Food Fight!!!!

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duchess of malfi
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Post by duchess of malfi »

This is obviously no place for noncombatants. I think I shall go home now and take a nice long hot shower... :)
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Post by Biff »

*Biff sneaks up to Duchess as she leaves... Places a packet of JELLO powder in her hair, gently so she doesn’t notice its there. HEHEHE, when it gets wet in her shower, she will find herself cocooned in cherry jello!*
*Biff* - Doing the Wiggles dance.
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Post by Skyweir »

*LOL* i think we can out-do that!!

sky tasks baby unbeliever to duchess house to connect chocolate sauce to her shower nozzle ..

well technically it will involve filling her water tank with chocolate sauce .. but its alls the same in the end eh??

*notices the Biffster observing the misfits in the corner -> Infelice and Co. ... certainly not my band of merry green men .. as they are clearly not ->misfits ;) .. that goes without saying ;) lol

as clearly we would never sip on spinach flavoured coffee *rolls eyes*

takes a vial of nitro glicerine based frosting .. and schemes to ice Biff once and for all ;)

yeah .. he's toast .. or .. err .. ice ;)

slaps danlo about a bit .. umm .. to rouse him fully .. and well just cos he deserves a good slapping about now and again ;) .. well .. its also a needed release .. not to mention .. errr hehe .. really really good fun!!! :| ;) :) LOL

danlo stands to his feet .. now at last independantly weight bearing .. and snaps to attention!! .. like the ninja turtle he is ;) lol

ahh good .. your back!! right .. there are Biffs afoot .. and we gots to ice him before he mutates into something .. EVEN WORSE *arrrgghh*

Cov. jr. squeals like a girly - well like a "big-girls blouse" to be precise ;)!!!!! <<arghhhhhhh!!! .. in girly fashion >> goes Cov. jr. esq.;)

calm down bubs .. it hasnt happened yet .. but we got to get this done tonight!!! .. before the sun rises and he enters his next mutation cycle ..

its too horrible to contemplate .. we all agree .. and get on with the job of saving the world .. mmm .. well this room and its inhabitants first!! THEN THE WORLD!!!
Last edited by Skyweir on Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by duchess of malfi »

My husband thanks you. Now I will be a 5'6" slab of chocolate covered cherry! :lol: :lol:
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Post by Skyweir »

LOL .. there's always a silver lining ;) lol
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Skyweir »

or a chocolate lining as the case may be ;)
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by danlo »

**holds head and finally sneaks off to the loo--off-limits y'all!**
fall far and well Pilots!
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Post by Biff »

(Not that I suffer from frequent mutation... but ok)

*Biff's eyes begin to twitch... then roll, they glaze to plaint white. Soon he's whole head shakes... You notice his fingers rolling back into his fists... POP... the hands turn to large white bulbs. Now his whole body quivers, anyone within 5 miles can feel the ground shaking... POP... his whole head truns into a large white cylinder shape. POP POP POP... His stomach chest and shoulders swell and merge forming and even larger white cylinder... POP POP Feet legs... POP arms... He falls to the ground. More rumbling of the earth... Everyone SCREAMS...

Danlo, in the loo, looses control... showering him self and the room in his yellowness.


Screams Biff, as his mutating comes to completion... POP POP... two large blue eyes appear... POP... cheesy mouth with funny grin. Biff, now standing 15feet 3-7/8inches tall, reaches down to the floor, he picks up the large blue table clothe and ties it around his neck... then with a final POP... his cap of immortality appears upon his head.

All anyone can do is gaze upon him...

*Biff* - Doing the Wiggles dance.
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Post by danlo »

(that was way 2 gross Biff!) *danlo flies out of loo runs up 2 Stay-Puft biff-monster hugging his huge leg rubbing yellow residue off on him, shoots out the door, jumps in2 Lightship and takes off aiming 1 lone retro rocket thru window toasting a 15 ft 3 and 7/8 inch marshmellow as he zooms off in2 the galaxy towards Bubonicon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O WOOOHOOO!!! Can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread ninja!!!!!!!!** :wink:
fall far and well Pilots!
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Post by Worm of Despite »

*A Razor-Edged Pancake of Doom™ hits Foul on the back of the head as he sleeps* Ack!! Who threw that?! THAT REMINDS ME!

*Looks at the chaos that is the besieged lunchroom down below, watching from the hill. The participants in the fight look like little ants now. Foul smirks an evil, dry smirk. His silhouette disappears from the hill . . .*

. . .

*Suddenly, something very round and VERY, VERY LARGE--looking to be two tons in size--appears at the top of the hill, Foul pushing it. It rolls to the top of the hill and then passes the point beyond no return--and it's off! As it gains speed, it looks like some kind of brown boulder . . . A GREASY FUDGE WARHEAD!!!!!!!*

*Foul picks up a 1989 Nintendo joy-pad and remotely controls the ball's movement!*

Oh Infelice! I'm baaaccckkk!!!
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Post by Infelice »

*Felice's attention is diverted by a rumbling sound which appears to be growing louder . Suddenly the air is suffused with the fragrance of ....*

Hmmm....Whats that smell? Its very familiar.....cant quite pick it....smells like?????? FUDGE!!!!!

