Vampire: Dark Ages - Scene 7: The Offering

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Vampire: Dark Ages - Scene 7: The Offering

Post by Goatkiller666 »


It is April 17th. Day 1 of the lunar cycle: the first day of the New Moon. The sky is clear, and the stars provide some illumination even though there is no lunar orb to cast its own glow.

During the past week, Seska and Sabine went down to the village. On their return, they shared with Claudio and the other sires that Seska's retainers had found her at the village. It seems that on some previous trip through the village, Seska had sent a messenger from that inn back to the original inn, with news that Seska survived. Her retainers promptly relocated there.

Claudio was mildly displeased with this news, and Al-Nasir was sent out to investigate if the retainers had been followed. He found no sign of pursuit. Amisa has been very cold and distant towards Seska since then.

It has been noticed that Taduz seems a bit more... feral, recently. It's not so much that he has a temper, just that everyone feels a little uncomfortable around him. As if he were somehow dangerous.

Nothing else of major note seems to have happened during the past week. [I still haven't heard from Alina or Gedeminas. Once I have, this section may get edited to reflect what they've told me.]

As the sun sets, and everyone rises, Claudio is waiting in the Inn's dining room again. By now, the sires and the players have grown accustomed to each other, and are sitting in their customary groups.

Claudio sits at one table with Violetta and Valdemar, all three haling from Venice.

Lady Almanov and Theophania, both from Budapest, sit together at a second.

Lord Mieczyslav and Dimitra, the two Romanians, sit together at a third.

Amisa and Al-Nasir, who call Genoa home, share a fourth.

"My friends, the time is upon us. Tonight, we strike a blow for freedom everywhere. Japheth will fall, and I will take his place. Then, we will rule Venice. With the might of Venice in our hands, we will be able to strengthen Genoa and Budapest, to help fight Hardestadt's influence, leaving his conquest of Romania behind."

"On this first night of the New Moon, we go now girded for war. There is no plan, per se. Japheth has no easily exploitable weaknesses. And so, I will leave only these instructions: we must destroy Japheth at all costs. And, if that arrogant fool Hardestadt shows his face, it too shall greet the sun, come dawn, as will all who stand against us."

With that, he gestures to the front door, "Our carriages await, and with them our futures." [Unless anybody wants to respond, you can simply get in the carriages and soon arrive at Japheth's monastery. Or, if you want more detail and role-playing, tell me at which table you sit. Perhaps someone chooses not to attend at all, or to leave the Inn entirely.]
Last edited by Goatkiller666 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

I bow to my sire and have a seat near him.

Quietly to my sire "If Japheth has the oldest of the clan on his side, how exactly are we to win against something with semi godlike powers?"
Taduz Illyannovich
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Post by Sabine »

I can't decide. Dimitra is nice, and she likes me. Seska is really nice, but she's not here yet. But Theo has really pretty hair.

I sneak up to Theophania. I want to climb onto her shoulders and giggle, but all the big people are talking. They'd just tell me to hush. So I stand next to Theo and start to gently pet her hair. I try not to let her notice, but then I don't worry about it too much. I think she can tell I was there, but she doesn't tell me to stop.
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Post by Olaf_Magnusson »

Given my lack of a Sire here, I find a seat near the center of power, and simply listen. Lacking my near-trademark scowl, open and curious expression.
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Seska exits the room which was once Gabrin's carrying all her belongings and well before Claudio gives his speech. She had slept in Amisa's room the night their dalliances cooled, but in her own since then. She watched the few who were awake from the vantage of the railing for a few minutes before going downstairs to Amisa's table.

"I am to ride out and prepare my people. We shall meet as you pass through town. If you would like to ride in my carriage you would be welcomed." She moves to kiss Amisa good-bye upon the cheek. The Countess is somewhat surprised to find Amisa turn her head to accept it, however her body language is clear that will be the full extent of their farewell. She lets her gaze linger a moment then heads outside to the stable.
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Unsure of where she stands without a sire as well, and struggling in her practice of clan attributes, the Jewess quietly sits next to the Norseman to learn further details.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

[Since everybody except Seska chose to sit and listen, Claudio has nothing else to share than what's in the intro. Therefore, let's fast-forward to the monastery.]

Everybody mounts up, or gets in a carriage, or just runs free in the woods (Dimitra invites Sabine to go running with her.) Seska left already. She is at the village when everybody passes through, and joins up with the caravan.

The whole mob of you arrive at the Monastery. [This is one of the places where I think the module is kind of poorly written. The idea of all of you showing up is just so damned contrived, and very suspicious. But, whatever. That's what the story says. If I change it to make it reasonable, the entire rest of the story doesn't happen right.] The monks are expecting visitors, though the number of you is a bit surprising for them. They lead you to the external courtyard, which is much larger than it seemed from the outside of the complex.

