What have you been dreaming about lately?

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Post by Krazy Kat »

lorin wrote:
aliantha wrote:
lorin wrote:Dreamt I was on a road trip with my dog looking for a town called Doubt. Every time I passed a road sign it was always 6 miles away.

Whoa baby, would Freud have a party with that one. I looked on Google maps but could not find any town with that name.
No no, this is fabulous! You're in the driver's seat, right? So you're taking control of your life. And here's what my fave dream interpretation site says about the number 6:
The number six indicates the dharmic path in dreams. Six symbolizes going beyond the five senses and karma and experiencing life as a spiritual journey in a state of Grace. Choices are made through the heart and the path in life you follow is the path you know is of most benefit to you spiritually. This way of living has a strong connection to life, the spirit world and a great sense of purpose. To others it can appear irrational and crazy at times but that is because they are still experiencing life through karma.
So whatever you're doing -- keep doing it! :)
I had the most amazin dream the night before last.
The images were really bright and colourful, and extraordinary vivid.
I can't recall all the dream, but what I do recall is the continual recurance of the letter L. I even saw it in a Bazooka Joe comic strip... 8O

I'm sure the letter L had something to do with leading me back to the warmth of the brightness and vividness. Like the left and right hemispheres of the brain are said to control Logic and Creativeness.

The comic strip somehow helped me to double back to a short cut through two big bushy fir trees to...ah, I wish I could remember...
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Post by aliantha »

Capital L or lower case? I'm thinking the meaning might have something to do with the shape of the letter.

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Post by deer of the dawn »

I just had a crazy dream. I don't know about others but in my dreams I often revisit the same places-- or in the dream I think of them as the same places even if they look different.

In this dream, the house we left behind in Vermont, a tiny cabin, had been bought by some young rich kid. There were horses outside and he had basically added on in a spiral around the house. I don't know why we were there but we were delayed leaving and when we finally got out the back door, it opened onto a stunning white-sand, turquoise water beach. But my husband had been carrying some burden with him and when he burst out the door he fell onto it and skidded out over the smooth white stones. I laughed so hard it woke me up from the nap I was taking.

I hope the dream is prophetic in this sense: my husband has been going through a really awful, frustrating time in his work life and while we don't see how we can get out of it any time soon, I sure hope there is a laughter-filled breakthrough ending up on a stunningly beautiful place. :)
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ahhhh... if only all our creativity in wickedness could be fixed by "Corrupt a Wish." - Linna Heartlistener
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Post by aliantha »

Me too, Deer. :)

I realized the other day, with the revitalization of this thread, that I haven't remembered a dream in quite awhile. I'm guessing it's because I'm not waking up in the right part of the sleep cycle -- which is to say that I'm not getting enough sleep.

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Post by Holsety »

This is a very long post, and normally I would crunch it down into an open-and-closeable chunk, but I don't think there is any way to do that on KW.

I'm including a youtube link to a song that ends the first season of the wire, that (after I started working on this summary) came to represent some of the things going on in this dream. I am confident it is not "needed" as background for reading this overly long post, I just felt like it might be good context since I mention it later.

I had a very long dream before waking up today, so I think it might be worthwhile to describe some of it. I will say that while the descriptions are not graphic, there is some violent and sexual content. If this comes across as a series of semi-connected but surreal vignettes, that's because I lost some of the connections pretty quickly. And if it seems like the last scene got the most "attention," it's only because it seemed so strong a picture to me that I was thinking more about it than about other parts (just as something in and of itself) that I feel I remembered more about the thing itself than about post-thing re-thing analysis.

And when I say something like "my character," or "me" I mean most that I understood the certain perspective as mine because I felt I was feeling from that character's perspective.
A good way of expressing it, as I hit upon later, is that I feel like I mindread from the "protagonist" of the dream, and see things from his angle rather than from others, but still feel like a very different person from him.