*she runs to the window and spies a giant brown ball of greasy fudge hurtling down the hill at break neck speed*


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Post by Worm of Despite »

Within the lunchroom a faint rumbling can be heard--no, it's loud!! All eyes center on the south wall--wait!!!!

Bricks and cinderblocks fly apart as two tons of greasy fudge rolls on through like a bulldozer on speed! Tables are hacked in half! People are diving out of the way.

And up there on the hill sits Foul like an evil, laughing Buddha, steering with the Nintendo joy-pad!

Vwee, hee, hee!
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Post by Infelice »


I must sacrifice my svelte figure for the good of the Galley.!!!!!

Foul stuffed up badly when he chose a FUDGE warhead as his ultimate weapon of destruction!!!!!! Clearly it seems that he has forgotten that I am the SUPREME chocoholic in The Land.!!!!!!!

However 2 tonnes of fudge may be beyond even my capabilities.....I may need some assistance. I wonder if Duchess is willing to rejoin the fray.....I know she has her own chocolate related issues to deal with but it never hurts to ask.

*sends telepathic cry for help to Duchess*
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duchess of malfi
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Perhaps I could loan you my ten year old. He adores chocolate and is in the middle of a growth spurt. ;)
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Post by Infelice »

By Jinkies Duchess!!!!!!!! What a pearler of an idea!!!!!! Nothing can out eat a 10 year old in the middle of a growth spurt!!!!

SEND HIM OUR WAY .......QUICK!!!!!!!!!

*through the massive hole where there was once a wall, she sneers contemptuously at the distant hills and the tiny silhouette standing atop*

Ha!!!!! Ya didnt count on the chocolate fudge digesting capabilities of a raging chocoholic Elohim and a growth spurting 10 year old did ya Foul.... :twisted:
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Post by Skyweir »


.. this is becoming way too entertaining ;) ;) lol

well with ninja danlo having toasted mutant Biff - the moronic mallow-puff monster ;) .. LOL .. and Cov. jr back from the shower tampering incident .. and Foul .. well .. being himself ;) mmm .. just plain foul :|

sky chortles mid-sentence recalling his only seconds earlier lame attempt at extinguishing the elohim Queen .. and cleverly outdone by a 10 yr old boy in the middle of a fudge eating growth spurt .. ;)

this is going well .. ;)

sets motion-sensitive snot pudding mines in strategic positions around the galley .. in hopes of snagging Turiya snot-pudding officianado .. and anyone else who moves!!
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by CovenantJr »

*retreats to a corner, wondering what possessed him to start inexpicably screaming like a girl* :lol:

Hmmm...I'm running out of ammunition. Looks like it's back to the lentils... But perhaps................. :twisted:

*with a Herculean effort, the young unbeliever hurls a 3-kilo vacuum-packed bag of Auntie Bertha's Best Industrial Strength Super-Lentils at Foul*

Nnnnnnnnngh! Have that!
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Post by Biff »

Ah ha! Got you where I want ya.

*Now fully roasted, the flaming Stay Puff Marshmallow Biff runs to the Duchess’ house… extinguishes himself by rolling around in the flood of chocolate bursting from her pipes! Stops by the Grocery store on the way back to the front lines of the cafeteria, grabs 13 boxes of Gram Crackers. Enters via the massive hole in the cinder block wall. He then grabs the Lazy Susan from of the serving line. Set’s it upon the floor amid the chaos, sits dead center of it and like a sit and spin begins to twirl… Round, and round… Faster and faster. He then takes the Gram crackers out, one by one… he begins scooping lil bits of the chocolate and roasted marshmallow onto them making Ninja throwing star Smore’s of Doom®. Using the centripetal force of the Lazy Susan, Biff begins to send out a hailstorm.

Zing--- one hits CovJr, lopping off an ear.
Zip--- another jabs Sky in his bum
Zip, zoom, zam --- Danlo is pinned to the wall
Zerp--- The maintenance man’s mop it split in two
Zang--- the left half of Infelice’s hair is cropped shorter then a WMBA players would be.

The Lazy Susan comes to rest… there once again (Mellow free) sits Biff back to normal… Dizzy but normal... yet he is unaware of the freakish mutation he had just undergone.*

Wha, what happened to me? And why does it smell like roasted marshmallows? And why is that lil kid eating that huge ball of greasy fudge?
*Biff* - Doing the Wiggles dance.
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Post by CovenantJr »

*resorting to his, CovenantJr throws a Warm Weak Beer grenade high above the scenes of chaos below. The grenade explodes in mid-air, dousing Biff, Dave and the spinach coffee in Warm Weak Beer*

Aha! Even Biff's love of coffee will be tested by this beer-spinach concoction!
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Post by Biff »

Well, I drink my beer warm anyway... spinach eh, in coffee... um maybe... BUT NOT WEAK... Anything but weak beer.

*Biff dives toward the corner, placing himself between the shower of warm weak beer and the spinach coffee. Shielding the black Joe with the green lumps floating in it, from further harm.*

AGH... *grunt* Medic!!!! MEDIC!!! *cough* *Cough*
*Biff* - Doing the Wiggles dance.

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