The Illearth War: Ch 23


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The Illearth War: Ch 23

Post by Infelice »

Chapter 23: Knowledge

The knowledge contained in the Seventh Ward of High Lord Kevin is like the holy grail to Elena, and what better safety deposit box for that precious knowledge than the enigmatic Amok. A good deal of this chapter details Elena's struggle to extract this knowledge from Amok. However she learns that knowledge can take many forms and can be understood by the most unassuming of people.

The chapter starts out with the emotional aftermath of the rockslide that claimed the life of the ranyhyn Myrha. Covenant is left reeling after witnessing a brief glimpse of Elena's apocalyptic nature and he begins to realize that through her he has access to a new way of extricating himself from any responsibility for saving The Land.
He saw the difficulties at once. He did not know what the Seventh Ward contained. He would have to steer Elena's apocalyptic impulse through an unpredictable future toward an uncertain goal. But that impulse was something he could use. It made her personally powerful-powerful and vulnerable, blinded by obsession-and she held the Staff of Law. He might be able to induce her to take his place, assume his position at the onus of Lord Foul's machinations. He might be able to lead her extravagant passion to replace his white gold at the crux of the Land's doom. If he could get her to undertake the bitter responsibility which had been so ineluctably aimed at him, he would be free. That would remove his head from the chopping block of this delusion.

By manipulating Elena emotionally, helping her to gain access to the Seventh Ward, he hopes that she might become ultimately powerful enough to assume the mantle of saviour of The Land. As the company recommences their journey Covenant contemplates this new secret bargain of his and wrestles with its implications. His conscience seesaws between the feelings of guilt he has for using Elena this way and his need remove himself from any responsibility for The Land.

As their journey continues, it soon becomes apparent that Amok is leading them towards Melenkurion Skyweir, the highest peak in The Land, a place of towering majesty and possibly as enigmatic as Amok himself. Very little regarding Melenkurion Skyweir is known to the New Lords but Elena speculates:
"It is in my heart that these great peaks mark a place of power-a place surpassing even Gravin Threndor. But I have no evidence for this belief apart from the strange silence of Kevin's Lore. Melenkurion Skyweir is one of the high places of the Land-and yet the First and Second Wards contain no knowledge of it beyond a few old maps, a fragment of one song, and two unexplained sentences which, if their translation is not faulty, speak of command and blood. So," she said wryly, "my failure to unlock Amok is not altogether surprising."
Elena subsequently lapses into silence contemplating her ignorance of Kevin's Lore. Covenant struggles to think of some way in which to help her thus fulfilling his side of the bargain, but he is in no position to help as he has even less knowledge of The Lore than Elena.

The company continues to journey southward and ultimately arrive at Rivenrock, threshold of Melenkurion Skyweir. Sensing that they are within close proximity of their goal, Elena inquires of Amok as to what their next course of action will be. It becomes quite apparent from Amok's reply that Elena has misunderstood his true purpose.
"Amok, are you not the way and the door of the Seventh Ward?"
"Yes, High Lord."
"Then you must guide us."
"Why not?" she demanded again. "Are you capricious?" Covenant heard a hint of desperation in her tone.
Amok replied in mild reproof, "High Lord, I have been created for the purpose I serve.
It seems that there are certain conditions that need to be met before Amok can continue on.
“What is your condition, Amok?"
The youth gazed impishly askance at Elena. "High Lord," he said in a tone of soaring glee, "you must name the power of the Seventh Ward."
Fat lot of good that does really, Elena lacks that knowledge and because his purpose does not require him to offer any further assistance, Amok vanishes leaving Elena to deal with her inadequacies. In desperation she attempts to mind meld with Covenant in much the same way she would with any of the Lords but Covenant rejects her for fear that she may discover the truth about his secret bargain. She retires to contemplate what her next move will be and Covenant proceeds to criticize Amok for his seemingly callous treatment of the High Lord. Surprisingly Morin defends Amok:
"Amok acts according to the law of his creation. He cannot break that law merely to avoid pain."
Hellfire!!! Not only does Covenant have no idea about how to help Elena but now it seems that the Bloodguard are sympathetic towards him. How in the hell will he hope to fulfill his bargain?

