[1] Christ is Risen!

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Post by Wosbald »


Christ is Risen!

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Post by Skyweir »

Happy Easter one and all .. ♥️
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Linna Heartbooger »

Belated He is risen indeeds!

How was your Easter, Wos, if I can ask?
(Or, if you prefer - did you read or hear something awesome this Easter? even if it was the "same ole liturgy" or very-familiar Bible passages.)
sky wrote:I wonder if the more comfortable humans are, the less their adherence to christlike attributes they feel they need to be? 🤷‍♀️

I am always touched by those with the least .. giving everything they have to the benefit of others or their community. I think there is much to be admired in such behaviour.

I have to say that I highly admire the truly devoted that demonstrate Christlike character .. no, not all the judgey shit .. that so many of the aloof love to laud over others to make themselves feel big

.. but the truly humble souls that dwell among us .. that quietly do what they can to bless and serve others... to show kindness, extend love and
compassion to their fellow humans.
Sky-ey, this, your comment from last year... I greatly enjoyed.

what you were saying about being touched by those with the least reminds me...
One of my friends said one time when she was working at a certain office, it was always those with the least who were so quick to share!

once I volunteered at a place like a shelter. (it was actually "a transitional living facility for homeless women." I know this because I heard someone answer the phone for that place.)
I will never forget that a few of the ladies insisted on giving me a child's winter coat for my little boy. It was so big.. it was multiple years ahead in his future.
(from most people, I disliked receiving things that I would have to store for several years before they would fit a kid.)
But all I could think was, "If they are pushing this on me, who am I to say no?"
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Post by Skyweir »


I am forever touched by the pure goodness of a heart ♥️

I think that is one of the greatest values of religion and in particular its ideology .. in that it actively fosters kindness and compassion. Encourages a willingness to share, to lift and to care. In such social conscience and consciousness is encouraged.

People of all persuasions share the self same capability.. but in some having no grounding in ethical or moral pursuits .. maybe they are lacking something.. I am sure not all .. but as long as we are schooled in right and wrong in the broadest possible senses there is still hope of a united caring future.

Or I could be way off base .. am a tad tired today so its possible.

I am not at all suggesting that all positivity is held in the domain of religions .. because I dont believe so. But for myself, my values are absolutely affected by a religious upbringing, personally. Would I have the same world view had I not trod the paths I have? 🤷‍♀️

Maybe? But maybe not 🤷‍♀️
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Linna Heartbooger
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Post by Linna Heartbooger »

Hearts, yay! <3 <3 <3
Skyweir wrote:People of all persuasions share the self same capability.. but in some having no grounding in ethical or moral pursuits .. maybe they are lacking something.. I am sure not all ..
there's somethin' to that... it's tough.
Sky wrote:I am not at all suggesting that all positivity is held in the domain of religions .. because I dont believe so. But for myself, my values are absolutely affected by a religious upbringing, personally. Would I have the same world view had I not trod the paths I have? 🤷‍♀️

Maybe? But maybe not 🤷‍♀️
I love the stories you've told of being able to be incredibly compassionate to criminals who had committed heinous crimes back when you were in law enforcement.
(And also that you would be so polite it would be to the point of annoying your colleagues! :haha:
Clearly those colleagues knew that when of your co-workers is doing well at something, the thing to do is to look upon her with envy and annoyance!
instead of like, you know... learning from her!)

I also liked how it came up in the midst of a discussion on the transcendent... and the discussion flowed into people laughing with each other about getting older and the inadequacies of these frail bodies. it was all part of one story... it was condign!

Anyway, our "places where people get what it's like to have less" dialogue called this to mind Sky...
Really this is a story I'm always bursting to get out of me, about one of my personal heroes, a guy from South Asia who spent most of his life working w/ a program for youth:
Ajith Fernando wrote:Once when our Central Bank (the equivalent of the Federal Reserve in United States) was bombed, two of our volunteers were arrested on suspicion of being terrorists. I was able to vouch for them and secure their release but I spent about six hours in the police station. I was preparing some studies on Galatians at the time, so I took some paper and a commentary on Galatians. I studied and wrote notes, sometimes standing in a line and sometimes seated at one point there was a person next to me was blood all over his clothes. He had been in the building that was bombed and had come to report the loss of his identity card. Also next to me was a woman who is bruised by assaulted by her husband. I realized that this might be a better place to prepare my Bible lessons in my study at home, for here before me were some of the problems that the gospel addresses.
I like his perspective and want to be like him when I grow up.

and here is something the dude's son says:
Ajith Fernando's son, Asiri wrote:...We had a simple home. ...If our house was full of fancy stuff the poor may love to come to our house, but they would feel embarrassed if we came to their simple homes...

...Home was simply, a happy place... They would not paint the house walls when I was a kid simply so that I could play cricket inside the house.
^ lol!!
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Post by Skyweir »

Thanks for sharing Linna ♥️ I think this is a mere snippet of the insight your hero has to offer but was nice to read.

We are fortunate arent we to live at a time in the history of the world .. particularly in the West where we have the luxury of kindness and compassion. I will always love the Christ character as an ensign of what it looks like to BE kind, BE compassionate and TO love one another.

