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Post by AllMother »

This will be a thread to add pictures of your area, ideas, etc. Please feel free to post what you have in mind.
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Post by AllMother »

Here are some random pictures that I found.

The new town square:


A homestead in one of the neighborhoods:


Aswan capital building (although I picture that city to be more dry, less lush and not in the mountains):


Pictures of Lockewood



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Post by [Syl] »

Gener's Farm
"It is not the literal past that rules us, save, possibly, in a biological sense. It is images of the past. Each new historical era mirrors itself in the picture and active mythology of its past or of a past borrowed from other cultures. It tests its sense of identity, of regress or new achievement against that past.”
-George Steiner
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Post by Menolly »

At AllMother's request, some images to attempt to explain the way I visualize Festival Hall and the amphitheater, the Welcome Center, and the Visitors Gardens. None of them are perfect, but it might help give a feel for what I see.

Festival Hall (exterior)
A bit plainer than what I picture, but the plaza in front can be the beginning of a performing arts square. A square which will hopefully include a university and expansion of Azver's library one day.
Not Roman nor Medieval, but I visualize wooden doors, appropriate "windows," and no hand rails.

Close-up of the entryway and plaza of Festival Hall

Amphitheater looking down

Amphitheater from center stage
Communal altar dedicated to all deiities, spirits, and ancestors revered in Twinsriver will be located here for feast days.

Festival Hall (interior)
An example of one of the concert/exhibition halls inside. There are still smaller meeting rooms and kitchens on the same level, while the art studios, rehearsal rooms, and gathering halls for the artisans are in the lower level(s).

I submitted the following this turn, to describe the design of the Welcome Center and Visitors Gardens.
in Laurel's Turn 10 submission she wrote:I propose the design for the Welcome Center and Visitors Gardens to the Council of Elders and Builders Guild. The design is spectacular; incorporating the natural resources of marble, sand, clay, and timber, with some of Brand’s brass he is using for the gates incorporated as accents. The Welcome Center itself is marble and brass, with columns and a domed roof. While modest in scope, it sits just to the right of the gates as one approaches them, offering a smiling face and welcoming hand to all who seek Twinsriver in friendship. Directly across the road to the gate from the Welcome Center is a marble lined wading pool with a marble fountain with brass jets, merrily spraying the curative waters of Twinsriver for any dust-worn traveler. Along either side of the road as the gates are approached are the gardens. Tiered in three levels on both sides, lush trees and flowering shrubs line sand paved trails wending through each level. Marble steps with brass accents showing designs attributed to each of the deities, spirits, or ancestors revered in Twinsriver ascend each side of the gardens, lined with clay planters holding more exotic plants which may need sheltering in extreme weather. The gardens may have been proposed as a means to welcome visitors, but I stress such beauty can and will also be appreciated by the residents of Twinsriver on festival and rest days as well, thus incorporating community as the heart of Twinsriver even as this park is built to welcome strangers.
AllMother again requested images to help her picture what I mean. Again, none of these fit my view perfectly, but they are as close as I was able to find.

Welcome Center

Tiered Visitors Gardens
Way more tiers than I visualize, but as landscaped as these, with the marble steps, brass accents, and sand trails.
(and yes, [syl]. I am sure as soon as you read "tiered gardens," you visualized the Bahai Temple in Haifa as well.)

Marble and brass wading pool with fountain
Again, brass - not bronze as pictured. and I don't really visualize statuary, although if it could be fit in to the design elements of the brass accents in the stairways...
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