Insanity of the Left

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Post by Cail »

Are you going to answer the questions or not? There's nothing the least bit appealing about this imbecile whatsoever. She's put her foot in her mouth so many times she walks funny. After all the fake outrage about Brett Kavanaugh, suddenly those same people are silent when this dunderhead promises to "run train" on the progressive agenda. The hypocrisy here is nothing short of staggering. Had a conservative, white man said the same thing, he'd be pilloried.

What is it about her? Especially to you who doesn't live in her district. You like her. She's impressive. For doing what? If you like her energy or style, that's one thing. But she's done nothing substantive. And again, you're an Aussie. What is it about this representative from a district in New York that motivates you to post?

BTW, I never said a word about her dancing, so don't bother bringing that up. She's an economic and political idiot. She was elected because of her hare-brained beliefs and her demographics.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Skyweir wrote: The swings taken at AOC so far are juvenile .. and frankly puerile .. slamming a dance video of her in Uni. Her clothing?? Stupid shit .. Come on .. what is the point? What does shit like that even prove?

Name a single person who "slammed" her dance video.

I keep hearing this over and over, that her critics mocked her dancing. The one thing I've never seen is a single person mocking her dancing. I just did a search for it. You can find plenty of stories where she responded to critics who mocked her dancing. But not the actual mocking.

I think you have fallen for more fake news, just like everyone did last weekend with the Native American pretending to be a victim. Liberals know how to play the victim card, and their follows never even question it. Which is more juvenile?

All this "controversy" started from a Twitter account "AnonymousQ" which has since deleted the tweet. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if she had the dance video released herself so she could pretend to be a victim of imaginary criticism. This is how people--like Native American Nathan Phillips--are getting their fake news out nowadays. Untraceable Twitter sources.

So let's hear it, Sky. You believe this story enough to whip out your thesaurus and make an outraged point. So why do you believe it? Can you name a single critic who mocked her? Or did you just blindly, unquestioningly accept the mainstream media myth?
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Post by Skyweir »

Z you may not be aware .. perhaps because youre not so puerile as some. But see below .. and note the ridiculous criticisms of pretty ordinary teen behaviour. ... d-dancing/

Personally I love it. If she were my daughter, Id be proud as punch.

AOC isnt a stuffy or old like Mitch McConnel, an uptight like Mike Pence or an inarticulate like Trump. I dont buy into ANY of the criticisms flying about about AOC .. and honestly if shit like this video and her choice of clothing is the best her opponents have on this individual ... good gravy :roll: they should be rejoicing to have someone like AOC in Congress.

I like her, I think she has spunk, her intents are evident. I think she will absolutely moderate with time and experience.

Cail if youd read the bio snippet I posted .. shes had significant involvements .. and as reward for scientific study the International Astronomical Institute named a small asteroid __... after her :lol: Do you have a .. heavenly body named after you? :lol: She beat 10 term incumbent Crowley .. no one saw her winning, but she did. Not with big money _ but from individual support
Ocasio-Cortez was the first person since 2004 to challenge the Democratic Caucus Chair, Joe Crowley, in the Democratic primary. She faced a significant financial disadvantage, but said, "You can't really beat big money with more money.

You have to beat them with a totally different game." Nearly 75% of her donations were small individual contributions, while less than one percent of Crowley's contributions were. The Ocasio-Cortez campaign spent $194,000 to the Crowley campaign's $3.4 million.
Thats significant. :biggrin:

Why am I interested in this young womans journey in politics? Because she is a diamond in the ruff .. shes a fresh young politician. She is despised for her youth, but those who lay criticism of the kind Ive seen to date evidences the small mindedness of her opponents.

