The End of Last Chronicles Spoilt!!

Book 1 of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

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The End of Last Chronicles Spoilt!!

Post by wayfriend »

In the Gradual Interview was wrote:The End of Last Chronicles Spoilt!!: Dear Stephen,

On Kevin's Watch several people have posted saying that you have said that in the Last Chronicles,
"Covenant becomes Foul"
, without use of the blackout feature that is meant to be used to hide spoilers.

I found this out on Kevins Watch, and I tell ya, I DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!

I have ASKED and ASKED and ASKED the moderators to cover these assertions with spoiler blackouts, but they haven't.

If you care, perhaps you can have a discrete word with Jay, or anyone you know and respect who has authority at KevinsWatch. I realize you may not want to confirm or deny this assertion, but surely a discrete word with a trusted friend might help innocent newbies having their reading spoiled!

I never wanted to read this!! I would like other unsuspecting folks not to have their suspense spoiled as mine has somewhat been.

With kind regards and best wishes,

What can I say? I sincerely regret that this happened to you. In fact, I sincerely regret that I ever made the statement that led to this particular spoiler. (Yes, ultimately the responsibility for your disappointment rests with me rather than with Kevin's Watch.) I wish there was something I could say that would ease the sting for you, but there isn't.

You can be assured of one thing, however: nobody but me knows what the offending statement actually *means*.

btw, I've asked my webmaster to convey your unhappiness to the people at Kevin's Watch.

First, whoever the author is, he doesn't mind doing the same thing in the GI that someone did here at KW! (Spoiling it.)

Wasn't it W.A. Senior who blew the lid of this 'spoiler' anyway?

Anyway ... I have been thinking very long and hard about this very topic myself. One day I had a "Lysol moment", if you know what I mean. I was thinking about those Elohim, and then kapow! I think I know how the Last Chronicles is going to end - I think I know what
Covenant becomes Foul
means ...

But you know something? I'm never going to tell anyone else my theory. Just discussing it is too much of a spoiler. One day in about 9 years or so it will be very exciting to see if I was right or wrong. But if I think about someone else reading the final chapter, and instead of thinking 'Wow! I never imagined that!' they think, 'hey, that's what Wayfriend said' ... man, that would be horrible. It's not that I'm sure I'm right (I'm not) but even the chance is something I would never risk on anyone.

So you'll never find me here in KW discussing this topic.

Maybe if we had a vault, we could put our guesses into, and open them up in nine years ....

Is anyone else thinking about discussing theories about THE FINAL END here in the forum? Or thinking about how they would not discuss it?
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Post by CovenantJr »

That could only be one person. Insanity Falls, step forward and get your slap for bugging SRD with your petulant tantrums...
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Post by Furls Fire »

I hardly consider that quote a spoiler anyway. It was a comment made after the 2nd Chronicles came out and it just states the logical cycle of what becomes of Covenant at the end. How it happens is going to be the story, and if I know SRD, it will be an amazing story at that.
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Post by I'm Murrin »

CovenantJr wrote:That could only be one person. Insanity Falls, step forward and get your slap for bugging SRD with your petulant tantrums...
Considering the backlog of Gradual Interview questions, it's possible this question was sent in before all the trouble with Insanity Falls was sorted out, back when he first complained (if, indeed, it is him at all).

And Furls, I agree. It's like saying when LFB came out 'at the end Covenant defeats Foul', or saying to someone just beginning Lord of the Rings 'The ring is destroyed at the end'.
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Post by Alynna Lis Eachann »

Heh, guess Romeo's gonna be emailing Jay...

[edit: Right, I didn't mean to sound so blasé about this, but we've been through it already. I wasn't in the middle of the original discussion, but I was under the impression that an understanding had been reached... Perhaps this is one of the backlog of questions SRD had, and thus the issue is being inadvertently rehashed. Nevertheless, I don't think it was appropriate to bother the author with our internal disagreements.]
Last edited by Alynna Lis Eachann on Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The End of Last Chronicles Spoilt!!