Before you all go in, Claudio takes a pure white dove from a cage and gives it to Sabine. "Here child. Present this to Japheth, when we see him. Don't let it get hurt, or escape. Can you do that?"

The monastery is built atop a hill, with a small fortified wall around it. The courtyard actually extends down the back of the hill for a good distance, with the wall continuing around that. There is an outcropping of rock there, with the actual buildings at the top of it, only exposed from the back. (The cliff is only like 20' high, and there are paths around the sides so you can walk up to the buildings.) The courtyard is around the base of that. There are three man-sized rocks at the base of the cliff, called the Trinity.


There's a grotto carved into the base of the cliff, behind the Trinity, with a small alter on a set of raised steps carved directly from the rocks. There are also several chairs carved into the stone as well, one almost a throne with two more bracketing it more impressive than the rest. There are several monks in the grotto already, standing or sitting in the lesser seats. In the right-hand seat is Japheth. In the other is an older looking hard-faced vampire (fangs exposed) with a deformed right arm.

Claudio leads the procession, with Sabine in tow holding the dove. He gestures her forward to hand Japheth the dove, and kneels before the two men. "Forgive me Uncle, for I have sinned against you."
Last edited by Goatkiller666 on Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sabine »

I walk up to Japheth and hold out the stupid bird to him. I'm bored.

Next time carry your own stupid bird.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Japheth rises and says "Aye. That you have." He pauses, looking grim. He takes the dove from Sabine, holding it protectively against his chest with one hand. "But my sire forgives all, as does my Sire in Heaven. And so, I forgive you."

Claudio rises after this, and makes a show of flicking dirt off of the knees of his silk pants. Japheth approaches Claudio, and gives him a formal, if one-handed, hug. "Go forth and sin no more." he says, as he releases him.

Claudio replies, in a tone of derision, "What's this? No kiss for your nephew? No kiss of peace and forgiveness?"

Claudio steps in towards Japheth, but before he can, his uncle suddenly reaches around to grip the back of Claudio's head in his free hand. With surprising passion, he says, "Hear me well, nephew. I am he who sits at the right hand of my Father. I obey his will and his word. Remember well the fate of those who forsake his path." And just as suddenly, his spleen is gone, and he releases Claudio with a sigh. "Come, Claudius. I await your kiss of peace. Let us know each others' souls and be done with it."

Claudio again steps forward, grabs Japheth, and savagely pulls his head to the side while tearing at his pristine monk's robe to expose his neck. With an almost animal snarl, he sinks his fangs into Japheth's neck (more down by the clavicle than up by the throat). Gouts of blood start to pour down Japheth's body, as Claudio begins to drink.

All the monks present fall to their knees then, and sing a single note. It might be the beginning or end of a chant, but they simply hold the one note. Only one monk doesn't kneel. [Alina, Olaf, Sabine, and Seska notice that this is actually Marianna, the girl whom Claudio embraced. Taduz fails to notice, and Gedeminas botches his perception roll. He is apparently very interested in some unrelated thing, and doesn't even notice that there is a monk not kneeling.]

At this point, the Founders arrive. Hardestadt and his coalition step into the grotto from the far side of the garden. "Claudius Giovanni, at last we have proof. You have broken the Laws. Prepare to face your fate!"

Japheth raises his hand to Hardestadt, though he does not otherwise struggle or prevent Claudio from continuing to feed. His voice is very slightly strained as he says, "Stand ye back! Let no blood be shed in the name of the Cappadocians!"

Hardestadt and the Founders advance towards Claudio and Japheth. At the same time, the sires spread out to defend him. The monks (some of which are even vampires themselves) do nothing but kneel and continue with their single note. (Individuals will stop to inhale before continuing, but enough are always singing that the one note just continues on for the entire encounter.)

[It seems that combat will ensue, though people still have a chance for pre-combat stuff now, or at least they can get themselves into place for the combat. Plus, I'm in an airport and can't really be doing up a combat map just yet.]
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Post by Alína Nyárí »

Uncomfortable merely from being on the grounds of the monastery again, not to mention her own uncertainty as to what all is to come, the Jewess approaches the altar as Giovanni greets Japheth with the hope of finding an area away from the coming conflict. Wanting to somehow feel more attuned to her surroundings, she places three small statuettes equally spaced on the altar, muttering to them, "let the fertile seeds of peace flow from you through this space." Once positioned, she retreats to the rear of the group, adjusting her clothes loosely about her and lightly holding her bow while she watches silently.

[ooc]StoryTeller, please check PMs[/ooc]
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

This looks bad.

Seska cautiously nocks an arrow, but keeps the bow pointed downward. Her defensive posture and nervousness trying to signal that she is hesitant to take aim.
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

This was going too easy...

Expand my senses into the area, try to determine who's squaring off against who.

