Aesir: Player Submitted Events

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Aesir: Player Submitted Events

Post by balon! »

There are lots of new people playing, and I don't think the strategy is quite as serious in this game, so I wont mind sharing some of what I'm doing. I like showing off turn results, anyway. Fist is a good writer. :biggrin:

Odin wrote:With your divine power, you give the Hunter some of Char's characteristics. He is now, in truth, an extraordinary being! His skeleton and muscles are strengthened. His heart and lungs enlarged. His senses are heightened. Yet, he retains the intelligence of a human. Tales will say that he can crush rocks in his bare hands. Untrue, but that's the way of stories. Still, what he can do is not less impressive. He demonstrates his newfound abilities by engaging in contests with everyone who is willing. He outwrestles the village's five strongest men - at once. He wins a running race of five leages against a relay team of five runners. Blindfolded, he tracks several people sneaking throughout the village.

Finally, he goes out alone (leaving even Char behind), unarmed, and returns two days later with a bear - a bear - flung over his shoulders. The facts that: no bears are known to live within a day of the village; he hunted and killed the bear alone; and he carried it home over his shoulders... Well, to say the least, his abilities were not in question.

The Hunter's and Char's fame were spreading even before he returned with the bear. Some people from the smaller villages around Astoria were arriving to behold these marvels. After a short time, most were swayed by the words and abilities of this Animal-like man and man-like Animal, and turned to the worship of Uruk. After several weeks, the Hunter and Char went out to actively spread word of you. By word and deed (demonstrations of strength and speed; killing the occasional rabid bear or tiger that had been terrorizing a region; etc), they won many for you.
Last edited by balon! on Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by caamora »

I agree!
You use your power to give Nadia the power to move water. Your followers are, to say the least, amazed! They watch her explore and experiment with this new power. She walks into the Sea as it parts for her. At first, she only goes out to the farthest point that she can keep the waters parted the entire way between her and shore; approximately 100 yards. Then, when the tide is low enough that she would be safe even if she lost control, she goes out much farther, and the path back to the beach is flooded, with her at the center of a sort of travelling oasis. When she is confident and practiced, she even takes others out with her, and all line up for their turn! She begins going out farther and farther, the oasis becoming more narrow as the water gets deeper, and she must hold water off a few body-lengths above her head.

If Nadia's new power amazed everyone, the new state of being of Brun and Meri is positively astounding!! Many are present to witness two people being transformed into water-breathing, web-fingered and -footed, large-eyed people, who then swim away, and don't resurface for twenty minutes. They can stay in the air for up to several minutes, telling all of what they are finding, before they must submerge to breath again. They swim right up to Nadia's oasis, the three waving and laughing, reaching hands to each other through the horizontal surface. Eventually, those watching from shore grow bored, because Brun and Meri can stay under as long as they want. Hours go by without any sign of them. But Brun and Meri stay close to land, and close to each other, not going too far yet, because they don't have weapons or knowledge enough to evade or fight off sharks, or whatever else may want them dead. They look for caves in the rocks and coral, and find one perfect for a home.
Fantastic work, Somefather!
The King has one more move.
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Post by Menolly »

I Love sharing results with anyone who will listen!

So, I'll start with Turn 2, because as I said, I have a strong suspicion they will be my favorite for a long time...

This is what I submitted, and I am thankful Odin could read beyond my poor description to the heart of what I meant...
*although he did receive a reinforcing story to help explain it*
Agapé wrote:Spend my lone DRP on my followers to take the fundamental human trait of gossip and the relishing of someone else’s true suffering (known in Judaism as lashon hara) and turn it into a fundamental trait to desire to improve another’s lot in life through Jharvik’s contact with others on his travels. (yes, Leandrea is prophet, but perhaps example and prayer will work as well)

The SomeFather wrote:Love. Absolute, True Love. This means Love of others and oneself. When one feels such Love, when one lives such Love, things like pride and jealousy are a foreign concept. Why would one need to appear better, or to have more, than others if one is entirely happy with her/himself? How can one be jealous of what someone else has if one Loves that person, and takes joy in what that person has? Such things cannot be.

