Harry Turtledove - "Homeward Bound"

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Harry Turtledove - "Homeward Bound"

Post by IVB »

No, not the animal version.

Anoyone else read this book yet?

I loved the World War series, Colonization series left a little to be desired, and I read the newest book out of curiosity more than anything else.

One thing I did not like about any of the books was that the Race was too "human" in terms of reactions situations. Also there is the simple truth that an advanced space faring culture would not need to attack other planets for "living space". Given the Race's long view, terraforming (well Home-a-forming) would provide more worlds for less cost and even space based habitats would be feasable.
This book could be the final in the series where humanity as finaly surpassed the Race. Not much mention on the Soviets or the Riech in this book. You can be sure that they will be a few years at the most behind in FTL travel. Think it will be Payback time when that happens? Another disturbing thought is now Humans can expand at will through the universe but Earth remains highly factionalized. Lots of room for major conflicts....
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