Time is really beginning to press in on Elena. Her thoughts turn to Troy and the battle with Foul which is by now about one day old. She is convinced that the only way to defeat Foul is by gaining access to the Seventh Ward and since they don’t have the four missing wards, the only way to do that is by trying to back Amok into a corner.

Summoning him once again Elena embarks on an epic two-day inquisition of Amok but to no avail. No amount of questioning, cajoling, appealing, not even the Staff of Law can compel Amok to reveal his purpose. Elena’s attempt to bully Amok into revealing the name of power is met with an unblinking ,
"No, High Lord. I am impervious to compulsion. You cannot touch me."
Talk about the straw that broke the camel’s back… Elena reaches the end of her tether and lashes out at Covenant demanding that he use the white gold to somehow meet Amok’s condition. She unleashes a blast of power from her staff that causes the very earth to tremble and almost sends Covenant hurtling over the edge of Rivenrock. Thank goodness for the swift reflexes and iron-like grip of the Bloodguard. Bannor preserves Covenant.

As he recovers from the shock of Elena’s attack, an idea occurs to Covenant that perhaps they have been approaching the question of Amok and the Seventh Ward from the wrong angle. They have been so busy focusing on Amok, believing that because Kevin created him for the purpose of preserving the Seventh Ward, he was their only source of knowledge of the Seventh Ward. Their field of inquiry had been too narrow; they needed to broaden their horizons a little. The idea occurs to Covenant that Amok was not the only person in the company around during High Lord Kevin's leadership. What about the Bloodguard???

He begins to recall little inconsistencies in their behaviour towards Amok.
"Listen to me, Bannor," he went on. "A lot of things are finally starting to make sense. You reacted strangely-when Amok turned up at Revelstone that first time. You reacted strangely when he turned up at
Revelwood. And you let the High Lord herself follow him into the mountains with just two Bloodguard to protect her. Just two, Bannor! And when we end up stuck here on this godforsaken rock, Morin has the actual gall to apologize for Amok. Hellfire! Bannor, you should have at least told the High Lord what you know about this Ward. What kind of loyal do you think you are?"
Perhaps the Bloodguard knew more about Amok’s purpose than they were letting on. Against his better judgment Covenant continues to question the Bloodguard, suggesting that perhaps they were serving Kevin rather than Elena by passively allowing Amok to carry our his purpose.
"Let me tell you something, Bannor. Maybe you don't positively know Amok. You must have learned some kind of distrust from Kevin. But you sure as hell understand what Amok is doing. And you approve!" The abrupt ferocity of his own yell stopped him for an instant. He felt shaken by the moral judgments he saw in Bannor. Thickly, he continued, "Or why are you risking her for the sake of something created by the only man who has ever succeeded in casting doubt on your incorruptibility?"
Amok’s sudden appearance at this point signals to Covenant that perhaps he is getting close to the target.
"Why in the name of your Vow or at least simple friendship didn't you tell the High Lord about Amok when he first showed up?"
To which Bannor replies as only a Bloodguard can:
"Ur-Lord, we have seen the Desecration. We have seen the fruit of perilous lore. Lore is not knowledge. Lore is a weapon, a sword or spear. The Bloodguard have no use for weapons. Any knife may turn and wound the hand which wields it. Yet the Lords desire lore. They do work of value with it. Therefore we do not resist it, though we do not touch it or serve it or save it.
"High Lord Kevin made his Wards to preserve his lore-and to lessen the peril that his weapons might fall into unready hands. This we approve. We are the Bloodguard. We do not speak of lore. We speak only of what we know."
By this time Elena has clicked to Covenant’s line of thinking and using her authority as High Lord she demands that the Bloodguard choose between the loyalty they swore to Kevin and the loyalty they swore to Elena.

After telepathically conferring with Bannor, First Mark Morin turns to Elena and states:
"High Lord," he said, "we do not know the name of the Seventh Ward's power. We have heard many names-some false, others dead. But one name we have heard only uttered in whispers by High Lord Kevin and his Council.
"That name is the Power of Command."
BINGO!!!! Houston, we have lift off!!!