You use your divine power to give Jharvik the power to give people this understanding. Anyone he speaks with about these things is incapable of harboring feelings of jealousy or pride. Their hearts are simply incapable of it. The happiness on their faces is impossible to miss. And even when Jharvik leaves, and they are again capable of such feelings, they remember. They remember a better life, and they strive to live it. They understand the fallacy of the wrong emotions, and they strive to avoid them. They understand the truth of a fuller Love, a greater happiness, and they strive to achieve it.
Having been a behind the scenes supporter as a lurker to the line of Bhakti since before the launch of the First Age of Pantheon, until I became a player myself I'll just say this verifies a long held suspicion...Fist knows Love.

*happy sigh*

One thing the SomeFather took pains to advise me on was to use my non-DRP actions within my domain, as well as my DRP actions. I must admit I have been finding this to be a bit of a struggle; I guess I am not as loving naturally. But finally, I thought upon a certain player of this game, and her phrase of "Love's Divine" I've seen posted on occasion, as well as what her life's work is. Then combine Fist's and my own love of music, and finally, at least for the last turn, things clicked...
The SomeFather wrote:A half-dozen of your followers stand above the rest for their musical talent. You enhance their Love of music, and make it easier for the lyrics to flow - especially when the song is of Love. Though it is not anything that can easily be defined, the difference is obvious to all who have heard them so often in the past. Crowds gather more quickly when one begins an impromptu performance.

Although they do not live in the same neighborhoods, the delta region is not so big that these musicians do not know each other. They have, in fact, all met, and played with one or two others from time to time. The seek each other out now, and begin playing together more often. They write music with each other, and begin experimenting with larger forms for their growing ensemble. They even begin scheduling concerts. The crowds for these concerts are large; as many as three hundred toward the end of the season! They often speak of you before or after the concerts, but it is not necessary. The message of the songs is enough. Those who do not know of you soon learn, asking others about you in the days after hearing the musicians. Those who knew you, but did not worship you, get a much greater feeling for you.
I'm going to share how I submitted the non-DRP action that I based upon thoughts about a certain player, then the SomeFather's response to it...
Agapé wrote:Every year, the livelihood of both ocean and river fishing takes it toll upon some of the villagers of Ahava, leaving the children of these unfortunate bereft and destitute. In the past, the people of Avaritia left them to fend for themselves, resulting in second class citizens, or even death among those too young to survive.

Leandrea intends to change that, and starts to introduce the concepts of fostering, adoption, and a central orphanage lovingly run by the entire village of Ahava to raise these children to be productive and welcome members of society.

“It takes a village…”
I am still struggling with my own writing and concepts, but it is what it is...
The SomeFather wrote:Leandrea begins an orphanage, on the southeastern edge of Ahava. She gets many volunteers to help build it. She gets a singer she knows, Rae, to stop by occasionally, and entertain the work crew. Rae gets some of her friends to perform with her at a ceremony for the official opening of the orphanage.
It is all simply...
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Post by Furls Fire »

Here are my Turn 2 results:
Odin wrote:You use your power to give Ari'Cree the power to enter people's Dreams. She tests this power in Alfheim for several days. She can enter one person's Dreams, and interact easily. She can also enter the Dreams of more than one person at a time. It is as though she is standing in the middle of a crowd of overlapping, transparent people and landscapes. She can talk with one at a time, and, to those she is not speaking with at the moment, she seems to be talking to empty air. When she walks with one, the others see her walking without moving. And the more people's Dreams she is in at once, the more difficult it is to see/hear and be seen/heard. At this power level, the maximum number of people whose Dreams she can enter and still be able to communicate with, though seeing and hearing is difficult, is 36. She can simply appear to greater numbers, but nothing more than standing before them is possible.

The nearest village to Alfheim is directly west, less than two weeks away on foot. Ari and her grandfather set out for it, accompanied by several people who have visited the village. She can establish a connection with Dreamers in that village on her second night out. Only one at a time for the first couple nights, and communication is not possible. As she gets closer, she can appear to more and more, and begins communicating. Wondering if these Dreams are real, they send some runners out in Ari's direction. They are, of course, stunned when they run into her some days out. Some remain with her for the rest of the journey, and others return to their village to spread the word about her. By the time she arrives, all know of her, and she has already visited many in their Dreams.

Over the remaining several weeks, Ari'Cree visits all the villagers as they Dream. Combined with her words, which carry the weight of her goddess, and her ability to see even when blindfolded, they are easily brought to your worship. And, finally, they name their village: Aine.
:D :D

Turn 3 was much of the same...