Cail, as you yourself have written in your sig block .. small minded people talk about people. But alas that hasnt stopped the conservative media from taking pot shots.
Ocasio-Cortez has been the subject of negative press coverage from right-leaning media outlets since her Democratic primary win in June 2018. Ocasio-Cortez criticized news outlets, such as Fox News and the Washington Examiner, for mocking her financial situation. In July 2018, conservative news outlet CRTV published a video produced with heavily edited footage of Ocasio-Cortez from a previous interview with PBS. The editing made it appear as though Ocasio-Cortez was giving nonsensical answers to questions read by CRTV commentator Allie Stuckey. The outlet and conservative media sources called the video satirical, though some commentators pointed to it as an example of fake news
The irony, right? :roll:

Double standards more like ;)
In December 2018, Ocasio-Cortez said the media's treatment of her reveals a sexist double standard. She cited the example of Paul Ryan, who was also elected to Congress at age 28 but who was treated as a "genius" despite his "ill-considered policies" while she has been treated with suspicion and derision
So in answer to your question she has achieved as much in her young life today as her peer, Paul Ryan had when he entered politics. But even Ryan doesnt have a small asteroid named after him, now does he ;) :P
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Post by Skyweir »

Oh and Z .. :LOLS: my outraged point :lol: as you have called it was pretty much centred on the misuse of the gender card. The rest .. of my .. umm points, not reflect no particular outrage .. poking fun at a womens clothes etc .. its puerile at best, but sadly just a stupid thing stupid small minded folk do .. especially when theyve got NOTHING of substance to criticise, no? ;)

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Post by Zarathustra »

Skyweir wrote:Z you may not be aware .. perhaps because youre not so puerile as some. But see below .. and note the ridiculous criticisms of pretty ordinary teen behaviour.
I'm aware of the "controversy." I just think it is fake. And you fell for it.

From your article:
"Here is America's favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is," Twitter user AnonymousQ1776 wrote. Many Twitter users said this account was the first to "leak" the video, although it is unclear where the video actually came from or who originally posted it.

"That video we found of #Ocasio dancing should destroy her political career. I expect there will be calls for her to resign by tonight," Jack Kimble - who claims to be a Republican Congressman on Twitter, but is not - tweeted.
No one knows this person who posted it, and no one can name a single person who criticized it. The only criticism listed in your article (aside from the mysterious person who posted it) came from someone pretending to be a Republican Congressman. That doesn't sound fucking fishy to you??
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Post by Rawedge Rim »

Skyweir wrote:I truly do not understand you as a human.

Though I think its a cheap tactic to play the gender card.

On what grounds do you make a statement that woman support her purely because they share the same kind of genitalia. Thats beyond ridiculous. Do you imagine female constituents do not possess the ability of critical thought? That they do not possess common sense? Do you even have any comprehension of how Patronising a remark like that is? :roll: Do women in your experience not possess the requisite intelligence to make sound and rational judgements?

You may not like AOC .. may not find her possessing potential. I do ... 👍 .. I both like her and recognise her potential.


Further, its remarkable that the only people who you identified as being people that speak up on issues are all rogue leaders and questionable characters .. what of Martin Luther King, what of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Dr Richard Pankhurst, Millie Faucet etc

Then to counter with .. an assertion that YOU support freedoms .. like that of free speech???? 8O

There is nothing comparative between AOC and Hitler et al. Dealing straight out of the Ben Stein playing. Youre simply grandstanding. Pity really that your inclination is merely to parrot Fox News tactics. ... e/10739786

The swings taken at AOC so far are juvenile .. and frankly puerile .. slamming a dance video of her in Uni. Her clothing?? Stupid shit .. Come on .. what is the point? What does shit like that even prove?

She seems like a candidate that isnt gonna take crap. I like and admire that in her.

None of that shit goes to her credibility, capability or potential ... OR lack thereof. Shes a breath of fresh air .. she has energy, shes dynamic ..

Maybe your key concern with her is her socialist tendencies. I believe that will moderate with experience. Shes absolutely no Che Guavara :lol:
After college, Ocasio-Cortez moved back to the Bronx, while she worked as a bartender in Manhattan and as a waitress in a taqueria. Her mother, meanwhile, cleaned houses and drove school buses. After her father's death, Ocasio-Cortez and her mother struggled to fight foreclosure of their home. She launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing firm for books that portray the Bronx in a positive light. She worked as lead educational strategist at GAGEis, Inc. Ocasio-Cortez also worked for the nonprofit National Hispanic Institute (NHI), and served as NHI's Educational Director of the 2017 Northeast Collegiate World Series, a five-day long program targeted at college-bound high school students from across the United States and other countries, where she participated in a panel on Latino leadership
Shes an impressive youngling, to me anyway.

