The Gap Into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge 17 - Chapter 12

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The Gap Into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge 17 - Chapter 12

Post by Cord Hurn »


...and at a point in the story when Morn is dreading finally meeting them, because of the possibility of losing her humanity as a result. There's a lot of stress going on in Morn's mind right now, that doggoned much is for certain! Her mind is going from getting ready for being medically handled by the insidiously menacing aliens of forbidden space, to dreading the possibility of being made captive if the Amnion catch Nick cheating them. On top of all that, she is feeling shock from further evidence of corruption within the United Mining Companies Police.
Morn's identity was already under attack. Even without mutation, her understanding of her self and her life was being altered; force-grown to a different shape.

Nick had an immunity drug for the Amnion mutagens.

It had been given to him by Hashi Lebwohl--it belonged to the UMCP.

And the UMCP had withheld it from humankind. The cops, her people, had left all human space naked to alien absorption, when they had the means to effectively end the threat.

What kind of people did such things? What kind of men and women had she and her father committed themselves to?

Vector Shaheed was right. The UMCP is the most corrupt organization there is.

How could she have been so wrong? How could her father and her whole family have been so wrong?
Morn Hyland and Nick Succorso are hanging onto straps while floating in near-zero gravity as Captain's Fancy ceases internal spin. As their docking port connects with Enablement Station, gravity is restored, and Morn and Nick are soon listening to Mikka Vasaczk's voice (via their Extra Vehicular Activity suit radios) relaying that the ship remains powered up even as it has secured docking with Enablement Station. Mikka warns that the Amnion won't like Captain's Fancy remaining powered up while fully docked to their station. But, she adds that being powered-up is the only way to hold the threat of self-destruction over Enablement to force a hasty departure.

Very quickly, the mechanical voice of an Amnioni "decisive" insisting on drive shutdown comes through the communications systems, giving the reason of dock integrity being otherwise threatened. Nick tells the alien leader (through Mikka) that Captain's Fancy must stay powered up to maintain support systems because of having sustained storage cell damage. The Amnioni returns that Enablement will supply power to the ship, as drive power shutdown is required when docked. Nick responds that conversion parameters are too complex, and that they wish a prompt departure.
"Ain't that the truth," Mikka muttered as she complied [in sending Nick's message to the Amnion].

She relayed the answer when it came.

"Enablement Station to presumed human Captain Nick Succorso." Nick mimicked the words with a sneer as the voice spoke. "Amnion defensives Tranquil Hegemony and Calm Horizons are ordered to exact compensatory damage for any breach of dock integrity."

"Acknowledge that," Nick instructed Mikka. "Remind them we have a deal. 'Conformity of purpose will be achieved through the mutual satisfaction of requirements.' Point out we have every reason to protect their interests as long as they protect ours."

That response took a little longer. Then Mikka said again, "Done."

Nick flashed a grin like a glare at Morn. "'Compensatory damage,' my ass. Those bastards haven't seen a 'breach of dock integrity' until they see us self-destruct. There won't be anything left of those fucking warships except particle noise."

Or of us, Morn thought. But she didn't speak. Bit by bit, the zone implant reduced her to a state of dissociated calm, in which numbness and panic coexisted side by side.

There are a number of different repair tools on the EVA suits that Morn and Nick remove because the Amnion could consider such tools as weapons. In addition, Nick's suit has an impact pistol which he removes and leaves behind in the locker. Enablement sends another transmission saying Nick and Morn will be permitted to enter, and that they will be lead to a medical facility suitable for birthing. The Amnion decisive's voice states that Nick will be required to donate a deciliter of his blood before Morn's fetus will be birthed and force-grown. Then once the offspring is matured, the alien voice promises, both Nick and Morn will be returned to Captain's Fancy.

Nick checks with Mikka who tells him his voice is being clearly heard throughout the ship. Nick tells Scorz, his communications second, to record everything he and the Amnion say to each other. Then he instructs Mikka to try to take the ship out of being docked at Enablement and take off if the Amnion start jamming communications. Nick indicates he and Morn are ready to go onto Enablement, and in now-sealed EVA suits he and Morn walk through the just-opened airlock into an alien-controlled environment in a fairly large room in Enablement.
Stumbling between fear and calm, as if she were going mutely insane, Morn let Nick lead her forward.

