A Very Deep Cut

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A Very Deep Cut

Post by Khaliban »

A year and a half
I thought you would be gone by now
Buried away in the back of my mind
An anomaly
A happenstance
I thought this emotion faded over time
I thought I would lose you
I was ready for it
I was afraid of it
But I knew it would come
I was getting better
Those first six months
I could see the progress
Now I can't
You should be gone
But I hurt
Every day
The songs I can't listen to
The shows and movies I can't watch
The life I can't have
The happiness I can't feel
Every day
Every fucking day
I hurt
I see your picture on social media
You're working on a Saturday
Moving boxes
Or something
And I am triggered
I saw the name of your city
On the frame around a license plate
And I felt like pulling off of the road
Forty years
Forty goddam years
To do this to myself
Is a very deep cut.

Posted this twice. Hope it doesn't break any rules.
"This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put."

Smashwords: Discovered Mate: A Tale of Desire and Chess

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A Very Deep Cut

Post by peter »

Only insofar as it is almost too heart-rending to read it even the once Khaliban.
What happened to the American Dream? It came true. You're looking at it! (The Comedian, Watchmen 2009)

....and the glory of the world becomes less than it was....
'Have we not served you well'
'Of course - you know you have.'
'Then let it end.'

We are the Bloodguard
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