Insanity of the Left

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Post by Obi-Wan Nihilo »

Nano, you too are irrelevant. Playing the race card is a sign of a weak argument, and that's typical for your posts. You have nothing to offer other than attacks and demographic attacks.

Go back to 4Chan and your kiddie porn.
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Post by Skyweir »


Wow Obi .. thats a bit much. Who are you to tell another poster they are irrelevant?? He's not. He is entirely relevant.

Why do you think you can demean Nano and it is acceptable for you to do that? Not sure we need a self-appointed post-NAZI? LOL :lol: Is this the new moderation style?

Nano's posts, and input are well constructed, supported and argued. That to my mind makes him an exceptional value-add. But as this is a fun internet community board ... no one pays a poster to do their tippy top best. No one is assessing his performance and ranking it. ;) He can post what he likes. Just like you. Your contribution seems to be merely denigrating and demeaning fellow posters. Perhaps you could try contributing more constructively too. ;)

Keep up the good work Nano. I have learned things from your more recent posts ;) and the articles that you have shared.
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Post by sgt.null »

Well at lesst you are here to mother theist Sky.

And I don't have to check if I'm a racist because some loser twat like WF can't debate like a man.
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Post by Skyweir »

Not sure I follow.

All anyone has to go on is what is written in a post. Posts aren't always written well, often on the go, so have the potential to be misinterpreted.

I have never read any of Wayfriend's posts where he has called you a twat, or a loser. I can't even recall the racist thing. Though I think he more asked you to consider whether or not your thinking is racist.

Like I said all anyone has to go on is what is written. That is one of the limitations of written communication, it doesn't convey thought well, feeling or tone. It is limiting.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Skyweir wrote:Is this the new moderation style?
The moderation style here has been the same since I started being the mod here--you are all adults, you choose your words, and you must own what you say. No one forces anyone to say anything negative about some other poster and no one forces anyone to be even the slightest bit upset about something said about them.

If poster A calls poster B a twat, then A has to own it and, truthfully, B needs to get over it.

If poster A calls poster B a racist, then A has to own it and B needs to get over it, especially if A cannot prove the assertion.

You are definitely wrong about one thing, Skyweir. Written communication conveys thought exceeding well but only if one spends the time to think about what one is going to write before posting, like I do. Verbal debates are prone to emotional knee-jerk reactions; with posts, you can read something then sit back and drink a cup of coffee or a beer first and then respond at leisure. Technically, written communication like this should be more effective than verbal communication.

The people who call others "racist" or "pedophile" or whatever demean only themselves, as I have said many times before. All of you--think about that before the next time you go to post. Do you really want to demean yourself? If the answer is yes, then I would ask "why?". If the answer is "no", then do something about it and make certain you avoid that outcome.
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Post by sgt.null »

I own my calling WF a twat. I can easily quote him where he is being a twat. The pedophile line was not me calling him such, but a vain attempt to show him how it was wrong to call someone a racist.
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Post by Skyweir »

Not cool 😎

I agree about the owning ones shit AND getting over it ... but getting peeps to get over shit is definitely challenging 😉

Especially when some get pissy about everything and seemingly anything.
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Post by sgt.null »

Well WF should try debating and not reflexively calling one a racist for not agreeing with him.

I was attacked by someone a year or two ago and called racist. I went to their Facebook and their friend's Facebook. And I found all their friends were white liberals.

I invited them to check out the hodgepodge that make up my friends.

White, Black, Indian [Asian country], Mexican, Straight, Gay, Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Christian, Atheist, Wiccan, etc.

I choose friends from people I like. I have lost friends in the last few years because of politics. I didn't drop a one of them. They dropped me because I am a conservative.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

White liberals are usually the most racist ones around. There was a recent video asking about whether presenting a voter id disenfranchised black voters and all the white respondents said that it did because a) they don't have id, b) they don't know where to get an id, c) they don't have Internet access. All the black respondents, when told about the white respondents' answers, commented "that's pretty racist".

As a word, "racist" does not really mean much any more--to some people, even changing your radio station away from a song by a black artist is racist.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

Why not just send a voting ID to all citizens of voting age without requiring them to apply for it? Why not just mark "US Citizen" for US citizens on driver's licenses and just use that as a voting ID? That way everyone has it, there's no confusion how to get it, and more importantly there's no accusation of voter suppression?

Also, why don't you stop closing all the polling stations in the black and Latino areas? Less wait times to vote, and it encourages everyone to take part. ... SKCN1VV09J
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Post by sgt.null »

Hashi - i posted the vid you mentioned. The leftists here refused to watch it.

Ur - I've been asking for years why Democrats don't write a bill that would give everyone ID if they can't afford it. I believe part of the reason they don’t is that it's a myth. Everyone has an ID already. There are too many things you need one for.

There was no need to mark US Citizen on driver's licenses until California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington passed laws that allow illegals to have one.

Since most large cities are run by Democrats and that is where the polling places are closing down, you might want to ask Democrats why those places are closing.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

Nice try. It's Republicans that are doing it.
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Post by Skyweir »

sgt.null wrote:Well WF should try debating and not reflexively calling one a racist for not agreeing with him.

I was attacked by someone a year or two ago and called racist. I went to their Facebook and their friend's Facebook. And I found all their friends were white liberals.

I invited them to check out the hodgepodge that make up my friends.

White, Black, Indian [Asian country], Mexican, Straight, Gay, Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Christian, Atheist, Wiccan, etc.

I choose friends from people I like. I have lost friends in the last few years because of politics. I didn't drop a one of them. They dropped me because I am a conservative.
Pot calling kettle black here Null ... you have been slinging names and accusations as well. There really is no discernible high ground.