In the station airlock, they crossed a scanning grid that looked more like a tangle of vines than a technological apparatus. She and Nick were tested for weapons and contaminants, then let pass.

She moved as if she were wading through mire. Every step took her closer to the Amnion and horror.

She wished she could blame her faceplate for the way they looked to her; but she knew she couldn't. Polarization and plexulose weren't responsible for the terror which her heart pumped instead of blood--a terror thickened to sludge by her zone implant. The guards were hominoid in the sense that they had arms and legs, fingers and toes, heads and torsos, eyes and mouths; but there all resemblance to Homo sapiens ended. Their racial identity was a function of RNA and DNA, not of species-specific genetic codes. They played with their shapes the way humans played with fashion, sometimes for utility, sometimes for adornment.

They wore no clothing: they had developed a protective crust, as rough as rust, which made garments irrelevant. Keen teeth like a lamprey's lined their mouths. Their viscid eyes--four of them spaced around their heads for omnidirectional vision--didn't need to blink. Both Amnion were bipedal: however, one of them had four arms, two sprouting from each side; the other had three, one at each shoulder, one in the center of its torso. Their strangeness made them loom like giants, although they were only a little larger than Nick or Morn.

Draped from their shoulders were bandoliers supporting unfamiliar weapons.

Both of them wore what appeared to be headsets. That made sense. Translation was a complex process, and probably wouldn't be entrusted to guards in any case; so all communication would be patched between the authorities on Enablement and Captain's Fancy. This was confirmed when the alien voice came over Morn's earphones, although neither guard had spoken.

"Presumed human Captain Nick Succorso, you are accepted on Enablement Station. You will be escorted to the birthing environment."

One Amnioni gestured toward a transport sled parked out in the dock.

"Let's go," Nick said.

The way the guards moved their heads suggested that they could hear him.

Morn felt another piece of her reality detach itself and slip away. In this place, nothing was fixed; all nightmares became possible.

Light fell like sulfur from hot pools in the ceiling. She stared around her as if she were fascinated; but all she wanted was to avoid focusing her eyes on her guards.
Morn's zone implant has succeeded in giving her a calm exterior. Nevertheless, inside she is queasy right down to her very corpuscles by looking at Amnion technology that appears grown and mutated rather than manufactured. Deep inside, Morn is anxious that what will be done with her son is unnatural enough to rob him of having a personality of his own. Her body is still capable of movement, but only in a deliberate but unhurried way.

But inside, she continues to worry her son may be denied a human personality and viewpoint as a result of being force-grown. And also deep inside, under all that zone implant-induced tranquility, Morn continues to be rocked with dismay over her discovery of UMCP corruption. Outwardly, however, she simply moves when Nick leads her by the arm, as they make their way to an organic-looking Amnion transport sled. The two of them sit in the middle row of the sled with a guard in front of them and a guard in back of them, and then the sled starts to move forward through a hallway. Black strips reach out from the floor to guide the sled like rails. Morn feels she must release her inner anxiety, and she does so by announcing to Nick (and thus to the Amnion authorities as well as the crew of Captain's Fancy) that she wants to name her son after her father Davies. Nick tells her he doesn't care and to shut up. Morn feels relief that she expressed that thought and now feels more comfortable being under the zone implant's spell. The sled seems to follow a trail like a helix downward into the station's interior. And then one of my favorite Forbidden Knowledge moments happens. I've used this passage as the basis for a Gap Quiz question which has "farce" as the answer: "What word did the Amnion of Enablement Station insist on being translated for them before they would give Nick what he wanted?"
The damp yellow light was more intense here. It played and gleamed across Morn's EVA suit like a decontamination beam burning away undetectable microorganisms; burning away reality; at last burning away fear. Somewhere deep within her, she surrendered slowly to the zone implant.

Nick's voice was abrupt in her ears. "Where are you taking us? I don't like being this far from my ship."

Both guards looked at him. From the earphones, Enablement's mechanical voice said, "Conformity of purpose will be achieved through the mutual satisfaction of requirements. Your requirements necessitate a suitable birthing environment."

