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Post by Sorus »

Downloading WoW Classic. I can't summon much enthusiasm for what amounts to basically starting over from scratch, but I will probably play at least a little if guild folks are around. I know there's a Facebook discussion and whatnot - have we decided on a server?

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Post by Sorus »

I got my first-choice name reserved, then realized the queue had put me on the wrong server. Right server, name not available. Of course.

I think at this point I actually prefer my idiosyncratic spellings. They're mine.

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Post by Sorus »

Anyway, I'm on Myzrael. Talking to myself.

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Post by Sorus »

80 minutes in the queue aaaand world server is down. Well, you can't say they didn't nail the feel of an old-fashioned launch.

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Post by Sorus »

I got in right when it went live, and it was more or less what I expected. The spawn point was spitting out new characters so fast that it looked like a glitch, lag was off the charts (or on the charts, depending on how you look at it), and questing was out of the question. It was fun watching the general enthusiasm - one huge dance party in the starting zone.

Cynical me wonders what it'll look like a month from now - how many of those folks will stick around in an environment that has long been romanticized, but in reality lacks a lot of features that we've gotten used to.

Part of me is nostalgic for when it took more time and effort to reach goals - buying your first (and second!) mount before the economy reached the absurd level of inflation it's been at for the last several expansions - having to really know your way around the map - quests and everything taking more work and effort and whatnot.

And part of me really doesn't want to do that grind again.

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Post by Avatar »

Yeah, grinding once, I can live though... :D

(That said, I'm on my second play-through (or at least, a second play) of Kenshi and the grinding didn't feel so bad, eve 2nd time round.)

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Post by Sorus »

It's one thing to be able to say you walked 10 miles between quest-givers, uphill both ways, in a blizzard, being eaten by crocolisks every few steps.

It's another to voluntarily put yourself through that again.

And the UI is seriously rough. It was fine when it was all I knew, but I guess I'm spoiled.

But all my friends are playing, and at the end of the day, it's a social game.

They'll come back to their mains eventually, but it's pretty lonely in guild chat right now.

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Post by lucimay »

i'm sorry sorus I should have known you wouldn't know which server we were on since you're not on facebook. I thought they put it in the guild info and on the web site but I didn't check. my dumb ass. Im a shitty friend.

we're on Atiesh. both horde and ally guilds are up.

i'll holler at you in game if I can get my head outa my own ass and notice you come on.

have I told you lately that I love you and am grateful for your friendship?
I feel like a failure at that since I heard the news about Esmer. :(

so remind me to tell you more often.

you're more advanced than a cockroach,
have you ever tried explaining yourself
to one of them?
~ alan bates, the mothman prophecies

i've had this with actors before, on the set,
where they get upset about the [size of my]
trailer, and i'm always like...take my trailer,
cause... i'm from Kentucky
and that's not what we brag about.
~ george clooney, inside the actor's studio

a straight edge for legends at
the fold - searching for our
lost cities of gold. burnt tar,
gravel pits. sixteen gears switch.
Haphazard Lucy strolls by.
~ dennis r wood ~
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Post by Sorus »

Oh, no. I hadn't heard about Esmer. So sad. Never really close to him, but he was one of us.

If anyone is a failure at friendship, it's me, no argument. It's something I've struggled with my whole life. I push people away when they get close. I cut off contact when I'm depressed or otherwise disinclined to inflict myself on people.

You're one of my few friends who understands and tolerates that, and I can't adequately articulate how much that means to me.


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Post by Sorus »

(And I did see Atiesh mentioned on Discord yesterday. I rolled on Myzrael because that's where my friends from Savage Pride went (that's the group that migrated to Hyjal after the schism in Rage) - unfortunately we're a tiny group, and they seem to have joined what looks like a pug guild (between work and queues this week I haven't had much chance to ask questions) - anyway, that's not my scene. Which side on Atiesh is more active? I can't really see leveling more than one character. What a grind.)

That's probably the most hideous punctuation and sentence structure I've inflicted on anyone in a long while. Enjoy.

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Post by Avatar »

Right back atcha LuciMay. ;)

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Post by I'm Murrin »

Welp, been a lot of guild drama for me lately. I don't know if I mentioned it before but we were running raids with another guild through Uldir and BoD, though generally the raids were mostly the other side and only a handful of our guild. That came to an end in 8.2, and we had to start putting our own raids together.
It was surprisingly successful, thanks to a small handful of players that'd recently joined the guild. It was a group of 6-7 people who were friends and had recently joined back up in wow to play together; one of them accepted a place as officer and raid leader and we were able to clear Eternal Palace Heroic within 5 weeks.
Unfortunately there were consistent issues with certain players in the guild, particularly one guy who the new folks didn't like that was very active, joined every conversation, and wasn't as good as player as he thought. The animosity got kind of out of hand at times. Then in the last couple weeks a few things happened - firstly, we learned that the one annoying guy had been inappropriate with women in the guild, and I had to have a serious word with him. Then we had a disastrous raid night as we took our first attempts at mythic.