*I’m going to give my fingers a little rest and post Ch 24 tomorrow.
We’re going on a journey into the heart of The Sire Of Mountains. :) *
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Post by Fist and Faith »

"Ur-Lord, we have seen the Desecration. We have seen the fruit of perilous lore. Lore is not knowledge."
I love this line!! Information is not wisdom!!
Infelice wrote:BINGO!!!! Houston, we have lift off!!!
Interesting to hear that from an Aussie! lol

Wonderful job of summing all that up in just 4 screens! (At least on my computer)
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Post by danlo »

Wow! Wow! Now we're rumbling 2wards the awesome conclusion! 8O The Bloodguard rock! Wow Infelice! What a job! 8O 8) 8) 8)
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Post by Dromond »

Wonderful summation, Infelice! Outstanding!! :D
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Post by Infelice »

Thank you gentlemen. Coming from you guys I consider that high praise indeed. :)

This chapter was a really hard one for me to read... there was so much that wasn't being said.

Firstly there's Amok......well he won't say anything unless you knew the right things to say to him. I found his constant amibiguity soooo frustrating, I could actually FEEL my blood pressure rising every time he spoke!!!

Then there's the Bloodguard.....Is it just me or did it seem that they were kind of on Amok's side. Bannor claimed that he did not know Amok, but I'm pretty sure that the Bloodguard knew that he had something to do with the Power of Command. I sort of got the impression the maybe they were hoping that by keeping that information to themselves, Elena would fail to discover the name of the Seventh Ward and, considering her apocalyptic tendencies, perform another Ritual Of Desecration.......and thus ending the Bloodguard's Vow. Do you think that perhaps they were looking for a way out of their Vow?
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

The Bloodguard need the Vow just as Covenant needs Unbelief. Just as Covenant thought the marrowmeld sculpture was Bannor or another Bloodguard. Then again I suppose he would like to believe just as they would like a nap once in a while. They viewed the Power of Command as a weapon, and the Bloodguard of course do not trust weapons. It's my guess that Bannor and Morin actually hated Amok because he was a symbol of Kevin and his power. They couldn't protect Kevin and fufill their Vow so they felt betrayed. I would think that the Bloodguard's failure to protect or stop Kevin would have been enough to break the Vow.

Amok was programmed not release his information unless the conditions were right while the Bloodguard simply wanted it to be concealed forever. Clearly they were worried about Elena's obsessive fixation with Old Kevin and hoped they could avoid it completely.

I actually enjoyed Amok's riddles. I also thought the Lords could ask the Bloodguard other questions about Kevin's Wards. Oh and what would have happened if Covenant had used the Power of Command to restore the Law of Death after Kevin reappeared to fight Elena? Leper Outcast Unclean!
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Post by Earthfriend »

Masterful job, Infelice! :D And that's an amazing idea - the Bloodguard subconciously seeking a release from thier vow...i'm going to have to mull that one over. :? 8)

After hundreds of years of service, maybe their wish for rest (ie death) did influence their thinking, but they'd be the last to admit it! :wink: :D
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Post by Infelice »

Kinslaughterer wrote: I actually enjoyed Amok's riddles. I also thought the Lords could ask the Bloodguard other questions about Kevin's Wards.
I agree with you there Kinslaughterer. Amok was one tricky customer when it came to getting a straight answer. His ambiguity only served to heighten Elena's desperation and emphasise her volatile nature. It would have been interesting to see how things would have turned out if a different Lord were in Elena's shoes.

I have often wondered why the hell didn't the Lords ask the Bloodguard about the missing four wards. If they knew about the Power of Command, surely they would have been privy to some knowledge of the other wards as well.
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

Those Bloodguard got away with too much. The Lords would get upset and ask "you've known all along?" and they would reply in monotone "You did not ask". I suppose they were sort of like Amok.

Maybe they were jealous of Amok. He had effectively an undying Vow but he had all the freedom to roam.
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Post by JD »

Great job Infelice! I think the Lords overlooked the knowledge of the Bloodguard, many of the 500 at Revelstone were with Kevin when he ordered them away for the desecration. Maybe over the years many of the Lords just got so used to them being their protectors they took them for granted.

Post by Guest »

It also seemed like the Lords considered asking the Bloodguard questions about the other Wards to be rude or some kind of insult to their fidelity. Otherwise, it would seem like a logical question to ask them since there were probably Bloodguard with Kevin while he was hiding the different Wards all over the Land.

