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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:24 pm
by Taduz Illyannovich
[Picture George Takei saying this]

Oooooh mmyyyyyyyyy....

Taking on an instructive tone, "You aren't alive anymore. You aren't damned. You may not even be human anymore, but I'll work through that in time..."

There is much that could be done with her and her slave fears, but that is for the Lady of the house to decide. But this does present an opportunity not to be missed...wait, she recalls nothing. This does complicate things.

"What is the last thing you remember? Claudio drinking from your neck? Rising, ravenous for sustenance?" Your false god turning it's back on you?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:47 pm
by Marianna
This world makes no sense to me. Why am I so worried about my soul? "I remember nothing. I woke up with pain in my head and this thing that screaming. I don't know why I knew he was mine. Why would I even own a person, and why would he be in my head and..."

My voice trails off. I feel something sharp in my palms. I'm clenching my fists so hard that my fingernails have gouged tiny red crescents in my hands. I look down.

"What is that smell?" Something feels different in my mouth.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:35 pm
by Seska Karantanija
"Oh, my dear..."

How many times am I going to tell this story in one night?

"Let us start with what we know, and we shall answer your questions after."

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:50 pm
by Seska Karantanija
"Your name is Marianna. That is all I know of it. I do not know your family or from where you hail."

"When we first met, you were in the company of two other nuns. The eldest was blind, and the two of you assisted her. We all had been invited to a gathering hosted by Lord Claudio Giovanni by his man, Lothar. We gathered at an Inn a few days from here. Thirteen of us invited. All of those you see before you as well as others."

"Lothar was a pig of a man, and only his masters name prevented a thorough lashing that night. He took us to Lord Giovanni's castle the following day, where we arrived near dusk. We were each paired with another individual of Giovanni's acquaintance."

"My dear, these individuals were not people as such you are familiar, although we did not know this at the time. They were more akin to the beings whispered of in hushed tones, or forbidden mention of in some circles. As if ignoring them makes them disappear."

"The evening turned most unpleasant, and one of their rivals assaulted the place. They went from using us as a delicacy to shielding their escape. This... changed us all. All of us, as well as a few not present now, were captured by one known as Hardestadt. That is a tale for another time."

"You, we know not what happened to. Not until you appeared with a gathering of monks a week ago. Nor the fate of your companions. That meeting was somewhat eventful, and I am not entirely sure of the role you played, however it may have hindered the plans of a very powerful being."

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:08 pm
by Seska Karantanija
"As for what you have become, we can cover what we know in detail, however we can give you the basics now."

"The rituals performed on us that night inducted us into a group known collectively as Kindred. This causes... changes... from what we have known, however they are common to all of us. These... we... Kindred have a variety of Clans, which tend to favor certain qualities and dispositions."

"Our Clan is determined by the one who converted us. You are Cappadocian, inducted by Claudio himself. He is your Sire. You are his Childe. Your particular traits we will have to discover in time."

"The sun is now our bane. As is fire. We may only feed upon the blood of others. However, our blood is blessed and brings strength and healing to others who drink of it. Individuals who are under its influence are colloquially known as Ghouls."

She turns to Taduz. "Would you be opposed to Roderigo looking after her? While I know you have a peculiar fondness for him, he could help poor Marianna gain her bearings more quickly. They should have a similar disposition in their worship of the martyr-god, and you did just destroy what was apparently hers. Loathesome as he was."

Turning back to Marianna, she asks, "I know that is a terribly abbreviated explanation for what must be a plethora of questions. While you weigh it, do you have questions, dear?"

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:36 pm
by Sabine
"There were three other nuns. Maiden, mother, and crone. They, and you, haled from Veszprém, to the north."

I look at Taduz and Seska. "What? I arrived at the Inn first. And they chattered for hours about their affairs after they arrived, but they ignored me."

I stamp my foot, but that's not how a lady acts. "I was a child, then. Everybody ignores children."

I think some more. "The traits of the Cappadocians... uhmmm... they all look like corpses. I mean old dead and corpses going a little bad. Not how the rest of you look a little pale. You are the Clan of Death."

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:49 pm
by Taduz Illyannovich
"That smell is the remains of one who has been a nasty thorn in our collective side for the last few weeks of our li, er, all of our unlives." Unlives? Unlife? Unlifed? "The matter is solved, he will no longer trouble us here." And I hope Voragg is having merry sport with you, since there is no chance you'd roam you fake cloud haven in the sky.

