How Do You Feel Today? v4

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Post by Skyweir »

Tis all part of the service 😉 on offer lol 😂

The Watch, the family you choose to connect with 😉 lol 😂
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Avatar »

If they're inside, get out. If they're outside, stay in. Remember the difference between cover and concealment: Cover will stop bullets, (brick, concrete, metal, full filing cabinets, fridges etc.) Concealment will hide you, but not protect otherwise. Anyway, you'll probably never need it. ;)

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Post by Skyweir »

Mmm .. I dont want to be a Debbie downer but if we are going to dissect your active shooter response action plan . Or whatevs you wanna call it

Re the filing cabinet, that totally depends on the firearm being used and the types of rounds.

And on a side note
Are armour piercing rounds, for hand guns still legally accessible in the US .. my guess would be yes ... cos the US right?

But they are Im sure for rifles and shotguns, not that it really matters as pretty much all rounds fired from a modern rifle will go through metal sheeting like a hot knife through butter.

But I honestly doubt a filing cabinet .. filled or otherwise would make good cover. Yeah and definitely not if empty.

As for fighting?
To me thats nigh on crazy ... a death wish .. what are you going to fight an armed shooter with? I mean sure you could get lucky .. but youd want to be superman .. faster than a speeding Bullet.

Avs absolutely right about concealment and cover. Hopefully you covered that off in your training and I hope they pre identified cover in the action plan they hopefully stepped you all through.

Im kinda surprised tbh that they put ... FIGHT on the table at all.

I would never recommend a civie FIGHT an armed aggressor.

Big thumbs up from me on the running and hiding behind actual cover.

💯 percent

Hope this is purely cautionary and never, ever happens 😘
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Avatar »

Agree type of firearm and rounds matter. (Also angle I expect.) Filled filing cabinet will probably be good for vast majority of pistol rounds. (Most commonly used weapon in mass shootings.) When you get up to rifle rounds, also agree wouldn't count on it at all. You want brick or concrete there.

As for fighting...if the option is fight or die, then everybody should fight.

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Post by Skyweir »

Yeah I see your point .. but taking a fist to a gun fight aint going to end well for the one armed only with the fist.

Plus your a dude .. bigger and may have had to handle yourself before.

Sorus may never have had hand to hand combat experience .. I could be wrong of course. 🤔

I used to give adult stranger danger .. for want of a better word presentations .. if a man approaches a woman for example .. our go to .. is run not fight .. scream not fight ..

Fight if he grabs you .. with everything you got, kick, punch him in the throat, the balls, scratch, kick and scream as loud as you can .. of course, fight for your life.

But if a guy or girl is staring you down across the barrel of an ak47 .. or even a handgun.. its not a fight .. and the odds are not in your favour.

Its going to be a slaughter and youre presenting as slaughter fodder.

Run the fuck somewhere hes not ... as quick as you can. Youve practiced predetermined exits and identified points of cover .. thats your number one go to.
But running at a shooter .. geez .. if you actually know how, and you think you can .. ok go for it.

I would say pick your moment .. if he has to reload thats a small window, if hes destracted, thats a small window.

Better if you arent alone but lol 😂 better if you have a plan. If a number of you run at him or them ... you may increase your odds of survival.
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by SoulBiter »

Active shooter training here is the same as AV speaks about.

If you can run do that, if not then hide, if you get cornered fight. I would rather go down fighting than stand there and just be a target. if a lone gunman gets into your office then its fight or die. Most of the time they don't expect resistance.

But as a last resort, fight. Fight for your life. Everything is a weapon around you. (cables, pens, laptops, monitors, plants, staplers, chairs etc etc) Scratch, bite, hit, grab, choke, punch, grab, break/pull extremities off (fingers or whatever you can get a hand on) fingers into the eye sockets as far as you can dig them. Its your life you are fighting for and you don't stop until they are dead or you are.
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Post by Skyweir »

Definitely if your .... cornered .. ie just him and you, fight like beelzebub.
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Avatar »

Skyweir wrote:Plus your a dude .. bigger and may have had to handle yourself before.
I'm not big. On the other hand, I do go armed.

Also of potential interest is that it is very common in "active shooter" situations for the shooter to have weapon malfunctions etc. Hell, the guy in the Pulse shooting apparently had time to Google how to clear his rifle malfunction in the middle of the whole thing.

If he's having trouble re-loading, or if he's struggling to clear a jam, you can take advantage of that if you're facing that last resort.
SoulBiter wrote: Everything is a weapon around you.
100% One of my favourite quotes of all time is:
Everything is a weapon, if the man or woman who holds it has the will to make it so.
Just remember the 3 principles of defensive fighting: Speed, Surprise & Violence of Action.