[2 Blood Dex, 3 Stamina]
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Post by Sabine »

I change into a cloud. [Protean 5] I fly above everybody, so I won't get hurt.
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Post by Olaf_Magnusson »

Face lighting up at the prospect of glorious battle, a chance once more to honor the All-Father with valorous deeds, I prepare myself...

(1 for Ymir's Wrath, 1 for Celerity, max out Dex & Strength)
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Hardestadt and the other Founders begin to approach, and the Sires, outnumbering them, fan out to defend. Two of the Founders vanish from sight. Four of the Sires do as well. Lord Valdemar pulses into shadows, which drop to the ground where they can no longer be seen.

Japheth repeates, "Let no blood be shed!" And all those in the area immediately feel a calming come upon them. Those who are still visible seem to be readying themselves to react to violence, while at the same time not intending to enact violence in return. Milov Petrenkov, who moments before had looked almost eager for a fight as he approached his foes, now stopped his approach and seemed wary of attack.

[Anyone wishing to commit violence must spend a Willpower to do so.]

Hardestadt shakes his head for a moment, then continues marching towards Claudio and Japheth. "This is not in your name, Elder. It is in my name, and it must be done."

Lady Jadviga puts herself in his way and raises clawed fingers. "We are not a part of your dirty little guild, Hardestadt. We do not bow to your rule. Do not make us spill blood here tonight."
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Seska Karantanija
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

Hardestadt's pressing forward despite Japheth appealing for calm strengthens her resolve.

Seska's grip upon her bow strengthens, although she does not raise it yet. She shouts out from the back ranks, "Hardestadt! You ask us to follow the dictates of our Elders, yet you put your desires over that of your own Elder, and within the confines of his very estate. Cease your advancement!"

Fearing that her words will not be met with reason and things will degenerate, her skin begins to molt and take a scaly appearance.

[1 Blood to start Skin of the Adder [1 of 3 turns]. Continue pumping stats with remaining pool. Dex max, Stamina max this turn, remainder into Strength.]
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Post by Taduz Illyannovich »

Seeing that Seska's words may fall on deaf ears. Very deaf ears. Very angry and deaf ears.

[2 blood to Awaken the Zulo Form, 2 dex 1 stam]


Stay with the group (players, not the sires nor the founders)
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Post by Gedeminas »

[ooc]I'm still not yet sure if I can do this, but I'll at least post it since if I wait, it'll probably be too late...[/ooc]

GM EDIT - Removing: [Things are calming down, but not enough...
There will probably be less haste if Lord Claudio stops drinking...
Would you mind stopping him? Relatively gently? [edit]WAIT FOR MY SIGNAL! If there is no need for us to make him stop, we won't.[/edit]
...and remember to tell Danukas before you start moving, or he might fall off.

[ooc]In an attempt to pierce the Obfuscate, Gedeminas activates Soulsight. After all, unless they are using the Obfuscate power that affects auras as well, they shouldn't be hidden...[/ooc]

GM EDIT - [While there is an obfuscate power that lets one present a false aura, any of the obfuscate powers that hide one's presence would also hide one's aura. So, if one were using obfu 3 to look like someone else but not to vanish entirely, people looking at you with Soulsight would still see your actual aura. If one were using obfu 4 to vanish from the mind's eye, anyone looking would see the person and willingly ignore that fact, as well as willingly ignore whatever they saw of the person's aura. (Of course, that's assuming that the viewer doesn't possess enough Auspex to simply pierce the obfuscation anyway.) You cannot use a second level of a power to beat the fourth level of another power.]
Last edited by Gedeminas on Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »


o - Cappadocius
o - Japheth
o - Augustus
o - Claudio
o - Marianna
o - Kneeling Monks

x - 12 - Hardestadt
x - 6 - Raphael
x - 8 - Milov
x - 7 - Fanchon
x - 6 - Josef
x - 6 - Camilla
x - 6 - Adana

- 8 - Al-Nasir
- 6 - Amisa
- 9 - Dimitra
- 11 - Mieczyslav
- 6 - Theophania
- 9 - Jadviga
- 9 - Violetta
- 6 - Valdemar

- 1 - Alina
- 4 - Gedeminas
- 2 - Olaf
- 2 - Sabine
- 5 - Seska
- 6 - Taduz

[I'll wait for the other players to chime in before I process any of the above posts, but I wanted to lay out the map in case it matters to anybody. Players, please let me know where on the map you'd like to be. Assume that the Sires entered through the southeast corner and walked up the middle, while the Founders entered through the southwest corner and walked up the middle. Initiatives are listed next to the entries in the legend. This iteration includes everyone, before they vanish from Obfuscate.]
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Post by Seska Karantanija »

[Seska would have approached with the Sires until the point Hardestadt appeared. If they came up the middle and we were already forward, then she would have stepped to the east a bit. Probably in the block of nine squares south of the eastern grouped Cappadocians.]

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