On the first point, it seems I wasn't firm enough or just didn't realise how much of a lost cause he is (he has trouble with social cues but I didn't realise immediately just how unwilling he is to adjust his behaviour), as we were informed that he continued to say inappropriate things. We had to kick him from the guild, after a short conversation to explain why, during which it was made perfectly clear that he wouldn't learn any lessons from it.

On the second, that raid night was the straw that broke the camel's back. The small group who'd been really good for the guild and basically carried us through Heroic finally decided that apart from a few members the guild was never going to be on the same level as them in terms of mentality and skill, and there was no opportunity to recruit and grow on our server. That on top of having a few members of the guild who had made it difficult for them to feel a part of the community - the one guy in particular, but also others on whom he'd rubbed off this idea that the top players were an elitist clique - meant they decided to immediately leave and transfer to another server.

This was followed by one of our other best players changing server to join them; another player - who'd been a bit put off lately as he'd always been trying to get mythic dungeons done but wasn't getting invited for several reasons - quitting; and the kicking of the one problematic member.

And now the guild's been pretty much gutted. Myself and the guild leader are considering moving our mains as well. Other people in the guild are confused and upset about the sudden departures, as a lot of the trouble happened behind the scenes. The server we're on is not in a good position for recruiting, as even the top guilds are only 4/8 Mythic and have been losing people, who tend to transfer off to high pop servers, so putting our raid group back together at this point seems like an almost impossible task, and in any case it would be very unsatisfying to have to take a big step back and spend the next few months on Heroic bosses we've already cleared and outgeared.

Tangentially, the other guild we had partnered with before this tier has also started losing a lot of members, was never able to down Azshara, and might be going the same way - although less precipitously, as they were a larger and more active guild.

It's all kind of validated the feeling I had ever since I started trying to get our guild into shape to raid on our own, that the guild was too small and wasn't able to grow fast enough to support any kind of high end play, and added the realisation that there just wasn't enough top end play going on on the server to make it viable. In a way it was out of our hands; we failed because the server the guild has been on since 2006 is dying.
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Post by lucimay »

wow! Murrin/Kysen!!! that's a lot of guild drama!!! you poor thing!

and here Tekki is struggling to keep our shit together just to get AOTC on heroic!! hahahaha!! (2 bosses to go now)

we had a little drama week before last in raid as well...people...<smh> they're just annoying aren't they? ;) :lol:

you're always welcome back over here on the US servers but ONLY IF YOU TALK IN DISCORD!! :haha: :hug:
hope it all works out for ya bub.
you're more advanced than a cockroach,
have you ever tried explaining yourself
to one of them?
~ alan bates, the mothman prophecies

i've had this with actors before, on the set,
where they get upset about the [size of my]
trailer, and i'm always like...take my trailer,
cause... i'm from Kentucky
and that's not what we brag about.
~ george clooney, inside the actor's studio

a straight edge for legends at
the fold - searching for our
lost cities of gold. burnt tar,
gravel pits. sixteen gears switch.
Haphazard Lucy strolls by.
~ dennis r wood ~
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Those last two bosses are a big step up from the rest of the raid - Za'qul in the healing and damage needed, Azshara in pure mechanics. It feels like the first 6 bosses were undertuned this tier. Good luck on curve!
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Post by Sorus »

Guild drama sucks. My Horde guild has been in decline for a while. A lot of key people changed factions, which was a win for the Alliance side. Our raid team joined up with another guild on the server, which was viable but not ideal. Then our GM stepped down and took some time off, and the person best suited to fill his shoes declined the role due to bad blood with the Alliance leadership. He opted to transfer to a high-population realm that's about 75% Horde, and most of the main team followed. He's a good leader, but not really into recruitment, so we haven't added anyone new and the raid team is still running with the other guild from the old server. On a good day we have enough people to run a 5-man. On Timewalking weeks, I tank for alt runs. You read that right. 8O

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Post by Sorus »

I want to make a Vulpera Rogue. Even though I just spent a day in AV proving that I have no idea how to play a Rogue. I'm good at the sneaky part, but not the stabby part.

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Post by Sorus »

Did they remove the Death Knight starting zone? What the frak. I was going to play it just for the nostalgia factor, but now they just make you swear fealty to the Lich King, give you a sword, and send you to Stormwind. I feel like I must have missed something (didn't have sound on), but why remove the zone?

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Post by I'm Murrin »

Were you playing an Allied Race or Pandaren? They got a new starting experience in 8.3, since they couldn't be Death Knights before.
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Post by Sorus »

Yes, I was on a Lightforged Draenei because I liked the idea of being Lightforged and Unholy. Glad to know they didn't remove the zone entirely. Thanks!

Oh, a change is coming, feel these doors now closing
Is there no world for tomorrow, if we wait for today?

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