Hillary's Email Scandal

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Hillary's Email Scandal

Post by Zarathustra »

This topic is getting too big to be buried in the other thread. [Hashi, could you cut those posts and include them here?]

Oh, the hypocrisy. Hillary Bashed Bush for "secret emails" and then went on to create her own secret email server two years later.

Remember when government transparency was a Big Deal to Dems? Heck, it was one of Obama's first acts as President, as Plissken emphasized in this post:
Plissken wrote:
WASHINGTON — President Obama moved swiftly on Wednesday to impose new rules on government transparency and ethics, using his first full day in office to freeze the salaries of his senior aides, mandate new limits on lobbyists and demand that the government disclose more information.

Mr. Obama called the moves, which overturned two policies of his predecessor, “a clean break from business as usual.” Coupled with Tuesday’s Inaugural Address, which repudiated the Bush administration’s decisions on everything from science policy to fighting terrorism, the actions were another sign of the new president’s effort to emphasize an across-the-board shift in priorities, values and tone.

“For a long time now there’s been too much secrecy in this city,” Mr. Obama said at a swearing-in ceremony for senior officials at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House. He added, “Transparency and rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

With the pageantry of Tuesday’s inaugural festivities behind them, Mr. Obama and his team spent Wednesday grappling with matters as mundane as e-mail access and getting to work (some aides arrived at the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Tuesday morning to discover they lacked clearance to enter) and as weighty as Senate confirmation of cabinet secretaries.

On Capitol Hill, Hillary Rodham Clinton was confirmed by the Senate as Mr. Obama’s secretary of state — and later sworn in — and it appeared that Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary nominee, was headed for confirmation. But Republicans forced a one-week delay in the vote on Mr. Obama’s nominee for attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., and there are other jobs yet to fill, including that of commerce secretary.

The transparency and ethics moves were set forth in two executive orders and three presidential memorandums; Mr. Obama signed them at the swearing-in ceremony with a left-handed flourish.

The new president effectively reversed a post-9/11 Bush administration policy making it easier for government agencies to deny requests for records under the Freedom of Information Act, and effectively repealed a Bush executive order that allowed former presidents or their heirs to claim executive privilege in an effort to keep records secret.

“Starting today,” Mr. Obama said, “every agency and department should know that this administration stands on the side not of those who seek to withhold information, but those who seek to make it known.”

Advocates for openness in government, who had been pressing for the moves, said they were pleased. They said the new president had traded a presumption of secrecy for a presumption of disclosure.

“You couldn’t ask for anything better,” said Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, an advocacy group that tangled frequently with the Bush administration over records. “For the president to say this on Day 1 says: ‘We mean it. Turn your records over.’ ”

A president’s first act in office carries great symbolism. Aides to Mr. Obama spent weeks debating a variety of options including an executive order to shut down the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba — a decision that is now expected to come on Thursday.

In the end, Mr. Obama used his first day to send two messages that echoed themes from his campaign: first, that he is intent on keeping his promises to run a clean and open government; and, second, that he understands the pain Americans are feeling as a result of the economic crisis.

:spew: :LOLS:

My god, Dems are gullible. You know what else was happening on Day 1? Hillary was setting up her own email server in her home with the intention of concealing all her official communications as Secretary of State from the American people and Congressional investigations!
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Post by Vraith »

I haven't been following this all that closely...though there's so much flying around it's hard to avoid completely.

Here's some problems with the freak-out, though:

Exactly how "secret" could it be? I mean...her entire personal staff, all the State offices and their personnel, everyone she sent an email to...they ALL have her email. As do other departments. How many peeps is that? Cuz we can't forget the old saw "10,000 people can keep a secret, if 9,999 of them are dead."

They all have copies, it's all preserved...and in more than one place, so you could actually compare/contrast and know if things were left out by one party or the others.

There might be a problem with private-to-private, I suppose---but I keep seeing the 55K number for those turned over. That's a lot of email...how many could she have written, person to person, and hidden in her time at State?