Post by CovenantJr »

Murrin wrote:if, indeed, it is him at all
In the Gradual Interview was wrote:I have ASKED and ASKED and ASKED the moderators to cover these assertions with spoiler blackouts, but they haven't.
Sounds like Insanity Falls to me :-x
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Post by MrKABC »

I'm newer here, so I missed the whole "Insanity Falls" drama. What happened? Are we allowed to discuss it?

Ya know... in 1997 I was standing in line for the movie "Titanic" and someone came by and RUINED THE WHOLE MOVIE for me by telling me "the ship sinks in the end"! :P

So what if the above is true or not. How do we REALLY know it is true until we see it in black and white?

It's like Star Wars spoilers... take 'em with a grain of salt. Don't believe anything you read until you see it in person.

No harm, no foul IMHO!!
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Post by Kevin son of Ireland »

What did Insanity do? When did this Happen? Please tell folks? If not here in the forum please tell me in a private message!!

I'm really confused about this. Did SRD really admit that the book ends in this way, or is this only someones theory? And where in the GI did all this happen. Please, someone give me more info' on what this all means.
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Post by [Syl] »

Only relevant thread I can find is this one -

I believe it's come up elsewhere, but either I can't locate them or they've been deleted. There's a similar theme to the "Open Letter About Profanity" in Announcements and Suggestions.

But y'know, Kevin's Watch was around a long time before it became "the official" SRD message board. Obviously, things were fine how they were before or he wouldn't have put his stamp of approval on it. So a (relatively) new member complaining to the frikkin' author is ridiculous.* That, and if you don't want extremely vague "spoilers" you should probably stay away from message boards, perhaps even the whole internet. This is an information sharing medium, and you can't expect all information to stay in rigidly inforced boxes. Not even the National Security Agency thinks like that.

*Disclaimer: I love newbies and believe they should have equal rights and access. But this place is too big to cater to any one individual, and anybody too new doesn't have a proper grasp on the group dynamic, much less the credibility to claim to know what's best.
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Re: The End of Last Chronicles Spoilt!!

Post by High Lord Tolkien »

In the Gradual Interview was wrote:The End of Last Chronicles Spoilt!!: Dear Stephen,

I found this out on Kevins Watch, and I tell ya, I DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!

I have ASKED and ASKED and ASKED the moderators to cover these assertions with spoiler blackouts, but they haven't.
The 7 Hells are too good for this loser.
To actually complain to the Author about a FREE message board that he CHOOSE to go to and CHOOSE to read is pretty sad.
Wayfriend wrote:I think I know what
Covenant becomes Foul
means ...

But you know something? I'm never going to tell anyone else my theory. Just discussing it is too much of a spoiler. One day in about 9 years or so it will be very exciting to see if I was right or wrong. But if I think about someone else reading the final chapter, and instead of thinking 'Wow! I never imagined that!' they think, 'hey, that's what Wayfriend said' ... man, that would be horrible. It's not that I'm sure I'm right (I'm not) but even the chance is something I would never risk on anyone.

So you'll never find me here in KW discussing this topic.

Is anyone else thinking about discussing theories about THE FINAL END here in the forum? Or thinking about how they would not discuss it?
I can't see why you wouldn't discuss it here and share your ideas.
That's what this place is all about isn't it?
Why talk about anything then?
Some of the best threads are about :"What do you think/want to happen".

I said in a previous post that all the members of the Watch are like monkeys with typewriters, give us enough time and we'll come up with a better story than Donaldson himself! (but the room will be a lot more dirty afterwards!)

This whole "spoiler" thing is a big load of crap anyway.
There is some credibility with not having spoilers in the subject line but even then if you don't want to see something you could change your viewing habits to protect yourself.
Hey Watch members: Don't ask someone to do something just because you yourself are too lazy!

And Wayfriend if you really think I'm going to be thinking anything about you or any theory of yours 9 years from now as I sequester myself from reality and read the final book, YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND! :wink:

But you are more than welcome to give us all a big
after it comes out.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Kevin son of Ireland »

AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh, thankyou so much Sylvanus, my appetite for more knowledge on these issues has been temporarily sated.