He growled a curse under his breath, then insisted harshly, "Delay doesn't conform to your purpose or mine."

"Time," came the reply, "is not accessible to manipulation."

As if out of nowhere, Vector Shaheed asked amiably, "Is that philosophy or physics?"

Morn began to relax more completely.

"Goddamn it--" Nick began.

"Vector!" snapped Mikka, "I told you to be quiet." A moment later she added, "Sorry about that, Nick."

"Oh, hell," Nick retorted, "let's all talk at once. If we're going to turn this into a farce, we might as well go all the way."

For a moment the earphones went silent. Then the alien voice inquired, "Presumed human Captain Nick Succorso, what is 'farce'? Translation is lacking."

Nick's fingers dug into Morn's arm. "Ask me later," he rasped. "If I like the way you conduct this trade, I'll give you 'farce' as a gift."

"Presumed human Captain Nick Succorso," countered the voice immediately, "you claim humanity. Therefore you claim enmity to the Amnion. Also your identity doesn't conform to known reality. That also constitutes enmity to the Amnion. Understanding is necessary for trade. What is 'farce?'"

Before Nick could reply, Vector spoke again. "'Farce' is a form of play in which humans make themselves ridiculous for the amusement of other humans. Its purpose is to reduce tension and provide community of feeling."

Clenching his free fist and Morn's arm, Nick waited. The sled ran fifty meters down the hall before the voice answered, "Translation is acceptable."

After a long pause, he said, "All right, Vector. I'll call us even this time. But don't try me again."

No one from Captain's Fancy responded.

I like the irreverent levity of Vector's question in the middle of this unsettling feeling of Morn and Nick being swallowed into the alien station. It decreases the tension for me as a reader (just a touch), though it obviously doesn't decrease the tension for Nick as a character.
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Forbidden Knowledge 17 - Chapter 12

Post by Cord Hurn »

The transport sled gently decelerates and stops in front of a door marked by a black strip, and the rear guard steps out and speaks for the door to be opened. The door slides open. Beyond it is a laboratory and an Amnioni with eyes "large and trinocular" and with a strong limb growing out of its chest and multiple arms growing out of each shoulder. This Amnioni identifies itself as a doctor and labels the lab a "birthing environment". Morn is thinking under her zone implant calmness that her most important consideration is her infant's well-being, and she agrees to have Nick lead her into the lab. The Amnion guards follow, and put Morn and Nick between them as the door closes.

The doctor presents a hypo to Nick, insisting Nick first donate a deciliter of blood before anything else is done. Nick insists on inspecting the hypo for mutagens, then returns the hypo upon inspecting it. His arm shakes as he extends it with sleeve pulled back, and he comments that this will make a great story. The Amnion doctor draws the blood, Nick openly urges they get around to consideration of Morn's baby, and Morn silently considers it's all worth it for the sake of young Davies. Then the doctor asks a couple of surprise questions that Nick finds seriously unsettling.
The doctor was speaking again. "The efficacy and safety of the procedure is established. All Amnion offspring are matured in this fashion. Certainly the human female is not Amnion. Yet even with a human efficacy of the procedure has been established. Her blood will provide the computers with information for the necessary adjustments. The genetic identity of her offspring will not be altered.

"What are your wishes concerning her body? Will you trade for it? Suitable recompense will be offered. Or do you wish to dispense of it in your own fashion?"

Morn heard the words as if they were in a code she couldn't decipher.

At her side, Nick went rigid.

"What do you mean," he demanded dangerously, "'dispose of it'? What are you talking about? I want to take her with me as alive and healthy as she is right now."

"That is impossible," replied the doctor without discernible inflection. "You were aware of this. It is presumed that your requirement contains the knowledge of its outcome. Among Amnion, the efficacy and safety of the procedure is established. Among humans, only the efficacy is established.

"The difficulty involves"--the Amnioni cocked his head, listening--"translation suggests the words 'human psychology.' The procedure necessitates"--the doctor listened again--"'a transfer of mind.' Of what use is a physically mature offspring with the knowledge and perceptions of a fetus? Therefore the offspring is given the mind of its parent. Among Amnion, this procedure is without difficulty. Among humans, it produces"--another cock of the head--"'insanity.' A total and irreparable loss of reason and function. Speculation suggests that in humans the procedure instills an intense fear which overwhelms the mind. The female will be of no further use to you. Therefore the offer is made to trade for her."