So far the did/didn't break a rule/law/reg. seems to be somewhat in dispute...but tending towards didn't, AFAICT.

Security...that might be a real concern. But State hasn't exactly been secure itself. And I assume they have security on the machine, and tech support. Hell, it might be MORE secure than State.gov or whatever it is.

I can see how peeps might think it APPEARS sneaky/sly.
But only an idiot could think "HAH! All my emails go through my machine, therefore only I have control/access! MWAaaahhhahaha!"

I have little doubt it was intended to provide some additional control/privacy...but on a practical level, it's illusion, and they couldn't not know that.

[[lest you think I'm just backing up the Dem cause...I have said here that IMO, if you are elected to public office, you HAVE no privacy and shouldn't expect it anywhere but the bedroom and family dinner. Everything else should be public record.]]

Edited to add: and not just elected either. Much that is automatically protected for gov't folk by default should be public by default, instead.
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Post by Orlion »

Regarding security: I doubt Hillary's personal server funded privately would be any where near as secure, let alone more secure, than the servers backed by a wealthy government. And really, that is issue number 1 to me: more sophisticated networks have been hacked into, and now for around six years potentially sensitive information has been available to anyone with the know how.

That's pretty much any government with any sort of cyber espionage.
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Post by Vraith »

Orlion wrote:Regarding security: I doubt Hillary's personal server funded privately would be any where near as secure, let alone more secure, than the servers backed by a wealthy government. And really, that is issue number 1 to me:

Yea, I think security is the "big deal" as much as there is a "big deal."

But...y'know, in theory you are correct about the wealth thing.
Yet we keep getting stories about Gov't getting hacked.
[[and at minimum I'd bet there are dozens of hacks that occur for every one we hear about.]]
And stories about how outdated their stuff is.

But at least security is a real issue.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Vraith, given that this story was broken by the New York Times, and that liberal outlets have all admitted that there is no conceivable legitimate reason to set up an insecure home system for our nation's highest foreign relations cabinet member, I don't think "freak out" is accurate. This is legitimate criticism.

Concealment is the only conceivable reason for this. She obviously didn't do this out of laziness. She went out of her way from the very beginning to keep her official state department communications in a form where the government didn't possess them, granting her exclusive control over exactly what is released to Congressional investigations and FOI requests. That's a premeditated plan to conceal, rather than any conceivable definition of "transparent."

As for your other points ... how secret could this be? Good question. It's very likely that the President knew. In fact, it's being reported today that the admin knew 6 months ago, but it took breaking this story to the public for both the admin and Hillary to admit it. There's your 'lack of transparency' again.

There may be copies preserved, but look how hard it was to get just one IRS official's emails (Lerner). We just learned last month that her backups weren't destroyed after all, as the Obama donor appointed to oversee the IRS investigation claimed. Good luck getting all the 1000s of people whom Clinton likely emailed to give up all their copies. We don't even know who they all were. Besides, that doesn't help us in cases where she was emailing foreign leaders (possibly soliciting donations to her Clinton Foundation).

The 55K number is meaningless. We have no idea how many she has withheld. Those are just the ones she has turned over. The public never should have been in a position where we have to ask her personally to turn over emails that are public property by law.

I think she has broken several laws, especially if there was classified info in ANY of her 1000s of emails, but it doesn't really matter from the perspective of transparency and motive. She can't be trusted to be open and honest with us. If you didn't know that by now, this is the proof.

I think there are plenty of reasons not to elect Clinton, but this one (at least) seems to be getting bipartisan criticism. If it were Dick Cheney or Bush, the Left would be going crazy. In fact, they did criticize Bush for 'secret emails,' even Hillary herself (as shown in the OP).
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Post by Cail »

This isn't good either.
Instead, as Mrs. Clinton commemorates her 1995 women’s rights speech in Beijing in back-to-back events in New York, she finds herself under attack for her family foundation’s acceptance of millions of dollars in donations from Middle Eastern countries known for violence against women and for denying them many basic freedoms.

