Ouch Ahmadinejad...

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Ouch Ahmadinejad...

Post by Stone Magnet »


Pretty crazy that a world leader has gone so far to invoke this conspiracy theory. A conspiracy theory held by "most" US citizens...no less :P. Perhaps the noble US members of the Tank would care to challenge Mr A's assertion.

Maybe he just watched Zeitgeist one too many times... Seriously though, it boggles the mind someone can be so inflammatory to mention something like this at a UN general assembly. Maybe a response to all this anti-muslim tension surrounding 9/11 (Qu'ran burning threat, GZ Mosque etc). If so...he's scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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Post by sindatur »

I don't think Mahmood Ahmadinejad would have anything to say about anything, if he couldn't find a barrel to scrape it from the bottom of <Sigh>
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Post by SerScot »


The man's a holocaust denier. Is it any suprise he's a 9/11 truther too?
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Post by Stone Magnet »

^ Fair call SS.

As I recall however the famous statements about holocaust denial were made in Tehran (if he made any at the UN general assembly I was unaware of it). This takes things to another level (not saying that 9/11 truthers are worse than holocaust deniers, though frankly I find them both equally absurd.)

I can say truthfully that yes it did surprise me. Not just that he mentioned it but that he claimed most of the US believes the theory...It's just yet another crazy claim against his name...

As for scraping the bottom of the barrel, I'm sure he could drum up some more reasonable condemnation for the US and Israel. There's enough of it about. I mean I still probably wouldn't buy it given what I think of the man but it wouldn't automatically render it ludicrous to most of the world and put him up for widespread condemnation. I suppose the shock factor/publicity is half the point though...since he began his speech with it. But even a strongly anti-US/Israel speech would have garnered publicity (without such widespread condemnation).

As an afterthought - respect to those delegates from other nations who walked out. A rather large question mark to those who applauded.
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Post by Avatar »

Agree with SM. You'd think he could come up with something better...

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www.guardian.co.uk/world/julian-borger- ... nistration
Guardian UK wrote:President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visits to New York are usually memorable for something. Three years ago, he stunned the world with his claim there were no gays in Iran. This time, he used his time at the world's lectern to unwind the most convoluted and out-to-lunch conspiracy theory ever presented to the UN General Assembly - suggesting that 9/11 was an inside job.

The UN speech was all the more of a collective shock to the US as the visit had hitherto been billed, after a few softly-spoken interviews, as revealing the Iranian president's more thoughtful, moderate side.

The initial analysis by most Iran-watchers was that the speech was aimed at Iranians rather than Americans. On his Informed Comment blog, Juan Cole wrote:

The speech was shown on Iranian television, and he was almost certainly actually playing to the audience back home. He wanted to be on television on the world stage, poking America in the eye.

The next day, Ahmadinejad was seemingly amazed at the fuss. "Did I say anything wrong?" he asked innocently. He claimed not to see how his remarks might have any impact on the stalled talks over Iran's nuclear programme. "What does this have to do with the nuclear issue? It has no connection to it," he insisted.
Cheeky bugger. Holding himself like a true politician.
Guardian UK wrote:Barack Obama appears to have taken a surprisingly similar line in an interview with the BBC Persian Service. Obama described the 9/11 comments as "offensive" and "hateful", but then got down to business, insisting the road to a deal was still clear:

So the Iranian government itself has said we are not interested in nuclear weapons. That's their public statement. If that's the case, there should be a mechanism whereby they can assure and prove to the international community, including the IAEA, that that is in fact the case. And if they take those constructive steps in serious negotiations, then not only should there not be a threat of war but there also won't be the sanctions that are currently in place.

On the other hand, Obama did none of the usual tiptoeing around Iran's nuclear ambitions. He referred bluntly to a "covert nuclear weapons programme", as if its existence was beyond question. It will be interesting to see if this becomes the new house style in the administration.
I've got to say I like Obama's position on this. Calm and collected and letting other leaders do most of the condemnation. To be honest I think a strong US response to this would only fuel the fire of conspiracy theorists ("Oh look how violently they responded! They have something to hide..." etc.) Much better to ignore the little man and concentrate on the task at hand- monitoring and neutering any potential nuclear development.

International condemnation however, has been strong. UK and EU PMs have spoken strongly against Ahmadinejad (as you would expect), but the thing that struck me was this passioned speech from my part of the world, by Jose Ramos-Horta, the President of the tiny Pacific/Southeast Asian nation of East Timor:

www.rferl.org/content/East_Timor_Leader ... 68466.html
"Ahmadinejad is entitled to believe in, and regurgitate, whatever intellectual, philosophical, or theological concoctions his unique mind may fabricate. However, I do not agree that anyone of us should disregard basic rules and practices of conduct among leaders and utter obscenities in this August assembly," Ramos-Horta said.

"What President Ahmadinejad said in this forum in regard to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center was an obscenity. He went too far as he has done many times before in this assembly and in other fora, as when he questioned the facts of the Holocaust."

It was the strongest criticism spoken in public by a national leader so far in reaction to Ahmadinejad's comments on September 23 about the September 11, 2001, attacks.

In additional comments, Ramos-Horta said he supported Iran's right to develop peaceful nuclear technology.

