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Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:46 pm
by Colu
However, let me return to Virelai's comment that what I named the city long ago is "a bit pretentious and arrogant." "Beloved by the Sun" hardly seems either to me. It is how I have felt since it first grew beyond the other cities of the world. Doing so, it became the place where humanity could most easily fulfill whatever its potential is. The greater size and population means more interactions. More stories to be told. More possibilities. The smaller communities have less chance to achieve as much as soon. How is this not worthy of being beloved by me? How is it not worthy of my attention and protection?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:58 pm
by Herald of Sataniel
Why call anything by a single name? One name is so... inadequate.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:29 pm
by Colu
An interesting thought, Kai! What do you have in mind?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:32 pm
by Virelai
Surya wrote:However, let me return to Virelai's comment that what I named the city long ago is "a bit pretentious and arrogant." "Beloved by the Sun" hardly seems either to me...How is this not worthy of being beloved by me? How is it not worthy of my attention and protection?
That is commendable of you, Surya.

My comment about it being a bit pretentious and arrogant is based on several translations I have heard elsewhere of the word, where it means Belonging to the Sun, not Beloved by the Sun. It read as if you were claiming the entire city for yourself, which I am sure was not your intent.

But regardless, currently the city has no name, or as Kai points out, potentially has many names. Apparently not all of them are known to everyone.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:47 pm
by Colu
Honestly, every time you speak, it gets worse. "Other translations"? The Language of the Sun is my language. Who else would you go to to learn the meaning of one of my words???

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:53 pm
by Virelai
Ah, but it is always a good idea to see what ramifications a word may have to others when choosing it for something as important as a name. Unity in diversity, Brother Sun. One should not assume Our meaning is the only meaning.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:36 am
by Colu
When I create a language, and I create new words for that language, I will damned well assume my meaning is the only meaning. How that meaning is changed by others over time does not hold any power over me. You are a fool for assuming a meaning for Aditya other than mine is what I meant when I named the city.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:38 pm
by Colu
Well. That was unexpected. Some power protects the barbarians. At this point, I have no guess as to what that power is.

Kai, many are saying I could not have succeeded without your help. I do not know what form your aid took, but I am grateful. Szabad will speak of your cooperation in his sermons.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:55 pm
by Nyx
Why could not the Barbarians also have a god, working on their behalf?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:29 am
by Colu
Indeed. For that matter, it could be one of the gods known here. But possibly another from elsewhere.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:04 am
by Colu
Let us hope this barbarian situation is now ended. I had not anticipated them having protection, so my burning did not work as well as I had assumed it would. This time, they are not targeted, and at least two others are working with me, so things should go much better.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:47 am
by Colu
That went nicely! Well done, everyone.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:48 pm
by Virelai
Come Brothers and Sisters!
Let us dance and sing in celebration!

The King and his army are victorious
and many of us and our followers ruled the day.

Brother Surya,
Your wall of flame and gift of sight
did tackle that which the armies could not contain.

Sister Nyx,
Your dark did hinder
those who would do us harm.

Brother Chime,
Your encouragement and confidence
enabled our troops to battle on.

Sister Diana,
Your solace and succor did hearten
many a weary soul in the cause.

Sister Kai,
Let it be Written in tale and Song
that your High Priest did turn the tide.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:34 pm
by Herald of Sataniel
Dare to meddle again with one of my toys and you will suffer for it.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:13 pm
by Virelai
But learning to share our toys is one of the most important lessons one ever learns.


Anyway, brethren.

My priest who was recently returned recorded and made study of many of the Songs and tales he heard around the nightly fire of the horde while he was held captive. One was of a fierce battle song about someone named Damos, whose hands were stained with blood. He came to the realization that this Damos was not some villain or demon, but a deity with a code these barbarians try to emulate. He believes this Damos is the source of the protection which was upon the horde.

We now have 400 of these barbarians as prisoners within the city, while some have fled back in to the country side. With this many among us who at least occasionally sacrifice to this deity, should we be concerned about an imminent arrival of this Damos? Has anyone heard anything more regarding him? I believe it would to our mutual benefit to be prepared, just in case the prisoners should let their deity become known...

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:35 pm
by Colu
Ah! Information on the barbarians! Excellent news, indeed. Does your priest have any specifics on this code?

I suppose it would be too much to ask that he learned anything specific about the protection.

At any rate, I am not overly worried about them returning any time soon with an even larger army than that which we just defeated.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:49 pm
by Virelai
I have shared all I know regarding the deity Damos and this code. Other than the name of the deity and that his hands were stained with blood, and that there is some code involving him the horde followed, I know nothing else. Perhaps further study of the battle song, or questioning the prisoners regarding their beliefs, will supply additional answers.

Marziale did share more with his twin, and thus with me, regarding what he learned while held captive of the horde's routines, i.e., how they set up their camps, etc. He had also shared this information with the general of the King's Army while they were surrounded. It was this knowledge that informed the general to attack the western flank during the battle, apparently helping in the rout of the invaders.

This is now all I have heard regarding the horde.

And for now I agree; I doubt an even larger army will soon return.
May your vast sight over the lands of the King give us early warning should they try.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:21 pm
by Colu
Chime, could the Facetor question the prisoners? He would know if they speak the truth. Perhaps Marziale could be with him, aiding the Facetor in deciding what questions to ask.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:18 pm
by Chime
Your idea has merit!

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:13 am
by Virelai

Marziale has returned from questioning the prisoners with the Facetor. Marziale has told my High Priestess of the things he focused on, which I will share with you all. It is not much, though perhaps learning a little more of their nature will help in recapturing the four who escaped.

The barbarians are completely a warrior society and follow a warrior code. They prize strength above all, and see proving strength as a way to gain more strength. Anything which decreases military effectiveness is looked down upon - deception; theft, although plunder is not considered theft; and unreliability.

Perhaps a way to gain their grudging respect would be to have some of the City's Heroes and top warriors challenge the prisoners to tests of strength. I do not know, but perhaps some who have access to Heroes and warriors could give it a try.

Another thing I have learned is that it seems my own domain somehow empowers these prisoners. Their battle songs somehow aids them in escaping and avoiding recapture. Those who were recaptured were unable to keep up their singing; those who escaped used their singing to avoid being apprehended.

I have no further detail on how their battle songs enabled such things, only that they did.

Sister Kai. Apparently your High Priest and his men once again did honor for the City by helping recapture a number of the escapees. I salute him. If there is a way my own domain could help him in preventing such escapes again, please advise me on how I can help.