Oh, and on the email thing.....At least Obama's consistent....
President Barack Obama said he first found out through the news about Hillary Clinton’s private email address she used for government business while secretary of state.

“The same time everybody else learned it through news reports,” Obama told CBS News.
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Post by kevinswatch »

As someone who proudly voted for Obama, these types of stories are why I'll never vote for Hillary.

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Post by Zarathustra »

Congressional investigators note "months" of gaps in Hillary's emails

The South Carolina Republican, who is also the top Republican on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday emails Clinton's camp has given to the committee have significant gaps in them.
"There are gaps of months and months and months," Gowdy said on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday.

"And if you think to that iconic picture of her on a C-17 flying to Libya, she has sunglasses on and she has her handheld device in her hand. We have no emails from that day. In fact, we have no emails from that trip," he added.

The lack of emails from that trip, "strains credibility to believe that if you're on your way to ... to discuss Libyan policy that there's not a single document that's been turned over to Congress."
Damn, Nixon's gap was mere minutes, wasn't it? She didn't send official emails for months at a time? And those gaps just happen to include her trip to Libya?

[I can't get the link to format correctly. It's from the Washington Examiner, if anyone is interested.]
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Post by Vraith »

Zarathustra wrote: She didn't send official emails for months at a time? And those gaps just happen to include her trip to Libya?
All the versions of that story I've seen include a response from Dem's that are part of the investigations saying the gap claim is untrue, and if Gowdy would allow the release of what the investigators have, they could prove it.
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Post by Zarathustra »

I did a search to find what you're talking about Vraith. The only thing I could find was that Dems are urging Gowdy to release the emails which the State Dept has given to him, claiming that it would 'clear up any misconceptions.' I suppose that means they think the emails which Hillary chose to give up (i.e. the ones first screened by her team before handing over to the State Dept.) would show nothing wrong. But that's not surprising since no one is in the position to force Hillary to give up any potentially damaging emails. Do you seriously think she would volunteer to give up incriminating evidence when she has exclusive control of her server?

However, I didn't find a single report claiming that the gap claim was incorrect.
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Re: Hillary's Email Scandal

Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Zarathustra wrote:[Hashi, could you cut those posts and include them here?]
It will take me a little while to do so but it will get done. We are short one person here at work right now.

Long story short: she knew what she was doing and engaged in this activity specifically in order to hide her e-mails as much as she could from scrutiny. Worst case scenario: she faces possible felony charges of withholding/hiding/destroying government documents. Most likely scenario: nothing happens, including never being given the DNC nomination for President in 2016.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Hashi, don't worry about moving the other posts. I just didn't want to set up the context all over again, but I think everyone is up to speed now.
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Post by Harbinger »

Hillary Clinton: "Looking back, it would have been better if I had simply used a second email account and carried a second phone," Clinton said in a brief press conference at the United Nations after delivering a speech on women’s rights. "I thought using one device would be simpler, and obviously it hasn't worked out that way."
HA HA HA! Convenience is why she used one email account because, well, you just can't have multiple accounts on one phone.

Give me a break.

Snopes has a huge section on Hillary. One gem:
"We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices ... Government has to make those choices for people"
This quote comes from a conversation relayed by Rep. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, then the chairman of the Republicans' House task force on health care, at a 1993 meeting with Hillary Clinton (as reported in David Brock's The Seduction of Hillary Rodham):
Dennis Hastert ... began meeting in February [1993] with Clinton administration officials as part of an effort to craft a bipartisan approach to [health care] reform. One evening in June 1993, a group of Republican congressmen, including Hastert, met with Hillary at the Alexandria home of Republican Representative John Kaisch of Ohio. One of Hastert's ideas under discussion that night would have allowed employers the option of establishing medical savings accounts for their employees as an alternative to a government-managed system. Under Hastert's plan, employers would put the money they were willing to spend into tax-deferred accounts. Employees would be encouraged to buy high-deductible catastrophic care policies and pay for rudimentary services with the remainder of the money. At the end of the year, the unused funds could be rolled over tax-free into the next year and, like an IRA, be withdrawn at retirement. Hastert and other advocates believed that as people shopped around for insurance and spent their own money to purchase care, costs would be controlled and competition enhanced. But critics said the accounts would benefit healthier people, who would spend less than what employers contributed, and hurt the poor, who might pay higher premiums as healthier and wealthier people formed their own insurance purchasing pools.

