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Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:30 pm
by Gener
I sympathize with your loss, Laurel. I will pray for him, asking Kimer to guide your man to the halls of your ancestors, or the gates of your former mistress, if you so desire.

As for the Green Death, it is the plague that I have mentioned previously. The elders, ever wise in their foresight, expressed worry of such, so it was that I sought strength in the soil of Twinsriver to combat it. Kimer's benevolence is surely shining upon this town, for I found it in the very water beneath my farm. I have attempted to expand that reservoir of strength with what power my lord has blessed me with, fortifying the harvest in the process. I do not believe it has reached as far as the wells of the gardens, though I will work towards such as this threat of plague only seems to grow.

And while I can claim no responsibility for this, as far as I know, it appears that those living within the city's walls are healthier, in general, than those without.

Currently, I am focusing on our village's sewer, since the elders have expressed concern about sanitation, what with all the new people arriving and stretching our resources. They were right about the plague, so... I would appreciate any help I can get with fighting the Green Death.

These fish also trouble me. As ugly as they are, they don't appear to be dangerous, but I'm worried that I haven't been able to give them the attention that I should and it will end up biting me in the end. If anyone wants to share what they know about them, I'd like to hear it. I've never heard of anything like this happening before, so I'm afraid it isn't natural.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:43 pm
by Ianua
And I'm afraid I have to confirm you're right. Absolutely not natural.

I tried looking at the new fish and dissecting - they don't appear to have any supernatural properties. However, I managed to find some information on those. This fish is called a Tether fish, the offspring of the Hydra. It is able to elongate its belly spines and “tethers” itself to the sea floor creating a safe haven for the Hydra. So, looks like we're in for a surprise visit from some of the most pleasant company.

Laurel, my condolences. I'd also like to know as much as possible about the new disease, my herbs alleviate the discomfort at most, but perhaps I could do something more useful with more knowledge. This is the first time I hear about water being connected. Perhaps the fish and the Hydra as well somehow?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:53 pm
by Gener
Thank you, Ianua. That was more than I knew. I can guarantee, however, that the water has no connection to the fish or any hydra.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:03 am
by Ianua
Possibly, at least the water used to heal - I was talking more about the Hydra possibly being connected to the illness itself, though this is mostly just my guess.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:37 am
by Gener
Ah, that could be, though I heard about the plague before the fish showed up and you'd think it would be the other way around.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:59 am
by Krinn
Gener. Ianua. I have some small experience with these fish as well. I am not at liberty to share all the details, though I will seek permission to reveal more. It is not my secret to expose. However, I wanted to at least share that I have seen them to be very beneficial. I might go so far as to describe them as magically beneficial. Being no magician myself, I cannot give an expert opinion of course. But I am inclined to see their presence in Twinsriver as a blessing.

I will attempt to gather more information to support my belief. Were I in your shoes, I would be dubious of my statements, so I do not expect you all to believe me.

Rather... I hope I have given everyone ample reason to trust my word, but it is clear that I could be grossly mistaken. Anyway.

I am much grieved to hear of Piemur. I found him to be a quietly competent man when he came to my aid in Aswar. And after my return, he seemed surrounded by some kind of social miasma, but before I could look deeper into things, now I find he is dead.

Laurel, can you share any details on when or how he encountered this plague? It is most sudden and unexpected, and I will grieve him.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:19 am
by Laurel
The harper smiles slightly at such concern.

"Azver, gossip is just that. Piemur was but a new journeyman harper just having left the Hall, but he was more skilled in survival skills than many Masters at the Hall. I had taken him under my wing to further his training, but we were no more intimate than that.

"All I know is Piemur died of the Green Death a week after heading to Aswan to begin spreading the word there about the Lady of Artistry. He was sent with blessings and plentiful supplies, but I assume he felt he could find clean water with his skill and did not bring any from within Twinsriver.

"Gener, while I knew not the details, when you mentioned the water of Twinsriver had curative powers, I took that to heart, and used that to encourage the design and implementation of the fountain and wading pool in the Visitors Gardens. It is my hope that newcomers to our fair city will imbibe and bathe of our water before entering our village, and even that small exposure will begin their immunity to illness, so they can then enter Twinsriver hale and healthy.

"Ianua, like Krinn, I have been given some insight in to these fish you name the Tether. I had thought the information I had heard to be superstition and gossip, but apparently it is true. The Tether make a safe haven for the Hydra somehow. I have not heard yet of any benefit from them, but every storm cloud has a silver lining. If there is any benefit in them, I will be glad to hear it.

