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Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:28 pm
by danlo
Good news! Welcome back Soulquest! But people usually announce their returns in The Summonsing or Gen. Discussion!...

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:29 am
by duchess of malfi
SoulQuest1970 wrote:I just wanted to say hello again and let everyone know I am back online. I finally got a job! A real one! One that uses the schooling I made it through! I like... get paid enough to support me and my kids without the child support that I never see! lol I am so happy!
Congratulations, SoulQuest! That's good news!! 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:40 pm
by SoulQuest1970
Thanks and oops! I was in a hurry and saw Announcement and didn't read the subject. I will say hello in the right place next time. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:11 am
by Edelaith
Hello all, Edelaith here. I'm brand new to this forum.
I thought I'd place my first questions here.

We know the Ritual of Desecration wrought by High Lord Kevin was a pretty bad thing. The Old Lords and all their works perished. The Desolation of the Land came about.
What form exactly did the Ritual take? Was it a giant fire, an outgrowth of what Trell was attempting? Or was it more like a dark magic that struck down everything living, so that people and trees alike just withered and died on the spot? Or did it take another form?

Why did Andelain, the Forests, and the physical structure of Revelstone survive the Ritual? (I realize other areas were destroyed or permanently ruined, although I do not know what they were.)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:24 pm
Welcom Edelaith

I believe that Andelain survived because of the
concentrated amout of earth power there.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:46 pm
by Gadget nee Jemcheeta
Equally, I assume Revelstone survived because it's just that good.

Also, anyone who would know what the Ritual was like, looked like, or did exactly.... well, they'd be dead. I guess someone should have asked dead Kevin.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:51 pm
by Warmark
i assumed the RoD would be differnet for each desicrator
for instance trell he wasa gravlingas so used fire etc
i think kevin mabye burned the whole Land with a huge ball of Lords Fire

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:03 pm
by Gadget nee Jemcheeta
That sounds possible. But it was also combined with Lord Foul's power...

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:38 pm
by Cord Gary
I always envisioned the Ritual as something not unlike a nuclear explosion (minus the radiation) -- just a complete unleashing of the most destructive capabilities of nature in a single violent instant.

But that's just me. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:40 pm
by ur-vile loremaster
It might resemble the blastwave unleashed when the One Ring is destroyed in LOTR: TROTK: a deep bass note and creatures destroyed instantly on impact.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:21 pm
by danlo
Welcome Servants of the Land and new members!

You now have an active moderator in the Thomas Covenant Discussion forum. I will scan this forum on a regular basis in an attempt to remove spam, inappropriate language and unnecessary topics. If any important announcements regarding the forum are posted you'll find them here. If you need to notify me in regards to serious problems I would prefer that you attempt to send me a personal message. If you have concerns that may involve membership feedback you can list them here. In anycase please contact me first (either in PM or here) lets work together to improve this forum and address any problems without having to hassle the Adminstrators--who have enough to do anyway.

If you post in this topic:
Please limit your posting to important forum based announcements and suggestions.
If you can't find me though a PM or I'm off on personal business go ahead and post the problem here or attempt to PM Skyweir before contacting the board Admin.

some simple rules:
New members please go to Summonsing forum above to introduce yourselves-any intro topic you create here may be moved there.

No foul language or personal attacks (this is part of the terms you argee to when you register on this board).

Please keep you topics centered on The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, if not they will moved to a more appropriate forum.

If you want to post anything about RUNES OF THE EARTH please go the the RUNES forum. IF YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO POST ABOUT SOMETHING RELATED TO RUNES IN THIS FORUM-please post large warnings and use the spoiler function to cover your post up. (Or I may have to do it for you...)

Note: If, (like chapter 1 of the Runes prolougue) other chapters of the new book become available on the Official S. R. Donaldson website-please confine that discussion to the Dissecting the Land forum.

If there's one thing I'm very serious about here is confining and putting spoiler blackouts on anything concerning Runes of the Earth, I have even blacked out my Chapter 5 Donaldson read summary in The News that sets SRD Fandom on Fire topic, '04 Bubonicon Runes Read and '05 Bubonicon Fatal Revenant Read.