Oh and Wayfriend, what High Lord Tolkien and Sylvanus say is right. If you don't want spoilers and such like, just stay away.

This is a discussion website and we all know about the "free speech" concept? yeah? I mean come on, it's in YOUR constitution. I'm Irish and even I know that :!:
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Post by CovenantJr »

Kevin son of Ireland wrote:AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh, thankyou so much Sylvanus, my appetite for more knowledge on these issues has been temporarily sated.
The phrase "tip of the iceberg" comes to mind. As does the word "harrassment." That bloke just went on and on and on about this... He even continued after the announcement Syl linked above :-x
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Post by dlbpharmd »

OK - you all know what? I'M SICK TO DEATH OF THIS CRAP!

We tried to accommodate when this issue first came up, but we didn't move fast enough, so now this bozo complains to SRD himself! About me and Creator not doing our jobs as moderators. Shesh!

[Edited, because Alynna asked nicely.]
Last edited by dlbpharmd on Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Furls Fire »

Also, think about this. If it was such a "spoiler" Donaldson would not have said it in the first place. He's very careful about what he reveals. Logical sequence of events has Covenant accepting Lord Foul as part of himself. Combat, surrender, acceptance. Logic. I've know this for 20 years. I knew it even before I read the interview. Hell, if people are going to get mad over this stuff...why not get mad at him for calling the final book "The Last Dark"????? I mean, that should tell you right there what's going to happen.

And btw...what difference does it make blackening it after you had read it anyway??? All this brewhaha is ridiculous...isn't there something else in your life that could deserve even a fourth of the concern and energy you put into this?? Going to Donaldson himself is unbelievably immature and assinine. Get over it.

Sorry everyone. But I find this whole thing just a tad ludicrous...
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Post by wayfriend »

Okay .... I did not know that this was a land-mine. Kablam ... ouch ... sorry.

Can this topic be about whether or not one would speculate on the final end of the Last Chronicles, and things related to that? And we can just forget about that old
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Post by Alynna Lis Eachann »

Alright, time to settle a bit, I think. We're all pretty upset, not least the folks whose responsibility IF is challenging, but let's try to stay a step above that. And if you think I'm not mad, you should see how many times I've retyped my posts on the matter to tone things down. I'll get together with Jay on this... see what we can do...
"We probably could have saved ourselves, but we were too damned lazy to try very hard... and too damn cheap." - Kurt Vonnegut

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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

Wayfriend wrote:Okay .... I did not know that this was a land-mine. Kablam ... ouch ... sorry.

Can this topic be about whether or not one would speculate on the final end of the Last Chronicles, and things related to that? And we can just forget about that old
I think that by dismissing
we're saying "Of course we want to speculate!!"
At least that's what I'm saying.


And damn-it man, now I want to know what your epithany was!!!
Tell us!!

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Post by Revenant »

This "ending" (possibly from an old SRD quote) was even discussed in the old ezboard, back in 2000-2001.
Way before anyone knew there really was a third (let alone last) chronicles in the works.
Nothing new.
What's the fuss? Geez...
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Post by Warmark Jay »

Well, I'm good friends with SRD, and while we were pounding shots of Wild Turkey the other night, mourning the death of Hunter S. Thompson, he told me how it all ends. Read on, if you dare:
Covenant dies again. His last word: "ROSEBUD."
"That must be the King."
"How do you know?"
"He hasn't got sh*t all over him."
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Post by Alynna Lis Eachann »

I know I shouldn't, but: :LOLS:
"We probably could have saved ourselves, but we were too damned lazy to try very hard... and too damn cheap." - Kurt Vonnegut

"Now if you remember all great paintings have an element of tragedy to them. Uh, for instance if you remember from last week, the unicorn was stuck on the aircraft carrier and couldn't get off. That was very sad. " - Kids in the Hall
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