To Seska, "That sounds rather fitting. I'd hoped to have broken him of that nasty trait, but if it helps this one gain her bearings, then mayhap it will serve a purpose."

Hmm, may have to run this errand myself. Pierre is....drinking heavily, tsk tsk. I had hoped to gather further from him. None of the other servants are near.

With a deep bow, "Your pardon, noble ladies. I shall gather my wayward chattel and bring him here to meet his new master."

He clicks his tongue a few times against teeth, "Lady Seska, you may want to warn your chambermaids of Sl, Rodrigo. He appears to have taken a fancy to one, and is keeping her from her duties even as we speak. He seems to fancy himself quite the handsome scoundrel."

Smiling, "I will disabuse him of this notion before we return."

Bowing again, "Ladies."

Go to Rod, ignoring him and addressing the chambermaid he was accosting, "Your pardon, but I must speak at this simpleton."

Turning to Rod, "What did I tell you. Fine, I'll say it since you refuse to remember. Make sure that rash fades and the blisters dry up before you try anything. Nevermind that now. You have a new Master. Mistress actually. You will help her acclimate. You will be civil. You will be polite. You will heed her, better than you heeded me."

Turning to head back to the dungeon, "Come now, and know that I will be watching you. Do not disappoint her. Or me."

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:00 pm
by Goatkiller666
Roderigo follows Taduz back to the dungeon, knowing better than even to speak. When he enters, he barely glances at the burnt meat on the floor, nor does he make eye contact with the other vampires there. He does make sideways glances at Sabine's fairy finery, but never for long.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:20 pm
by Sabine
I say to Marianna, "Oh yes. The traitorous coachman. He has knowledge, but do not trust him. He turned on his previous master."

I think about it a moment. "So did Lothar, and you kept him. You really should raise your standards."

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:13 am
by Marianna
I rock back and forth slightly. "I was a...monk?"

My thoughts whirl. I gave my life to a god that had forsaken me. My life had been wasted. How was I to go on? I was one of these creatures now. I could probably throw myself into a fire, but I didn't want to die right now.

My terror was slowly receding. I was angry. I was angry at being a pawn in some game I didn't understand. I was angry at this false god. I had given my life to something that didn't have the common decency to let me die with honor. It left me alive and looking like a week old corpse. I remembered that I'd had dreams of a family, of children. My entire life had been taken from me.

Old thoughts swirled. I was one of the damned now, supposedly. I didn't feel damned. The only thing I felt was anger. And hunger. Why was I so bloody hungry? The only thing to do for it now was trust that these other ones didn't want to kill me.

"I suppose I'll need someone to tell me how I'm supposed to do things. Also, I'm terribly hungry, but for some reason, the thought of food is vile to me. What do I eat?"

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:01 am
by Taduz Illyannovich
"You were traveling in the company of nuns. Whether you had accepted your chains, er, taken your vows or not I am not aware of."

Seeing the vicious three way fight on her face between horror, anger, and confusion..."Feeding is simple. Blood is required."

"Yes, our Fae Lady is correct. He is not to be trusted, having turned on all his previous masters. Except one. So far."

Looking at Rodrigo, "Your Mistress requires sustenance. She hungers, for both blood and knowledge. You contain both."

The look in my eyes tells Rodrigo, Do not disappoint either of us.


Taken slightly aback by the vehemence and raw hot fury of the voice


Returning to Marianna and her internal plight, I remember my Hunger upon my rising, but I haven't seen it first hand before with a clear mind. The revulsion, the horror, this should be astounding. This plus the Lothar experiment, I must say it has been a good day for those who seek knowledge.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:29 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
"Why do you disparage poor Roderigo so? He was asked to assist in integrating with our Sires and was present when his old master fell before giving him a new direction. He always did as we bid."

"Dear Marianna, do pay them little heed. Roderigo shall look after you while your wits return."

"As for sating your Hunger, they are correct in that we require blood. I prefer mine liberally mixed with mead. It sweetens the taste." She contemplates for a moment. "I have found that of people the most palatable, however livestock will suffice for now if you need time to adjust."

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:07 am
by Marianna
At the mention of blood, something in my mouth changes. My teeth are much more pointed than they'd been before. I touch the tip of one with a finger, and find it razor sharp. A bead of blood wells on my fingertip and I watch it, fascinated. I can smell my own blood. It smells earthy and metallic, but...stale?

