Something I hate to admit...

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Luke The Unbeliever
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Post by Luke The Unbeliever »

Wow! A lot of great discussion here in this topic. I think everyone who has posted in this thread has made a great case.

I wasn't bashing Covenant when I started this thread, I was just disappointed in him somewhat...that's all. Which really is nothing new when it comes to TCTC...LOL.

Edelaith- I believe when your and my views are compared, they're quite similair. It was nice to see someone who seemed to get the same thing out of it that I did.

But still, it's been really entertaining reading all these posts.

Thanks everyone, I figured this thread had been made a bunch of times before, therefore banishing this particular one to the bottom of the list....what a nice surprise.
Brian: Who cured you?
Ex-Leper: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
Brian: Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
Ex-Leper: Uh, I could do that sir, yeah. Yeah, I could do that I suppose. What I was thinking was I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the @$$ to be blunt and excuse my French, sir.
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Post by Avatar »

amanibhavam wrote: Okay, okay *blushes*. I _have_ seen those subfora already, but as a) I usually stay away from religious discussions and b) it's time-consuming enough to read the TCTC, Runes and Gap sections already (I do not even have the energy to check the Dissecting... section)
No Excuses. Come to the Close...come...(we're very nice actually.) ;)

Mr. Majestic
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Post by Mr. Majestic »

Hello everyone,

Wow, that was such an entertaining & informative read that I just had to stop lurking & post to it.

First of all, regarding Lena's rape, I think it is important to realize that Covenant thought he was dreaming. I mean if you were about to get hit by a police car and then suddenly the red siren lights turned into eyes and the siren turned into a couple voices, you found yourself on the top of a cliff outcropping on a mountain, climbed down & was healed of a disease that had changed your life, taken your wife & child, & to top it off you got an erection for the first time in several years, you probably would go with it yourself, absolutely sure that it was a dream & you could do whatever you wanted because there would be nothing to pay for & no ramifications. Granted, it's a peculiar what to act if even in a dream but I've had many dreams where I've done things that I wouldn't ever do in real life.

If you spoke with Thomas Covenant just after he returned to our world the first time, while he was still able to afford believing, and you asked him how he felt about it, I am certain that his answer would be heartfelt and apologetic. If you could somehow ask him as a reader to a character, WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS? He would cry because it would hurt him so much.

Second. Regarding Trell & Atarian. They did not forgive him. But they should have. As the other thread about this states, it killed them. I've read a few accounts of tortured POWs who forgive their captors. And when I think about how terrible a person can be to another person in the state of war when all of our morals are thrown away and we are worse than animals, I think HOW COULD YOU FORGIVE THAT!?!? And yet they do. They have to, otherwise they would be continuing the torture and therefore torturing themselves.

Third. Elena. Lena probably talked up Covenant all the time. They rode the great horses because of him. But as for Covenant and a father admiring his daughter in a sexual manner; I'm absolutely positive that this has happened all throughout history & that it happens all the time in our place in history. A man is a man. If his daughter is hot, he's going to see it.

I think what happens is that we are all too often looking to blame others for their faults and rarely if ever look at our own. Most of the world firmly believes that Michael Jackson was guilty. I think that most of this was due to his becoming so ugly through his excessive plastic surgeries. We would automatically be more lenient toward someone who looked like Elvis. We're a very shallow society. It happens all the time. Black man faces prison time while a blonde haired blue-eyed man gets parole. We grant custody to women far more often than men because we assume that a mother is more beneficial to children than a father (and it doesn't even matter that she was the unfaithful spouse that caused the divorce). We get all angry at our boss who gave a promotion to someone else and we think we deserve it more. Meanwhile, we're lying to each other, spreading gossip about each other that really causes stress and grief and little good at all just so we can feel more important about ourselves, and generally doing absolutely anything to step on absolutely anybody that gets in our way of climbing social ladders with no care about "deserves" at all. It's just me, me, me, me, me. We've become greatly selfish.

