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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:47 am
by Anaya
Sniping from the sidelines, Numen? Speak not of those things you know nothing of!

You may call me mother, and I may have resisted the urge to strike you down out of respect for what you once were, but you are anethema to me! Your very existance revolts me! The fact of your birth has awakened within my mind terrible nightmares, plaguing me with uncaring light and terrifying darkness so that I struggle to see the Grey Path before me.

You may call me mother, but not once have you ever asked of your grandparents, and of the pain that the curse of undeath brought to them.

As for you, Verdant Lord, why must you, like your parents before you, continue to defend mad Argothoth? He was a monster, just as dangerous as Nephirthos or Nor Yekith, yet for some reason we are all expected to pity him in his descent into evil. Well not I! The betrayer made his choices and now he must abide the consequnces. I only hope that they are more terrible than he can bear.

Finally, Simjen. You have my Oath that when you need a portion of my power, you shall have it. My memory of the most precious jewel in existance demands nothing less.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:56 am
by Zephyr
Indeed, Anaya. Argothoth went mad with power. I just don't know why you have negative feelings toward my parents because of it. Much less me. Do you think they so much as suspected Argothoth would walk down that path after saving the world from Nor Yekith? I've never heard of anything to suggest they did. Nor Yekith was an extremely powerful absolute evil. A way was found to rid Eiran of him. I don't understand why you blame my family because things went badly afterward.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:06 pm
by Arcadia
Simjen, all my power is yours when you need it.

Madadeva, I admire your passion and I understand with your anger at the All-Father but it is he who can rid Eiran of the WB. He has the power to do so and perhaps he is "the one" mentioned in the oracles riddles.

That being said, I am intrigued to hear what plan you are hatching. You are clever and resourceful.

Please share with us your thoughts.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:49 pm
by Zephyr
I hope we can get some serious work done on things. Again, there are several issues that need addressing if Eiran is to survive.

-The Icewall at the Maw that is breaking

-The Midnight Armies

-The cancer in the Shylan Desert

-The Leviathan/Worm battle

-The cracks here and there, on land and under the sea

I ask that all who want to contribute power to the efforts of one or the other of these problems contact me. There are actual plans for more than one, and others need to be studied. Extra power will help in all cases. Or perhaps you have a different idea that might be better than what is planned.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:36 pm
by Madadeva
And the World Breaker

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:45 pm
by Zephyr
Heh. Indeed. But I believe at least the Shylan problem is him. I believe the familiar evil echo we heard was him. And the cracks that have begun to appear have his characteristic burning/freezing qualities.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:30 am
by The Numen
Anaya wrote:Sniping from the sidelines, Numen? Speak not of those things you know nothing of!
We welcome this opportunity for you to prove Us wrong in this, Mother.
Anaya wrote:You may call me mother, and I may have resisted the urge to strike you down out of respect for what you once were, but you are anethema to me! Your very existance revolts me! The fact of your birth has awakened within my mind terrible nightmares, plaguing me with uncaring light and terrifying darkness so that I struggle to see the Grey Path before me.

You may call me mother, but not once have you ever asked of your grandparents, and of the pain that the curse of undeath brought to them.
When would We have asked such a thing, Mother? When have you and We spoken at all, save the once? You were unable to prevent Us from becoming undead in before Our ascention, and you were unwilling to discuss with Us your reasons for hating that afterwards. In the absence of anything else, We choose Our own path. We were zombies when We were many. Why should not We be the gods of zombies, now that We are gods at all?

It seems to Us that your issues with Argothoth are tainting your view of Us and Our goals. We ask only that you reserve judgement on Us until we have had a chance to demonstrate Our mettle. Perhaps We can prove that Argothoth's failures was simply because he was flawed, and not because he was Undeath. Those who command and enslave the undead are certainly worthy of no respect. Those who are thus enslaved, perhaps deserve your pity more than your wrath.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:03 pm
by Madadeva
Well said Numen. Perhaps Anaya is more your evil stepmother, than mother!

