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Post by sgt.null »

Sky - Trump's secret service is with him everywhere.

Do masks work?
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

Skyweir wrote:
sgt.null wrote:
Skyweir wrote:Irrelevant... he made the Dems position clear.
Closing the barn doors after the horse escapes is not leadership. Only condemning violence after a CNN bozo tells you to is cowardly.
Wow ... let’s take THAT tack with your boy Donnie shall we?

The master of not showing leadership .. and closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. COVID, white supremacists etc 🤦‍♀️

Maybe come down off that high horse and try to focus on the facts.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

I will just say this, as I have experience with this kind of thinking myself. When I was a Trump supporter, we were all conditioned to cherrypick and ignore inconvenient facts.

Trumpist pundits often make confusing, convoluted, and contradictory statements, as can be seen here


It's a cult-like atmosphere. If you say anything that is outside the bounds of what is considered acceptable, such as criticizing Trump or asking certain questions, you are immediately ostracized as a "cuck," a "libtard," "traitor," or worse.

Meanwhile, they push a narrative that is exactly opposite of reality (and anyone not entrenched in the cult can see through it):


In this case, somehow the Democrats and Debate Commission are being blamed for Trump getting sick. They conveniently leave out the part where Chris Wallace said that Trump and his entourage arrived too late to be tested at the Cleveland Clinic, so they had an honor system and just took Trump for his word that they were all tested. It is far more likely that he was sick prior to showing up to the debates as his campaign staff said he looked "fatigued" the day before.

There is also a conspiracy theory that a contaminated mic was deliberately used as a fomite in order to get Trump sick, like a small pox blanket being given to Native Americans by European colonizers.

You are trained never to question, and you can see that Sarge has a complete inability to understand that BLM protesters =/= rioters. In his world view, all he sees is content like this:


They see the world through a lens heavily distorted by confirmation bias. Anything you see, you attribute it to "evil liberals."

Sarge believes in the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory, which I have pointed out originates from "Cultural Bolshevism" which was an anti-semitic conspiracy theory created by Nazi Germany. Of course, on Fox News, they might or might not directly say "cultural marxism." They are somewhat careful about that, but it does slip through the cracks from time to time. Nonetheless, what he believes regarding socialists and Democrats corrupting every institution in the United States is indeed the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory, which is, and always has been, a far-right conspiracy theory.

Sarge also believes in the "fake news" conspiracy theory, which directly originates from the Nazis crying out "Lugenpresse!" (Lying Press!)

I was able to break out of the Trump cult after seeing things that did not sit well with me, like Trump calling the press enemies of the people, Trump saying he was the sole arbiter of truth, nothing happening to people wearing shirts to Trump rallies that said to murder journalists, Day of the Rope memes, etc.

It made me question who the fuck I was associating with and led to me questioning everything I thought I knew about the state of affairs in the United States that I was spoon fed through Trumpist political commentators like Ben Shapiro, Tim Pool, etc.

That questioning led to me reviving my critical thinking skills and examining things based on facts alone.
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Post by Skyweir »

Masks have a specific function ... they are reasonably effective in preventing your infected droplets from spreading from your mouth to others.

It is only one line of defence ... ideally a suite of mitigation measures is ideal.

You wearing a mask does not mean that you are invulnerable to infected droplets of others, right?

Cuz it doesn’t protect your eyes does it ... it doesn’t safeguard you against contact transmission ... that’s where regular hand washing and social distancing comes in.
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Post by sgt.null »

Ur - well thank goodness you are still willing to try and reach us unenlightened troglydytes.

What I believe is that the Democrats are sliding to socialism. Why? Because they tell us so. Socialized medicine! Caps on earnings! Socialized schools! And then democrats will try to sell their that the police, fire, military and social security are socialist constructs. Wrong. My taxes pay for defense and fire assistance. I pay into SS because I am forced to.

I have listed plenty of examples of the media lying to us. But I'll just use Russia Russia Russia for that one. You can ignore the media bias and fabrications, but they exist.

