SRD's Bubonicon '04 Runes Read!!! (Spoilers!!!)


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SRD's Bubonicon '04 Runes Read!!! (Spoilers!!!)

Post by danlo »

I'm going to sticky this here, for a few weeks, and then move it to the Runes forum. So until then please comment in general (don't spoil). If you need to spoil between now and the end of the fortnight please create a seperate topic in that forum. Yes, this will contain some stuff many of you have already seen; the last 3 pages of Prolouge: chapter 1, Runes of the Earth (downloadable on the Official SRD Website), but SRD continued reading the first four pages of next chapter AND the first 3 pages from chapter 4, Part Two! 8O

Disclaimers: I have not read the Prologue yet so if I make some errors please forgive me--bringing to note the odd fact that Sarah Clint's (as stated in last year's reading) name is now Amy, for example--whether I got the name wrong, initially, or if SRD changed the name during his "massive rewrites" I don't know. Also ARC "purists"-SRD read so quickly during Part Two, chapter 4 that I may not have the names of the
Ranyhyn, Ramen and Stonedowners
down pat but I shall do my best!

:!: :!: :!: Beware there are uncovered SPOILERS from the Prolouge below--chapter 4, Part Two has been blacked out by the Spoiler function, just in case... :!: :!: :!:

Setting for Prologue, Chapt 1: (10 years later) Roger Covenant is talking with Dr. Linden Avery who is now Chief Medical Officer of Berensford Memorial Hospital, "the local nuthouse". Joan is Linden's personal patient who is in an uncontrolable personally abusive state. Joan is restrained to her bed to prevent her from continually punching herself in the head, as if to drive demons out. Nevertheless she continually yells and thrashes about and all attempts to calm her down have failed. Linden has discovered that anytime Thomas Covenant's white gold wedding band is in her proximity Joan's manic condition appears to ease. So LA has put the ring on a necklace that Joan has been wearing but, fortunately, she has the ring hidden about her own neck when Roger comes to claim custody of his mother. Roger has just turned 21 and is not only trying to claim custody but to claim TC's will in lieu of his mother's incompetency.->

Roger and Linden have been going around and around for almost a half hour and even though he retains no legal right to Joan's custody from the state, due do non corpus menti, he is out to prove that to Linden that he is the only one who understands her, can calm her and take care of her. As they finally go into Joan's room Roger gets a strange glint in his eye and nods to Linden as if all her arguements now make sense. "You've done your best-now it's my time-I know things about her you don't-knowledge that has to be earned-I've earned it, I can take care of her." Roger moves over to the bed in an strange purposefull way, but he can't stop his hands from trembling. He leans over the rail and undoes her restraint. His hands shake almost uncontrollably as he looks at the bizzare pattern of color the sun has created from her bedside flowers on her mangled righthand, destroyed by Lord Foul's banefire so long ago.

Linden expects Joan to strike herself as Joan acknowledges the unattainable flowers and stares vacantly though Roger. Roger's trembling hands touch Joan face but she remains calm. "Mother, it's me Roger." Joan's pupils dilate, she blinks a number of times, and leans forward as her eyes come into focus. "Roger is that you?" "Of course, you can see, as you've always known." He says with a distainful vex, as if she had always been his "servant". As Linden watches as thin trickle of blood runs off her bitten lip. "It's been so long, I've waited so long, make it stop." "I've had to wait." he said. Suddenly Joan punches herself in the temple, drawing blood. He has had to wait, until he turned twentyone, to be able to do anything. Linden doesn't understand how Roger can reach or how Joan can do anything.

"I've been good, I can't stand it" she says. "Of course you can" he sneered, "That's what you do, I'll take you out of here. We'll make it stop, together." As Linden and Roger exit the room Joan begins to scream uncontrolably like "fabric ripping on glass." "She's coming with me. As you plainly see, I'm the only one who can take care of her. You have no choice." As Linden replies, "She's leaving over my dead body."

Beginning of Prolouge, Chapter 2: Once outside the room Linden spins on Roger, "You knew that was going to happen, didn't you?!" Joan's screams reach an almost inhuman pitch as the monitor alarm begins railing. The nurse, who had reattached the restraint (Amy Clint), catches the confrontation, "Dr. Avery what's wrong?!" Roger looks at Linden, "Give her a taste of blood, that will calm her down." Linden looks at him horrified, then remembers, "Miss Clint, this is Roger Covenant, Joan's son. Seeing him has upset her." "I've never heard her scream that way before." the nurse says. Linden begins to understand that Roger has learned something, but how? Then nods, "Yes Amy go ahead give Joan a taste of her blood." Confused and highly distressed Amy does as she's told.