The first scene was my character on a plane. It was a passenger plane, and we had a military escort during our landing. I think I knew that I knew one of the escorts (my character did, that is), and this "turned out" to be true. We landed, and I met the escort, a female officer who has some sort of deployment orders, fairly soon. I think - and this is a bit of a guess - that me, or my character, understood the upcoming fight to be important, did not really know the importance, and saw a competent adult - that is shorthand for a hero - who has a role in it to confirm its importance.

The next set of interactions, which I do not remember at all, really, were between me, this officer, and a male character who I think of as an older brother. I think there were definitely romantic undertones between the brother and the officer, and also a "your duty and mine" sort of understanding between them (the brother is not felt to be in the military, or serving in it, and maybe does not care much).

(It doesn't seem unrealistic to say that my character's perspective is that the officer was trying to get the brother to join the army, and that the brother was trying to get the officer to quit the army. Not that they were talking about such things, but that each was trying to draw the other into their own sphere. Analyzing whether these attempts were selfish or selfless, caring or care-lacking, etc.,. would probably be not only presumptuous, but unrealistic, given this things nature as a dream.)

I do have a sense that the next thing that happened was some sort of decision for the older brother, the officer, and me, to visit the brother's estranged wife. I don't particularly get the feeling this was to address the dynamic seen above, or to complicate things. It was a "normal" visit. I.e., whatever was between the officer and the brother, and the estranged wife, and me, for that matter, it was natural that it was a good time to see the estranged wife again.

The next thing I can only speak of as an interjection in my character's narration. It's sexual so I've spoilered it, but I feel like content like this has been in the dream thread before?:
(Additionally, for those here who read The Gap series, this actually has the name of a character from that here.)
A man - whom I do feel I'm "living" in now - is having a dream, he is making love to his lover, wakes up, goes looking for her, finds her, and there's a feeling or emotion of "oh, thank god" or something like that, as well as a question - rather verbal, I think - "do you remember the kiss?" that I can't assign to either the man or the woman.
That is, the "relief" is definitely "mine" and I am the "man," but the question is something being asked of me, but I don't feel like I'm the "man" anymore.
The impression I had would be like...I had been given a vision as a "leadup" to a question which doesn't have any clear or direct tie to the vision.

I had a fairly strong impression that the woman is Liete Corregio - that's the 3rd in command of Captain's Fancy, who alters the attack plan on Sorus to an attack plan on an amnion ship in order to save Nick and the other capn's fancy off-boaters (and angus). I wouldn't mind interpretations that look to assign any character, or me, an aspect of Succ's identity, but I didn't get any other impressions of "Gap centered existences" in this dream.
And I feel it might be useful to say I didn't have a N.E. before someone cracks a joke. I hope I didn't have a nocturnal omission.
The next thing involves my character knock/ring/openening a door to a house. This is the first time in a while I get a sense of place. This is a somewhat expansive 1 story house. I don't know anything about architectural styles. I think it could be brick. I guess it's sort of a ranch style, insofar as the door area feels slightly "enclosed" in a corner of the home's construction, rather than along the center of a long exterior wall that's fairly straight in each direction outward from the door. As I'm let in, the officer is not very far behind, the older brother is a ways further back, but approaching. The woman who lets me in is the wife.

I didn't have any sort of impression of her as a person like I did in the spoilered sex scene just prior, but I will say that it seemed "obvious" that the brother was the man and that she was Liete (or the woman who seemed to be her). As only a dream can do, since I was following my character now, this was like a note I and he tucked in our pocket. Some sort of argument - not that loud or disturbing - occurred between the brother and the wife.

In the next scene, myself, the officer and the older brother are in some sort of club, performance venue. I dunno the names for different kinds of stage and floor constructions, but it's one of those big stage, some curtains, and a lot of floor room with small tables, dance space, and the like. There's a family running this place. There's a little girl who goes missing. It's in a funny way. There's sort of this hole, in the wall, that seems to small for her, and she goes through, and my character doesn't know where she goes. We're calling out "little one, little one, where did you go" and others in the room, some of them worry and call out, and some of them don't care.