One last thing:

I know this is a large forum- at least try, to scan the back pages of this forum to find a comparable topic before you create your own-and contribute your thoughts there. For instance: Bloodguard, Elohim, Hile Troy, Ur-Viles, Creator and Lord Foul topics have been repeated frequently so please try to find those topics before creating your own. Thanks. (aslo try not to double post...)

New Members do be warned: If you haven't read all the books you may come across topics with open spoilers in them-they are well marked-read them at your own risk...


NOTE: The immensely popular Gradual Interview thread, since it entails all his work, has been moved to General SRD Discussion.

The reason Covenant is so PO'ed

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:58 am
by Pitchbrew
His anger is the outlet for his frustration, he is paying the price of leprosy. Self hatred the only way that he can realize this and the only to fight this is through anger. Anger first at himself, and then at the disease. If it were simply about Foul, his anger would not have been powerful at all. In LFB when the two first met Covenant wasn't angry at Foul at first, he was simply despairing, but Foul called him a groveler and that changed his attitude, and his reason for hating Foul is because, as he told Linden in TWL Foul laughs at lepers. But the root of Covenants anger is because of the leprosy. As I said it is direct and indirect. He hates himself for having it and he hates the disease because he has it. The reason he hates himself is beacuse of the hurt that is caused to his marriage which separated him from his wife. Even though he eventually got with linden his love was to joan. and his sacrifice as well. That was what made it possible to smile for joan because he didn't want to hurt her again, and he felt that at last he was making atonement for the crime of leprosy. By giving himself away for her. Which Ironically is the same action he does for the land and ironically again Joan seems to be in the same shape as the land......really makes you think doesn't it?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:06 am
by dlbpharmd
I just want to say that it's great to see so much new interest in this forum again.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:50 pm
by The Somberlain
Do we ever see Linden or Covenant reading anything in the Land?

I'm mildly curious as to whether they write in English. I remember when they encounter Llaura after the Battle of Soaring Woodhelven, Covenant suggests that she writes down the message... which made me wonder if, if she had been able to write, would he have been able to read it?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:36 pm
by Warmark
Just a small thing i noticed do my reread in the Chapter containing the Test of Truth for TC, Baradakas refers to the 'Staff of Life' which was cut from the One Tree.

Is this a mistake on SRD's part or does he call it that for a reason?

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:08 am
by drew
He probebly meant from the One Forest. (being the origional Land)
It's doubtfull the woodhelvenes in that time had any idea what-or where- the onetree was.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:15 pm
by Warmark
Another thing i noticed was that when TC and FF arrive at Revelstone Prothall is said to be ' in the North ' or something to that effect.

Wonder where he was? Isnt it said there is very little to the North. Therw are no Woodhellvin or Stonedowns north of Revelstone.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:17 pm
by Avatar
drew wrote:He probebly meant from the One Forest. (being the origional Land)
It's doubtfull the woodhelvenes in that time had any idea what-or where- the onetree was.
Maybe not where, but surely they'd know what? The know about the Staff of Law don't they?


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:23 pm
by dlbpharmd
Warmark wrote:Another thing i noticed was that when TC and FF arrive at Revelstone Prothall is said to be ' in the North ' or something to that effect.

Wonder where he was? Isnt it said there is very little to the North. Therw are no Woodhellvin or Stonedowns north of Revelstone.
Prothall's home was said to be "in the north," IIRC.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:26 pm
by DukkhaWaynhim
At the beginning of TIW, I think it was Mhoram that told Covenant that Prothall left his High Lordship almost before he returned to Lord's Keep from the Quest for the Staff of Law, and went off to become Unfettered, off to the North, which was where he hailed from. I assumed at the time that meant he was from Giant Woods or further north off the map in First Chronicles, but now I wonder if they only meant the craggy shepherding land north of Revelstone that was mentioned elsewhere.

Now, about the bitter cold that Cov and Linden encountered in the north trying to get back to Revelstone in 2nd Chrons, was that just the natural winter weather pattern for being that far north, or was this an over-reaction to the Sunbane and the Arghule, meaning that the North wasn't supposed to be as Arctic as what they encountered? Just trying to figure out if Prothall was from an Arctic region, or merely on the cooler side of temperate?