Vampire: Dark Ages - Scene 1: In the Company of Strangers

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Post by Sabine »

I'm clomping my fists on the table top, and making horse 'winnie' noises.
Seska Karantanija wrote:Having finished with Sabine's hair, Seska starts work on her dinner while Vida refreshes her goblet. After a few bites she nods in agreement at Vida. "This is quite delicious."
I look over at Vida. "Miss, may I have some too? Is it really good?"
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Sigismond comes out of the kitchen with a larger plate, loaded down with roast. His keen eye for the obvious told him that Olaf is a man who enjoys his meat more than he enjoys his plants, so there is mostly roast pork and sauce on the plate, with two thick slices of warm bread. His other hand holds a second tankard of mead, just in case. He puts them both down on the table near Olaf and Lothar, then walks over to the crusaders and nuns, to check on their drinks.

Vida puts down here spoon for a moment, and says, "It's very delicious, yes." She boops Sabine on the nose, as she continues, "But you just ate with the nice murdering crusaders." She picks up her spoon again and scoops another mouthful of roast with thick broth. "So, you just get to watch me enjoying it, instead."

The innkeeper's son looks up at Alina. "My name's Sigismond, miss. Like my Da. Everybody around here just calls me Sigismond's son, though. It's less confusing that way. Da says that when I do something worth talking about, people will call me by my own name. But until then, I'm just Sigismond's son." With that, he picks up her dishes and brings them back to the kitchen.

Johann follows Sigismond's son into the kitchen, where the boy puts the dishes into a tub of water to soak. Then he picks up a tea kettle, fills it with water from another tub of water (this time with no dishes in it) and puts it on the woodstove to heat. As he finishes this, he turns around and sees Johann there. "May I help you, sir? More ale? Or another helping of roast?"
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Post by Sabine »

"They were scary. I didn't really eat anything. Please, miss?" I turn to Seska and ask, "Your majesty, may I please have some roast too?"
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska gives a hearty laugh at the upgrade to her status. "While I am flattered you think so highly of me, I am only a Countess, my dear. The proper form of address is 'My Lady', 'Your Ladyship', or 'Lady Tótkomlos'."

She continues, "When the Innkeep's son comes by again we shall get you a plate. I certainly won't finish all of this on my own. You can have some of mine then. How about some of this bread until then, hmmm?" She reaches for the basket. "It is still warm, too. Perfect for a chilly night."
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Post by Sabine »

I smile. I winnie like a horse, as agreement. Then I reach for a slice of bread. "Warm!"
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Post by Olaf_Magnusson »

Smiling grandly, enjoying his mead and meal, the Crusaders catch Olaf's eye. He turns a baleful glance upon them, before muttering to himself...the only clearly audible word is "Odin".
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Johann Von Braniff
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

I grin at being referred to as "Sir". "No need to call me that, I'm not much older than you are." I say to him as I grab a hunk of bread and toss a slab of roast on it. "I'm looking for the back door." I manage to croak out around a mouthful of food. I look at him and remember life with my own father. "My Da used to say such things about me as well." Gesturing at his bruised face I add. "He used to do that too." I wipe my greasy hand on my filthy overcloak and hold it out to him. "My name is Xander, at least, here it is. I'm about to leave this place. You should come with me."
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Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

Goatkiller666 wrote:The old woman smiles. "Taduz? A strong name. Behind those scars, I see my family in you. I am Synovea, staying with Sigismond for the moment. He has shown me Christian charity with a bowl of soup every day and a place to sleep by the fire. It is more than I deserve, and more than I can thank him for, I'm sure. What brings a lad of good breeding here to Lord Claudio's domain, then?"
Pleased to meet you Synovea. Myself, my family traveled, doing what we could to barter our way, you know the prejudices we face, we did well, and it was fulfilling. Things, went *glances at the church slaves, his voice dropping to a gravely sound* awry. I found myself in dire straits, but I managed to land on me feet.

Now, I'm a tutor to nobility who seek freedom that a normal education won't provide for their scions. I've traveled across the land, word of mouth finding me a place. I was on my way cross country to, take care of *glances at the church slaves* business that needs rectifying. Lord Claudio's invitation took me by surprise. I had thought he sought my services to teach his children, but he has none. Maybe the children of lesser nobles who are in the area, I know not.

There is more, but that maybe for another time, I lack the paramicha skills of momma. What has brought a Romni to this place, and Lord Claudio's personal attention?