We then just do something as simple as going towards the front, and there's an open window, and we look out (it's on the same side as the hole in the wall) and the girl is outside playing in some ho-hum alley. We feel relieved and ready to turn away.
Here's one of the odder things that happens in the dream. Someone just tells us something in a gobbledygook language, that we instantly understand as meaning "little one are you ok?" but not in english, so we go to the window and shout that - understanding exactly why we would, to communicate our concern - and she shouts back something that isn't understood but means "yes, don't worry." So then we turn away just as relieved.

The next thing is pretty instantaneous and almost corny. A van drives up and toughs come out. They are after the older brother. It is obvious. A debt is to be paid or something. They threaten us with the little girl to get the brother to come out, and then intend to take the brother. The next thing is something neither good nor bad that I believe I had no role in (except as the dreamer) - my character goes out and beats them all up. All his blows are just punches to their face. There doesn't seem to be any danger for him in doing this whatsoever. However, they're all "fine," and now some additional debt has been incurred.

So then I (and my character) ask if we can be used as debt in place of the brother, temporarily. We're taken.

The next scene is probably the most powerful for me. There will be a bit of description that I think creates "impressions" that resembled what I was gonig through, but may be creative. I don't think they are, however.

I am let out of the car, and there are many people getting out of cars. We are in the midst of tall buildings in a city (perhaps not coincidentally, we had this feeling at the club when looking out into the alley). Many many people. They are probably still toughs. But it's not clear this is crime, or conscious organization, or anything, nor is it felt that. We walk about a block from the car and there is a grassy field and a fairly tall fence (maybe about 1 story of a building, chain link.

Incidentally, with us is now one Omar Bell, from the Wire. I feel confident this was something we knew as we were getting out of the car. At the time he was thought to be just our guide. Like the Char's Counterattack thing (see below) and Liete Corregio, it was "obvious" who he was even before he was someone we saw in this dream (but maybe only once we saw him in the dream).*

But there is the chain link fence. At this point, Omar is now actually piggypacked on me (that is, I'm carrying him). It is my goal to climb the fence, and also to use Omar as a source of information for how to climb it. He offers both encouragement and a certain amount of taunting, but overall remains quite affable. It is refreshing to hear any voice. The other climbers seem to have moved beyond sound.

It becomes obvious that because of our arrangement, I can't climb the fence. It's not that Omar is too heavy - in fact, his weight is not someting I'm conscious of at all. Something has gone on with my hands, and feet, and my movement is in some way restricted.

It's also an odd thing that there are gaps enough in the fence to pass through. As though someone took a great slashing clever and cut from the top of the fence to the bottom, and there were chasms of non-fence in between, and the cleavers gathered the bits in between the gaps so there was no detritus of metal. Not many people are using them to go through. Strangely, there seem to be "enforcers" who close the gaps. At first, I can only notice certain large figures moving to and from the gaps, practically flitting, and then, where it seems they just were, "intermeshes of new fence," new chain, keeping me from going through. As time passes - not much time, just the notice of a couple more gaps - their method becomes more realistic. At first, I catch them putting forearms against each side of the fence (the gap, rather), somehow "enlarging" themselves, and then new sets of chain abruptly forging in between the gaps.

Eventually, a few more gaps noticed (me running to them just to late, now really trying to get through) where the linkers just stretch and add enough strands from gap to gap. It becomes strange to realize that I've been bonded to Omar with some kinda tie (oh btw, never got any reason to think it was a fence), that keeps me from undoing these links, which are held practically and only by their own stretching and tension, and if I could get my fingers around them, I could bend the fences closer together until I could remove some of the links. But I can't, because my hands are tied.

One other "geographic" thing of importance is that the fence is like a hard 90 degree angle along a corner of the city I'm in, with some grassy space in between. The people who have climbed now follow along the fence, using it as a guide, a perimeter around which they currently walk.