Hastert soon concluded that there was little common ground on which to negotiate with the administration. "I guess the straw on the camel's back was a meeting that I had one evening with Mrs. Clinton," Hastert recalled:
I mentioned ... to the first lady about medical savings accounts and just right away she said, "We can't do that." And I said, "Well, why?" And she said, "Well, there's two reasons." And I said, "Well, what are they?" [And she said] "The first reason is with the medical savings account, people have to act on their own and make their own decisions about health care. And they have to make sure that they get the inoculations and the preventative care that they need, and we just think that people will skip too much because in a medical savings account if you don't spend it, you get to keep it or you can ... accumulate it in a health care account. We just think people will be too focused on saving money and they won't get the care for their children and themselves that they need. We think the government, by saying, 'You have to make this schedule. You have to have your kids in for inoculations here, you have to do a prescreening here, you have to do this' — the government will make better decisions than the people will make, and people will be healthier because of it." I said, "Well, part of that's an education process. People have to understand that [if] they behave in a certain way, they're going to save money, [with the] preventive medicine issue — you get the prescreenings, if you can inoculate your kids you save money on it. I mean, they're not sick. You save money." She said, "No. We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices ... Government has to make those choices for people."
Read more at www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/hildab ... 3f1zX1Q.99

Hildabeast. I like it.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Harbinger wrote:
Hillary Clinton: "Looking back, it would have been better if I had simply used a second email account and carried a second phone," Clinton said in a brief press conference at the United Nations after delivering a speech on women’s rights. "I thought using one device would be simpler, and obviously it hasn't worked out that way."
HA HA HA! Convenience is why she used one email account because, well, you just can't have multiple accounts on one phone.
Convenience! Yeah, setting up and maintaining your own email server is so much easier!
I mentioned ... to the first lady about medical savings accounts and just right away she said, "We can't do that." ... "The first reason is with the medical savings account, people have to act on their own and make their own decisions about health care. And they have to make sure that they get the inoculations and the preventative care that they need, and we just think that people will skip too much because in a medical savings account if you don't spend it, you get to keep it or you can ... accumulate it in a health care account. We just think people will be too focused on saving money and they won't get the care for their children and themselves that they need. We think the government, by saying, 'You have to make this schedule. You have to have your kids in for inoculations here, you have to do a prescreening here, you have to do this' — the government will make better decisions than the people will make, and people will be healthier because of it." I said, "Well, part of that's an education process. People have to understand that [if] they behave in a certain way, they're going to save money, [with the] preventive medicine issue — you get the prescreenings, if you can inoculate your kids you save money on it. I mean, they're not sick. You save money." She said, "No. We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices ... Government has to make those choices for people."
My god, the arrogance. This is what progressives actually think: the government should make your health care choices for you, because you're too stupid to make those decisions. We can't even be educated to make the best choices. So the government must make them on your own behalf.

I'm not sure how it was in 1993, but today preventive care is covered 100% for policies with HSAs. A quick check with the wife ... yes, back then preventive care was covered, though there might have been a small copay. So Hillary's argument is not only arrogant, but ignorant. That's a dangerous combination.
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Post by Zarathustra »

So according to Hill's press conference, we're going to have to take her word for the claim that she turned over all the appropriate emails. She will allow no third party, objective arbiter to see her private email server. But she's got nothing to hide! :roll:

We're supposed to just trust her, despite the fact that she had glaring contradictions in her explanation. First, she claimed that she didn't want to carry two devices, one for official and one for private email. However, she admitted on camera last month that she is somewhat of a "hoarder" of devices, and carries at least 4 portable devices. Also, blackberries can access multiple email accounts, and several government employees have come out claiming that they did precisely this during the same time.

