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Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:10 pm
by Olaf_Magnusson
"Is there another of my clan about? I do not regret claiming my weregeld, but it seems to be having some inconvenient results.....though Justice is far more important, of course."

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:41 pm
by Gedeminas
Gedeminas nods in response to Sabine's answer. "So, you don't know what you did beyond biting him. That's fine, though I don't know why it didn't work on the person Seska... drained?"

He then looks askance at Seska's joke, considers the spot where Amisa disappeared for a moment, then walks back over to Casmir. He then says, "I would also appreciate an answer to her question, sir. Moreover, I would like to know who Estrius is?"

[ooc]Auspex to tell if he can see through Amisa's Obfuscate. Also, did his Auspex sense where Taduz's command came from, or is he still ignorant about that?[/ooc]

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:45 am
by Goatkiller666
[Gedeminas does not see Amisa. He also has no idea how Wenceslas ignited.]

Casmir says:

"It lasts until one or the other of us decides to end it. Which, for my part, should come some time around when you know enough not think me the most amazing magician in the night. That's when I'll know you're ready to go out on your own."

"And as to how you might learn without me? You would go out into the world and study it. Most of the children of Caine do it thus, and they manage to eek out some kind of existence."

To Gedeminas he continues, "Oh dear. Of course you wouldn't know who are the luminous ones within the clan. Well, the founder of our line is great Tremere himself. Mighty wizard even when he breathed. With him were his seven disciples. Chief among those are Etrius and Goriatrix. Who can say which was more cherished in Tremere's eyes. As often it was the one or the other, though… from my memory, it seems that Goriatrix was his favorite unless that one had offended the master. And then Etrius was his favorite until Goriatrix had made peace."

Miecyzlsav says:

"To speak plain, the role you were to have played was to slow down Hardestadt and die in the process. That you haven't done so speaks to your worth to the clan, and their to their clans. But your places will be whatever place you make for yourself."

The bone sword slowly retreats back into his hand, gone entirely without a sign of having been there to begin with. "My place? This is a gambit. Know you much of the recent Crusade? That conquered Holy Constantinople, and made it Christian once again? A city that has been completely Christian for nearly a thousand years, no less." He waits for a nod, then continues. "That was the doing of the Venetians. All of Europe gathered there under a cross, with plans to head to the Holy Lands to push back the infidels. And somehow under the noses of the Venetians, the entire thing was sent off against Constantinople instead."

"There are certain powerful Lasombra in Venice. Who hold certain grudges against some of those who live in Constantinople. That was just a ploy in their rivalry."

"I come from a noble line of Tzimisce who rule to the west of our lands. My sire and his other childer rule our lands without question. But we were the first to fight off Hardestadt and his invaders. For centuries we have pushed him back, while the other Tzimisce watched and planned to avenge us. Some have helped, when we called in their debts. Some helped for the renown of the battle. But still, my lineage is much depleted."

"Perhaps forming an alliance with these Venetians could hinder Hardestadt's invasion. Perhaps not, but I'm interested in finding out."

To Olaf he adds, "There are those of your clan in Hungary. None other than you were part of our cabal, however. Your clan is strong in Iberia, and common in the Holy Roman Empire. Here, they are rare, but not unknown."

Dimitra approaches Seska and Sabine, almost swaggering with pride. "Oh childe, how excellent you have done. But be sure to listen to what Amisa has said. Do not let your enemies attack you back. Hide from them, and then hurt them without ever being seen. You are indebted to your Lady for stopping Gabrin when she did. Another bite like that, and I think you'd have been taken from us after all."

Theophania raises her hand and adds, "Which of them owns the other, I wonder? For the sake of the girl, this one risked the wrath of all present. Doesn't that make her the owned, and Sabine the owner?" She puts her head back down on Sabine's lap and cuddles in further.

At the same time, Violetta says from her place still on the upstairs railing, "Are not you all forgetting something in this tearful homecoming? Japheth still must be dealt with. And now we are three fewer, while having gained five children. Strong children, perhaps. Lucky children, to be certain. But they will tax us more than they will help us, especially now that we have lost some of our own."