I'm sure that the Lords respected the wisdom of learning from mastering each of the Wards as intended. But with the knowledge of LF's posession of the Illearch Stone and his impending war on Revelstone, I would think that Elena might have considered asking the Bloodguard what they knew about other Wards if such a question wasn't just plain insulting.
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Post by caamora »

Great post, Infelice! I knew you would do a great job! Indeed, I got goosebumps reading it, just remembering ..."Power of Command." and then Amok laughing.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Kinslaughterer wrote:Those Bloodguard got away with too much. The Lords would get upset and ask "you've known all along?" and they would reply in monotone "You did not ask". I suppose they were sort of like Amok.
The Bloodguard did not get away with too much, because they were not required to do anything that they did not want to do. They did not owe the Lords anything. The specifics of the Vow made it impossible to fulfill, and they had trouble figuring out exactly how to go about it - Do we give knowledge, or withhold? Do we aid in their acquisition of power, or let them do it all on their own? etc - but the Lords did not have any claim on them, no reason to expect anything from them.
Kinslaughterer wrote:Maybe they were jealous of Amok. He had effectively an undying Vow but he had all the freedom to roam.
I don't exactly agree with saying that Amok had a Vow of any sort. But, though they did what they Vowed to do as best they could, the Bloodguard did, indeed, come to miss many things.
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

You are right FnF. I suppose I lose the feeling of humanity in the Bloodguard and treat them more like automatons than people. Truly there Vow was to defend the Lords and they viewed the Wards as weapons which they don't trust. Then again they have made a Covenantesque bargain where they give up responsibility for the land's direct defense by protecting the lords and allowing them to do the saving. However they came to realize this point by obeying Kevin during the Desecration and now they sort of relent, again Covenantesque.

Amok didn't have a Vow but he had certain parameters he had to follow upon his creation. He couldn't just tell them where earthroot was nor could all five hundred bloodguard march without orders to Foul's Creche although they would have certainly liked to have done that.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

"Covenantesque" is a very cool word!! :)
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Post by Kinslaughterer »

I suppose I had better patent that now then. Everytime some uses it now there should be one of those little "r" in the upper right hand corner. Maybe I could get some white gold royalties?
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Post by Durris »

Earthfriend wrote:And that's an amazing idea - the Bloodguard subconciously seeking a release from thier vow...i'm going to have to mull that one over.

After hundreds of years of service, maybe their wish for rest (ie death) did influence their thinking, but they'd be the last to admit it!
I'm not sure about this. Korik is represented in Gilden-Fire as feeling the full weight/weariness of his centuries of service, but being aware of so doing. My guess is that if Bannor and Morin (also among the five senior commanders) felt similarly, they would not have allowed themselves to seek escape. Much later, one of their descendants says, "If any being cannot bear the truth, that being is indeed unworthy." That sounds to me representative of Haruchai consciences throughout history; a desire for rest/death/release would be consciously resisted as a temptation against pure service.
(And indeed, Brinn and Cail judged themselves for momentarily forgetting service in favor of passion for the Dancers of the Sea.)
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Post by Grimmand Honninscrave »

The way I see it is the Bloodguard didn't break their vow until after Covenant forced the "Power of Command " out of Bannor. Elena was killed, the law of death broken, and Foul was still alive. They felt invaided and broke their vow of service. I don't think they wanted to find a way out of their vow. It was what they lived for. Parden the pun. :lol:
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Post by tonyz »

Regarding the Bloodguard and the other Wards:

I'm sure someone asked. I'm equally sure that the Bloodguard gave them the same answer they did Covenant: we respect Kevin's intention that his power should not fall into unready hands. (And I'm very sure that the Lords respected that from the beginning, too. They're that sort of people.)
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Post by thewormoftheworld'send »

tonyz wrote:Regarding the Bloodguard and the other Wards:

I'm sure someone asked. I'm equally sure that the Bloodguard gave them the same answer they did Covenant: we respect Kevin's intention that his power should not fall into unready hands. (And I'm very sure that the Lords respected that from the beginning, too. They're that sort of people.)
Does anybody know what became of the other Wards?
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