But that's just surface stuff. Although almost no one here will talk about it, we all have things in our lives that darken ourselves. It might not be rape, but even that is possible. Some people here may have very dark secrets about things they would never share. Let's say for instance that I killed someone. I haven't, but let's say I have. I bring it to your attention. I tell you how terrible I feel about it. What are you going to think about me? Or, let's say that I had sex with a young girl or a young boy. I haven't. But if I brought that to you, then wouldn't you feel even more alienated towards me? It's as if it is better to murder someone than to abuse someone!!!!

Also, we all mature with age and become more forgiving. Covenant was twenty-eight when he raped Lena & he also fully believed he was having a dream, with good reason I might add. When I was twenty-eight, I would be very disappointed with people and talk to them and people around them about whatever it was I was disappointed about. Now, I realize that all that is quite useless. People all have to learn the hardway. You can help steer them clear of obstacles out in the distance, but once they are driving through them there is nothing you can do about any of it. So what does this have to do with anything? Well, it's just that Covenant was caught up in his sexual relationship with Elena before he knew she was his daughter. He might have said he didn't believe in the land, but it was real enough for him to not go around raping teenagers all over the place too. So he tried. But just like real humans in a real world, Thomas had to unlearn what he had gotten himself into. And that takes time. I think that is why Hile Troy was so exasperated with him. He wouldn't listen, but not because it wasn't good advice, rather because he couldn't listen. Just like we can't listen. People will say, why are you with that guy? He's just going to hurt you. ANd we'll do EVERYTHING in our power to stay with him and do whatever it is that we want until we get hurt & then just hope that those same people that warned us won't say I told you so.

I think Covenant was very sane. He did great things. He made great messes. But he tried to do the right thing. He learned that choosing not to decide is still making a choice. He learned that sometimes one life is more important than a whole world of lives. We have the advantage of continuous hindsight while we read. But I'm quite certain that we would have made a mess of things along the way if we got plopped into a different world. Also, and perhaps far worse, Covenant saved the Land, twice. I'm almost positive I would have ruined that one. I might not have raped a young girl, but I almost certainly would have made sure she died by failing to even understand what I was supposed to do much less do it the right way. Covenant was messed up. I'm sure all people who have no sensation in their extremities and have to do VSE all the time, lost their family, and can't think of writing are messed up to. It's a miracle he didn't have a nervous breakdown & just end up mumbling and drooling up on Kevin's Watch; but that probably wouldn't have been a very good story to read. ;)
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Post by Warmark »

Amazing first post. :D
But if you're all about the destination, then take a fucking flight.
We're going nowhere slowly, but we're seeing all the sights.
And we're definitely going to hell, but we'll have all the best stories to tell.

Full of the heavens and time.
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Luke The Unbeliever
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Post by Luke The Unbeliever »

I agree...very nice addition Mr Majestic !

What gets me is reading the GI, SRD says he wrote that relationship between Covenant and Elena to show how she had misinterpretted Dead Kevin and basically to show how crazy she was.

Which as far as Elena is concerned, it doesn't really bother me that she felt the way she did about Covenant because she is understandably crazy.

The rape of Lena was a tragedy but still, Covenant thought he was dreaming and had a rush of vitality. That doesn't excuse his actions, but at least it's somewhat understandable.

IMO it's not all that far into TIW that Covenant learns that Elena is his daughter. And being a father of 3 daughters myself, I can assure all of you, whether you had a relationship with your daughter or not, it is not normal or acceptable by any means whatsoever to lust after your daughter. Just because animals( referring to an earlier post) have no regard for those things doesn't make it normal. That's why God gave man dominion over the earth and all it's inhabitants (of course, you have to believe in God and The Bible to accept that.)

Are we to believe that the return of Covenant's capability to perform sexual acts is excuse enough for him to override his sense of ethics and morality ? Even after he has made plenty of decisions based on those basic principles ?

Covenant may have fought against his urges, but still even after refusing her he wanted what she offered.

And think on this,
why was Covenant suddenly "over" Elena in the second chronicles ? Her death and his unnatural love for her were quite faded.
He was broken up over seeing her in Andelain, but his lust for her was gone.
Even Triock told Covenant something to the effect of:
It's not your fault, she(Elena) was flawed at birth.

Bottom line, what I'm trying to say is: Covenant was wrong for wanting his own daughter in that way, and no excuse can make him right. Unless something else happened to Lena when she fled from Covenant and spent the night alone in the cold...