Ever thought they dropped you because they didn't enjoy the engagement any longer?

When peeps are rude, dismissive, demeaning and offensive .. it makes it beyond challenging to continue engaging as friends.

Wayfriend is a highly respected institution here at the Watch. He has attended elohimfests as you have. His posts across the Watch are insightful and considered, including in the Tank. I personally value his input in other forums as well as here.

Perhaps we can ALL try harder to appreciate that there are simply different perspectives out there .. and they are not all politically conservative ones. ;)

Takes a village ;)

The tank is divided along US partisan political lines .. to the degree that it can and has become I would argue quite toxic. It doesn't have to be like that. It shouldn't matter if you are conservative or liberal .. republican or democrat .. left or right .. cuz all sides want economic prosperity and a safe and secure society.

Individuals just have different perspectives on how to get there. THATs imv fwiw not a bad thing.

I think sometimes we forget that we are part of a community here .. a community that has engaged socially, mentally and intellectually for about 20-25 years lol kinda .. ;)

We don't need to put those who don't think what we do .. off side (compromise established friendships). I honestly believe that it is the tenuous guise of anonymity that emboldens posters to be rude and offensive .. but that tenuous guise quickly melts when Watchers meet in person and they realise that these folk are actually kinda ok.

I feel sure that if this were a face-to-face forum in RL .. people would not even consider being confrontational appropriate.

And back on topic, sorta .... I think that there is white left wing racism and right wing racism .. there is evidence enough to prove both.
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Post by sgt.null »

Sky - I'll admit I was wrong to finally get sick of WF and his constant and unfounded attacks on my character.

And the friend dropping me was pure politics. And its happened more than once. As we have pointed out at some point the left in America decided we on the right are evil.
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Post by Skyweir »

Just as the right have decided the left are ;)

The truth of the matter is that a person's political preferences do not make them evil .. it is their choices and actions that do.

Unless of course George Orwell's, Nineteen Eighty-Four is our new normal then this might be different .. but to date its not a substantive part of our current reality.

Ive learned and only in very recent times that a different POV does not have to affect me personally ;) lol

Don't misunderstand I still wrack my brain trying to understand what drives some conservative POV and almost all far right thinking .. and even far left thinking for that matter.

I can point out why I think what I do ... but thats all I can do.

I can say what I value but can't make anyone else value what I do. Different perspectives are formed likely by different life experiences, the nature and nurture argument ;) so it is what it is, I guess.

There are many things I can value in people that think differently to me, politically ;)

The Watch is a large community relatively speaking .. and it is in the different forums that show you different sides of a Watchers whole. ;) :P

I love that StevieG is a dedicated muso - I love that Wos is a highly principled albeit religious nut job ;) and he really doesn't judge me harshly for my atheist stances, I love that wayfriend brings such incredible depth and insight to the works of Donaldson and other fantasy/sci fi works.

I love that Linna is one of the most adorable humans I have ever had the good pleasure to meet, and I love that Deer has a heart of gold, I love Cags funny, and Chevs willingness to engage with my silly, I love Avs unique brand of minimalist-wise, Vs love of all things science and technology, boy do I miss him here ... I used to really enjoy the Z, V, Pete and Fisty discussions in the Loresraat, I love Cords inextinguishable passion and enthusiasm and Lucimays fun lightness of being, I love Nanos input and am really enjoying his measured well considered posts of late (regardless of his politics), I love SB and RR's unmistakeable sense of integrity and what is evidently very strong work ethic. I respect that and I share it. There is much to love about so many incredible Watchers here.

I come back to the Watch because I love it and more importantly I love and value those that comprise it and make it what it is.

Thats more important than US partisan politics to me .. lol :lol: ... Nihilo is right ... I don't have any skin in that game, so to me its international socio-economic politics.

Im here to think about the many different perspectives that are presented and add my own ;) .... whether welcome or not ;)

I have said it before .. there is far more that unites Americans than divides them .. and there is far more that unites all of us here than divides us.
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Post by sgt.null »

Sky - since you don't I've here you don't understand what has happened to this country. The left decided it was personal. Maxine Waters encouraged harassment of Trump supporters in public. Some of us on the right warned what could happen. They didn't care.

Democrats in congress wasted four years trying to undo an election.
We could have had a police reform bill. But they didn't want to give Trump any victory. They left infrastructure on the table by walking out.

And Democrats waited months to condemn the violence of the rioters. And Biden now tries to blame Trump?

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Skyweir wrote: The tank is divided along US partisan political lines .. to the degree that it can and has become I would argue quite toxic. It doesn't have to be like that. It shouldn't matter if you are conservative or liberal .. republican or democrat .. left or right .. cuz all sides want economic prosperity and a safe and secure society.
Unfortunately, Democrats don't want prosperity or they would not try to keep putting people on the government program payroll, which keeps people trapped in poverty, and they would not have shut down the economy for illogical reasons. Also, if they want security then they would have voiced their opposition to riots on day one instead of pretending they were peaceful protests.
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Post by Obi-Wan Nihilo »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote:Unfortunately, Democrats don't want prosperity or they would not try to keep putting people on the government program payroll, which keeps people trapped in poverty, and they would not have shut down the economy for illogical reasons. Also, if they want security then they would have voiced their opposition to riots on day one instead of pretending they were peaceful protests.
They have nothing to run against if things aren't bad. How can Orange Man be Bad if the economy's good, minority unemployment is low, and we aren't at each other's throats?
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Post by wayfriend »

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Many of us here feel that way when we see that you have posted something.

Remind me to look up all the video clips of Democrats in the last two years talking about people needing to "rise up" or "take to the streets" in addition to telling their supporters to accost thejr political opponents when out in public. They have been fanning the flames of violence for that whole time.
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