"You didn't answer my question." Joan aburptly stops sceaming. With a malign edge Roger replies, "I'm the only one who can take care of her. I'm her son, I can reach her. You can't." Linden acknowledges his results but is somehow terrified of the methods. "Until you can produce a court order the front door is that way." "Oh by the way, do you know what happened to my father's wedding ring? It wasn't found on his body. I've asked Maegan Roman and Sheriff Lytton, but no one seems to know where it is..." Now Linden knows he must be somehow touched by Foul-he must, somehow, know the power wild magic has in the Land. Foul must have been preparing a major assault on his prision for some time. He'll go to the Land and use the ring to destroy the Arch of Time! She can't totally grasp his intent or how this knowledge came to him but one thing was certain: ALOT of people were going to die.

For reasons that almost suppassed her understanding she said, "I've had it ever since he died, he gave it to me." "His will left everything to my mother and I want it back." Linden remembers the sudden disappearance, as Foul had killed Covenant, and reapperance of the ring in her hand when she returned to this world. "It was his dying wish that I should have it." "I can't calm her or heal her without it-it's rightfully hers." "Again the door is that way." Roger begins to leave but then turns at her and says, "Dr. Avery (as if her title was the embodiment of a sneer) you have no idea what you're dealing with." Oh she did, but how, how had Roger come upon such knowledge?
Chapter 4, Part Two: (Again he went so fast that the names of the Stonedowners and Ramen may be erroneously interchanged and the Ranyhyn's name may be slighty off.) Out of an insane death-dealing storm of chaotic driving sleet and interspersed lightning, with massive thunderheads "the color of bruises and madness", ride Linden Avery and Stave of the Haruchai. Both appear to be barely alive as they arrive at the Ramen camp-two Cords calm their mounts and Lyand has to bodily drag Linden, in rigid mortification-ceaselessly crying-completely chilled to the bone as in death, off Hynn (Hynnian?) her Ranhyn. They had been away for two nights and two days and if not for the aura of white fire and Hynn's body heat she would not have survived. Stave dismounts his Ranyhyn but can barely stand due to his major wounds.

The party and both Ranyhyn enter a tent, to escape the morbid winds, where Manethrall Ham'e places Linden by a large fire and give her water. The Stonedowner, Martir, crushes aliantha in his teeth and "kisses" it into her mouth. Pawne attempts to rub life into Linden's feet and legs as Rea feeds Stave hot stew. Cords Baba, Pawne and Rea and Manethrall Ham'e pay homage to the Ranyhyn, barely recovered form the brink of exhaustion, and they gallop into the storm to whatever their destination may be. Stave shakes himself into sensibilty and Ham'e addresses him, "Will you speak now Bloodguard? The ring will not speak for her." "Let the Chosen speak of it, if she is able, I will not."

Finally emerging from a deep sleep Linden opens her eyes and, eventually, breathes easier. Ham'e gives her more water and pulped aliantha. She becomes stronger than before but is in a deep illness, "Clearly a fever of the soul." bordering on the metaphsyical. The Ramen apply their meager store of hurtloam to her brow and injuries and wonder if she could stand a small administration of amanibhavan either injested or as a poultice. She stares into nothingness as Lyand props her up to the fire while repeating a soft litany-"Linden, Linden..." A faint patina of conciousness strikes her, she sits up, grabs Stave, and with a cracked and tortured voice murmers "...the poor horses--- ---oh my son!"
Last edited by danlo on Fri May 05, 2006 3:37 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Post by dlbpharmd »


Thanks, Danlo!
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Thank you, Danlo. :) October better get here quickly! :lol:
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Post by Earthblood »

Once again you steal the show Danlo - thanks!!
I agree - October can't get here soon enough!!
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Post by dlbpharmd »

Linden remembers the sudden disappearance, as Foul had killed Covenant , and reapperance of the ring in her hand when she returned to this world.
Interesting - very interesting.
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Post by Furls Fire »

OH MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :faint:
hurtloam!! Ranahyn!! bloodgaurd!! by God, there is Earthpower yet!
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O


When is October 21 (I guess that's the date now) coming???? siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh :Help:
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Post by aliantha »

Whoo hoo! Thanks, Danlo!