Bullshit rating: stinks to high heaven.

Secondly, she claimed this server was set up for her husband, Bill. The problem is, Bill claims not to use email and has only sent two in his entire life, back in the 90s. So was she using a 90s email server, claiming it was 'secure'??? Windows 95, baby! Crack that code, China!

Bullshit rating: smells like shit, but will Dems will still eat it right up.

She also claimed that she never had any classified info in her emails (which would have been a felony, as Petreous has found). But as Judge Napolatano says, this is extremely unlikely. Her calendar as Secretary of State would be classified. Her conversations about her calendar would be classified. Conversations about classified info would be classified. Why should we trust her judgment on what's classified or not, when she admits poor judgment in using private email in the first place???

She was also asked whether or not the State Dept. ever had possession of her emails during her term, a question which she dodged, because admitting that they did not would be admitting that she concealed it from the government, which is a crime.

This is not going away. It's bigger than Nixon's deleted tapes. Anyone who would vote for her is a partisan tool and a fool. If Dems don't put pressure on her to hand over her server to a third party arbiter, then you might as well admit right now that all the bluster about Bush's secrecy was partisan bullshit, and you don't really care about the truth or about secrecy or corruption in our government. You only care about partisan victory.
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Post by SoulBiter »

I listened to her interview and there was a point in the interview when the press was really hammering her and she made this statement...

I....did not...email...any classified material....to anyone on my email.

The texture and tone mirrored this statement below.

I...did not... have sex.. with that woman.... Monica Lewinsky.

Perhaps because they both were 'prepared' for the interviews by the same person.. who knows.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Jay, good to hear!

Dems have a real opportunity here to show that they can look at one of their own objectively, that they haven't entirely cast away all healthy skepticism for people who seek authority over us, who want to tell us what to do [see her comments above about making your health care choices for you]. This is a chance to prove you can stand up for those principles you claim to believe in. Hillary can't be this important, that her personal electoral success is worth more than the moral integrity your party.

She has clearly skirted the law, if not actually violated it. And she did that to hide her communication from us. That's the sole reason. You can't even claim she did it for the good of the country (like Obama's alleged reasons for skirting our laws). She did it to protect her own ass from a public's right to know what its government is doing. If this is how she acts as Secretary of State, what laws will she try to skirt when handed even more power as chief exec of the country? It is insane not to be a little worried about that, no matter how much you like her as candidate. How close to the line of explicit corruption are you willing to follow your chosen leaders?
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Post by ussusimiel »

I'm not seeing, Z. I think the scandal will provide good material for attack ads by the 'Pubs during the election (which Hillary will still most likely win), but from what I am reading she has broken no laws (the requirement to save emails for archival purposes only became law recently (after Clinton's term as SoS)). And, unless she foolishly sent classified material by email (which she probably shouldn't do in any case) there is no security issue to speak of. The charge of lack of transparency and hiding stuff she doesn't want seen doesn't really hold up. There have to be copies of those emails out there (and the chances of everyone being able to keep their mouths shut is close to a conspiracy theory).

The one thing that might have substance is the use of her office for the solicitation of funds from foreign governments, but I don't really see that one gaining enough traction to do her damage.

The dems will stick by her because she is easily their best chance of winning the next election.