Even the mathematical odds are strongly against a woman becoming pregnant upon losing her virginity...I'm not saying it's impossible...I'm saying that Covenant had impeccable timing....unless something else happened to Lena causing her to be impregnated by someone/something else which could better account for her madness. Maybe something along the lines of what warped Pietten's mind ?

I know it sounds somewhat far-fetched, but even SRD said he's gone back to the first Chronicles and used things he hadn't intended to take any further than what he wrote originally.coughSANDGORGONScough

don't get me wrong I absolutely love TCoTC. I've read all 7 books twice this year already, and have started on LFB again.

I just don't "buy" that the only reason something like that was placed into the story just to show that Elena couldn't comprehend Kevin, or the Ranyhyn, or because she was just crazy.

It's more about Covenant's reciprocation of those feelings that bothers me, or that I find puzzling...because I see no reason for it...unless there is more to the story that SRD has yet to reveal.

Ok I'm done...someone chew on that for a while and I'll be waiting...I'm just having difficulty with this particular thing and I'm trying to get all the prespectives that I can on it...if you actually took the time to read all of this thank you, I normally don't ramble this long LOL .
Brian: Who cured you?
Ex-Leper: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
Brian: Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
Ex-Leper: Uh, I could do that sir, yeah. Yeah, I could do that I suppose. What I was thinking was I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the @$$ to be blunt and excuse my French, sir.
Mr. Majestic
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Post by Mr. Majestic »

Luke The Unbeliever wrote: And being a father of 3 daughters myself, I can assure all of you, whether you had a relationship with your daughter or not, it is not normal or acceptable by any means whatsoever to lust after your daughter. Just because animals( referring to an earlier post) have no regard for those things doesn't make it normal. That's why God gave man dominion over the earth and all it's inhabitants (of course, you have to believe in God and The Bible to accept that.)
Thanks for your compliment on my post. I'd like to clarify my viewpoint on something you said.

I think that when you add God into the equation it becomes even more normal to lust after your own child. Now that probably just sounds plain nuts doesn't it? But hear me out.

First of all, we are normally attracted to people that look like us. I've seen it countless times that men are attracted to women that look like their mother. My mom was hot when she was a young woman. I don't have a picture, but she looked like a movie star. And if I saw her looking like that right now, I'd feel attracted. The same is true for a daughter. If the daughter is good-looking, you can't just overlook it. You will feel attracted. She'll be attractive. I remember how beautiful my sister was while she was growing up. It was nice to look at her. We never did anything, but we both found each other attractive. I don't see why this is such a hard matter to grasp. I think everyone gets it, but no one wants to admit to it.

Anyway, God put down laws and I'm quite sure that one of them was not to commit incest. We know it is wrong because God tells us so. Which is exactly why it is normal to want to do it. Think of it this way, we don't go around saying Majestic Damn or Satan Damn or anything at all except one thing, God Damn. And the reason is because God said not to do it. So it is normal for us to then do it. HEY, DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU! And immediately what do we do? We look behind us. It's human nature to rebel against anything and everything. We play the devil's advocate, we test people and push to see how far we can take it, etc., etc.

During the Oscars when American Pie was up for awards, the director said something to the effect "well, who wouldn't want to sleep with a 16yr old girl" and the crowd erupted into cheers, laughter, and applause. If you look back in history, you'll see kings taking brides as young as twelve. Now I bet you think that's REALLY SICK! huh? But many Americans and probably other nationalities as well practice sex at ages as young as twelve and certainly by sixteen. Not all. Many.

Mary K. Laterno went to prison twice because of her love for a minor. Now they are married. Nothing stopped them. Romeo & Juliet were thirteen. I'm sure there are other examples, but the point is that it does happen and we do think about it. The best line in the new batman movie is this:
It's not what's inside you, it's what you do that defines who you are.
I think that if you think about killing your boss or having sex with your sister or something dark and secret, then that's okay. It's normal. But if you act out on those thoughts, then it is a terrible thing. Even if that acting out is to start planning on how to do it, then you've gone too far. But just thinking it? Oh I'm quite sure everyone does that.