Alas I dont have faith in Christ that religious adherents do .... but I absolutely love and adore its goodness. Its actual goodness and its message of goodness.

I married a man I can only describe as Christlike. He even looked like the way Christ is pictured to be in art works lol 😂 I think it fair to say I have 😉 a type 😉

Oh I wish that was true .. because twas not always the case. I chose quite miserably before finding this precious gem. ♥️

But I cant NOT adore 🥰 goodness. I see it in places many wouldnt, in people some may not. I see and feel it in many here at the Watch. Its not in religiosity and self righteousness .. its in LOLS and smiles and caring about organic things over consumer material acquisitions .. I see it in how people make do, and in those that see the upsides of living, in the adoration of family, children, furkiddos, nature, who have a love of activity over entropy, in peoples talents, creativity and imagination.

Its what drew me to Donaldson .. the world his imagination conceived. I see it in many literary artists, Martin, omg Tolkien, Lewis, McIntosh etc we all I suppose do.

To me goodness isnt intrinsically wrapped up with particular or prescribed set of anti sexual moralities. I see goodness IN sexuality and its expression to be clear.

I think religion has corrupted and imposed unhelpful negative stigma on the pure and natural expressions of sexuality to a great degree .. but putting that to one side .. there is soo much in life that is wonderful and good .. how could we not want to live it well? And to the full?
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Wosbald »

Linna Heartbooger wrote:Belated He is risen indeeds!

How was your Easter, Wos, if I can ask?
(Or, if you prefer - did you read or hear something awesome this Easter? even if it was the "same ole liturgy" or very-familiar Bible passages.)

It was great, thanx, Linna! Other than spending the last week-and-a-half sick and, thus, missing Mass, it was fine enuff, nevertheless.

And a Happy Easter to you!

One thing that was interesting was the [almost, but not-quite, officially confirmed] report that the Vatican will create a new "super dicastery" to shift current priorities* in the Church's mission from doctrine to evangelization. That's kinda awesome, at least, in the sense in the awesome challenges that it will set for the Church in the years ahead. It's interesting, awesome, scary, challenging -- and, IMO, bold and prophetically visionary -- all in one sum lump.

*And FTR, "prioritization" doesn't mean forcing a false-choice, doesn't mean an Either/Or.

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Post by Linna Heartbooger »

Wosbald wrote:...to evangelization. That's kinda awesome, at least, in the sense in the awesome challenges that it will set...
of course you're excited, Wos!

words beginning with "evangel-" = beautifulish words, IMO.

interesting, heck yes. awesome, could be. scary, I'm seeing. challenging, umm check. bold and prophetically visionary, hopefully!
who knows what the future holds?

This may surprise you, but I read a really geeky blog written by an RCC periodically. actually two blogs.
(I like picking other people's brains, and this way I can passively listen to ideas that someone else who is like-but-unlike me has carefully collected and written up ...on things she is passionate about!)

*And FTR, "prioritization" doesn't mean forcing a false-choice, doesn't mean an Either/Or.
awww yeah!
right, of course not necess. either/or.
(maaaan... there was a Watcher here awhile ago who would gleefully war against false dichotomies.)
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Post by Wosbald »


He is Risen!

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Post by Wosbald »


Truly, He is Risen!

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Post by peter »

Hope your Easter has been great Wos! Sad to see the Holy Father giving his service to a nearly empty church, but hopefully this will be the last time it is this way. The Church of St Peters is a truly beautiful thing to see, even on screen. I dearly hope to see it for real one day.

Your politicians screwed you over and you are suprised by this?

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Post by Wosbald »

peter wrote:Hope your Easter has been great Wos! Sad to see the Holy Father giving his service to a nearly empty church, but hopefully this will be the last time it is this way. The Church of St Peters is a truly beautiful thing to see, even on screen. I dearly hope to see it for real one day.

Thanx and bakatcha!

And yes, all good things in all good time, as they say. Hopin' you get there fer realz. :)

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[1] Christ is Risen!

Post by Wosbald »


Khristós Anésti!


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[1] Christ is Risen!

Post by peter »

Bit late, but Happy Easter everyone! :)

Lovely to see the Holy Father out and about yesterday, and looking well after his recent hospitalisation with bronchitis. I always enjoy watching the happy people in the Vatican Square on Easter Sunday, and yesterday was especially significant given the doubts that the Pope might be able to lead the blessing.

More power to his elbow!

Your politicians screwed you over and you are suprised by this?

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'Of course - you know you have.'
'Then let it end.'

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[1] Christ is Risen!

Post by Skyweir »

keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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[1] Christ is Risen!

Post by Wosbald »


Christ is Risen!


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[1] Christ is Risen!

Post by peter »

Happy Easter guys!

A good time to renew our faith in the essential goodness of people, and our hopes for a better time to come.

Trust in the Word: All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well.

Your politicians screwed you over and you are suprised by this?

....and the glory of the world becomes less than it was....
'Have we not served you well'
'Of course - you know you have.'
'Then let it end.'

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[1] Christ is Risen!

Post by Skyweir »

I love this!! Couldn’t agree more 🌼🌼🌼🌼
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

'Smoke me a kipper .. I'll be back for breakfast!'

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