I don't really remember the details of my conversation with Omar, but as I've been trying to make it past the fence, I've been trying to understand why he's with me, and why he won't give a great deal of advice to me about some kind of process I figured he would have insight on. The end of the dream comes, shortly after I realize that my bond with him prevents us both from doing anything whatsoever regarding my current predicament, that he says to me
"I just felt like taking a gamble on unprotected loyalty and sex."

I actually do feel confident I got "vocals" from Omar for this line, and I'm not confident that unprotected didn't come before sex, but this was one of the "seemingly unshaped but possibly shaped" aspects of the dream - that I could only remember it as "unprotected loyalty".

It is funny that this description I've given "seems" to draw strongly from the themes of "Step by Step" by Jesse Winchester, which ended the 1st season, and I do think of that song sometimes, but it's funny to think it influenced this dream image. I mean, it only occurred to me as I transcribed it.

INTERPRETATION: Or at least clarification.

At this point (not in the dream) I feel it's obvious it "isn't" Omar, or at least it seems intolerable that Omar would retain Omar's unflappability in this kind of situation, because I don't think Omar would relish impending death in such a carefree way. I know there's no such threat in the dream that I constructed - I guess I mean failure as much as death, or something, I don't know or care very much. Maybe I am wrong however.

In a sense, the piggyback image reminds me far more of the tale from the sinbad stories (IIRC) where Sinbad cares for an old man who treats him quite terribly, and eventually kills the old man in order to leave (he was more or less plotting to all along). This isn't to suggest, however, that such an emotion was present for me. For me, during the fence seen, there was simply a strong yearning not to live or to die, or whatever, but simply not to hold the others back - including the one on my own back.

There was even a worry that my absence would stall the officer in some way, because there was a strong feeling that her involvement was motivated by concern. If the crowd left at the club knew of my predicament, would they leave the comfort to find me because I had stood up there? Less so the brother, for reasons I can only vaguely understand. Maybe since he wasn't a woman, his concern was less important. Maybe because he was seen as more tied in personal struggles, my own worries were a burden he should not be involved in. It's also true that as far as the officer goes, ultimately, the importance of the dream was placed in the military struggle to which there was no connection, and her importance in that struggle - and the importance of every fighter - seemed undeniable. It would have been "criminal" to divert focus from such a conflict. In that sense, it was the decision to interpose myself for the older brother, to both acknowledge some kind of agreement and natural flow AND to disrupt it and control it, that seemed to have been quite bad. Yet, there was relief at the end, because even watching the dream, there was a feeling that this would be the end.

It may seem that these are all rationalizations, but I think it would be more accurate to say that they were influences felt constantly during the dream.

The other "editorial comment" I'll make is it may be worthwhile to understand the opening "title" of this dream for me was "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack." I don't think any of the events in this dream really make use of this film in an exclusive or important way. However, there was a feeling of an imminent, world-spanning disaster for me as I was dreaming, and that this had to do with military action on a grand scale (at least on the level of near-earth colonials and earth), and I did sort of have a strong feeling of the words "Char's Counterattack" very, very early on, which probably influenced this feeling.
(but the effect was similar to Liete Corregio and Omar Little, where the assignation did not seem consciously matched, and so well fitting it was undeniable)
(In the movie, a longstanding conflict generally seen as being fought between earth and its orbiting colonies is temporarily resolved, and the two most pronounced "larger than life" single-unit fighter pilots whom the viewers of the metaseries have presumably followed somewhat carefully more or less kill each other.)
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Post by danlo »

Whoa! 8O I had a fabulous dream last night. The final piece of the puzzle fell into place in my brain and I've been blissfully happy ever since. (well I did just finish Zukav's The Seat of the Soul and I've gone a week w/o smoking, but am occasionally hitting the vapor-cig :P )
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Post by sgt.null »

not mine but Julie's :

she dreamt our male, fixed dog of 13 years of age was giving birth to puppies. and we had a two story house.

i suspect that since he is nearing the end of his life span she is subconsciously trying to give him a legacy.
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Post by Holsety »

null wrote:not mine but Julie's :

she dreamt our male, fixed dog of 13 years of age was giving birth to puppies. and we had a two story house.

i suspect that since he is nearing the end of his life span she is subconsciously trying to give him a legacy.
Just curious, does the 2-story house have something to do with that interpretation?