I look at it like this. A gay man will say outloud that Tom Cruise is an attractive man. A straight man will silently say it to himself. But so often in society some girl or gay man will say something like this and we'll pretend to be blind. "Oh I wouldn't know about that". BS! It doesn't mean you're gay to admit that Tom Cruise is a good looking guy. Just like it doesn't mean you want to rape your daughters because you know that their hot. Our actions define us. Our thoughts betray us all the time. Sanity is keeping our thoughts and actions seperated.
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Post by Marlowe »

I dunno, Covenant's feelings for Elena never bothered me. For one thing, it always seemed to me that he was struggling between lust and fatherly concern, and he never really came that close to the lust- Elena was the only one who was passionate about trying for a romantic relationship. For another, Covenant was still struggling with his Unbelief at this point, and his very reliance on the core idea that none of what happened in the Land was real worked against him in terms of dealing with Elena; this was a beautiful woman who may or may not exist, telling him he was her father, even though the last time he'd been in her world, in his terms, was a mere week or so ago, and she hadn't even been born yet. If none of this was real, how could he possible have an emotional connection to her that relies on non-visual bonding? In order for him to feel like a father to Elena, he has to a.)believe in continuity in the Land and b.) view her as a specific person, and not just a flicker of his subconscious. Lust does not require you to have real feelings- so the very philosophy that Covenant was sure he needed to keep him sane was driving him in the direction of an act that, on some level at least, repulsed him. The compromise he reaches near the end of IW, I think, is in some small way his attempt to deal with that impossibility.
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Post by Avatar »

Some truly excellent posts, and some interesting points raised.
Luke The Unbeliever wrote:...Just because animals( referring to an earlier post) have no regard for those things doesn't make it normal. That's why God gave man dominion over the earth and all it's inhabitants (of course, you have to believe in God and The Bible to accept that.)
:) That was my post. Of course, not believing in god or the bible means that I don't accept that argument I'm afraid. Rather the reverse in fact, we have made "unnatural" the things that are so. (Not necessarily a bad thing of course, for very valid and important reasons, but we have to differentiate between what is natural and what is practical, I think.)

That said, perhaps Mr Majestic has a point in mentioning the "lure of the forbidden," but I think the most important point he makes is that "it happens," regardless of how "natural" or "unnatural" people might think that it is.


Post by Guest »

i've never really forgave COVENANT for raping almost cost me the Land at a time when i needed it bad.after picking the book back up a few weeks later and years later after reading both chronicles 3 or maybe 4 more times i've come to the conclusion that COVENANT was truly a guilt-ridden, turtured soul who even in the end was never vindicated,understood maybe,protected--yes.He was what i think you would call a reality- based Human Being.
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Post by Luke The Unbeliever »

How true saltheart !

I believe there isn't one person who has read TCoTC and not stopped to think that they share one or many of Covenant's traits.

Reality based ? For sure ! Probably more-so than any other fantasy character I've ever read.

It's great to see so many POV's from everyone. Of course, even though this thread has caused me to further contemplate about the subject, I'm very likely to retain my uneasiness about it....but hey that's what makes us all so much fun to talk'd be pretty boring if we all agreed all the time.

Thanks to everyone who has posted, I've really enjoyed this thread.
Brian: Who cured you?
Ex-Leper: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
Brian: Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
Ex-Leper: Uh, I could do that sir, yeah. Yeah, I could do that I suppose. What I was thinking was I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the @$$ to be blunt and excuse my French, sir.
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Post by theDespiser »

referring to the comment about it not being acceptable to lust after your child/children regardless whether you knew them or not...its not just that Covenant didnt KNOW her, its that he still wasnt even sure if she was REAL...and it had only been two weeks since he had been to the Land(i think it was two weeks between the first two books...might have been the second and third), so even if he HAD believed it was real completely, its still only been two weeks, so that even further displaces him from the Land...but even withOUT that arguement...covenant didnt really LUST after her at all...he realised that he found her attractive, and immediately berated himself because she was supposed to be his daughter...he wasnt just spending his second trip in the Land goin to town with himself thinkin of Elena...he was trying to come to terms with the fact that through a repulsive action that he himself committed(and that he ADMITTED TO HIMSELF he committed) he had a daughter that was in love with him, and that he was to blame for this somewhat twisted pov that his daughter had...
Think on that, and be dismayed

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Give him back something broken
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Post by CovenantJr »

Luke The Unbeliever wrote:Reality based ? For sure ! Probably more-so than any other fantasy character I've ever read.
As an aside, I'd like to say that this very point is perhaps my favourite Donaldson feature. He doesn't write fantasy stories. He doesn't write science fiction stories. He writes real people in fantasy and science fiction settings.
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Post by duchess of malfi »

:goodpost: don't really have anything to add, but the last few posts in this thread are just great :) :) :)
Love as thou wilt.

