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by peter
Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:13 am
Forum: General SRD Discussion and Other Works
Topic: What has your inherited locution provided you?
Replies: 4
Views: 4925

What has your inherited locution provided you?

C'mon! Who doesn't use the words 'condign' and 'puissant' on a near daily basis?

by peter
Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:14 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Here's Labour's plan. They are going to attempt to turn the post-war pattern of two or three Conservative terms of office to each Labour one, on its head. They don't want to do for the two party system - on the contrary, they like it. It allows for them to share the field with a single opponent, eac...
by peter
Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:14 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Here we go. Chancellor Rachel Reeves has "discovered a twenty billion pounds black hole" in the national finances, and might therefore have to introduce the tax increases that she claimed were "not part of her plans" on occasions too numerous to relate, during the six week electi...
by peter
Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:18 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: Joke of the Day
Replies: 159
Views: 33969

Joke of the Day

Chap and his wife, been on holiday to America and have bought themselves a couple of exotic pets, a python and a skunk, while over there. Coming back through customs, big sign on the wall, "NO ANIMALS TO PASS BEYOND THIS POINT." "Crikey," says the woman, "What are we going t...
by peter
Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:26 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Great to see you Damelon, but I barely know where to start. Let's start from the first sentence. By saying Russia is "revanchist", do you imply that it attempts to recover the status it once had in terms of influence (which essentially means the projection of power) in former times, ot tha...
by peter
Wed Jul 24, 2024 6:04 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

I suppose with the majority Labour won at the last election, Kier Stamer thinks that he has MPs to burn, and is thus quite prepared to sacrifice a few early on in his term in order to make a point. Thus we learn this morning that he has suspended the whip from seven Labour MPs, including staunch Cor...
by peter
Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:15 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Interesting article on the front page of today's Times about a study into the level of integrity displayed by people in the UK today, compared with that recorded in a similar study carried out in 2011. The study, carried out by Portsmouth University, found that levels of integrity had fallen amongst...
by peter
Mon Jul 22, 2024 6:09 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

One question that's been bugging me is why the recent ICJ ruling is why it should be advisory rather than mandatory? This seems almost like a 'get out of jail card' for Israel and its allies, and a major stumbling block preventing any concrete action that could actually get this untenable situation ...
by peter
Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:13 am
Forum: General Fantasy/Sci-Fi Discussion
Topic: Tell Us What Books We Should Be Reading
Replies: 105
Views: 63197

Tell Us What Books We Should Be Reading

Just finished a book called The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Absolutely top grade stuff in the manner of an almost Dickensian fantasy city. A disreputable charlatan as hero and a cast of villains to make the mouth water. Great, great fun. A genuine page turner and I mean it. :) (Ps. "Za...
by peter
Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:26 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

An incredibly important advisory ruling by the International Court of Justice went by with barely a passing nod by the legacy media this week, passing it by like "the idle wind which [it) regardeth not." In its first such ruling for five years (the last being on the unlawful separation of ...
by peter
Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:36 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Didn't have time to post on this yesterday, but the Telegraph reported that the longest ever sentence was passed out by the courts for the 'crime' of staging a nonviolent protest. It wasn't called that of course, but rather something like 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance' or some such. It was ...
by peter
Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:43 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

An awful story about a Downs syndrome man attacked by IDF attack dogs and left to bleed to death is reported, on the BBC News website, and if any more is needed to convince you of the atrocities being committed in Gaza as we speak, then this is it. 24 year old Muhammed Bar, was autistic as well as d...
by peter
Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:14 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Damn Sky! You're putting in the miles! Puts me to absolute shame (but in fairness I'm so crocked it's all I can do to climb the stairs to bed at night! ;) ) We've had some really great initiatives dealing with homelessness since the pandemic, during which the local council was forced to adress the i...
by peter
Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:27 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Hey Sky! :wave: You'll see I've changed my above post (I got sidetracked into the problem of benefits manipulation) but in essence it remains the same. Personally I'll never forgive Stamer his perfidy - defined as ' the state of being decietful and untrustworthy', which sums him up perfectly. You'd ...
by peter
Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:17 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

So at last we have it! Come the glorious day! Hoist the red flag. The socialist revolution is here! Kier Stamer has released his first directive - sorry program of priorities - in the King's Speech, delivered at the State Opening of Parliament held at Westminster yesterday. While the Communist Manif...
by peter
Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:10 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Trump's appointment of J D Vance as his running mate is being taken as a signal as to where his position on the war in Ukraine will lie, should he secure a second term as president in November. Vance has been excoriating in his criticism of American involvement in the debacle that has seen Ukraine r...
by peter
Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:17 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

"Every lie we tell is a debt incurred to the truth; a debt that must be repaid at some point in the future." So said Valery Legasov in the HBO drama Chernobyl . As I listened to the Israeli account of the strikes made recently into Gaza, purportedly to take out two Hamas leaders that were ...
by peter
Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:34 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

I watched a Novara Media debate on whether the amassment of huge multimillion pound fortunes was acceptable and the lady philosopher/economist (who had just written a book on the subject) started by saying, in case it should be mistakenly thought so, that she was "not a communist" in no un...
by peter
Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:02 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

The big news story of the day however, has to be the shooting of Donald Trump in the ear at a rally in Pennsylvania. Seems like the ex-President got away with minimal injuries, but it won't get any closer than that! I'm not aware of who the shooter was but irrespective of this, had the outcome been ...
by peter
Sun Jul 14, 2024 3:16 am
Forum: General Discussion Forum
Topic: What Do You Think Today?
Replies: 4960
Views: 934966

What Do You Think Today?

Thanks for coming over SB. I'm absolutely in agreement that Hamas are working their own agenda in the Palestinian situation, but Israel are really doing themselves significant damage in the approach they are taking. Just yesterday we saw 71 civilians killed and numberless injured in rocket attacks o...

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