Ramos-Horta won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996 for his work toward an independent East Timor, which became independent in 2002.
Well done, sir.
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Post by aliantha »

What a mook. That's right, the holocaust was just a figure of our collective imagination and the photos are all faked. 911 never happened and if you go to NY the buildings are still there and all the pictures with the twin towers are fake. I also didn't just eat eggs and toast and I also didn't pet my cat and I'm not real and therefore I think I should not have to pay rent.... wow... denial is fun.

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Post by Rawedge Rim »

aliantha wrote:What a mook. That's right, the holocaust was just a figure of our collective imagination and the photos are all faked. 911 never happened and if you go to NY the buildings are still there and all the pictures with the twin towers are fake. I also didn't just eat eggs and toast and I also didn't pet my cat and I'm not real and therefore I think I should not have to pay rent.... wow... denial is fun.
Actually, what he's stating is that the CIA or some other American clandestine group arranged the events of 9/11 in order to give the US the excuse to invade Arab lands, that in fact, "no" Arabs were involved in those events at all.

Gonna have to raise the BS Flag on Iran's president also.
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Post by Cybrweez »

Bah, the people in Iran will love him for standing up to the Great Satan. What does he care about what Americans think?

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Post by Vraith »

Cybrweez wrote:Bah, the people in Iran will love him for standing up to the Great Satan. What does he care about what Americans think?
Actually, while a great many think the U.S. has too much power, and does sneaky mean things in secret, a slight majority have a positive view of U.S. citizens.
[spoiler]Sig-man, Libtard, Stupid piece of shit. change your text color to brown. Mr. Reliable, bullshit-slinging liarFucker-user.[/spoiler]
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Post by shadowbinding shoe »

Vraith wrote:
Cybrweez wrote:Bah, the people in Iran will love him for standing up to the Great Satan. What does he care about what Americans think?
Actually, while a great many think the U.S. has too much power, and does sneaky mean things in secret, a slight majority have a positive view of U.S. citizens.
Those aren't the people that support him.
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Post by Avatar »

Cybrweez wrote:Bah, the people in Iran will love him for standing up to the Great Satan. What does he care about what Americans think?
*shrug* Y'all pretty much set yourselves up for that in 1953.

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Post by Cybrweez »

I've been told by Muslims that its our freedoms that help to paint us as the Great Satan, b/c those who want Sharia law look at what this country outputs and easily refers to it as Satan. That's why they want Sharia law everywhere. I don't think the average Muslim in the Middle East cares much about current or past political actions, much like here in America the average person doesn't care. The imams use our freedoms as the attacking point.

Well, my impression from a few Muslims I've talked to anyway.

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Post by Avatar »

Hahaha, maybe it's not that you're free to do things, but what you choose to do with that freedom? *shrug* I dunno.

I just meant that US and British actions in overthrowing the Iranian government and installing their own puppet one predisposed them toward seeing your actions as bad/evil/wrong/whatever.

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Post by Stone Magnet »

Heh. As a firearms aficionado this amuses me greatly for some reason. Taken in again Mahmoud...

www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/A ... 0146a9.331
Hezbollah chief 'deceived' Iran leader with gun gift

JERUSALEM — Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah deceived Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by giving him a gun he claimed was taken from an Israeli soldier in the 2006 war, an Israeli newspaper said Sunday.

The mass-selling Yediot Aharonot said the gun, which Nasrallah presented to Ahmadinejad in person on his controversial two-day visit to Lebanon, was a type of weapon not been used by the Israeli military since the early 1970s.

The paper quoted a military spokesperson as saying the weapon was "most likely" a FN FAL 7.62 rifle that went out of use in 1974, meaning it could not have been taken from soldiers during Israel's more recent invasion of Lebanon.

A military spokesman contacted by AFP declined to comment on the report.

The devastating 34-day war in the summer of 2006 claimed the lives of some 1,200 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers, and destroyed much of southern Lebanon.

The war was widely seen as a victory for Nasrallah's Shiite Lebanese movement, which continued to fire hundreds of rockets on northern Israel until the end of the fighting and prevented Israeli forces from recovering two soldiers whose capture in a deadly cross-border raid had sparked the conflict.

Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon, in which he again predicted Israel's demise from a Hezbollah stronghold near the border, was condemned as "provocative" by the United States and Israel.

Israel views Iran as its main strategic threat because of Tehran's harsh rhetoric, its controversial nuclear enrichment programme and its support for both Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas movement ruling Gaza.

^Israeli FN FAL at top, which you can see in the image in the article being gifted to Ahmadinejad (note distinctive wooden handgrip). Actually produced domestically in small quantities until completely superseded by the Galil in the 80's. You crazy foo.
Last edited by Stone Magnet on Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

I heard the US govt orchestrated his speech that says the US govt orchestrated 9/11. Obama was taking a class in Orchestration, and, while watching the Boston Symphony Orchestra perform, he...

Damn. I lost it.
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Post by Stone Magnet »

...composed a symphony of dissension in order to discredit the Iranian leader in front of the UN. The harmonies were fantastically aberrant, and resonated throughout the hall. Many world leaders left in protest to the discordant melodies of Obama's orchestration (which of course was Obama's plan all along, therein lies the conspiracy!), but some liked its offbeat and quirky nature. Particularly in countries were New York minimalist composer Philip Glass was popular, the orchestration became a smash hit. Obama was surprised and disturbed, but due to his contract of conspiratorial secrecy could not take credit for the piece. Thus he was forced into silence by the Illuminati.

Pretty much how most conspiracy theorists roll Fist...
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