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Post by Luke The Unbeliever »

I think Covenant had believed in The Land for a while even in TIW. He damn sure fought against his belief but it sure seemed to me he found The Land quite real. Otherwise, he would have never tried to shrug off the responsibility of something he didn't believe in onto Elena's or Mhoram's shoulders. I don't know if after LFB I would consider him The Unbeliever. It was more like him struggling with the fear of allowing himself the comfort The Land was trying to give him. But I still believe after his first trip to The Land, he found it very real.

His Unbelief was definitely shattered (in my eyes) after the way he mourned upon returning to The Land( TPTP.) But regardless, I think it's obvious he found The Land real early into TIW.

but, that's just me...
Brian: Who cured you?
Ex-Leper: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
Brian: Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
Ex-Leper: Uh, I could do that sir, yeah. Yeah, I could do that I suppose. What I was thinking was I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the @$$ to be blunt and excuse my French, sir.
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Post by Marlowe »

Luke The Unbeliever wrote:But regardless, I think it's obvious he found The Land real early into TIW.
Well, he must've changed his mind, because his unbelief is one of the things that gets him through his confrontation with Lord Foul. Besides, it's not like you have to accept something is real to be passionate about it (else this bulletin board would not exist).
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Post by theDespiser »

yeah...i think towards the end, he wasnt really sure it was actually REAL, but it was real enough to believe in, real enough to want to if he didnt try and save the Land and defeat Foul, then a part of him would be killed...
Think on that, and be dismayed

What do you do to a man who has lost everything?

Give him back something broken

Post by Guest »

no no no. I'm not going to accept some one , anyone , except maybe SRD himself Justify the rape of lena, It scarred me too deeply.And I even am aware why SRD wrote same but I still beleive there could Have been another wayto establish COVENANT's Torturist soul.
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Post by CovenantJr »

theDespiser wrote:yeah...i think towards the end, he wasnt really sure it was actually REAL, but it was real enough to believe in, real enough to want to if he didnt try and save the Land and defeat Foul, then a part of him would be killed...
Exactly; he reached a paradox of sorts in his acceptance of the Land. The Land may or may not be physically real, but it's real enough to Covenant to be worth saving. I quite agree.
saltheart wrote:no no no. I'm not going to accept some one , anyone , except maybe SRD himself Justify the rape of lena, It scarred me too deeply.And I even am aware why SRD wrote same but I still beleive there could Have been another wayto establish COVENANT's Torturist soul.
If SRD had used a different method, Covenant wouldn't be the same character. In fact, there is no other crime or act that could both torment Covenant and lead to all the later repurcussions (Elena, etc). And it was rape because of one of Covenant's fundamental issues: impotence. Something else just wouldn't have worked - the rape is so fundamental to the Chronicles that they wouldn't have existed without it.
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Post by Luke The Unbeliever »

real enough to him for saving...

yeah, I agree with that. er...that's what I meant, I don't think it was unbelief as much as his guard being up because he didn't want to be hurt so deeply. But, yes, I agree that it was real enough to him to want to save The any way, he still found some realness to The Land regardless of his reasons why or whatever.
Brian: Who cured you?
Ex-Leper: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
Brian: Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
Ex-Leper: Uh, I could do that sir, yeah. Yeah, I could do that I suppose. What I was thinking was I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the @$$ to be blunt and excuse my French, sir.
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Post by CovenantJr »

I read his Unbelief as less "This isn't real", more "This had better not be real, I couldn't cope. I won't let it be real, damn it!"

It's refusal to believe, in the face of compelling evidence. The difference between disbelief and Unbelief, IMHO.
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