EDIT-I thought that was really cute though. I think my brother kidded once or twice about whether our female, fixed dog ever thought about puppies.
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Post by sgt.null »

expanding our house?

maybe her dream was really not having kids with me?
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Post by lorin »

Nightmares.......heart slamming nightmares every night for the last three or four nights. The kind where you wake up, calm down and fall back to sleep, only to have the nightmare continue where it left off.

Only thing is they are not scarey to the waking mind. Like the street getting flooded and ruining a new corolla or the fridge needs cleaning. 8O (Actually my fridge IS a nightmare) or a landlord trying to convince me to move into their 2 family house instead of the large building I was moving into.

I'm exhausted and weak with fear over stupidness.
The loudest truth I ever heard was the softest sound.
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Post by Sorus »

Bizarre nightmares every night this week too.

I'm back at my old workplace, only it's changed, and there's a huge crowd in front of a stage. There's a curtain across the stage, and someone behind it giving a speech, but I can't understand anything they're saying. One of my old coworkers is standing next to me, and she keeps asking what I think. I'm trying to explain that I can't hear, but she isn't paying attention. The crowd is getting agitated, and I get this feeling that I need to know what is being said, but there are too many people and I can't get closer to the stage. Then the lights go out and everyone panics. It's pure chaos - people screaming and shoving and clawing, then the lights around the stage come on and the curtain rises. There's a projection screen behind the curtain and it's showing an interview with one of the characters from the TV show I'm currently watching. The crowd is gone and I'm back at home, watching on my computer. I still can't understand what's being said - even the captioning is just random gibberish. Then something stands out, and it's one of those things that seems almost impossibly deep and meaningful, something that you know you have to remember.

At that point I realize it's a dream, and wake up. The message that seemed so important is neither deep nor meaningful.

Some of it's obvious - I am having trouble hearing because of an inner ear infection, and I probably shouldn't watch disturbing TV shows right before bed. If it had only happened once it wouldn't be noteworthy, but I've had the exact same dream three nights in a row and I feel like it's trying to tell me something.

Oh, a change is coming, feel these doors now closing
Is there no world for tomorrow, if we wait for today?

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Post by Cameraman Jenn »

Maybe it's trying to tell you that you are making a bigger production out of something that doesn't really matter much in the grand scheme of things...
Now if I could just find a way to wear live bees as jewelry all the time.....

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Post by deer of the dawn »

lorin wrote: I'm exhausted and weak with fear over stupidness.
:hug: Sorry lorin.

After reading about half of Seized, I had a dream of finding a number of owls wedged into the bougainvillea behind our bedroom. It was a combination of the book, and seeing some owls lately, and finding a bunch of toads wedged into a small hole in the concrete veranda outside my classroom. :roll:
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Post by I'm Murrin »

Remembering dreams a lot lately with the new/unfamiliar bed disturbing my sleep. From different nights:

There was a preamble to this one but I can't remember it. Toward the end I get on a bus to go home (in this case being my parents' place). On the way back I suddenly realise I'm getting married later and need to buy condoms, so I get off the bus and go to the store. Then there was a scene with my grandma back in the house, where she's writing something on some congratulatory banner while we talk (I can't remember what it was she said, it was related to the previous "getting married" bit) but she's getting the writing wrong.