And yes I promised not to tell you to go fuck yourself when you call me an antisemite, so I won't.

You broke free of right thinking because the democrats promised you free stuff. We all get it. And I guess loneliness or the lockdown caused you to go exploring the dark corners of the internet. But those of us with careers want to keep the bulk of our money for ourselves. Not pass it on to grifters and bedwetters. Because even a complete moron can not deny the amount of dead piled at the door of socialism and communism.

Of course someone like you is able to dismiss slavery, Civil War. Native American genocide. The KKK. And some 57 million abortions while holding out hopes for your thirty pieces of silver.

But really, who am I to judge if you are getting a fair price for soul.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

No one called you an anti-Semite. I merely pointed out that "cultural marxism" and "fake news" originate from Nazi propaganda. The same stuff that is being pushed by Trumpists. People like Stephen Miller, who make "14/88" references on the Department of Homeland Security website. *

Of course, if you find it unpalatable to be associated with such stuff, then maybe you should reconsider your support of Donald Trump if it bothers you so much.

I merely mentioned something that is factual and easily verifiable about Trumpism.

*"14/88," if you didn't know, refers to the "Fourteen Words" ("We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.") and "88" as in "HH" as in "Heil Hitler" because "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

In 2017, when Higgins was in the strategic planning office at the NSC, he wrote a memo titled “POTUS & Political Warfare” that included sweeping and conspiratorial accusations of the political threats facing the president. Trump was facing public attacks because he posted “an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative,” Higgins wrote in the NSC memo, which was first published by Foreign Policy. Among those who posed a threat to the president were “‘deep state’ actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans,” according to Higgins.

In the memo, he also accused the European Union, the United Nations, the OSCE, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the International Muslim Brotherhood of spreading “hate speech narratives,” which he describes as “escalations of cultural Marxist memes.”
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Post by Skyweir »


Honestly Null 🤦‍♀️

“The Dems promise free stuff”

The stuff YOU call “socialism” we call responsible governance. We have medicare, the UK has the National Health System ... it’s a safety net for those who need healthcare.

I personally believe that a government is responsible for ensuring it’s citizens can access education (ya know so they can be educated), healthcare when they need it (so there is a healthy society, that low cost housing is available to those who do not have their own shelter (so people aren’t living on the streets).

We are not a socialist country, The UK is not a socialist country.

The terminology “socialism” used very often by the right is not universally applicable or understood it would seem.
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Post by sgt.null »

again Ur be a man. If you want to call me an antisemite or a racist just do it. The passive aggressive way do it is cowardly.

Then at least I could respect that you had the courage of your convictions.
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Post by Skyweir »

... that is your opinion

In compliance with non-ad hominem attacks Nano is right in his preferences aamof.

We are the only ones who know ourselves.

Racism is something to be recognised for sure ... but we can recognise it in ourselves. You don’t need anyone to tell you you are a racist.
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Post by sgt.null »

It's my opinion that Ur is a passive aggressive coward?

The problem is I'm not a racist. But it's all Ur has now. He has sold his vote for the promise of the grift.

Maybe it's his last hope, I don't know.

But without a college degree I married. I ended up with a career in the prison system. I own my house. I travel some. I have wonderful grandkids. And I did it without the help of a welfare state. I can retire in four years. Then I'll end up somewhere else for another ten till I hit social security.

All it took was hard work and refusing to quit.

And I likely work with a more racially diverse crew than anyone here. The USA 🇺🇸 , Nigeria 🇳🇬, Mexico 🇲🇽 and India 🇮🇳 being where most of our staff come from. Good chance I work with more blacks, both American 🇺🇸 and African 🌍 than most here. And it is likely I work with more openly lesbisn women than anyone here. And we all manage to get along. Funny how that happens.