But Turn 4 is going to have some new stuff :D
And I believe in you
altho you never asked me too
I will remember you
and what life put you thru.

~fly fly little wing, fly where only angels sing~

~this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you~

...for then I could fly away and be at rest. Sweet rest, Mom. We all love and miss you.

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Post by balon! »

What the hell am I going to name these things? :D
Odin wrote:The Astorians are stunned. The village's livestock have become monstrous creatures!!! Huge, shaggy, tusked... so, the villagers are taken aback at first. Understandable. But, they soon come to see that any harm their beasts do is likely to accidental, due to their own unfamiliarity with their new bulk - and tusks!. Although they are a bit more... primal? The younger are the most difficult, since they have not yet lived years as domesticated Animals. Yet, things are manageable. When the Hunter and Char return, they laugh to see the occasional instance of one creature chasing a handful of grown men out of a barn, or tossing one over a fence with a blow from its enormous head.

But the possibilities of these huge Animals is obvious. The wealth of the village has increased tremendously. The increase in food, labor, furs... Even as mounts, as a few of the braver, or more reckless, villagers prove. Coming in winter makes it that much better, since things are often difficult.
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Tepes »

"With their increased abilities, and their inability to die, half of your vampires head out on a journey that would be impossible for others: they go to the village of Neus. (Dutch for point. heh) It is much to far to travel in a single season in the winter. However, when one cannot die from exposure to the elements; and when one can move much faster, jump across wider ravines, etc... Seven of your vampires reach Neus in the last days of the season. One did not manage to jump one of the ravines, and fell an unknown distance into the snow and ice below. It is presumed he is still there, still Undead, probably broken, probably angry."

Hehe. Poor guy.
"The masses of Narie believe God to be dead. Could it then be possible! These fools in their villages have not yet heard of it, that God is undead!"

Thus Spoke Lucien Lachance.
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Post by balon! »

Tepes wrote:"One did not manage to jump one of the ravines, and fell an unknown distance into the snow and ice below. It is presumed he is still there, still Undead, probably broken, probably angry."
:lol: schadenfreude.

My head is getting packed with all these ideas. I wish we could do turns every day! Haha. :D
Odin-oodin-ahdin-boodin wrote:The Hunter and Char stand in the center of Astoria, and shout for all to observe. They leap as high as they can - and do not come back down. The villagers cheer in astonished awe as they watch each sprout a pair of huge, feathered wings, and continue to rise until they are out of sight!! Moments later, the pair plummets faster than can be imagined, only to swoop away again before crashing into the earth. These two greatest of friends laugh and yell to each other and the villagers as they circle Astoria, practicing high-speed maneuvers, grappling for fun, and just having an extraordinary time!
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Tepes »

Schadenfreude! What a great word that I've been completely oblivious to. Thanks Antonio.

"As your Prophet, Lucien's voice was always able to sway others more than anyone else could, even if, because of the obvious terrors your message comes with, Prophets of other deities could convert more, and were forced to kill less. But now, his voice also has a new charisma. As do all the others. Any normal human will obey his every whim as long as they are in his presence. And the effect lingers after they leave his presence. But repeated or prolonged "doses" of his will make them his permanent slaves. He can direct his will to any specific idea, or task, or attitude."

Hehe. This game is shaping up nicely. :D
"The masses of Narie believe God to be dead. Could it then be possible! These fools in their villages have not yet heard of it, that God is undead!"

Thus Spoke Lucien Lachance.
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Post by Cobalt »

Haha. Comes with working in a library I guess.

That was an excellent idea. Love the mind-domination.
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Post by Lord Fulragen »

Ok these are Week two to Week 4 results which I have received from the almighty Odin , I was unsure wether to put these here but as Balon and co and done it I taught it only fair to give you guys a peak into the world of Alcifer and his prophet Critz.

Turn two results
You use your divine power to increase Critz's Healing power. Last season, he amazed and stunned any who saw him Heal. Now, none can think of a word other than "miraculous." Before, some Healings taxed his strength to the point that he had to rest for a day or more. Healing injuries and illnesses of that degree now require nothing but a good meal and couple hours of taking it easy.

He can now Heal the most minor cuts and bruises without even touching the person. Simply being near them, and turning his attention to the injury is enough.