Another pollies I like and admire is Jacinda Ardern .. the kiwi PM. Shes quite remarkable.

1. It is not "way out there" to assume that women might support a candidate purely because of the the gender. African-Americans voted nearly in lockstep for Obama; over 90%. You can't get 90% of white America to agree the sun came up during the daylight.

2. AOC; while she may have some charisma, and energy, and might even be reasonably intelligent on some things; has woefully little knowlege of politics or economics. Even using her figures, she's about 38 trillion dollars short of money to emplement her plan for universal healthcare, tuition free public college, jobs guarantee, housing guarentee, etc.
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Post by Skyweir »

It sounds conspiratorial to me .. and the fact that you assume it was released by AOC herself seems part of that conspiracy.,

But where is the evidence?

Only one thing is clear, someone posted it and lots of people commented on it. Refer the actual tweet for co commenters comments.

The end.

The puerile nature of her critics is evidenced by the nature of their criticism.. the stupid dance video, the comments about her clothing. All personal and superficial complaints.
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Post by Cail »

No, not all. I have specifically criticized her positions. I don't care what she wears or how she dances. I care that she doesn't understand government or the economy. I care that she calls herself a democratic socialist, which isn't a thing.

And yes, after 2016 it's clear that progressive women will vote-shame any woman that doesn't support the "correct" woman candidate.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Democrats--especially the Progressives--like AOC now because she is new and different. Presuming she wins reelection and time progresses, though, the entrenched Powers That Be are going to expect her to step in line and do what she is told.

To date, her only accomplishment is "got elected to Congress". That's it. As a freshman Member she won't have any real authority or seniority on any committee to which she is assigned.

The current Democrat field for 2020 is already becoming crowded and there are going to be so many options that we will have another Weakest Link scenario--the nominee will be the one who offends the least number of people.
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Post by Skyweir »

Perhaps youre right Hashi .. but Im going to watch this space.

You are absolutely right about why she has garnered support and interest. She is a fresh new face and she IS different.

Even HOW she got elected to Congress is different and remarkable.

As to her accomplishments.. she has achieved as much, if not slightly more than any peer, of hers in years and position.

Fairs fair .. after all.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Skyweir wrote:It sounds conspiratorial to me .. and the fact that you assume it was released by AOC herself seems part of that conspiracy.,

But where is the evidence?
The fact that you can't name a single person who criticized it, and yet you still believe "people criticized it." The fact that no one would know about the criticism if AOC hadn't made a big deal about it herself. The fact that no one criticizes a hot woman dancing at college. The fact that the video makes her look good, instead of bad.

This was a manufactured outrage. There is nothing authentic about this at all. If you are not convinced by the fact your own link has a quote from someone pretending to be a Republican Congressman, I think you're just drinking the coolaid at this point. You don't want to look at the evidence. If that doesn't raise a red flag for you, nothing will.
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Post by Skyweir » ... ce-critics

Ok if there was evidence to that fact being proffered, lets consider it

But first let's take a look at the first interesting factor AnonymousQ1776 .. if we look at this twitter account and follow the thread .. he/she makes some intriguing comments

Citing Genesis, implying AOCs dance angers god himself as when Moses came down from the mountain with his tablet commandments and sees the people partying and getting jiggy.

The dude or dudette comments negatively about AOC .. calling her a nitwit, a commie, dumb as a pile of rocks .. I mean if this is AOC or someone doing AOC a solid ... could have toned down the nasty. ... 5239171072

The fact that the video back fired is somehow proof?

I will say AOC is definitely social media savvy. But if she wanted everyone to see her .. dance video .. I think from her highly active Twitter account she would released it or highlighted it herself.