"I have heard that their arrival signifies the Hydra is coming within a few weeks. And that the Hydra is a viscous sea monster who does not like Twinsriver for some reason and seeks to cause havoc here.

"I only just learned about any of this, and was surprised to see this being discussed here in the open. I was afraid to be seen as having gone off the deep end if I had approached the Magistrate or Council with my concerns."

As the harper gets her blushing back under control, she takes a deep breath and turns toward Krinn. "My thanks, my friend. Of all those present, you knew Piemur the best, outside of myself. Your words speaking well of him are appreciated. Gossip is a cruel mistress, and one he never deserved."

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:32 am
by Krinn
Gener, in response to your concerns for the city's sanitation (you're not the first I have heard brings up this topic I might add) and the overall issue of crowding, I hope to propose a possible solution to the Builder's Guild. Not just for sanitation, but to help mitigate the broader concern for the speed of our growth.

We are not yet finished building the first walls around our town, and already there are new shanty towns sprung up outside them. We are bringing even more workers in to help build the city center, and I suggest we also spend some time building a comprehensive sewer system before the pretty new buildings go up... it's easier to dig tunnels when there's nothing delicate above you.

So, I propose that we lay out plots to the area around the city, and a group of newly arrived workers will set up residence there. Half of the workers will be put to work building residences for the whole group. Residences, a market for them to use, whatever else they might require in this new neighborhood. They will then build an extension to the city wall to surround this new area, and probably an extension to the sewers to address their own sanitation issues. The other half of the workers can focus on what I call the core projects, like the town hall, the main sewer system, etc.

Once that neighborhood is done, the next group of newly arrived workers will be in an adjacent plot and do the same.

We will end up with, instead of a city wall around just the center of town, or a set of concentric rings... it'll be a honeycomb of walled neighborhoods. Your guardsmen can patrol from atop the walls, giving them quick and uninterrupted access to all parts of the city, better views of what's happening below. In the unlikely event of a full-scale attack on the city, we will have layer after layer of retreat. A breach in the walls means only that one small section is lost, and the enemy will then have to breach another wall to take his next step.

Also, it avoids the issue of newcomers freezing to death this winter, trying to live in rude huts between the houses of established citizens. And, with homes and neighborhoods of similar people who arrived around the same time (and presumably from the same source), those new residents will be much more invested in our city. They will have something to lose, and some reason to think of this place as their home, and not just some strangers to be taken advantage of before they return to their homes.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:30 am
by Ianua
Gener, thank you for clearing up the timeline - I've heard of the fish earlier than of the disease.

Krinn, thank you for the information - and I'd really like to hear what else you may know. Do you know how exactly the fish can be beneficial? Also, how about the Hydra?

And I like your suggestion about the city - it may prevent many, many problems.

Laurel, thank you, information from the rumors certainly requires confirmation, but may be very useful and preceding better and clearer knowledge in time much, the latter being true about the fish, the former about your relationships - worry not about that, people usually understand sooner or later how unreliable and risky gossip is.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:20 pm
by Bela Gin
I just learned that the god of the sea has taken a disliking of Twinsriver, and has sent the hydra to attack us. It will wreak havoc. I... What are we to do? I'll see if I can learn more.

The first thing that comes to mind is to pool or power and build a dam as fast as we can. If we can interrupt the water path, the hydra cannot approach.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:18 pm
by Krinn
[ooc - Um... player goof... I was thinking of an entirely other fish. Nothing to do with the Hydra or the Tether Fish.]

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:53 pm
by Bela Gin
Unfortunately, I don't think I can learn why the god of the sea is attacking us. Does anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:57 pm
by Laurel
"I, too, keep learning new things.

"Gener, apparently it not only appears those within Twinsriver who partake of our water are healthier, it is a fact. And usually those who have imbibed of it are safe when they leave Twinsriver. Piemur was an exception; one the Fates decided to retrieve early back to the spirit plane. I have yet to learn why, if I ever do.

"Ianua, you are correct. We harpers are taught to listen to everything; but I was hasty in disregarding the rumors of the source of the Tether fish as superstition and hearsay. I will strive to confirm or deny such rumors in the future.

"Azver, would a dam not interfere with Gener's work in reinforcing the curative power of our water supply and its effective reach? The gossip regarding the Tether fish says they were seen in Harrisbridge."

Turning to Krinn, Laurel continues, "Have your travels taken you to Harrisbridge, Krinn? Do you know if the town survived the Hydra, and if so how they did so? Or have you heard in your travels reasons as to why the Hydra attacked there?