(Oh, and the other one I like is "wait your turn." Don't necessarily go straight into an attempt. You might want to feign compliance and wait until they're distracted or whatever.)

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Post by Ur Dead »

Agree with above. Added
Open palm slap to stun. Not the women slap, the part of the hand near the
wrist. That setups for an eye shot.
If a guy then the old foot or fist to the nether region helps a bit.
Plus when grappling that rotational forces are easy to do and harder to
defend against.
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Post by Sorus »

Avatar wrote: On the other hand, I do go armed.
At work? That wouldn't fly in this state - and I've worked with enough angry drunk folks to be glad for that.

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Post by Savor Dam »

There are some pretty significant differences between SA and CA!
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Post by Avatar »

Sorus wrote:
Avatar wrote: On the other hand, I do go armed.
At work? That wouldn't fly in this state - and I've worked with enough angry drunk folks to be glad for that.
Everywhere. :D

Here's it's mostly only a matter of company policy, in that technically the law does not prohibit you from carrying a firearm most places.

Even places that post "no firearms" signs cannot legally prohibit you from carrying unless they have gone through a very lengthy and complicated process to gazette the area as "gun free," but they can for example deny you service or ask you to leave under the whole "right of admission reserved" thing.

The law requires that firearms have to be concealed at all times though, and my approach is "concealed means concealed." If it's concealed, even places that "prohibit" them won't know that I'm carrying.

But in theory your work could have a policy against it for example. (In fact, in theory my work does have a policy against it, (or at least, against weapons) but we don't enforce it. (We have a lot of policies that we don't enforce. :D )

My boss knows I carry and he's fine with it. (Another colleague of mine does as well.) And technically I'm like senior management or something, so I don't generally worry about even most of the rules we do kinda enforce. (It's a very chill workplace. :D )

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Post by sgt.null »

We have guns and fences at the
Prison. Walls work. :) no problems.

On a good note, after much inactivity,
I am experiencing a flurry of writing.
Look for it soon on the Hall of Gifts.
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Post by Lazy Luke »

sgt.null wrote:Look for it soon on the Hall of Gifts.
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Post by lucimay »

I feel yucky today. woke up with some poopy cramps. ugh. prolly those stupid fish sticks I ate last night. note to self: ignore the fish fingers in the freezer section of the grocery store. :throwup: :sob:
you're more advanced than a cockroach,
have you ever tried explaining yourself
to one of them?
~ alan bates, the mothman prophecies

i've had this with actors before, on the set,
where they get upset about the [size of my]
trailer, and i'm always like...take my trailer,
cause... i'm from Kentucky
and that's not what we brag about.
~ george clooney, inside the actor's studio

a straight edge for legends at
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Post by balon! »

Buying a gun is top of my list; right after getting my first truck/vehicle. That said, in almost every instance I'm sure I'll run away from the gunfire and take whoever I can with me. Although I haven't been in a situation like that, so you never know until you need to.
lucimay wrote:I feel yucky today. woke up with some poopy cramps. ugh. prolly those stupid fish sticks I ate last night. note to self: ignore the fish fingers in the freezer section of the grocery store. :throwup: :sob:
Yeah, that and the grocery story sushi!!

I'm feeling good! Discovered Louis Prima recently, so yeah. Zooma Zooma!
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Sorus »

No desire to own a gun, but I wouldn't mind learning how to use one. Used to work with an ex-military guy who offered to teach me (he went to the range almost every weekend) - but I tend to be obtuse when it comes to certain social cues and I wasn't sure that he wasn't asking me on a date and I wasn't comfortable asking for clarification.

lucimay wrote:I feel yucky today. woke up with some poopy cramps. ugh. prolly those stupid fish sticks I ate last night. note to self: ignore the fish fingers in the freezer section of the grocery store. :throwup: :sob:
Ick. Hope you're feeling better.

Oh, a change is coming, feel these doors now closing
Is there no world for tomorrow, if we wait for today?

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Post by sgt.null »

Balon - what sort of gun.

Luke - ?

Sorus - likely both. Guns and date.
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Post by Lazy Luke »

sgt.null wrote:Luke - ?
My bad. I thought you were tocking to me.
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Post by Avatar »

balon! wrote:Buying a gun is top of my list; right after getting my first truck/vehicle.

Do your research well, and try before you buy to make sure you're getting something that works well for you. There's a lot of good info out there, but there's a lot of tacti-cool "operator" rubbish as well.

If you can, get at least some extra basic training from a credible instructor, and always be rigorous about safety procedures.

If you want some good resources for things to think about when purchasing etc. lemme know.

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