor.

This would definitely be one long flick if it comes to fruition, but if they held true to your screenplay, I think it would come out very well. :D
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Thank you caamora and Encryptic. Feedback from THIS group is helpful since all of us are (BIG) fans of the book. LOTRs were written by folks who (presumably...well, they HAD TO right?) read the books but you get the feel that they're not IN LOVE with the books... at least I did when I saw the films. I loved them btw, just had to deal with their vision.
Whomever the director will be (if any) we will have to deal with HIS/HER vision of the script.
Yes, it'll be a LONG, L-O-N-G film, even just the first three. If they're successful then perhaps the remaining (second chronicles) may get similar treatment.
What is good to know is that the FX are possible thanks to LOTR's film creator's spectacular vision and efforts.
When possible I'll be posting here again more exerpts as they get written and whenever I'm at my own computer (usually at the library these days).
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Post by Iryssa »

*casually bumps the thread with a wry little smile*

This is fantastic stuff!
a random idea: if you feel you must give Foul a more physical form (or semi-physical or whatever), I recommend the person who played Satan in "The Passion" *shudder* very creepy
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Post by [Syl] »

Hmmm, reminds me of Viggo Mortenson as Lucifer in The Prophecy, which makes me think Viggo would make a great Foul... if he'd take on another fantasy epic, anyways.
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Post by Iryssa »

*sigh* Viggo...*her eyes become distant and a small smile plays on her lips*

*shakes herself out of daze* Sorry...where was I?
I had actually envisioned Viggo in Covenant's role for some reason (his delivery of the word "hellfire" is excellent ;) )....he'd probably have to lose a bunch of weight for it, to give him the gaunt look...but I think he would be fantastic.
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Post by Seafoam Understone »

Life gets in the way and sometimes I'm not always able to get my computer on line. But I have been working on the script and so for the patient ones here is yet another snippet. Probably one of the favorites of LFB are the scenes where Foamfollower and Covenant get to know one another.
Like Atiaran, Foamfollower has a great deal of dialouge where-as Covenant is only responsive with short sentences. For a main character he's awfully quiet. :lol:
POV The boat pulling away from the shore line of the river. Amazingly it travels UP-stream and without apparent effort. The Giant moves the boat to the middle of the river and there it stays it’s course.

POV Covenant searching in vain for a source of power that is moving the boat. The pain of leaving Atiaran is momentarily forgotten in light of this new wonder. He looks up at the Giant incredulously.

What makes this thing move?
I don’t see any engine or anything.

POV Saltheart continues to murmur to himself in plainsong as if ignoring Covenant’s question. Soon his voice raises to make out words, but the language is unlike anything we’ve heard before. The giant goes on for a line or two then abruptly changes his language to that we can understand.

Stone and Sea are deep in life
two unalterable symbols of the world:
permanence at rest, and permanence in motion
participants in the Power that remains.

The giant stops and humor flashes in his eyes. His tone seems demeaning, denigrated, mock scorn.

A stranger to the land indeed!
Did that woman teach you nothing at all?

POV CU Covenant’s puzzlement fades quickly to be replaced by shock then anger at the Giant’s words. His whole body stiffens with controlled rage. How dare he?!

She is Atiaran Trell-mate of Mithil Stonedown
and she did better than just teach me. She brought me
safely past Ravers, a murdered Waynhim, a bloody moon,
urviles, and God knows what else!
Could you have done any better?

POV CU Saltheart doesn’t reply, but a grin spreads over his face, raising his beard like a mock salute. He stares down back at Covenant.

POV Covenant rising suddenly to stand in the boat staring upwards at the tall figure before him.

By Hell! Do you think I’m lying?
I wouldn’t condescend to lie to you!

POV Saltheart throws his head back and laughs aloud. Covenant stares in shock and raises his staff as if to strike the Giant. Saltheart, still smiling raises his hand with a placating gesture.

Softly Unbeliever, will you feel
taller if I sit down?

Covenant stares again at the Giant’s words, he just can’t believe what he’s hearing. In rage he raises his staff and strikes the floorboards with the urvile blackened end. He shouts at the top of his lungs.

Hell and Blood!

When the staff hits the floorboards there is a loud explosion but no light, the boat rocks wildly and Covenant drops his staff and reaches for the sides to keep from being thrown overboard. The Giant spreads his legs apart to catch his own balance and clings to the rudder. The smile fades from his face as the boat calms down quickly. Covenant manages to balance himself and stands rigidly in the boat until he masters himself. Slowly he raises his gaze up to the Giant.

POV Saltheart is a little more serious but not terribly so. The light of humor still dances in his eyes and his smile has lessened to a grin. He doesn’t seem too upset that the human in his craft had nearly capsized them both.

POV Covenant lowers his gaze and under his breath

You ridiculous idiot

He turns his gaze back to the Giant. His voice is quieter but still tight with anger.