Amisa stops stroking Seska's hair and stands, so as not to shout into her childe's ear, "I would gamble that these children will be of more use to us than burden. Why, they are nearly innocent. They could walk right up to Japheth and deliver a message, without any glimmer of malice for him to notice." She leans down to Sabine to say, "Isn't that right, little puppy girl?" Her breath brushes against Seska's ear on the way to Sabine's ear, and… something pressed against the Countesses shoulder for a moment before Amisa stood back up and walked back to her own table.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:54 am
by Seska Karantanija
She tries to follow all the conversations despite the heady feeling disorienting her. Somehow, Seska is unsure how, she completely missed Theophania cuddling up to Sabine and jumps a little when she realizes the Malkavian was right in front of her.

Addressing the room though starting with Violetta above, "Whether by luck, fate, or skill we have made it here and have, I believe, shown we are least less useless than a few motes of dust. We can only benefit from your council as there is so little we know. If we can return any of that assistance while spiting that... <she uses a native Slovene phrase which is not flattering nor ladylike>... Hardestadt, then I would count us all fortunate."

Finishing, she recalls the press of Amisa against her and strolls over to her table. With a formal curtsey, which looks a little odd being in her leather riding outfit instead of a dress, she asks, "May I join you after I freshen up, m'lady?"

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:35 am
by Taduz Illyannovich
Talkative Casmir wrote: (Paraphrased)
I love my own voice!
I'd expect such prattle from the Christians...
Lord Miecyzlsav wrote:

"To speak plain, the role you were to have played was to slow down Hardestadt and die in the process. That you haven't done so speaks to your worth to the clan, and their to their clans. But your places will be whatever place you make for yourself."

The bone sword slowly retreats back into his hand, gone entirely without a sign of having been there to begin with. "My place? This is a gambit. Know you much of the recent Crusade? That conquered Holy Constantinople, and made it Christian once again? A city that has been completely Christian for nearly a thousand years, no less." He waits for a nod, then continues. "That was the doing of the Venetians. All of Europe gathered there under a cross, with plans to head to the Holy Lands to push back the infidels. And somehow under the noses of the Venetians, the entire thing was sent off against Constantinople instead."

"There are certain powerful Lasombra in Venice. Who hold certain grudges against some of those who live in Constantinople. That was just a ploy in their rivalry."

"I come from a noble line of Tzimisce who rule to the west of our lands. My sire and his other childer rule our lands without question. But we were the first to fight off Hardestadt and his invaders. For centuries we have pushed him back, while the other Tzimisce watched and planned to avenge us. Some have helped, when we called in their debts. Some helped for the renown of the battle. But still, my lineage is much depleted."

"Perhaps forming an alliance with these Venetians could hinder Hardestadt's invasion. Perhaps not, but I'm interested in finding out."
Let the savages kill each other in the name of their god. Too bad they breed like rabbits, one and all.

"Glad we haven't disappointed you with our continued survival. A risky gambit indeed my Lord. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Your armies, and those associated with you will do War with the Fop and his lackeys, reclaiming what they are trying to take from you and yours? How will your standing amongst the other nobles fair with you having taken one of the People into your line? I shall seek to cause no embarrassment or dishonour to you and yours, although my ignorance of the ways of our clan may make this hard to adhere to. I seek instruction in our ways."

"Which Venetians are you referring to, the Lasombra group you mentioned, or, as the Fop put it, "Those Venetian Necromancer scum"?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:13 pm
by Sabine
I giggle when Lady Seska nom-nom's my head. I almost squeal.

When I notice that Theophania is on my lap, I start to pet her hair. It's very long and white. But she's not old. It's very pretty.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:19 am
by Goatkiller666
Theophania enjoys the hair petting. She whispers up to Sabine, "You are very good at petting, Sabine. This is good, because you should continue to pet nice long soft hair whenever you are able."