Because at the prison we see two colors. Grey [staff] & white [inmates]
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Post by Skyweir »

It’s odd that you would assume that none others work with racial diversity. It’s 2020 ... we inhabit multicultural societies. I’ve worked with indigenous Australians, Indians, Egyptians, Lebanese, Islanders, Kiwis, Ukrainians, Nigerians, Ugandans, Somalians, Asians ... even god forbid South Africans (in fact my fave Law lecturer was south african - I could listen to that accent all day, every day 😉 lol 😂) and Americans!!!! 😱

Probably others lol 😂

But so what really? It’s how I treat racially diverse colleagues, neighbours and community members, etc.

I have definitely have had racist attitudes (I’ve complained about Asian drivers for example) and had to check myself more than once .. and in some instances others have tapped me on the shoulder (no not literally) to flag something they perceived as racist. And if I’m honest they weren’t wrong.

I’m born of white privilege- I suppose. I have never really recognised that ... in any meaningful way because it was just my normal. I grew up in Scotland and as a bairn living in England I never felt particularly privileged there lol 😂 and on moving here I didn’t really feel particularly privileged during that experience either. Pretty much bullied for speaking differently... too fast, too broad.

But I never had to question whether I’d go to Uni or fear being disregarded by police or fear swinging on a swing in a playground. I never experienced being judged by the colour of my skin cuz pretty much white.
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Post by sgt.null »

your racism is yours. Not mine.

I want all the unused white privilege I haven't had these last 52 years.

You may find America a bit more segregated than were you are from. I grew up in New Hampshire. In a town of 30,000 I was friends with one of the two black guys in my senior class. Cool guy. We hang out on Facebook still. Here in Texas, being so close to Houston its a lot different.

People make fun of Texas, thinking its all cowboys. But in Houston you will find every race and culture. Plus a huge gay community. Even our small town here of 18,000 has a significant gay population.

Life is what you want in America 🇺🇸. Anyone can succeed and they do. Work hard and yhe American 🇺🇸 dream can be yours. Upward mobility is not impossible.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

Tsk Tsk...

Opposing the establishment of a Trump dictatorship in America is not the same as being a "Democrat grifter."
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Post by Skyweir »

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Post by sgt.null »

ur-Nanothnir wrote:Tsk Tsk...

Opposing the establishment of a Trump dictatorship in America is not the same as being a "Democrat grifter."
What rights have you lost in the last four-years?
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Post by Skyweir »

What is your point? What is the relevance of your “rights” question?

Ask transgender members of the military what rights they have lost?

Ask what the future of gay marriage looks like under a Trump/Pence admin 🤔
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Post by sgt.null »

The Trump administration has rejected the gender identity of trans people by defining sex as "immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth."


Transgender persons with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria are disqualified from military service, except under the following limited circumstances:

1] 36 consecutive months of stability "in their biological sex prior to accession"

2] For currently serving personnel who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria after accession, "if they do not require a change of gender and remain deployable" they may continue to serve.

3] For currently serving personnel who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria under the previous policy (outlined by Ash Carter) and prior to the effective date of the new policy, they may continue to serve "in their preferred gender and receive medically necessary treatment for gender dysphoria"

Transgender persons who require or have undergone gender transition are disqualified from military service.""Transgender persons without a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria, who are otherwise qualified for service, may serve, like all other Service members, in their biological sex."

We can take that argument to a more appropriate place than Covid.

I don't know if any of that applies to Ur. You can ask him.

Your second point is a supposition.
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Post by Gaius Octavius »

sgt.null wrote:
ur-Nanothnir wrote:Tsk Tsk...

Opposing the establishment of a Trump dictatorship in America is not the same as being a "Democrat grifter."
What rights have you lost in the last four-years?
Your posts remind me of old op-eds where people in America argued that Hitler becoming chancellor of Germany was no big deal because the conservative establishment will keep him reigned in.
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Post by sgt.null »

Ur - again. Grow a set of balls and actually call me a nazi. Your passive aggressive cowardice just ain't distracting me. So try answering; what rights have you lost under Trump?
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