Word of Critz, and you, had begun to spread at the end of last season, and travelers had begun to arrive, hoping to be Healed. Now, it is like wildfire. It is, in fact, too much. Where before, Critz was tiring from Healing things at the limits of his ability, he is now tiring from the sheer numbers. And things get ugly from time to time. Too many want Healing, and too many need it. Fights break out to get to you first, which, ironically, causes yet more injuries that need Healing.

But your followers do what they can. They set up a safe area for Critz, and guard it well. And each person who is Healed, and their families, immediately turn to your worship, and pitch in. They also set up a system to get the most needy to him, while others must wait. Critz's non-divine knowledge of Healing seems to be growing too, and he tells all to gather certain things - plants, earth, animals - that are used to help those he cannot get to.

Overall, all goes very well. Due to the influx of those seeking Healing and remaining to worship you, you gain 500 followers, and Candlar grown half-again in size. Homes You use your power to strengthen Critz's Healing power even further. He is now able to Heal any individual person of... Well, it seems anything! No injury or illness seems beyond him. No matter what the problem any person or animal that comes before him has, as long as life remains, the person or animal will be Healed. Absolute Healing!
Turn 3 results

There are, of course, what might be considered limitations to even this. He cannot regenerate or replace organs that were lost in accidents. If, say, a liver was lost in some sort of accident, Critz can Heal all wounds, bleeding, and so forth. But the person will still die, because the person cannot live without a liver. Fortunately, such occurrences, where vital organs are entirely missing, rather than just badly damaged, are extremely rare. The more common "problem" is that he cannot regenerate missing limbs.

People are coming from far and wide, now, and nobody who sees Critz - often, only at a distance, for he can heal minor wounds and colds from even several feet away! - can help but turn to your worship. Without Critz leaving Candlar, another thousand have begun worshiping Alcifer!

There are, however, problems. There is never a moment when someone isn't in need of Healing. "Need" being a relative term, of course. Some need to have their infected finger Healed immediately. Critz needs a rather large bodyguard, just so he may eat meals and sleep at night. Fights break out as many try to push their way through, causing yet more injuries that need to be Healed.

There is also the continuing problem of sanitation from the new arrivals. Critz tells everyone that many have gotten sick since coming, and that poor sanitation is the problem. He tells them they must try to keep people in different areas, not all jammed together in the same field, and to be sure the waste is taken care of in some way, instead of just lying around where everyone is. Slowly, everyone is trying to fix the problems. But a constant stream of new arrivals doesn't help. You now have 2,500 followers in a village built for 1,000. Yes, new homes, permanent and temporary, are being built, and the borders have grown. But it cannot yet safely hold 2,500. Worse, there are another 1,000 people currently there who do not yet worship you! Crowded, crowded. Even if nobody else came along, time would be needed to build housing, get enough food, etc, etc. thrown up, some hastily. But it is too much for Critz to do alone, and sanitary conditions are in danger of deteriorating.
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Post by balon! »

Critz needs a rather large bodyguard, just so he may eat meals and sleep at night.

dunno why but this tickled me.
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Cobalt »

Your scouts sprout Roc wings! All present are stunned. Although the Hunter and Char are, all things considered, even more amazing, the wonder of seeing such a thing can never go away. None are capable of true flight, because the wings are too big for them. They spend the season practicing and learning. Finding any hill, they can leap off, and be airborn. They learn about riding thermal updrafts, taking advantage of breezes, etc. The Hunter and Char are able to guide them in many things.

Your Roc Scouts become more powerful. They can now do more than merely glide when they jump from high points, and ride thermal updrafts. They can actually fly! And their eyes and ears are as keen as any bird's, to help them with their duties. They can surely reach any point on Ayana. And, though they are not strong enough to cross the great gulf in a single flight, they can spot islands easily enough, and make the crossing in stages. They cannot yet fly to Mekoth, because the islands are too far apart, and cannot be seen easily enough. (Map not drawn to scale. Heh.) If they had a map, they could manage it, and two Scouts begin exploring the sea for that reason, being careful to not overextend themselves and fall into the sea from exhaustion.