[Sabine gains Compulsion: Petting Hair a 1pt flaw.]

Amisa to Seska, "You are always welcome to join with me, previous dove. Go, freshen yourself for me, and return as soon as you may. I will bide here a while in anticipation."

Miecyslav to Taduz, "One of the people? We care not for mortal bloodlines. Show by your actions that you are worthy of the blood, and all will celebrate your having it. Show by your actions that you are unworthy, and even if you were a great king in life, you will be scorned and destroyed."

"And, to your second question, both of them. Our great Lord Giovanni is one of those Necromancer scum. And our Lord Valdemar is one of those Venetian Lasombra. Further, Matron Violette hales from that aquatic city as well, and her clan holds great but subtle influence all over Europe. When this scheme is through, all of us will rise in power within our spheres, and we will be able to wield that much more strength against Hardestadt and his kind."

Lady Almanov steps forward to add, "Do not forget me, my Lord."

Miecyslav chuckles as he says, "Of course, my Lady. The Lady Almanov is not from Venice, so I did not list her before. But she is of the Fop's own clan, and will rise to power as he falls. She stands to gain perhaps the most of all of us, and risks no less than any of us. But we are all happy to give what was Hardestadt's into her stewardship, for everything taken from him is more not used against us."

As he listens to all of this, especially the conversation about the original goals of the Conspiracy of Isaac, Claudio brings himself to calm again. "Indeed. There is much our cabal needs do. But to begin it, we must start with Japheth. And I believe I know how our prodigal children may be of use to us in this."

"You will go to Japheth and deliver a message. Yes. A most excellent plan. Stay the day here with us, and at sundown you will depart with a letter I shall presently draft. By this missive you will attend on Japheth's door, and bring him word that I would speak with him. The letter will contain all the details, yours is only to see it into his hand. He cannot help but to grant me permission to visit him."

"Then, with his answer in your hand, return to us here, so that we may execute our plan, and in so doing, execute Japheth himself." As Claudio laughs at his own joke, only Amisa and Jadviga laugh along with him. Casmir makes a sour face, and the rest remain impassive.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:42 am
by Seska Karantanija
Seska asks Gepen to show her the wash room and to fetch her a small amount of water. He obliges and she disappears for about ten minutes. Her hair has has been put into a fresh braid, her collar loosened, and a few water marks stain the leather. She hands a thoroughly washed out but bloodstained towel to Gepen and quietly asks him to dispose of it.

She smiles as she passes the tables on the way to Amisa, where she takes an adjacent seat and leans in close.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:37 pm
by Olaf_Magnusson
Deciding that not attracting excessive attention is the path of wisdom, merely listening attentively to all the discussions.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:36 am
by Taduz Illyannovich
Nodding to my sire, and petting the puppygirl's hand.

"What are we to do with this Japheth?"

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:18 pm
by Sabine

I pet her hair some more. I pet the fur on my arms, too. I have soft fur!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:25 am
by Alína Nyárí
Turning to my sire, "There is much I still don't understand. Will you enlighten me as you are able before we depart to this Japheth? It seems you are not pleased at this turn of events."

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:06 pm
by Goatkiller666
Seska steps out to powder her nose. She is gone for some time. Her nose was so shiny it glowed red, or something.

Casmir says, "I am not displeased with these events." He holds out his arms as if hugging the air, "I shall teach you until I stop teaching you. However long that is." He widens the imaginary hug to include Gedeminas. "Both of you, of course. It is the quiet ones who bear watching. In them lies greatness, though it may be used for good or for ill."

Miescyslav says, "Do nothing with Japheth. Deliver the message, give unto him all the proper courtesies of a guest, and then take your leave."

[I'm sensing at this point that the conversation is winding down, and have gotten some requests for "downtime" in which to chill with the sires. From here, everyone will continue chit-chatting with their sires until near sunrise. In the evening, the party will be sent away to Japheth with the note, etc. That will start a new thread. PM me with any sundries you might wish to accomplish with your sires off-line.]