Again, I forget the lead in here - some sort of public event that involved Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer. For some reason I'm then going up to their hotel room; there are several people around because they're packing up and leaving. Gaiman has left (Amanda Palmer has vanished from the dream at this point), and I notice he's left hit phone on the bed connected to a charger. A young woman is there in the room, and somehow I know that she's part of Neil's entourage and could get the phone back to him, but at the same time I'm aware that I don't know why I know this and distrustful of giving it to her. Her name was Lolo.

At some point I find myself going into a hotel with family. Oddly after entering you take an elevator down to the reception, suggesting the place is partly underground. My room is 17 and it happens to be on the floor right above the reception, or possibly on the balcony directly surrounding it. I go into the room. Somehow I find myself back in reception and I go up onto the balcony area to the door to my room... but I'm suddenly very uncertain that I've remembered the right room and don't want to go in in case I've got it wrong.
At some point I go outside the hotel - it's in a deep river valley with tall hills on both sides, a lot of light and very green trees. Instead of my family I'm now these with a group of people of the type you'd find in an action/adventure novel, though I can't remember anything about them. We need to get to the top of the hill on the other side of the river; there's a bridge and a long walk up, or a cable car, but instead we go into a kind of gondola which turns out to be attached to a balloon, fly up to the top, and land beside some kind of visitors centre.
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Post by aliantha »

deer of the dawn wrote:After reading about half of Seized, I had a dream of finding a number of owls wedged into the bougainvillea behind our bedroom. It was a combination of the book, and seeing some owls lately, and finding a bunch of toads wedged into a small hole in the concrete veranda outside my classroom. :roll:
I don't know what to say... 8O

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Post by Krazy Kat »

aliantha wrote:Capital L or lower case? I'm thinking the meaning might have something to do with the shape of the letter.
Capital L.

And yet, I do remember something else. I spoke with alien people. No clue as what they might have said, but that may have been what kept drawing me back to the lightness. They must have really put a zap on my brain. The dream still surfaces from time to time.

(I always relate to the L and R hemispheres of the brain as a balance with Logic and Creativity. Something I read years ago in book about how not to always draw things like, horses, or cars, or trees, in the same way when as a child...mmm...an idea which definitely needs reavaluating, methinks.)
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Post by lorin »

Did you ever have a dream where the content means far less than the feeling/realization that lingers? I dreamt that I was running an event/extravaganza. During a toast or speech a friend (whose friendship had ended years ago) was speaking. She was saying something about good food in the toast and I pulled her aside and made some snide or patronizing remark about sodium and blood pressure. I ruined her moment. And she finally had had enough of me. She went off, not in an angry way, and told me how I ruined everything all the time when it came to her. That it was impossible to maintain a friendship with a mentally ill person. It was a long diatribe. And when I woke I realized how hard it was to maintain a friendship with me. What a pain in the ass I am.
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Post by Rigel »

Dreams are all about feelings, Lorin. That's why they make perfect sense when we're experiencing them, but seem totally bizarre and illogical when we're awake.

That being said, I often worry that maybe the reason I don't have many friends is because I'm so hard to get along with. I can understand feeling like you're the cause of others not getting along with you. I think we all feel that way sometimes.
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Post by Sorus »

I generally find it best not to read too much into dreams.

Had one the other night that started in a karaoke bar with a bunch of people I play WoW with, and ended in a dystopian sci-fi city with mirrored pyramids and UFOs and human sacrifice.

What does it mean? I'm stressed out and weird. I already knew that.

Oh, a change is coming, feel these doors now closing
Is there no world for tomorrow, if we wait for today?

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Post by lorin »

I have a recurring dream that has recently started up again. I don't think it is as much a dream than a thought. I keep 'feeling' that I never finished college. I dream that I keep taking classes and hanging out at school and never finish classes. I enroll in 3-4 classes every semester and just stop going but never tell anyone. Also my job doesn't know I don't have my degree. It is so real that each time I wake up and have to review in my mind that I did finish, that I have my degree, that I am not a fraud.

I know, I know, this is a reminder that something in my life is incomplete.
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