Paramicha: A teller of stories, having great skill.
Romni: Female of the Rom.
Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Synovea smiles up at Taduz, her bent frame somehow giving the impression of great strength in spite of the clear evidence to the contrary. "Oh no, dearie. Lord Claudio knows nothing of one such as me. I am only staying here until the weather warms up a bit more. My campania was killed by road bandits in the deepest winter. They threw me to the ground and rode off with our vardo and horses, thinking I would die in the cold. And old I may be, but my ancestors have always been hardy folk, used to the harshness of life. I made my way here to this village, and Sigismond was kind enough to let me stay near his fire until the weather is better."

Lothar moves over to the table where Seska, with Sabine, Vida, and Bojan are sharing dinner and enjoying mead. He bows formally to Seska. "Countess Karantanija, you're looking as exquisit as ever." He stands upright again, and moves behind Sabine's chair. He places a hand on each of her shoulders and leans down to inhale deeply from her hair. Then he coughs, with a surprise look on his face. "Why does this girl smell of... cracked pepper? And olive oil?"

Olaf and Taduz notice the monk sitting by himself glaring harshly at Lothar and his companion, who has been so far quiet.

Vida, clearly enjoying the mead more than Scripture would deem appropriate, stifles a giggle at Lothar's query.

In the Kitchen

Sigismond's son blushes hotly for a moment, then points to the door from the kitchen into the courtyard. "The door's there, sir. Go to the right to get to the street. But I must stay here, sir. My da says I'm not for sale, except to Lord Claudio himself."

Campania = rom caravan / family
Last edited by Goatkiller666 on Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sabine »

I lean backwards, to look at him upside down. "We're basting my head!" I bump my head into his arms, and accidentally wipe olive oil on his sleaves. I winnie again, tilt my head forward, and have another bite of bread.
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska shrugs. "Her hair is a tangled mess. We need to make her presentable. Then," she pauses dramatically, "we're going to eat her up! Arr errgh!"

Half giggling, half making some growl, Seska leans into Sabina while pulling her towel-wrapped head towards her, loosening the surprised Lothar's grip upon the girl's shoulders.
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Johann Von Braniff
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

I drop my hand and take another bite of food as I stare at him. After a moment, I stretch out my arms and give him a rueful grin . "Do I look like I can buy an apple? Let alone buy a person?"

I drop my arms and let my grin fade. "I didn't want to buy you, Sigs. I wanted to free you. But, I see you are not me and probably do not wish for such things."

I chew down the last mouthful of the bread and meat, then chug down some mead. "I'm away now, too many nobles, churchies and soldiers about the place for my liking. Take care of yourself, Sigs."

I lift the hood of my overcloak and wrap it about myself tightly as I go out into the rain.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Johann goes out to the courtyard and turns right. There's a door in the stone wall between the courtyard and the street. Pulling the door open slightly and peeking out, Johann sees Lothar's carriage still in the road outside the Red Lamb Inn, horses still attached. A man in a heavy storm coat stands by the carriage door, but he's huddled into the coat's hood that he's not seeing anything. It should be easy to get past him unnoticed, in this storm.

In the Kitchen

Sigismond's son collects the kettle of hot water that Alina had sent him for, and goes back out to the dining room.

In the Dining Room

Sigismond's son approaches Alina's table with the kettle of hot water, held with a thick towel between his hand and the handle. "Be careful, miss. It's still very hot." He puts a flat stone tablet on the table, then places the kettle atop it. "Any more to drink for you?"

Lothar nods knowingly, "Oh yes, she was quite a mess, wasn't she. I had expected her keeper to tend to that before bringing her here." He reaches for Seska's hand, returning to the grace of his courtly bow, now clearly attempting to kiss her hand. "You have done myself and my Lord a great service."
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

I hunch forward under the pouring rain and slip past the coachman. I hurry down the deserted street, wondering why I even accepted the invitation to go to the Red Lamb in the first place.

"Ah Johann, you never could turn down a free meal. Could you? Nearly got yourself caught up in something involving nobles and the like. Don't be so foolish next time." I berate myself as I make way along the streets of Zombar.
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Alína Nyárí
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Goatkiller666 wrote:In the Dining Room

Sigismond's son approaches Alina's table with the kettle of hot water, held with a thick towel between his hand and the handle. "Be careful, miss. It's still very hot." He puts a flat stone tablet on the table, then places the kettle atop it. "Any more to drink for you?"
Shaking her head, Alína unfolds a square of soft pristine cloth, places a few sprigs of the herb in front of her inside it and loosely ties the four corners. Placing the small sack of herbs in her tea cup, she pours the steaming water over it, and allows the tea to steep.

"This will only take a moment. We merely wish to rehydrate the sprigs, not make tea. It would not be a good idea to drink the tea.