You also give the scouts the ability to speak with birds, to the degree that birds can speak. While practicing flying, they experiment, sending birds to each other to deliver messages, seeing how detailed they can be. They also play jokes on each other. Having a flock of birds fly above a scout and "bomb" him; having the birds hinder a scout's flight to such a degree that the scout falls (this done only over Lake Gal, so the scout doesn't die from the fall); etc. Homing Pigeons are the natural choice for long-distance communications. Raptors will come in handy for fighting. Each scout becomes very friendly with one of each, and a few other types of bird (tell me which, if you can think of any other particular types that would be best for particular jobs), so they can be a tiny, flying unit.
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Post by balon! »

I am dying for one of Velts turns.... :biggrin:
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Mynaesos »

Just this once. :mrgreen:
Ganan acquires the Green Song! He becomes one with the forest to a depth he had not imagined possible! Of course, despite the ways you have strengthened him in the past, he is still human, and still has many human limitations. When he communes with the forest, he has difficulty letting go of himself completely. And, of course, he is new to this. But, he works at it. By season's end, he has reached what seems to be the limit with the amount of power you have given him thus far. He can thoroughly commune with a sixth of the forest at a time, at which point he can sense nearly everything within that reagion. And he can travel between any two points within that region in moments. And he can commune with and travel through the rest of the forest, though to a lesser degree.

Ganan also teaches others the Green Song. He begins with those who have had Nature's Blessing. They all learn it quickly. Naturally, they are not nearly as able as Ganan, but all are superior in these things to anyone else. Also, they can communicate with Ganan and the Spirit of the Woods throughout the forest, if both parties are singing at the same time.

The Spirit of the Woods learns the Green Song even easier than Ganan did, and, even though you have not directed your power at it for this, it is superior to Ganan. It is, after all, a forest being, not merely an enhanced human. While singing, the Spirit can travel throughout the forest in moments, and direct its attention anywhere within the forest.
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by strangers with a calm, judicial pen,
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Post by Menolly »

Oh nice, Velt!!!

Singing and instant travel.
You know I appreciate that. :D
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Post by Cobalt »

Velt wrote:Just this once. :mrgreen:
Wow, thanks! :biggrin: What a great way to wake up. Heh.
And some intriguing names....
“A stone is heavy and the sand is weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both.”
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Post by Mynaesos »

Koma wrote:Even as Velt stepped from the boundary of the village of Fernleigh he saw, standing back in the trees, a stranger who appeared to be waiting for him.

The gentle breeze fluttered at his colorless robes, and with one thin hand he pushed a strand of white hair from his face, hooking it behind his ear in an unconscious gesture of habit.

He smiled at the manifested God, stepped from the shelter of the forest shadow into the shafts of sunlight that penetrate here on the verge of the village, and bowed his head slightly before looking up, still with that slight smile.

"Well," he said, half to himself it seemed. "A surprise indeed. Hail horned one, god of green growing things."

He looked up and down the edge of the village, as though expecting people to be all about, but the green silence prevailed.

"I am Koma," he continued.

"I had come looking for your followers, for I had heard that they now dwelt here, and had hoped to learn something of you from them, but it seems that of all these new gods you take much personal interest in this your domain, and so instead I find yourself."

He cocked his head for a second, as though distant voices spoke, then met the gaze of the God calmly and without qualm.

"So be it. What can you tell me of yourself Velt? Of your purpose and that of those who worship you? What of this new world you find yourself in?"

The man who called himself Koma looked at the God with an air of quiet expectation.
Velt wrote:"Greetings, Koma.

I can tell you much of myself, though I am not a braggart by nature. I wonder sometimes at the title of "God." This forest and its peoples and creatures expressed a need, and I was inclined to answer it. It suits me.

As for my origins, I have been in this forest a very long time, and even I am not sure exactly how long or where I was before here. The farthest back I can remember is startling a woodsman who saw my face in the shadows of a tree. From the look in his eyes, I could tell he shook me off as a figment of his imagination. From that time up until I picked up this mantel, I kept to the shadows. I prefer to lounge in the lower boughs of trees or sit upon the mossy ground with my back against a trunk. When I take my walks, I prefer dawn or dusk or the river's edge.

For sustenance, I required little then, and if I ever truly needed it, less so now. A berry here or there and a sip of rainwater from the bole of a tree were fine by me. For the last several years or so, the mortals around the woods would leave me plates of this or that. I liked the fruits, candied ones especially, but always gave the meats and baked goods to the various scavengers of the woods. Some days there were mugs of cider or ale, and those were good days indeed.

While the mortals would come to talk to me now and then, they never seemed to care much if I didn't answer. And though the trees and I have silently shared comfort in eachother's presence, they aren't much for conversation. No, the animals of the woods here have been my confidants. Birds and squirrels, mostly. Our bonds have been somewhat strained since the advent of this god business. I do not know if it has more to do with my responsibilities or the rise of the Animal God.