She deserves respect.

POV The Giant’s smile fades and turns to sadness. He sighs deeply

Ah, forgive me.

With a twist, he lowers the tiller so that he could hold it under his arm as he sits down in the stern seat of the boat. After a moment he continues, his voice gentle with no mirth or ire.

I meant no disrespect. Your loyalty
relieves me. And I know how to value what she
has achieved.

Saltheart leans back against the tiller so that his eyes are only a foot above Covenant’s.

Yes, and how to grieve for her as well. There are none in the Land
not men nor Giants or Ranyhyn, who would bear you to
the Lord’s Keep faster than I will.

After a pause his smile returns and the light fills his eyes as he regards his charge.

But you, Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever
and stranger to the Land — you burn yourself too
freely. I laughed when I saw you
because you seemed like a rooster threatening
one of the Ranyhyn. You waste yourself
Thomas Covenant.

POV Covenant stiffens again then forces himself to relax. The giant is making conversation, however irritable it may be to him.

Is that a fact? You judge too quickly

POV Saltheart throws his head back again with laughter. More merry than the last time. He smiles broadly at Covenant.

Bravely said! Here is a new thing indeed in the Land.
A man accusing a Giant of haste. Well, you are right. But did you
not know that men consider us a ---- (laughs again)
deliberate people? I was chosen as legate because
short human names, which bereave their bearers of so much
history and power and meaning, are easier for me than
for most of my people. But now it appears that they are too easy.

Saltheart roars laughter at this, it continues on for a long moment.

POV High above the river we see the boat as it makes its way UP stream. Saltheart’s laugher can be heard faintly. Suddenly from the bottom of the screen a large bird moves across our sight. It moves off screen and then back again lower and circling. It is black as midnight and appears as a bird of prey but with one odd flaw. A third wing sprouts from it’s back. As sudden as it appears it moves off the screen and we’re left with the vista below.

POV In the boat Covenant is glaring at the Giant. They are oblivious to the odd bird that soared above them. Covenant stares hard at the Giant for a long beat then turns roughly away to face forward, leaning on his staff.

POV Saltheart slows his laughter to a chuckle then quiets down. The smile is still on his lips but he now resumes his chant in his own language. His voice is quiet but steady in cadence. After a few bars he quietly repeats the “Stone and Sea” refrain before reverting back to his own language.

POV Covenant with Saltheart sitting behind him in soft focus. Grips his staff tighter and his brow furrowed deeply. He scoots himself closer to one side of the boat and leans against the side. Then moves his body to lie down on the seat, which is large enough for a twin mattress. He searches for his pack and picks it up to use it as a pillow for his head. He tries to close his eyes but opens them and stares out at nothing in particular. Behind him Saltheart’s soft singing continues.

POV High above the boat in the river we follow it for a long moment. The surrounding hills of Andelain is lush with the green of spring. Here and there shrubs and trees accent the vista.

POV Covenant is no longer lying down but sitting length wise along the seat. His pack supports his back as his staff rests in the crook of one arm. The Giant at the stern is quiet now, watching his passenger. Then, casually he asks Covenant.

Are you a story teller Thomas Covenant?

I, was, once.

And you gave it up? Ah, that is as sad a tale in three
words as any you might have told me.
But a life without a tale, is like a sea without salt.
How do you live?

POV Covenant closes his eyes tightly for a moment, then turns around in his seat still facing forward and rests his arms on the gunwales of the boat, he places his chin on his arms. He’s quiet and still absently he replies.

I live.

POV Saltheart face falls even further.

(half teasing, half sympathetic)
Another? In two words, a story
sadder than the first. Say no more ... with one word
you will make me weep.

POV Covenant sitting upright and looking over his shoulder back at the Giant.

POV Saltheart’s face has no mirth at all to it. It is contemplative as he stares back at Covenant.

POV Covenant regards his guide then turns back forward and shrugs his shoulders.


Well, this is a bad pass for me.
Our journeying will not be easy and I had hoped
that you could lightened the leagues with a story.
But no matter. I judge you will tell no happy tales in
any case. Ravers. Waynhim and the
Andelainian Wraiths slain. Well, some of this
does not surprise me. Our old ones
have often guessed that Soulcrusher would not die
as easily as Kevin hoped. Stone and Sea. All that
Desecration ---- ravage and rapine ---- for a false hope.
But we have a saying, and it comforts
our children — as few as they are ---- when they weep
for the nation, the homes and company of our people, which we lost ----
We say; “Joy is in the ears that hear, not in the mouth that speaks.”
The world has few stories glad in themselves, and we must
have glad ears to defy Despite. Praise the Creator! Old Lord
Damelon Giantfriend knew the value of a good laugh.
When we reached the Land we were too grieved to fight for
the right to live.
remember the Oath Of Peace!
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The Purifier
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The King has one more move.
Seafoam Understone
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remember the Oath Of Peace!
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