"While this steeps, tell me of yourself. Let your Da see you engaging a guest in conversation briefly, so his ire is not raised.

"Of what do you dream, outside of working in the Inn, Sigismondson?
A young man your age must have dreams of his own to strive for."
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Lothar wrote:Lothar nods knowingly, "Oh yes, she was quite a mess, wasn't she. I had expected her keeper to tend to that before bringing her here." He reaches for Seska's hand, returning to the grace of his courtly bow, now clearly attempting to kiss her hand. "You have done myself and my Lord a great service."
Needing to show the proper etiquette, Seska moves hers so that Lothar can show the proper respect as their host's seneschal. However, her narrowing eyes belie her acceptance of this formality.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Lothar moves in for a kiss of the Countess' hand, and though there's a small twitch when he gets close and smells the oil and pepper on her hands, he perseveres. He kisses her hand slowly, with one of his hands gripping hers from below with surprising firmness, and his other hand moving up to her forearm.

Lothar lingers on the kiss for what seems to be a long while, then pulls the hand towards him as he stands, and brushes his tongue against her now exposed forearm on his way past.

"Always so gracious, Countess. It is always my greatest pleasure when Lord Claudio invites the Nobility by for one of his dinner parties. So, tell me how you're enjoying your stay here so far? I have complete faith in Sigismond's abilities." Not waiting for an answer, he continues on, "And how are your children and the Count? Well, I hope?"

Sigismond's son seems unnerved by the question, and glances around the room for his Da. Seeing the large man standing near the three crusaders' table, being regailed by stories of mighty conquests over the forces of evil, he turns back to Alina.

"My dreams, miss? My Da tells me I shall one day inherit this Inn. He says any other dreams are just fancies, and best left forgotten when my head leaves the pillow." With this last statement, he turns away from here, staring at an unoccupied corner of the room, and mutters something else under his breath.

The man with Lothar, glances around the room again, then goes over to one of the soldiers by the door. They speak in a language nobody understands [I checked what languages everybody speaks.], then he walks back to kitchen.
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska tries to pull her hand away with some force, even standing a little to gain some leverage. Not having much luck her glare turns into a snarl, which she makes sure Bojan can see.
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Alína Nyárí
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Sigismondson wrote:"My dreams, miss? My Da tells me I shall one day inherit this Inn. He says any other dreams are just fancies, and best left forgotten when my head leaves the pillow." With this last statement, he turns away from here, staring at an unoccupied corner of the room, and mutters something else under his breath.
Alína expels her breath at this expected answer, and speaks quietly towards the turned back of the innkeeper's son. "Your Da speaks practically, but there is little harm in dreams. If there is something else you desire doing or becoming, as well as being the next innkeeper, cherish your fancies as you can when it will not influence your work. Should that be as your head first touches your pillow, or just before it rises from it, so be it.

"Now, while your Da is occupied, come here and take this "tea bag." Cup it in your hand so no one sees, and lay it against that developing bruise on your cheek for as long as no one notices. With luck, it will remain against your skin until the warmth from what liquid remains cools. But however long you can keep it there will do some good," Alína says as she withdraws the cloth of steeped herbs from her tea cup and gently wrings most of the liquid out from it. Drawing the boy's hand near her, she drops the "tea bag" into it and folds his fingers over it. Then, giving him a wink as she does so, she lifts the cup of weak tea that was made from steeping the herbs and pretends to take a sip before setting it down with a nod as if she had found it acceptable.
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Johann Von Braniff
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Post by Johann Von Braniff »

I make my way to the shoddy old Inn I had acquired lodgings at as the storm begins to intensify. I stumble through the heavy door and make my way through the smoky crowded common room to the rickety staircase.

“Xander!” I hear my name shouted. I turn to see the ragged old innkeeper behind the long bar motion to me. I sigh and walk over to him. “I let your room out.”

I nod. “Have you another?”

“Nay, all taken due to the storm.”

I nod again, then reach inside my drenched overcloak and take out the purse full of coins I had pilfered from one of the nobles at the Red Lamb. I toss a couple of coins on the bar and the innkeeper gives me a wry look. “Mind if I spend the night over there by the fire?”

“Where did you get such a pretty purse?” He is almost salivating as he staes at it. I put it away quickly.

“Does that really matter?”

“Nay, nay.” He mutters. “Quite pretty.”

“Well?” I ask.

“Ah, yes yes, of course, Xander. You make yourself as comfortable as you can by the fire. I should have an empty room for you again in the morning.”

“I won’t need it. If this storm abates, I’m leaving Zombar early.”

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