It wasn't like the blood of my cycle. Do I still have that? I wondered idly. Foolish thoughts.

At Taduz's words, I say absently, "No, I hadn't taken the vows, as I wanted children." I gasp, confused. "I don't know how I knew that. Maybe I'm remembering?"

My eyes fix on the one named Roderigo. I can see his pulse leaping in his throat. Why do I want to attack him? He has done me no harm. But he smells good. Is it the blood?

"Why does this one smell different than the rest of you? Is it because he' you?"

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:30 pm
by Seska Karantanija
[Pushes the demon-spawn back to her own thread. Out damn spot! Out!]

Seska shakes her head. "Roderigo is a Ghoul. A person who has been blessed by our blood."

"Hardestadt sent him with us to teach us about our new existence. We used him to help gain the good graces of our Sires. With Hardestadt's death he was left masterless, though for now he had stayed with us." Seska glances at Taduz. "It has not been an entirely easy stay. Assisting you should benefit both, and you can discuss the future with him."

She notes the look on Marianna's face as she studies the blood and Roderigo's neck. "If you are that famished, would you like an animal brought down?"

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:23 am
by Sabine
"But remember, before Hardestadt, he served Claudio as well. And he turned on that one."

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:54 pm
by Seska Karantanija
"Would you willing serve Giovanni for any period of time? Consider the company one would have to keep with the likes of," she points to the ashen pile, "him. Remember what he wanted Pierre to do to me to prove his worth?"

"Do you really think Giovanni was deserving of any loyalty?"

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:15 am
by Sabine
"No, of course not. But he should have thought of that before he took the blood."

"That kind of self preservation is dangerous for a slave. And he was able to rebel against the feelings of love that your blood gives. He has a strong will, and he wants to live."

"Very dangerous. Do not trust him."

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:18 am
by Goatkiller666
Hearing himself described, almost like a hunting hound who might bite its master, Roderigo interjects. "I did not turn from Claudio. He cast me aside. For ten years I have served him faithfully. But he denied me the blood. For all that time, I seemed as a young man, barely old enough to shave. And then, one evening a pain came upon me. When I saw my reflection in a pond, I was thus... no youth at all. And yes still I loved him. For months, I swore to serve him so well that he would resume his gifts of blood."

"Then one day, I did not love him. And that evening, Hardestadt came to me, holding an empty cup. He told me that by Vampire law, I had been cast out. But that he would value my steadfast service where Claudio would not. And if Claudio chose not to put me out of his service when he puts me aside... that is his folly." Directly to Marianna, he adds, "No betrayer am I, miss. I swear it."

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:13 pm
by Taduz Illyannovich
Cocking an eyebrow, "I loved him then one did I did not?"

"If I recall, that is betrayal by your church. Thought, word, and deed."

To Marianna, "My Fae Lady is right though, he is not to be trusted unless there is no other choice."

Tilting his head to the side in thought, "He does respond well to violence though. Whether actual, veiled threats, or outright intimidation."

Nodding "There is a vicious one hanging over his head at this moment to enforce compliance."

"For his sake, let us hope it never has to be enforced."

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:14 pm
by Marianna
I consider Claudio and his words. I am still unsure, but I have to trust someone, else I live my life alone, starving and terrified.. It wasn't a pleasant thought.

"Claudio, I will trust you for now. I have done you no harm, and I deserve no malice or betrayal. Please do not fail me." Speaking louder, "As far as I know, I've done none of you any harm. I'll trust you because it's in my best interest, and I've decided I want to stay alive, and it seems you lot have figured it out."

I still didn't like the idea of drinking the blood of another, but the hunger was gnawing at my belly. I had a brief flash in my mind of an earlier time, I was very young and the same pain was in my belly. I was starving in this memory. I wonder who would let a young child starve? Either way, I had to eat something. And the blood on my fingertip had smelled incredible, only stale. I wonder what the blood from something alive would taste like?

"I do need to eat, though. I don't want to drink directly from the animal, and I don't want to kill it. Is it possible to drain enough blood so that the animal can survive? Maybe something larger? A cow?"

This whole line of thinking was ridiculous. How could this have happened? I sat down, angry and hungry and disgusted with the whole thing.