subatomic particles.
strong force.
six flavors.
up and down.
charm and strange.
top and bottom.
eightfold way.
James Joyce.
Finnegans Wake.
quark and an antiquark.
up (u), down (d),
and strange (s),
cosmic rays.
half-integer spin.
(intrinsic angular momentum)
odd half-integer spin.
quantum chromodynamics.
strong force.
red, green and blue.
anti-red, anti-green and anti-blue.
exclusion principle.
electric charge.
electromagnetic force.
asymptomatic freedom
charm (c) and bottom (b)
quarks and antiquarks.
top (t)
mass, spin and parity.
gravitation, electromagnetism.
strong and weak interactions.
charge and mass.
a group of poems of Quarks
The place for fiction and poetry....
Moderators: deer of the dawn, Furls Fire
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