Phoenix Prime: Rules and Comments

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Phoenix Prime: Rules and Comments

Post by balon! »

Version 1.0
Phoenix Prime


A world on the edge of the galaxy.

Here, the primitive lives alongside the futuristic. Skyscrapers can be seen towering over deep jungle. Highways cross the continent, converging on a central point, the single giant city named Phoenix Prime. The capital is crowded with a plethora of humanity; covered in furs and skins, tracksuits and body armor the people of this world live as they have for generations. Little did they know that life as they knew it was about to be forever altered.

Phoenix Prime the game is a collaborative storytelling RPG (Role-Playing Game) in which the Players (that's you) take on roles of beings who have traveled to a fictional fantasy world. The Game Master (GM; that's me) will process submitted turns, in various formats, from each player and then give back a turn result. Through turn submission, story-writing, and role-playing we will create a world of our imagination.

Character Creation
For reasons that will become clear, you were all summoned to the capital city, Phoenix Prime, in a sudden burst of potential. And so, here you are. In this game, characters will be as varied as the players themselves. Almost anything will fly, but send me your idea before taking the time to really flesh it out. I'll know quickly if anything needs to be changed. The two things you all have in common is that on this world, you are close to Gods, invested strongly with some sort of power and you all have a physical presence of some kind.

Some examples include:
Earth people transported to this world
Travelers from another dimension
Elemental beings
Classical Deity figures

The Revelation
is the story of how your being came to be on Phoenix Prime in this particular moment of space-time and can take any form. Some people have included poetry, songs, pictures, etc... whatever will help to best explain the being you play and how you came to be here.

Plot Points (PPs)
Plot Points are the way players interact with Phoenix Prime. They represent both the amount of possible actions a player can take in a turn, and the effectiveness of an action if multiple PP's are spent on a single task. Each turn players will receive a PP. Points can be saved for future turns to a max bank of 5 points. This system is meant to be loose to include all styles of play. I will do my best to keep all actions relatively equal in terms of how they affect the game.

Spending PPs happens in the form of a Turn (representing one month). Each turn has three parts: the Public and Private Turn Submission (done by the player) and the Turn Result (done by the GM).

The private submission will always start with a short summary of what the player hopes to accomplish. The form will vary from player to player. Some include full-length narrative stories. Others a few sentences. Poems, pictures or video links are also acceptable.

The public submission is the time when players can elaborate on the world of Phoenix Prime. The people, landscapes and vegetation are all fair game to take liberties with. The only thing to exclude are extraordinary happenings. Save those for PP expenditure.

The results give back exactly what transpired during the turn, and whether or not the player was successful. This will include elaboration from my own imagination and some plot items I've devised for the game.

Spending PPs
So what can you do with a PP? The possibilities are limited only to your imagination. You play a being who, compared to the inhabitants of Phoenix Prime, are close to Gods. What will you do now that you are here? Establish a religion? Investigate why you were summoned to this world? Take out the competition? Investing more PP in a single action over the long term, or in a specific way, will gain better results.

For the most part, no player is limited in what they can accomplish except in terms of scope. The job of the GM is to balance the ideas of each player in a fair and logical manner. A simple turn can be accomplished exactly as you describe in your submission. Something large and all-powerful will need to be built up over many turns, and will likely be altered by the GM.

Don't include "if, then” statements. “If x, then y, then I'll spend 2 PP's, but if z then...etc”
Avatar wrote:But then, the answers provided by your imagination are not only sometimes best, but have the added advantage of being unable to be wrong.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Well, this sounds like a perfect scenario for resurrecting the Illuminati from Vanir. That was always a more sci-fi themed character anyway.
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Post by caamora »

Cool! I'm in!
The King has one more move.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Hey. What's the status with this? We archived Rogue Trader already, and Pantheon looks to be wrapping up shortly. Prophets is just about to kick off (Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!). Let's get this Phoenix Prime action squared away, balon! Or archived.

That's right, I'm callin' you out, dawg!
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Post by Gedeminas »

I'm not good enough at role playing to pull it off, or familiar enough with the World of Darkness system, but if someone was, would, for instance, Caine be a character who could be played in this game?
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Post by caamora »

Hey. What's the status with this? We archived Rogue Trader already, and Pantheon looks to be wrapping up shortly. Prophets is just about to kick off (Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!). Let's get this Phoenix Prime action squared away, balon! Or archived.
I was thinking the same thing. But, I'm completely surprised Fist hasn't chimed in . :biggrin:
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

I don't think Fist had faith that it would happen, so he never got all hyped up about it.

I think that the White-Wolf Caine as a character here would be possible, however... a lot of what makes him an interesting character (at least to me) is his context... him being misunderstood and maligned by God, his lover Lilith casting him out, his children and then their children rising up against him and then going out and borking up the world in his name...

Caine is the first emo. If you picked him up and dropped him into another world... he might very much decide that, in spite of being godlike in his power, he will choose not to participate in this new world's squabbles.
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