Check out her Twitter account if you doubt that ... r%5Eauthor

So beyond your guesses about what the facts might mean .. the key puzzle piece to this alleged mystery is identifying the Twitter account holder of the AnonymousQ1776 account.

Beyond that .. this is merely speculation
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Post by SoulBiter »

Im sure whatever criticism she received is far less than what the First Lady gets every time she steps out in public.
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Post by Cail »

SoulBiter wrote:Im sure whatever criticism she received is far less than what the First Lady gets every time she steps out in public.
But that's different..... Xenu forbid that anyone cast shade on Michelle Obama.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

There is the difference, though--those from The Left think that people on the other side deserve to be ridiculed because they are on the other side. Anyone not parroting the Left's talking points is open to ridicule and vitriol; their children and spouses are also considered valid targets, even if they aren't politically active at all. Barron Trump is, what, 14 years old now? They still pick on him and he hasn't done anything to anyone.

Democrats are quick to voice their love of anti-bullying campaigns....but they excuse themselves because they don't equate what they do with bullying. Of course, the average bully doesn't think of himself as a bad person, either....
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Post by Cail »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote:There is the difference, though--those from The Left think that people on the other side deserve to be ridiculed because they are on the other side. Anyone not parroting the Left's talking points is open to ridicule and vitriol; their children and spouses are also considered valid targets, even if they aren't politically active at all. Barron Trump is, what, 14 years old now? They still pick on him and he hasn't done anything to anyone.

Democrats are quick to voice their love of anti-bullying campaigns....but they excuse themselves because they don't equate what they do with bullying. Of course, the average bully doesn't think of himself as a bad person, either....
That's a really good point about the anti-bullying angle, and I'm going to start using that. Everything's fair game when you're trying to convert the infidels I suppose.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Yet another article that doesn't name a single person who criticized her. It's really weird that AOC "mocks critics" that no one has heard of--and then attributes them to the GOP without any evidence whatsoever (see below). This "controversy" gives her the opportunity to say things like:
AOC wrote:"I hear the GOP thinks women dancing are scandalous," she wrote.

"Wait till they find out Congresswomen dance too!"
Where did she hear this? When did the GOP say this? Answer: they didn't. She just made that up. No one in the GOP has ever said that women dancing is scandalous. So why the hell would she say that? And why would everyone jump on the bandwagon of mocking Republicans when there is zero evidence that they criticized her for this?

The answer is the same as it was last weekend when everyone assumed that Nathan Phillips was a victim: people are dumb sheep who believe propaganda that fits what they already WANT to believe. If you think that the GOP is full of a bunch of Religious Right family values prudes, then when AOC says that the GOP thinks that dancing women are "scandalous," by god you believe it without question! You even mock them for being puerile.

Even if you don't think this was put out by AOC herself, you have to admit that there is a distinct lack of evidence that ANYONE criticized her, and she (and her supporters) most certainly blew that criticism way the hell out of proportion, creating the very controversy that they claimed existed. Even if one guy on Twitter really did try to shame her, everything else that happened was fabricated by her, including your reaction.

The fact that no on in the media challenged her story or asked for a source for the mysterious GOP members who thought this was scandalous adds to this fabrication. If Trump says he saw Muslims celebrate after 9/11, the press fact checks the hell out of him. If AOC claims the GOP don't want women to dance, they just publish her version without question.

I'm not this stupid. I guess I'm alone.
Last edited by Zarathustra on Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Zarathustra wrote: I'm not this stupid. I guess I'm alone.
Or maybe I'm not alone:

Were Any Conservatives Actually Offended By The Ocasio-Cortez Dance Video?
John Sexton wrote: Apparently, we're going all AOC today, but she is making a lot of news so it seems warranted. You may recall that last week some anonymous account posted a clip of Ocasio-Cortez dancing from her days in college. Immediately, several news outlets including the NY Times, GQ, and Newsweek wrote stories saying the right was outrageously outraged by her behavior. But was anyone on the right actually outraged? The Media Research Center pointed out Saturday that stories about the outrage didn't actually include any examples. From Fox News:

The Times published a story headlined, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dancing Video Was Meant as a Smear, but It Backfired." It doesn't feature a single example of anyone being offended with the exception of an anonymous Twitter account that first drew attention to the video saying it showed "America's favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is."_

Conservative strategist Chris Barron told Fox News that the mainstream media is "so desperate to make conservatives look bad that they will invent a controversy when there isn't one," with the Ocasio-Cortez video the latest example.