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:16 pm
by The Numen
No, Madadeva. We still remember many lifetimes of faith in Anaya's teachings. We will not cast her aside so easily. As long as Eiran remains, we will strive to regain her pride in her children.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:40 pm
by Zephyr
I would also like to suggest this...

Nature is suffering greatly from the various unnatural events plaguing Eiran, such as the Leviathan, and so on. This affects me directly, so it is easy to see why it would not concern anyone else. However, I am the one who can strengthen Nature, which means these things would not have such a drastic effect on Eiran and our followers. Some things might be held back entirely, while others might cause less damage.

So, if anyone likes the idea, I would use any power donated to me to strengthen Nature.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:55 pm
by Brid
East of Sanctuary....
...something may have already erupted out of the crack before they got there, but now the crack is simply oozing a fluid white light which emanates so much cold that it burns.
A drought affects Sanctuary, causing crops to fail and the specter of famine to raise its head; the people there - both your worshippers and those who simply acknowledge you as patron deity of the city - beg for deliverance.
There are rumors among your followers of creatures of stone and fire around Sanctuary, emerging from the cliffs and mountains and destroying all living beings in their path. Your people fear that such creatures may be sent by Simjen or another such god to destroy them, and are afraid. Many of your folk in Sanctuary, furthermore, are plagued by nightmares which cause them to be unable to rest - nightmares of which they do not speak, except to mention burning ruby eyes in the darkness and a voice that makes their souls wither.
The Pantheon has grown too cosy for this goddess of outcasts. Sanctuary seems a much more fitting environment for me, if only to remind its residents of their outstanding potential for growth at present. So do not waste your time or mine by asking for my divine power!

"beg for deliverance" (*shaking head in disappointment*)

If any god's followers do not trust Simjen's offer of haven - star metal, I believe I heard him say, does not behave as expected in the presence of the Worldbreaker - I may be able to provide an alternative way. It will not suit all, for it involves being branded an exile and a future of solitude.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:47 pm
by Bel
The world ends, Gods. This fragment has no future.

But my very essence cries out against the thought that it might end in chaos. Peace takes up the sword today, to rid this world of corruption, destruction, and war.

I intend to strike first at those creatures of chaos that at this moment pour into this world from realms beyond our own.

Should any of you choose to aid me, make it known. The Great Lord is gracious -your assistance in ridding the world of its greatest evils will be remembered, when your turn comes.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:54 pm
by Zephyr
Bel, if you could be more specific? More than one spot might be described that way.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:03 am
by Bel
I speak of several occurences, but mainly two such: A demonic incursion within my own lands which has gone too long unaddressed, and more significantly, the Abyssal hordes entering our world from the Maw.

Such things must be eliminated, for this world to end pure.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:10 am
by Zephyr
Ah. I had, of course, not heard of the demons in your own lands. I have heard of another who has a plan for the Maw. If you take care of your lands, and the other takes care of the Maw, things might go well?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:17 am
by Bel
You speak as if you support my purpose, yet are deliberately obtuse.

I invite all to share how they intend to combat such abominations as these, so that our hands together might strike all the harder.

There is much work to be done before the end comes. We do not have the time to dance around one another.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:21 am
by Zephyr
I quite agree. But it is not my plan to speak about the specifics of this other plan. The one who intends to do it should be the one. But it seems very good to me, and I approve.

Also, I think many plans should not be discussed openly. Mox's state of being could put a known plan in jeopardy.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:22 am
by Bel
Then his state of being must be dealt with, yes?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:25 am
by Zephyr
Again, I quite agree. Both for past crimes, and for what he will most certainly do to Eiran in the future.

But first things first. Let us purify the world, then deal with Mox's state of being, eh?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:33 am
by Bel
Those are not two seperate tasks.

You spoke of him as an obstacle to our work. Obstacles must be removed, or our work might not be completed. That I will not countenance, and therefore he must be dealt with. Quod erat demonstrandum.