The one thing the scandal does do is show that, because of her attitude, there may be some other seriously damaging issue out there. I have no doubt that the GOP attack dogs are digging furiously as we speak! :lol:

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Post by Cail »

The regulation went into effect in 2009. She was required to archive her emails.
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Post by Holsety »

Here are a few rather dull things I found in a smattering of CNN articles I was looking at online:
There might be a problem with private-to-private, I suppose---but I keep seeing the 55K number for those turned over. That's a lot of email...how many could she have written, person to person, and hidden in her time at State?
The 55k number is the number of pages turned over - only 30,000 of 60,000 emails were turned over. At least...according to this cnn article (there's another one that refers to the 55,000 as a rough count of the emails she turned over).
During her press conference, Clinton said that the 55,000 pages of correspondence she turned over to the State Department for review made up about half, or 30,000, of the overall 60,000 emails she sent and received with the private server. The statement later disclosed that about 90% of those had already been archived in the State Department's records, as they had been sent to ".gov" accounts, which are automatically archived.
www.cnn.com/2015/03/10/politics/hillary ... index.html

According to this timeline
www.hillaryclintonquarterly.com/hillary ... -timeline/
Hillary was nominated in January of 2009, and left in February 2013. Probably doesn't perfectly record her days at work (does the secretary of state have weekends off? I'm clueless about politicians, I bet they all have weekends off), but if she was using this email in her residence, that gives her roughly 4 years. 365 days in a year, 4 years, 1460 days, 60k emails, ~40 emails a day. That is a lot, but maybe a fair number of her emails were just her reviewing emails from subordinates and giving fairly yes/no responses. Maybe. Not too knowledgeable about the inner workings of the state dept over here.

If you give her weekends it's more like 60 emails a day! But she stated that about half of her emails were personal, so now that I think about it she probably was using the email a fair amount on a hypothetical work-free weekend.
The State Department's government watchdog has released a review of its email record-keeping practices and concluded that the vast majority of emails sent by State personnel are not being preserved, possibly in violation of the Federal Records Act.

Out of the billion emails sent by personnel in 2011, the Office of the Inspector General found that only a minuscule fraction -- 61,156 -- were actually recorded within employees' official email accounts. That number dropped to 41,749 in 2013.
I'm somewhat curious about the exact, uh, mechanics/logistics here. Were other state department personnel possibly using Hillary's server? Were they just deleting a vast majority of their correspondence?

Anyway, to collect a few details from the report attached to this story:
-The OIG notes that technology for better record keeping was created as soon as 2009, but despite that, they still found the ridiculously tiny amount of recorded emails in 2011 and 2013.
-They state this was because of both lack of training with the record-keeping program, a fear of the consequences of recording their emails (oooh), and a lack of reinforcement of the importance of record keeping in the first place (which I would think might be on Hillary's head and/or other high level employees of the department).

I can understand that poor training may have been in place, but I would almost rather have the state department employees be duplicitous enough to avoid record keeping than have them clueless about the importance of records.
www.cnn.com/2015/03/11/politics/hillary ... index.html

From the following article,
www.cnn.com/2015/03/06/politics/hillary ... index.html
During her press conference, Clinton said that the 55,000 pages of correspondence she turned over to the State Department for review made up about half, or 30,000, of the overall 60,000 emails she sent and received with the private server. The statement later disclosed that about 90% of those had already been archived in the State Department's records, as they had been sent to ".gov" accounts, which are automatically archived.
The part which really makes me suspicious is that (forgive me, I lost the cnn link for this part) Clinton claims to have deleted all 30,000 of her personal emails and kept all 30,000 emails related to work. That kind of cleanly defined relationship, that nice 50-50 split, is just a bit too simple to be true, I think, especially when (see above) there's already reason to believe that state dept employees generally speaking were not being responsible about preserving their work-related emails.

Sorry if you guys were already aware of most of this.

Oh and also:
"I trust the American people to make their decisions about political and public matters and I feel like I've taken unprecedented steps for these emails to be in the public domain," Clinton said. "I went above and beyond what I was requested to do."
From Harbinger's quoted section:
"No. We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices ... Government has to make those choices for people."
smh, smh Clinton...OK, there is a time gap, but still...

EDIT-Does anyone know whether Clinton abandoned/closed/stopped using her server after her tenure as secretary of state? That would alter some of the conclusions, thoughts, and assumptions I've made here.

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