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Post by danlo »

There is a discrepancy, pointed out to me at Ahira's Hangar, about, "her mangled righthand, destroyed by Lord Foul's banefire so long ago." Again this may be my faulty interperatation of what he said-but after rereading Plight in The Wounded Land I reconfirmed that this never happened. Perhaps SRD said something like 'she momentarily raised her righthand to her neck where the acolyte had placed his blade during Foul's Banefire'-I don't know.

If someone has access to the Prolouge, Chapter 1 off the Official Site (I don't have Adobe Reader and have not read it yet) perhaps you can correct me. There rest is as accurate as it can be-to the best of my interperetation and hastily penned notes... 8)
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Post by I'm Murrin »

*is checking* I'm pretty sure it didn't say that, though. I think I also mentioned on the Hangar the fact that it talks of only one ring - whereas I had though that both Joan and Linden had a ring.
In fact, now I'm looking at it, there is no doubt at all that Joan has her own ring. It is stated explicitly - Linden tells Roger about it, Roger looks at the ring, says he is impressed Linden worked out that giving her it would calm her.
Ah, here's the quote you're asking for:
His hands trembled slightly as he undid the restraint on her right wrist.
Flowers cast splotches of colour into Linden's eyes, deep red and blue, untroubled yellow.
No particular mention of the state of her hand.

But of course, considering that other small differences are there, this part may have been rewritten.

A small point:
amanhibhavam, ingested or as a poultice, to treat humans. Methinks medicine in the land has advanced at least a little, they've worked out what amounts are safe and what they can be used for...
Also - Bloodguard. Not Haruchai - Bloodguard.
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Post by danlo »

what SRD explicitly read to us was that it was not until LA had placed TC's ring on a necklace and let her wear it or come near to her with it did she calm down at all--the conversation with Roger saying impressive was definately not part of the read--maybe that happened before I don't know--he only read the last 3 pages of that chapter-if he mentioned Joan's ring at all I never heard it. I guess I'll getting senile-I'll never report back from a con again-you try writting down and trying to recollect every single word from a 50 minute sometimes Murrin...
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Post by dlbpharmd »

I'll never report back from a con again-you try writting down and trying to recollect every single word from a 50 minute sometimes Murrin...
Danlo, I live for those reports! Keep 'em coming!
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Hey, I wasn't criticising, I was just poiting out differences. As I said, he may have changed it since it was posted on the site - in fact, it's quite likely that changes have been made.
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Post by danlo »

He explicitly said both Bloodguard AND Haruchai in relation to Stead. SRD said Haru-chai with and empathsis on the chai twice and the Stonedowner cleary adressed him as 'Bloodguard'-do you think I made all this up?
Sorry I'm not in the world's most wonderful mood today... :roll:
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Post by dlbpharmd »

I noticed this too - so perhaps the Haruchai have taken on a new Vow? I wonder if this was in response to Covenant's instructions to Durris in WGW to take care of Revelstone. And clearly the Stonedownors know of white gold, and have respect for Linden - perhaps the correct history of the Land, and not the Clave's version, has endured?

So many questions - can't wait til October 21st!
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Post by I'm Murrin »

The point of what I said was the significance of them referring to him as Bloodguard, whereas in the second chrons they were always just haruchai (I had noticed he was called Haruchai as well in the reading, and almost edited, decided not to). It means that either the term 'bloodguard' has changed in meaning, or they've taken another Vow (or it could even be that just this one single Haruchai has sworn himself to Linden).
Simply put, I was emphasising the significance, not trying to correct you on something - it was just badly phrased on my part.
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Post by danlo »

good points guys--sorry, again, I'm ready to bring the Arch of Time down on my boss--actually I don't have a boss, but the guy who thinks he is... :-x grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......Top o' the morning to y'all, tho! :D
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Post by dlbpharmd »

Why I need a white wild magic gold ring, # 468:

Fry the boss.

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Post by Believer »

Umm, do we really need to put our comments and questions in spoilers, since the original text is unspoiled? I'm a little confused there.

I also noticed that
it sounds like the Ramen were riding Ranyhyn..????
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Post by dlbpharmd »

I've been putting my comments about the spoiler covered material in spoilers just for consistency and courtesy's sake.
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Post by danlo »

No, the Ramen were tending and paying homage to the Ranyhyn. Linden and Stave of the Haruchai were riding the Ranyhyn.
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