Total and irreparable loss--Morn did her best to concentrate on the danger, but her attention drifted sideways. Trade for her. No doubt the Amnion still wanted her because her sanity or madness was irrelevant to the mutagens. She should have been terrified.

But she was too far gone for that.

A transfer of mind. He would be truly and wholly her son. There would be nothing of Angus Thermopyle in him.

Her struggle to find a better answer than rape and zone implants and treason wouldn't end here. The things her father represented to her might still survive.
Taking this risk gives Morn reason to hope for her new family member. So, quickly after Nick argues against her going through with this, she tells him she's not fearful and doesn't want to turn back now. The next point she makes with Nick is that the ship still needs repairs. Nick (and Mikka and Vector over the radio) try to get Morn to reconsider, but she tells the Amnioni it's an acceptable agreement. Morn takes off her EVA suit, reaches into the pocket with the zone implant control, and adjusts it for serene unconsciousness. Then she accepts the breathing mask from the doctor as Nick, still standing between the guards, cries out in protest.

The Amnioni sets her within a creche, removes her shipsuit, sets it beside her, takes a blood sample, then injects serum to induce her to give birth. The infant the Amnioni takes from Morn gets set into a second creche. Electrodes are attached to Morn by this doctor. Then electrodes and IVs are attached to her son as the creche's transparent door closes. Morn's tiny son visibly gets pinker as it receives properly oxygenated air for a human. Morn gets a plasma injection and neural soothers, and gets cleaned up.
In the second creche, a form of biological time-compression began. A potent amino soup, full of recombinant endocrine secretions and hormones, fed every cell in Davies' small form, triggering in seconds DNA-programmed developments which should have taken months to complete; sustaining a massive demand for nutrients and calories; enabling his tissues to process growth and waste with an efficiency at once ineffable and grotesque--as wondrously vital and consuming as cancer.

Under the subtle distortions of the creche's cover, his body elongated itself, took on weight and muscle; his features reshaped themselves as baby fat spread across them and then melted away, and their underlying bones solidified; his hair and nails grew impossibly long, until the doctor trimmed them. At the same time, the electrodes copied Morn's life and replicated it in him: the neural learning which provided muscle tone, control, skill; the mix of endocrine stimulation and memory which formed personality, made decision possible.

As Nick had promised, the process was finished in an hour.

In effect, Morn Hyland gave birth to a sixteen-year-old son.
In an earlier chapter dissection, I wrote that at first Orn Vorbuld's demise didn't seem to advance the plot much. But now, at this point in the story, it can be seen that the virus Orn left behind became a bargaining chip from Nick for Morn to solve to keep her baby. And the situation they're now in is due to Nick insisting on Morn's child being force-grown, though it's true he wasn't aware of the consequences. The plot point of Nick killing Orn has turned out to drive this story in an unexpected direction. And from this point onward, I'm really getting to enjoy the Gap series. The story really picked up for me, right here!
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Forbidden Knowledge 17 - Chapter 12

Post by Cord Hurn »

This passage is effective in promoting a feeling of profound weirdness in the situation of being within Enablement, and its description of them seemingly spiraling downward gives the feeling of Morn and Nick being sucked into a trap. I enjoy how it adds further tension in the chapter.
As if it ran on oil, the sled glided across the dock into a hall as wide as a road. Black strips in the floor took hold of the sled and guided it like rails. Other strips would have handled other traffic; yet the hall was empty. The fluid noise of the sled's drive was the only sound from either direction. The station kept everything except its walls secret from alien eyes. The hall curved steadily, and she thought it declined as it curved, as if Enablement were designed in spirals, helixes, instead of concentric circles--down and around in a tightening circuit, like the descent into hell.
The statement that Enablement seems to be designed in helixes reinforces the perception of the Amnion being skilled in working with DNA. It doesn't prove their skill with DNA manipulation, of course, but it strongly suggests the Amnion are familiar enough with the DNA model to design ships sections based upon its structure in ways they can find practical and familiar.
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