My purpose is simple - I wish to protect these woods from the storm that is coming. I am, as I believe it is said in the mortal tongue, a tutelary god. I have no interest in the world outside of these woods and its verge, though if something threatens them I may strike out fiercely, for the destructive side of nature is part of my own as well.

My followers please me greatly. The have gone from the simple need of nature to the ability to tend for it. They have gone from there to reverance for it, and from there to becoming a part of it. If they choose to carry this love for nature into the broader world that also pleases me.

As my prophet can attest, I offer renewal. In that spirit, I would like to offer you food, drink, and shelter for the night. Perhaps you will be inclined to share something of yourself or the world?"
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Post by balon! »

The War on Ayana
Odin wrote:A Cockatrice begins the fighting. The Inevitable are marching north. Alone in the empty lands, they are not chanting. A Cockatrice approaches, simply pecking around for seeds and worms. When the chanters are several feet away, it suddenly begins to crow. And all who are close enough to hear it are turned into stone. Statues on the empty plain. The resulting panic of the Inevitable drowns out the Cockatrice, and its power is useless. Noticing this, they begin chanting. However, the Cockatrice is mysteriously unaffected....

It is not, however, immune to a well-thrown rock. Enough are hurled at it that it is dead before it can fly away.

Next, the Inevitable are confronted by a row of a dozen Rocs. They have shields with glowing marks on them. In front of them stands Char. They all simply wait for the Inevitable to approach. When the Inevitable are dangerously close, they stop.

Char speaks. "I am Char, Prophet of UrUk. You are now entering our lands. Turn back immediately. We will not be gentle on invaders."

After a short discussion, one of Nergals people moves forward, stepping right up to Char. Char's head is level with the Hand's. Which would be a terrifying thing to most people. The chanter seems unaffected. As quickly as he can, the man attacks with a blow to the head. It is a blow that would surely kill an ox or bear instantly. However, Char is more than an ox or bear. In fact, she dodges the blow nearly completely. But she is caught by it, much to her surprise. She suddenly has a great deal of respect for this human.

Char attacks. The man is FAR stronger and swifter than any normal human. However, Char is more than a match for him. Her front legs are as think as his thighs. Her paws are as large as his hand WITH his fingers spread, and her claws are as long as his fingers. Char is even more surprised than before when her initial blows and the gashes made by her claws not only do not immediately kill him, but he responds with a couple blows and a kick to her head that stuns her. Underestimating him no longer, she unleashes all the power at her command, sending him flying a full thirty feet from a blow to his side that crushes several ribs.

And her surprise is complete when he stands again. Perhaps unable to fight well, but determined to kill her nevertheless, he approaches again. She turns to the Rocs, and yells: "There are several more like him. I doubt the shields can protect you from being beaten to death by their fists and feet. Take to the air." The group flies above the Inevitable, and begins raining down rocks, darts, arrows, etc. Occasionally, when there is enough panic in one area, they fly low, as a unit, and ram whoever they can reach with their shields.

In the meantime, Char has turned back and hurled herself into the crowd. She is ferocious beyond all sanity, killing left and right. And she takes to the air often and suddenly, before the powerful fighters can reach her, only to land again in an area where she had not even been seen before, where she wreaks more havoc.

The Inevitable begin to fall back. In truth, many do more fleeing than falling back. When they do, they are not pursued. The tactics of the Rocs and Char are good, and Nergal's people cannot counter.

For many days, they move north. Slowly. They are torn to pieces every step of the way. They must often fall back in order to regroup, lest the small groups they're split into get wiped out. But the end of the season, and the chanters are at the entryway of the northern section of Ayana.
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Erd »

Uruk wrote:The War on Ayana
Odin wrote:A Cockatrice begins the fighting. The Inevitable are marching north. Alone in the empty lands, they are not chanting. A Cockatrice approaches, simply pecking around for seeds and worms. When the chanters are several feet away, it suddenly begins to crow. And all who are close enough to hear it are turned into stone. Statues on the empty plain.
Oh my. A creature that turns all those around it to stone. I am very much interested in such a beast, brother Uruk. Perhaps when travel between our lands is possible, we might discuss a trade. There are many beasts on Troon that might pique your interest.
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