"In the meantime, I will see if the source of the gossip about the Tether fish can be found. Perhaps he can enlighten us with more detail of a factual nature."

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:22 pm
by Bela Gin
As I said, the god of the sea has taken a disliking of Twinsriver, and has sent the hydra to attack us. It will wreak havoc.

As for a dam, that would be more of a problem if the rivers flowed FROM the sea TO us.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:29 pm
by Gener
I know it is a fact, Laurel. I found and strengthened the water. Again, though, I'm pretty sure it hasn't yet reached the fountains and such, since I can only do so much in such a short period. If its healing effects have spread farther than that, it can only be because someone else is contributing unbeknownst to me.

What I do not know is why people in general are healthier inside the walls than without. The guards do try to look for people who might need a healer, but that surely doesn't explain general health. The last crop has been fortified by the water, but that should be available to all.

It's probably best not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I also thought it best to share what I know with you all. I do not keep private counsel, as many here seem to do, so I cannot guess how much of what I am saying are things all of you already know.

I'm afraid I know nothing about any gods of the sea. If anyone has suggestions, I will do what I can to see that the town is prepared. Of course, I will do what I can regardless.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:37 pm
by Gener
Although I'm not concerned about the dam when it comes to my efforts, since the strength of it appears to come from the groundwater, I would worry about flooding. The towns below us might not take kindly to us impeding the headwater, though.

Perhaps, as our town has grown and sanitation has been strained, we are releasing too much waste into the rivers, angering the being who makes its home in the rivers' ultimate destination? I will make sure we are not giving a bad reputation to our town's namesake, as it can only ensure our own health.

Krinn, unless you think I am remiss in not addressing your earlier comments, I think it is a good idea. I did not think the time for expanding our walls would come so soon, but I will draw up the plans.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:41 pm
by Bela Gin
Anything like this that I learn I share with all. If I learn something important about a specific person, I tell that person.

I wasn't aware of the water, nor the generally superior health of the village. Maybe the recent increase in worship, and the accompanying increase of divine power, gives this benefit as a side effect? Just a guess.

My idea regarding the dam is that we could simply turn off, or down, the flow of water enough to make it to shallow for the hydra. We could even do this for villages down river if they are attacked. I'm not thinking we should make a reservoir, our impede the flow at any other times.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:54 pm
by Krinn
I have heard that there are some specific uses for the substances we call "waste". Fertilizer is a prime example, but also the tanners of animal hides find... ahem... that there is value to the more golden of the two forms of waste. I have begun looking into ways that we might be able to harness these uses for the betterment of the town, instead of keeping with the simplistic solution of piping the stuff away from our city and dumping it into the rivers.

This is only, for the moment, some explorations into the feasibility of the idea, but perhaps it will bear fruit.

Laurel, I have not been to Harrisbridge. It was to be our next destination. Have you information about the place, especially in connection with the Hyrda? The winter seems likely to block the passages east to Aswan soon, but travel to the should still be feasible for some time yet.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:13 am
by Laurel
"I have been encouraging the Elders and farmers for several months now to allow cattle to graze in the farmlands, once the harvest is in. That has begun, and already the soil is showing signs of enrichment. I must caution against allowing human waste to be used for such a purpose, though. The Healers at the Hall have found it to be a source of disease when used in such a manner. Unfortunately, I do not know of any benefits to human dung; should you learn of any, I am sure the Healers at the Hall would be happy to be informed of it.

"Perhaps there is a way to remove the threat of disease from human dung?

"However, while the dung of livestock is beneficial, bat guano has been shown to be especially so. If anyone knows of caverns where some can be collected, our soil may yet be even further enriched.

"As far as liquid waste, yes, some artisans make use of it to soften leathers. It also has bleaching properties; a pale hide can be bleached white for ritualistic or other purposes when one knows what one is doing."

The harper pauses to review her mental recollection, then continues. "I do not have any details about Harrisbridge, other than the gossip heard among the fisherfolk in the taverns. As I said, I had originally dismissed such rumors as superstition. But perhaps more can be learned, should the source of the gossip be found."

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:27 pm
by Bela Gin
As most know, I was trying to organize an expedition to Spire Mountain. Various reasons, which are no longer important. I think the hydra is the most important issue at the moment. Again, I think a dam to stop the flow of water when we see it approach might be a good idea. Something to combat the creature is also probably wise. And trying to ask the god of the sea how we have offended him might also be worth trying. Does anyone want to discuss any of these things?