"If you want to look up the very definition of fake news, look no further than the faux controversy over the AOC dancing video. Literally, every single conservative I saw comment on the video said it actually made her more likable, and yet our shameless mainstream media spends days pushing the narrative that conservatives attacked her," Barron said. "Must be nice being a liberal."

You can read the NY Times story here. It mentions the original tweet with the video and then immediately transitions to positive reactions from progressives:

Many social media users came to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's defense, and the video has inspired memes.

Molly Ringwald, one of the stars of "The Breakfast Club," declared on Twitter that she was "in the club." Another star of the film, Ally Sheedy, whose dance moves Ms. Ocasio-Cortez imitates in the video, endorsed the tribute. Phoenix, the band whose song plays in the video, sent congratulations.

And Newsweek did the same thing. Their story was titled, "Conservatives mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for college dancing video, everyone else thinks it's adorable." It offers up the same tweet from an anonymous Twitter user followed by a list of people who disagreed:

One Twitter user, whose handle referenced the QAnon conspiracy theory popular among supporters of President Donald Trump, tweeted the video with the accompanying insult: "Here is "America's favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is_High School video of "Sandy" Ocasio-Cortez."

It's fair to say that most people, though, did not share that reaction to a young Ocasio-Cortez exuberant dance.

In addition to these examples, I also saw at least two right-leaning sites, including Reason, which wrote stories chiding the right for attacking AOC's dancing. But those stories also failed to include evidence that there was widespread unhappiness over the dancing clip. On the contrary, most people on the right either didn't say anything about it or said they thought it was cute. Here's a tweet I RT'd this morning from a Federalist writer:

DC McAllister
Dear @AOC,

We think you are a beautiful young lady who sports a fabulous bold lip.

We think you're fun and a great dancer.

We think your socialist ideas are antI-American, will bankrupt our nation and rob us of our liberty.

This is why we oppose you.



3:01 PM - Jan 6, 2019
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What the over-reaction to this non-story does show is that the left/media is primed to go on the attack against the right for anything negative about their new favorite socialist. Just look at this reaction to one anonymous tweet:

Can anyone on the internet find me a *single* human Republican (not an anonymous bot account) that was offended by AOC dancing.

This should not be hard, right?

This "scandal" was covered in Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Reuters etc

So where's the evidence?


11:41 AM - Jan 5, 2019
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Earlier today, Allahpundit even jokingly offered to write an outraged post about the dancing just so the left would have something to point to:

I will write the hot take expressing anger about AOC dancing, just because the chattering class seems to want it so very, very badly

12:12 PM - Jan 7, 2019
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Until that happens this entire story is basically fake news. The right-wing media didn't spread this because they hate AOC, the left-wing media spread it because they love her. These days they will take any opportunity to praise her, even if they have to invent the offense to which they are supposedly reacting.
It's fucking bullshit and the mainstream media are culpable in the lie.
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Post by samrw3 »

I found this strange from the beginning - who could be offended by dancing? Unless it was some sort of really sexual themed or barely any clothing (or both) type dance the story did not even make sense from the get-go.

You would think that if you had any degree of responsibility at all you would think - huh? I better check this story a little more because it seems hard to believe anyone could be offended by dancing. But even if you could "prove" one person or some very small group "was" offended - then so what? One person or very small groups are offended all the time over something.

As others have stated the posters wanted this story to be true in some major way just to sling mud on opposing views.

Media get your act together - all of you - because we also know sometimes some conservative sites in rush to post without a little more fact checking [the whole children MAGA incident springs to mind]
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Post by Cail »

And people look askance at me when I say the word, "coup".
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